A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Aw new you never know, you will have a lucky break soon, is your hubs taking anything for his spermies? I made mine take pregnapure conception for men from healthspan. Don't know if it helped but can't hurt!

Yes, I've got him on a cocktail of drugs, lol.
He takes Wellman Conception, Zinc, Royal Jelly, Vitamin C, Folic Acid.

His :spermy: went from 7.5 million to 9 million in 4/5 weeks so I'm hoping it was doing the trick :thumbup:

NTAT-OMG so sorry the biopsy hurt so bad I cannot imagin how bad especialy since I had a Saline ultrasound done last time and the cathater hurt really bad. I had a girl tell me that if felt like labor pains she had. I am sure what you went though hurt 10x as worse. Did they not give you any medicine before? Thats good she was excited I wish I could have a dr like that.

:nope: no local anaesthetic or anything. Thank goodness Lexi advised me to take a couple of painkillers an hour before I went in otherwise I think they'd have had to pull me down from the ceiling :haha:
I am disappointed I can't be referred to her for my treatment but its way too far, especially considering it took 3.5 hours to get home on Friday due to the bloody traffic!

Hi everyone :wave:
NTAT thank you, and congrats again on your achievement :) My BMI is actually 39 at the moment which is massively high and really surprised me, I don't actually look that big I seem to carry it very well and neatly on my middle which is the worst and most dangerous place it could be! :dohh: I am quite tall so I guess that's why I don't look so overweight, I have just been diagnosed with PCOS so my gp has said I'm going to find losing weight difficult, I hope to prove her wrong :)

I am not tall, but I also feel that I don't look massive as I carry my weight all over so am just a bit wider everywhere :haha: but I do have large boobs and my argument is that the NHS don't factor the extra weight I carry with these as someone my size with a small chest would weigh a good 4/5lb less I guess... oh well, I suppose I'm just making excuses yet again :dohh:

I hope you manage to lose some hun, its very hard isn't it :hugs:

My lutheal phase was spot on last cycle at 13 days, but I came off all vitamins and things this cycle because I didn't think I was o'ing, I have definately o'd this cycle and last cycle so that's a good thing, but late o can mean not a great quality egg so I don't really know, my temps are all over the place at the mo aswell and they don't look particularly pg so I'm going to have to be patient.

Oh something funny I didn't share with the group, Monro do you remember when we had that conversation about my temps being really low? Well I realised that I have been using my thermometer wrong, I have been turning it on, waiting for it to beep and then putting it under my tongue and using my phone stopwatch to count 70 seconds :dohh: So from my next cycle I am going to start using it properly :rofl:

hehe :rofl:, that sounds like something I would do. I never got to grips with temping at all.

NTAT, try Soy IsoFlavones, just do 75 mg from cd 5-8, it'll give you stronger ovulation. I did Agnus Cactus and it took forever for me to get a BFP, with Soy I got a BFP (chemical) right away and immediately after that another BFP, my rainbow :thumbup:

Hmm, I've never considered Soy really as I don't have trouble ovulating. Do you think it will help generally?
Might have to try that. Good god, my medicine cabinet is heaving under the strain already and I'm spending a good £30 per month on supplements.
Just taken delivery of 120 red raspberry leaf teabags which is supposed to help my lining, Have drank two since I got home from work and feel :sick: Its disgusting, but if it works its worth it!
Nicki--Yeah I miss alot when I have not really been on much in a week and a half.:blush: Glad you are feeling better.

Cupcake--Thats great on your progestrone at least. Did you get a late BFP on both? Do you have a regular cycle so you know when you O? I have read that if you have a late bfp then that sometimes means the fertilized egg had something wrong with it b/c it took that long to implant. I also read that alot of womens bodies can tell which eggs are bad and don't let them implant but some womens bodies are more lient so even though you can get pregnant pretty easy it might mean that you are not as choosey as to what kinda egg implants. I don't think there is a cure for that. :shrug: but I guess it is better then not being able to get pregnant. Hope u get your early bfp soon :winkwink:.

Thurl--Well I also have this scale that tells bmi but I don't think it works to good some days it is 24% some days it is 31% when my weight only fluctuates a few lbs. The bmi calculator is how I came up with 22% I guess that is right but it did not ask for age just hight and weight. LOL to funny about the temping how did it even go up after it beeped when I was little the thermometors did that but now mine just cuts off after 5 to 10 min b/c sometimes I fall back asleep.:blush: Did you find that out before or after you started temping this cycle? I hope you get that BFP soon I bet you are b/c usually you know when you are. GL FX for you baby :dust:

NTAT--At least you did take the pain medicine I figured last time I had the procedure done it was not that bad so I did not take any boy was I wrong this time. I know the feeling my RE is about 2 1/2 hrs away unless I hit rush hr then it is 3 hrs but I have only seen him 5 times. Once on first visit for RPL blood work then test reuslts cam back online and I looked them up. But he went over it with me after I had my fist Saline ultrasound to ck for uterian anomilies. I had my post surgery blood work that day then 2 days later came back and had the surgery then came back to take balloon out . Then this past August when I had post surgery ck up done with saline ultrasound to ck to make sure the septate was gone. However once I am pregnant he said he wanted to see me till I reach the point where I have lost all of them which I will request if he could see me till I was in my second trimester. That is going to be alot of driving but by then it will be worth it. I would be able to get an ultrasound at 6 wks then I think every 2 wks but I could have blood work where I am at and the dr down here just fax the results over there. But not sure if it works that way over where you are.
On the tea I read up on it to see if I wanted to start it b/c it can help implantation however there is conflicting results on there b/c it also says you are not suppose to take while pregnant b/c it can cause uterian contractions. So I would say stop it once ovulation. GL FX this is our month.:flower:
NTAT, I didn't have trouble ovulating either, I just wanted stronger ovulation and in my case it worked. So now I'm all pro natural supplements to help with fetility especially Soy IsoFlavones lol.
Hi cupcake - hope the erpc went as well as it could today, and that you're resting up and being well looked after today . :hugs:

:hi: everyone else x
Hi everyone :wave:

NTAT I'm with you on that one, I'm sure my boobs are about 1 stone each :rofl: I have tried Soy a couple of times but it didn't help me at all, it's worth a try though I don't think it can really do any harm, I have heard that if it works it can give a much stronger ovulation :hugs:

Monro I found out about half way through this cycle, so I have carried on temping the same way and will start using my thermometer properly next cycle :dohh: You had a good temp drop today, reckon O will be with you very soon, good luck to you too :dust:

Hi Nicki, hope you had a good day :)

Cupcake not sure if you will look at this tonight, but just wanted to send you my very best wishes, hope today went as ok as it could, sending you lots of :hugs:
Hey everyone

New - sounds like you have spermies all covered! It's great that they have boosted their numbers so well!

Monro - my last bfp I got a line so faint at 13dpo I thought it was an Evap, at 16 dpo it was there but not hugely strong on an IC, but very strong at 17dpo on a cb test. GP did progesterone and beta at 24 dpo which was around 1700 hcg and progesterone was normal. I had a feeling though when I got a faint line at 13 dpo it might not go right as from looking in the POAS gallery's many BFPs at 10dpo were like my 16 dpo one. I know the study you are referring to about the hyper fertility - but I think think those women Suffered much earlier mcs like chems and mcs at 4/5 weeks. I am holding on to bad chromosomes and super bad luck twice in a row as my cause at this point until I have reason to think otherwise!

Niki erpc went ok yesterday, although was in a lot of pain afterwards so had max morphine dosage I could, which made me feel awful and resulted in me having to be wheeled by hubs back to the car as I couldn't walk that far, and then lots of vomiting all over myself and hubs on the way home! He didn't grumble though, he's the best. In a bit of discomfort today but not too bad, got my mummy coming to look after me today which will be nice.

Niki is raspberry leaf tea what you drink to help 2nd stage of labour happen quicker? Didn't know it could help thicken uterine lining. I'm gonna go see my GP I think in a couple of weeks after I've had my bloodwork done to see what he recommends next time I fall, baby aspirin whatever really. Hopefully he'll be helpful otherwise don't really know where to go for advice!

Hey Thurl, anymore 2ww symptoms?!

Did anyone else find they cried less at mc no 2? Even though I feel more like I'm greiving for a tangible thing as I saw my baby on a screen, I've cried less. Maybe cos I was preparing myself it's been less of a shock? Did anyone take a break after no 2? Feel like I've been off and on preg so much last few months that maybe my body might need a break, but maybe my body will decide that and not let me conceive again quickly. Them again don't want to waste my post mc super - fertility! I know a girl on here who didnt even wait for AF after mc no 2 and is now 16 weeks!

Happy Friday everyone xxx
Cupcake, I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. I was actually more devastated by my second loss, which was a chemical pregnancy...my first loss being a mmc at 10 weeks, in which I needed a D&C. The grief just built more upon the first loss, I believe, and I needed counseling/therapy after that. I've been pregnant 3 times in a year, and I do believe your body gets more primed for pregnancy with each time you become pregnant...

But, it's a personal choice, and perhaps taking a break will help you physically and emotionally. Tons of hugs to you right now.
Ah wookie you are a 3rd time lucky lady! I'm hoping I will be to. I think I was more shocked at the first but in a way I was expecting the second mc. What was the gap between your second mc and falling preg with no 3? X
Thurl--oh ok so you might be O'ing earlier than you think. Hope that is the case. GL FX you will get your sticky bfp this cycle did you say you tested yet?

Cupcake-Thats the same thing that happened to me but mine never got that high it got to 54 then went back town. Did you never get an US with the first one? If you had a hb on both of them then could you push to start some RPL testing. I had a partial septate uterus that caused me to loose my twins/triplets and I know in my heart that if that was not the case I would have had at least one health baby this past may. Maybe you can get a saline ultrasound to see. I pushed after that mc for answers b/c technecally the first one was a BO so it was just chromosone problems from the start and the 2 after that was chems. so the first mc that could have counted was the twins/triplets but I knew there was something wrong and I my dr was hesitent at first b/c he said I had only had 2 but I told him I had had 3 (the other chem I did not bother going in to get hcg so he would not believed me if I told him 4). He conceded and refered me to an RE but he wanted me to wait 6 wks AFTER a neg blood test before he made the appt. I could not under stand that so even after I got af he still wanted me to wait. I called the RE nurse to ask another question and I asked her what the point in waiting was she did not know and moved my appt up to the next week so I was able to get everything in b4 the end of the yr (my deductable was ment 100% so at the beginning of the yr I would have still had to have surgery if the OB had his way.)

I told you that long story to tell you if you feel like gut feeling that it is bad luck and the dr is not just telling you this thenI would not test anything unless you had a third. But if you have a gut feeling that it is something more then I would pus to get tested however I do not know how the medical system works over there so I know some things you have to pay out fo pocket. You have to be your on advocate. I knew my firt pregnancy was a BO even though I did not know what it was till I looked it up I had an US at 4 wks 3 days and saw nothing even though you usually don't see anything then but at the time I thought I was 5 wks. But I just felt there was something wrong. However with the twins/triplets I had a great feeling about them until the weekend b4 my last US I know it was over b/c my symptoms started disappearing and my boobs were not as sore. YOU just KNOW.

I hope it is just bad luck but if not I hope you find out asap b4 you would have to go through another loss. FX when you start trying back you will get your sticky rainbow baby right off. GL :hugs::flower:

Wookie---congrats your prediction was right a girl so exciting I did not see that you anounced it. Sorry I missed it. :flower::happydance:
What's RPL testing and what does RE stand for as in RE nurse? I do feel like its bad luck at this stage and don't really want any invasive testing unless I have a third. I have no reason to think anything else at this stage, but my GP us going to run a blood panel which is kind of him, as over here we get no investigations usually until we have 3 mcs. I had US with both pregnancies and never saw a hb with either, but there was a fetal pole with the first and a foetus with this one, do they've not been blighted ovums xx
Ah wookie you are a 3rd time lucky lady! I'm hoping I will be to. I think I was more shocked at the first but in a way I was expecting the second mc. What was the gap between your second mc and falling preg with no 3? X

Well, my second pregnancy and third (this one) were both Clomid conceptions. I lost baby #2 on February 8th, and with several more rounds of Clomid (50mg), I conceived again on June 10th. So, just a few months. I'm not a great ovulater on my own, so I needed the meds to help with that.
Cupcake, happy to see all went as smooth as possible for you.

Hoping everyone will have a good relaxing weekend.

AFM, I had my 28 week doctor appt today, sigh, found out I gained 7 more lbs from last month :gun: not happy about that. I need to eat healthier, I've been eating too much junk food. They wanted me to do the glucose test today but I declined seeing that it would be 1hr, I'd rather do it another day and get back to work, they suggested sometime next week. Plus today has not been good, I threw up this morning so my stomach is still messed up :( It's been months since I had thrown up, so it caught me by surprise, although I always gag when brushing my teeth (that triggered it). I asked her about my anatomy results, she said all looked good, baby is healthy. Also asked her about the pain I've been getting in my groin/inner thigh area, she suggested Prenatal Yoga, so I'm going to look into it. She asked me if I've taken any classes, I told her I want to take Lamaze, to which she happily responds "So you want to do natural birth?!" I said "I brought you my birthing plan last appt???!???" :dohh: Oh lordy, my OB/Gyn is loopy... I have my baby shower tomorrow, facing a 5hr drive today and then back on Sunday... sigh, if it wasn't for the baby shower, I would not be going anywhere, I just want to sleep in on the weekends and be lazy.
What's RPL testing and what does RE stand for as in RE nurse? I do feel like its bad luck at this stage and don't really want any invasive testing unless I have a third. I have no reason to think anything else at this stage, but my GP us going to run a blood panel which is kind of him, as over here we get no investigations usually until we have 3 mcs. I had US with both pregnancies and never saw a hb with either, but there was a fetal pole with the first and a foetus with this one, do they've not been blighted ovums xx

RPL is recurrent pregnancy loss and RE is a Reproductive Endocrinologist (Fertility specialist).

That is great that your GP is so nice. I had to fight and beg for a progestrone test from my OB with my twin/triplet pregnancy. It was normal it was 33.

Thats good you only feel it was bad luck. For me I know it was not. I bet the next one will be your stick baby. GL I got my FX for you . :flower:
Cupcake I'm so relieved your surgery is over and you're ok, onwards and upwards now hey hun, I have a feeling you will be third time lucky :hugs:

Emme glad everything is going well with baby :hugs:

I have POAS a few times and it's totally negative, my temp has dropped and I only have a little bit of sore boobs so I think I'm out this cycle, I feel better knowing I'm making progress with my ovulation though, I just want it to be earlier so my cycles are shorter but I don't want to take anything because I think it did me more harm than good messing about before, so confusing :dohh:

Hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend x
Hi Cupcake - glad you are ok, was worrying there!
Sounds like you had a nasty experience yesterday - glad your mum was coming to look after you. I always want my mum when I'm not well.

I cried less after my second loss and haven't really cried at all after this last one. I think its because its less of a shock, like I kind of expected to lose (well that is the norm for me!)

Haven't commented much over the past couple of days as not sleeping well, got a cough and its tickly and keeping me awake - have spent three nights on the sofa so far so as not to disturb DH :dohh:

Looking after Milo tonight who's not sure about the fireworks. Think he wants to play...

Thanks Monroe, feel a bit numb for not working out what RPL meant, it's obvious. I am holding in to the it's bad luck until we know otherwise in the interest of staying positive. Dies the septate uterus show up on a regular US.

New hope you feel better soon hun, coughs are so annoying. That little pup is so cute, I'm a cat lover myself but he is gorgeous!

Hey Thurl, you not out til the witch comes Hun!! c
My little doggy has helped me a lot. He's made life worth living in my darkest hours.
Hi everyone, wanted to come and find out how you all are, sorry I'm not able to come and offer you support as often as I'd like to :blush:

NTAT, glad they're having a proper 'poke around' but ouch! I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end and I have never given up hope of you having your rainbow baby :hugs:

Emme, Wookie, Ayc and Lexi, how the time flies. The last 10 weeks absolutely flew for me - you'll be holding your rainbows soon now! Emme, get some :sex: practice in with bump ready for those last few days - I did anything to get Elsa out in the end, I think we had more sex at the end of my pregnancy than when we were TTC!!

Cupcake - welcome and sorry for your losses :hugs: I think your mourn differently for MC2, there are different emotions that you go through. I was so worried that it meant I'd never go full term, but here I am with my little girl so please do not give up hope. I definitely coped better with my second loss because I knew what to expect, all the emotions were so unexpected with my first loss and so I felt better prepared for the rollercoaster the second time round.

Nicky, Soop and Beach, thinking of you and have my fingers and toes crossed for happy time ahead :hugs::dust:

Sorry if I've missed anyone, but lots of support to you all :flower: If any of the pregnant ladies need advice on birth/babies going forward, please feel free to ask.

AFM, Elsa is doing well considering her poorly heart and is healthy and getting bigger every day, she just gets a little breathless when she feeds. She has started to giggle which is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. It's just amazing to watch a little person developing before your eyes - every day brings something new, I love her so much! I'm still BF and will until she has her op now so that her immune system is as strong as possible. It's second nature now, although she gets a bit distracted when we're out and about which brings a while new world of fun! I've attached a photo of my little sweetheart so you can see how much she's grown :flower:.IMAG0747.jpg
Oh Lady she is just gorgeous!! And i love her stripey tights. I'm glad she is generally doing well, do you have a date for the operation? :hugs:

NTAT I've said this before but your dog is just the cutest. Like cupcake I'm a cat person and don't like dogs much (got bitten when I was younger) but I'd make an exception for Milo.

Thurl did AF arrive? I hope not.

Emme have you found any good yoga places? Hope you're feeling better.

Hi everyone else, hope you're having lovely weekends :wave:
Your baby girl is lovely lady, so cute. I'm not sure what your story is, but I hope whatever surgery she needs goes well xxxxx

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