A head count for May Mummies! The last stretch!

My engorgement is mostly over, they're not hard as rocks and have almost stopped bleeding (ugh, we got some good tips and I don't dread BF anymore).

Oh my goodness my boobs have actually gone mental. Is the blood coming from cracked nipples? I went to the dr today to discover I've got nipple infections x 2 because of the way I was getting Roo to latch so am on horrid antibiotics and they are just oozing all the time. Lasinioh nipple cream is amazing though, as are hot baths.

Has anyone elses bambino had the major snuffles? Mine keeps on coughing and is heavy breathing. Apparently it's normal but I have turned in to a complete worrier!

Completely envious about all of your tummies springing back in to action; MW said my uterus was still high because of the delivery I had so will take longer to go down :growlmad: At least I still have my arm rest in action for a little longer!

Midnight Sun - I love the bath piccys of your little one, so adorable!
My engorgement is mostly over, they're not hard as rocks and have almost stopped bleeding (ugh, we got some good tips and I don't dread BF anymore).

Oh my goodness my boobs have actually gone mental. Is the blood coming from cracked nipples? I went to the dr today to discover I've got nipple infections x 2 because of the way I was getting Roo to latch so am on horrid antibiotics and they are just oozing all the time. Lasinioh nipple cream is amazing though, as are hot baths.

Has anyone elses bambino had the major snuffles? Mine keeps on coughing and is heavy breathing. Apparently it's normal but I have turned in to a complete worrier!

Completely envious about all of your tummies springing back in to action; MW said my uterus was still high because of the delivery I had so will take longer to go down :growlmad: At least I still have my arm rest in action for a little longer!

Midnight Sun - I love the bath piccys of your little one, so adorable!

My baby sounds like a snuffly hedgehog! He is so full of mucus, they've said it will clear up.
Tuppence it's completely normal for them to have sniffles, remember they have never been exposed to the dust, germs etc that we have hanging round!

And yes you can get blood from cracked nipples. Do you feel like you have got the latch sorted now? If U need any support PM me and id be happy to help you! Get some lansinoh cream on them and let BM dry on them it will help them repair xx

Midnight glad she's putting on weight, all babys suffer some spit up, but if tour finding she's in a lot of pain especially at night then get to the doctors they can give you baby gaviscon which really helps. My son had reflux and it was awful for the first three months!

As for you go to the doctors, it might not be as bad as you think, but don't put it off as stuff like that can really make you feel awful about things, please please get it sorted :hugs:
Paige was really snuffly at birth, I don't think I mentioned on here but the first night I was in hospital she actually choked and went blue and had to go to resuss and be suctioned. They had the pediatrician out to her and everything. :cry:

Turned out she had inhaled loads of fluid as a shock reaction to being born so fast. She now gets snuffly when she's possetting as it always manages to come out her nose and it scares the crap out of me, it's awful not being able to help her clear it, but it does seem to go away again after a few hours.

Is anyone else who is BF drinking their body weight in fluids each day? I'm getting awful night sweats which is supposed to be your body shedding it's extra pregnancy fluid....why the hell can't it use that for BF and let me lay off the water for 5 minutes! :growlmad:
I was using lansinoh! It's just everytime he'd feed he'd reopen the scabs. I shudder to think about it! I also let BM dry on them. The best thing that happened was getting a nipple sheild while they healed and getting help with latch.

Jessica - sorry your cut is still bothering you! I can't believe it's taking so long! My doctor told me I should feel better within two weeks, so I'm holding out hope that maybe next week I'll be able to walk right and lay off of the otc drugs.

Midnightsun - I swear I saw loose skin hanging out when I checked out my stitches. I really hope I was imagining things, cause like you, I don't know how sexy I'm going to feel with all the other changes AND that. I love the sponge placement too!

tuppance - my nipples were cracked from bad latching. My nipples are also not very "compressible." But amazingly enough, they're already healed! Still a little painful as he has his way with them, but at least they've stopped bleeding! I hope you find comfort soon.

sooz - that is so scary that she started chocking! Glad she's ok!

James has had a ton of sneezes, they said that it's all exposure to new air that he's not used to!
Sooz - That is genuinely terrifying, I am so glad your LO is ok. I am literally drinking litres each day. My MW said I am meant to drink a pint of water for everytime I BF :shrug:

Pinkclaire - Thank you so much! I had the MW show me how to properly latch on yesterday and she is coming back tomorrow to make sure I am doing it correctly so fingers crossed I am now away with the BF (apart from the fact I am missing half the skin on one of my nipples euuuuurgh!)

Spunky - How long did it take them to heal / how bad were they? So happy for you as they can be so painful; must be a MASSIVE relief!

Also, just wondering what is happening with all of your pelvic floor muscles?! The MW said I need to "go on a journey to find mine again" ... :dohh:
So glad you're doing well with the BF Tuppance, I am still gutted it didn't work for us :nope:

Spunky - Fingers crossed we are both OK, I have an appt on Tuesday, so will know more then. All I know right now is that whatever it is hanging down, and like I say it's hardish is uncomfy and there's no way sex is on the agenda ever!! Good job I am single! I have even had a cry about it and got very down earlier in the week :cry:

Sooz how terrifying, my god hope you're not all too traumatised by it all :hugs:

Claire - Rose has an appointment on Tuesday with me, I am hoping they will say a change of formula before Gaviscon as I know that can make babies constipated.

With regard to my uterus, the day after birth the MW who came to see me couldn't believe how fantastic my tummy muscles were .... I swear it's all the RLT I drank! I am back to normal now :thumbup: I was also 5lb less than when I fell pregnant when I weighed myself the day after lol ... Not bad! I have been healthy eating this week though, as I would like to lose a little more. Dieting with a baby is quite easy though, especially being on my own... I am running about everywhere!
I do freak out every time she spits up because I am so worried about it happening again and me not being able to clear it. The worst thing in hospital though was I was still numb from the spinal so couldn't move, I just had to shout for help. At least at home I can move to help her.

With regards to pelvic floor I saw the physio's twice in hospital and they went through exercises with me. I also have an appointment with them next month. I have to say the last few days mine is feeling much better though, that dragging heavy pressure has eased off. I'm also off all pain medication, my lochia is virtually gone and my stitches have started to come away. I am very hopeful I'll walk away from this fully functioning after all, but won't be signed off until I've had my appointment at the trauma clinic in September.
That goes to anyone else, if your struggling with BF at any point please feel free to PM I'd be happy to give some advice! I've got through a fair few problems with the two of them!!

Sooz hope it makes a difference it is all small steps with reflux.
Oops sorry I meant midnight on the reflux :dohh:

Sooz my LO swallowed a lot of fluid for the same reason and sicked it up, that sounds so scary!!!
Is anyone else who is BF drinking their body weight in fluids each day? I'm getting awful night sweats which is supposed to be your body shedding it's extra pregnancy fluid....why the hell can't it use that for BF and let me lay off the water for 5 minutes! :growlmad:

Oh god, the thirst! I cannot keep up with the water intake!

Sooz - That is genuinely terrifying, I am so glad your LO is ok. I am literally drinking litres each day. My MW said I am meant to drink a pint of water for everytime I BF :shrug:

Pinkclaire - Thank you so much! I had the MW show me how to properly latch on yesterday and she is coming back tomorrow to make sure I am doing it correctly so fingers crossed I am now away with the BF (apart from the fact I am missing half the skin on one of my nipples euuuuurgh!)

Spunky - How long did it take them to heal / how bad were they? So happy for you as they can be so painful; must be a MASSIVE relief!

Also, just wondering what is happening with all of your pelvic floor muscles?! The MW said I need to "go on a journey to find mine again" ... :dohh:

My pelvic floor is not too bad and I keep reminding myself to exercise them.

With bf I find that wilf doesn't open his mouth very wide so i've been shoving my nipple in quick while i can!
I keep forgetting to exercise my pelvic floor, don't think its too bad though as Tabby wasnt very big.

I am trying to drink a pint per feed, but overnight I cant be arsed to keep getting up!
tuppance - I'd say half of each nipple was scabbed over and they were almost completely healed in 3 days! Was wonderful after that! I don't dread breastfeeding anymore!

midnightsun - hope the appt goes well! I've had a few good cries over my nether regions at this point! I keep saying they're ruined! Took a closer look things aren't hanging down for me, just a huge ridge where they sewed me back together. Looks really weird, the rest of the repaired part is flat, but not close to my opening. Hopefully we'll both heal beautifully and will be able to enjoyu sex in the future :thumbup:
I split my stitches round the back on Friday night and started bleeding, but the prospect of getting P & me to the Doctors is really daunting at the moment. It takes hours to be ready to leave the house. :(
:dohh: Sooz..oh no! bloody stitches, why don't doctors suture them properly?! Or even use the metal clips?!

I am STILL healing and had fresh blood yesterday so it means that a part of my skin has still not even fused together yet. Its been over 4 weeks!! ******* ridiculous. :growlmad:
I don't think any of us realised quite how bad postpartum recovery can be.

I have just been diagnosed with a prolapse - completely and utterly devastated :(
midnight, you are right..I dont think we really considered the '4th trimester' I am so sorry though :( What did the doc say? what part of you is prolapsing? (some women prolapse their bladder/uterus/bowel)
Oh that sounds awful! Have you got to go back to hospital?

It sucks doesn't it, this recovery thing. I mean I was in theatre an hour and a half so it isn't that they didn't have time to do it properly. I think my stitches started to dissolve too soon personally, they've been coming out on the tissue when I wipe since last week.
So sorry to hear about the setbacks ladies!!!

I knew labor/delivery would be hard, but I didn't realize just how much recovery it would take! I was expecting to feel bad, but I wasn't expecting to tear and everything else that went along with it.

Sorry your all having a rough time. I'm not saying this to brag but just for hope for you guys who were planning more than one, my secon labour was so quick/easy compared to my first, she was a massive baby lol, but no tearing and recovery has been really quick :hugs:

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