A head count for May Mummies! The last stretch!

had my little boy on the 6th of June 14 days late. well worth the wait and a succesful homebirth went totally natural as gas and air couldnt be opened as key for it lost boooooo lol little Luca was born weighing 8lb exactly.

im so in love

congrats to all x


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well done Wild!! I am enormously in awe of anyone doing it naturally! ouch!
Congratulations! I was 17 days over by my LMP! Feels like I was pregnant forever but well worth the wait!

Come on bumpy! Xx
had my little boy on the 6th of June 14 days late. well worth the wait and a succesful homebirth went totally natural as gas and air couldnt be opened as key for it lost boooooo lol little Luca was born weighing 8lb exactly.

im so in love

congrats to all x

Congratulations and well done on your natural home birth! x
Hey! I'm back and with a baby!

Will write the gory details later but here's a summary:

I was induced June 7th starting at 7am. Had 4 rounds of cydotek (spelling?) pill to ripen cervix. After 3 sweeps (Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th, and Wednesday 8th) and 30 hours with 4 pills I was STILL 1 cm dialated (was on Monday - Wednesday). They gave me pitocen (after telling me the whole time they wanted me to 3 cms first) Wednesday at 12. Contractions got worse and worse over the next 4.5 hours. I was fine through them and then felt a pop, but nothing happened. THEN the pain got bad FAST and I was moaning through them. They asked if I wanted drugs, I said YES. I went to pee before they examined me, nothing special. Laid back on the bed to be examined and then my waters just gushed out! So the pop was them, but I guess it wa blocked to come out. I was STILL 1 cm, so I got narcotics. They told me the contractions got a lot worse after I felt the pop (I was too out of it to make the connection). They upped my pitocin. After 2 rounds back to back of the drugs they offered me my epidural (even though I wasn't 3cm). I took it! It was wonderful. Lovely man gave it to me! I will never forget him or the two nurses that helped me through those contractions up to the epidural. By 3 am I was 5cm (WOOHOO) and by 5 am I was complete and +1. Started pushing at 5:30am Thursday. They turned off my epidural at about 6:15 when the doctor came in. I was in horrible pain! My back, hips (especially as they were shoving my legs around and I've had hip problems for years!), and legs hurt so much. At 7:30 I was told I wasn't pushing hard enough and that I was still at +1 and it shouldn't be hurting this much. I told them I was done and to give me a c-section. I begged for one, demanded one, said I wasn't going to push anymore. I was done, I refused to continue since I didn't make ANY progress in 2 hours. I held onto my husband and just said I wasn't going to do it. The doctor booked my OR, but said it would be an HOUR. I told them they needed to knock me out. I wasn't going to make it. So they turned my epidural back on and I started making progress (I was trying not to push, but couldn't help it!). I asked for the vacuum and the doctor told me he wasn't low enough. When he was she attached it and helped me get him out. He still had the amnotic sack over his face and his cord wrapped around his neck once. He was 7 lbs 12 oz, 20.5 inches. I was told he'd be bigger (8.5 lbs + based on ultrasound). I got a 3rd degree tear. Ouch. He's doing well. I'm traumatised, but healing more and more everyday. Guess this wasn't much of a summary!

Good Luck to those ladies still waiting! He was 13 days overdue and I can't believe I was in the hospital for 50 hours just to have him. But he's so handsome!

He was a reluctant boy! Congratulations and well done, it sounds like it was tough going xx
Spunky oh my word! I just want to give you a hug!!

Well done you and many congratulations sweetheart :flower:

Has anyone heard from Tuppance? x x
Well done Spunky!! Sounds horrible but you have your baby and he is a gorgeous little man!! 3rd degree tear though, ouch!

Get yourself some Movicol, having a poo was agonising for the first few days due to my episiotomy being cut so close to my bum!
OMG Spunky that sounds like an epic labour. I'm still taking lactulose for my third degree tear.....take whatever drugs they offer you for the pain, swelling, infection, constipation even if you feel like a walking medicine cabinet afterwards!

Sooz...are you still sore? I WISH I had forced the doctor to re-stitch me :( Its taking forever to heal! I stupidly looked 'down there' with a mirror and wished I hadn't, makes me wince! Very neat, but blimey they didn't hold back with the scissors!!
Sooz...are you still sore? I WISH I had forced the doctor to re-stitch me :( Its taking forever to heal! I stupidly looked 'down there' with a mirror and wished I hadn't, makes me wince! Very neat, but blimey they didn't hold back with the scissors!!

I am, I'm still taking Diclofenac 3 times daily and paracetamol as and when but the pain seems to be getting worse especially by the end of the day. I'm also now getting pain where the catheter was which is weird.

MW offers to check every time she comes round so am taking her up on that offer tomorrow.
I insert catheters (nurse) and I ask patients to keep an eye out for any urethral/bladder pain after the catheter has been removed as inserting a catheter is such an infection risk. Often the urethra just becomes a bit inflamed.

My pains are changing, its not such a raw pain..but a healing pain now. The muscular stitches are feeling very tight and if I stand for a while I have this weird baring down pressure with pain. Oh the joys of child birth! I (for the first time in my life) actually felt envious of a friend who opted for a C-section!!
LOL about all the advice about taking things for constipation. I hadn't pooped in the 2 days before birth and was so nervous! I pooped for the first time just 7 hours after birth and I was terrified but it wasn't horrible. Then I didn't go anymore for a couple of days! Between the stool softeners and prune juice I find I have very little control over both my bladder and my bowels. :blush: Anyone else? Not terrible, just a little a couple of times.

They didn't give me any drugs :( I'm just taking ibprofin and over the counter stool softeners. I have a terrible rash from all the penicilin (GBS positive) so I'm taking benadryl too and rubbing my tummy down with lotion. I do feel like a walking medicine cabinet!

Thanks for the love ladies! :hugs:
Hello everyone, so glad to find people still here!

Sunday_girl, wild2011 and spunky congratulations on your little bambinos! Spunky - oh my goodness, what an epic labour!

I had my little bambino on Friday after an induction, three days in labour (doing it all naturally bar the induction drugs), 4 hours pushing, only to end up having a ventouse with a third degree tear / local anesthetic because my little one had decided to attach it's hand to his chin in a classic thinking pose making it impossible to pop him out (which explains why he wasn't getting engaged) :dohh:

I have tried to attach a photo which probably won't work ....


How are you all doing / finding motherhood?

Jessica - I haven't looked my stitches yet as I'm still being a massive wuss and have yet to poo so am awaiting that joyful experience.

Hope you and your bambinos are all well x
Congratulations spunky and tuppance :D
Rupert is the CUTEST name!

haha, im yet to look at my 2nd degree tear stitches too, wurh! i can barely look at my stomach without feeling sick i look like ive been mauled.
and on the pooping subject, i hadnt been properly in about 3 days before i gave birth and was thinking fuck, its alllll gonna come out (my biggest fear of labour haha) my mum was down that end though and said it never, woohoo!
Tuppance-I love the name Rupert! Biased as that is my husbands name :) get yourself some laxatives though, cannot stress it enough. 3rd degrees tears + hard stool = screeching "owwwwww" on the toilet and requiring husband to hold hand while you go!!

Spunky- I poo'd myself quite enough in the delivery room to last me a life time!

Motherhood is getting easier, Tabby is sleeping much better and I dont feel that sleep deprived. However...if there was one thing I could eradicate, and that would be wind!! It's a battle to burp her properly after every feed and then as she feeds so much (she's gained over a pound of weight already!) her intestines are constantly causing her a bit of pain.
I am feeling mentally much much better. Had a few good days of crying which I put down to hormones, pain and lack of sleep, but getting to grips with being a mummy and enjoying it!

Physically, bar my labia being hacked in half and feeling like some low hung dairy cow, I escaped pretty much unscathed from pregnancy. Stomach looks the same as pre-pregnancy but doesn't feel the same...gotta get my muscle tone back. Back to pre- preg weight too. Managed to avoid stretch marks but hardly remarkable seeing as I'm massively tall and carried a small baby! Bleeding has slowed right down now, but I'm still wearing Asda 'full briefs' which my grandmother would be horrified by!

Anyone else getting sharp pains in their boobs?

And also....no one told me how bloody painful the contractions were when your uterus shrinks back! All my braxton hicks were obviously doing something for uterus toning as I had 2 days of severe contractions every time I breast fed and that was it! Felt like labour again! Oooooch! Had to breathe through them!
Congratulations Tuppance!

I've got terrible piles, called gp for prescription on friday, oh has just gone to collect it only to discover they know nothing about it! I am not impressed.

I'm glad everyone is ok, I had a tear and cut with my first and it did take a while to heal, plus it didn't seem to heal together properly. It's easier this time so don't let it put you off!

Jessica, afterpains are hellish, completely toe curling!

Congrats Tuppance!

My after-pains stopped after about a week and the gushes of blood when feeding stopped a few days ago as well, thank heavens! I was told in hospital my uterus literally shrank back in about 48 hours, and when we were discharged the MW couldn't find it on our first home visit.

Anyone been handed over to the HV yet? I'm still seeing my MW until next week and she has said I can request not to be discharged if I chose.

Jessica my stitches also feel tight and I think like you said it is from healing, as there is definitely no sign of infection down there and all my 'business' is running as usual now. I asked MW about the catheter bruising and she said to keep taking pain killers and keep a close eye on it.

I only have stretchies on my right boob, the only scar to my tummy is the one where I caught my bump on an oven tray :dohh:. My tummy is almost back to it's former size but is lacking tone too. Hips still too wide to get my old jeans on, been told to try again in a couple of weeks. I'm avoiding clothes shopping until I know what shape/size my body is going to settle in to.

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