Tuppance-I love the name Rupert! Biased as that is my husbands name
get yourself some laxatives though, cannot stress it enough. 3rd degrees tears + hard stool = screeching "owwwwww" on the toilet and requiring husband to hold hand while you go!!
Spunky- I poo'd myself quite enough in the delivery room to last me a life time!
Motherhood is getting easier, Tabby is sleeping much better and I dont feel that sleep deprived. However...if there was one thing I could eradicate, and that would be wind!! It's a battle to burp her properly after every feed and then as she feeds so much (she's gained over a pound of weight already!) her intestines are constantly causing her a bit of pain.
I am feeling mentally much much better. Had a few good days of crying which I put down to hormones, pain and lack of sleep, but getting to grips with being a mummy and enjoying it!
Physically, bar my labia being hacked in half and feeling like some low hung dairy cow, I escaped pretty much unscathed from pregnancy. Stomach looks the same as pre-pregnancy but doesn't feel the same...gotta get my muscle tone back. Back to pre- preg weight too. Managed to avoid stretch marks but hardly remarkable seeing as I'm massively tall and carried a small baby! Bleeding has slowed right down now, but I'm still wearing Asda 'full briefs' which my grandmother would be horrified by!
Anyone else getting sharp pains in their boobs?
And also....no one told me how bloody painful the contractions were when your uterus shrinks back! All my braxton hicks were obviously doing something for uterus toning as I had 2 days of severe contractions every time I breast fed and that was it! Felt like labour again! Oooooch! Had to breathe through them!