A head count for May Mummies! The last stretch!

Spunky I express milk off when I am engorged, but we've started to introduce a EBM bottle once a day as we want her to be able to take a bottle if I need to go out, so the milk is used for that. That said, she didn't feed off of one boob for several hours last night and I woke up soaked this morning where it had leaked every where!

Wild that sounds really frustrating, probably even more so with a bottle fed baby because of the rigamarole of having to get the bottles ready each time! I hope it settles into a pattern for you soon.

I got checked at the Drs today as I was still bleeding from my back passage after each bowel movement and they can't find anything wrong, said it was healing beautifully and not too tight. Been told to go back if the bleeding gets worse otherwise wait it out until my hospital appointment. :dohh:

I can just see me getting constipated because it hurts so much to go!
try ur hardest to keep urself from getting constipated, ive had an awful time with it sonce giving birth, ive been twice, inthe entire almost 4 weeks now. lots of vile meds to take, :grr:
how are we all today, weve had a feeding marathon and im at my witts end with what to do, on stronger hungry baby formula up to 5oz and hes demanding more every 1.5 hours, hasnt settled all day and has consumed stupid ammounts of milk.

I read there's a growth spurt at 3 weeks and he kept eating non stop here it seems! We've given him both breast and EBM bottle! All he does is cry and eat. I'm about to lose it! He's finally sleeping! It's 4pm and he's only slept 3 hours since 6am. He just wants to cry and eat. Maybe my baby isn't broken if yours is doing the same thing!
Sooz - I started pumping 3 days ago so that James too could have a bottle if I want to go out. He had a bottle today of 2 oz and my husband said he drank it only 5 mintues. How much are you expressing at a time? I too have leaked everywhere at night. My mom told me to put a puddle pad under my boobs at night so I wouldn't have to change the sheets everyday. Sorry to hear you're still hurting and bleeding! :hugs:
Morning all! Currently 0950, and I am being grinned at by a wriggling baby who seems incredibly excited by something and keeps shouting and gurgling at me. She keeps rolling off the pillow because she is flapping her arms and legs so much!
Had a reasonable sleep last night, we slept at 2130 and she didn't wake up until 0300. Plonked her on my chest (we co sleep) and fell asleep again breastfeeding...I don't care what people say now, my LO can hold her own head up and raise it completely up when laying on her front so I'm not worried about her sleeping on me. And I am completely aware of where she is at all times. I do try to put her in her bedside cot, but she's starting to slug crawl and it's amazing how far she can move!

Not so worried about her birthmark anymore, had a top paediatric dermatology consultant see her and he didn't seem that concerned but booked in for a few precautionary tests anyway.

Do growth spurts really exist?? Is there any actual scientific base for these supposed spurts babies have? Surely babies are growin at maximum rate all the time?

Update on my cut - STILL HEALING!!! Just an inch of skin is refusing to heal. Need to book my 6 week check up on Monday.

On expressing- I pump most days in the morning, pump for about 10 mins and get 200mls out which is a feed and a half really. LO is getting greedier. I find if I pump though, I empty both boobs so my body over compensates and I still sometimes feel a bit engorged. I guess too much milk is better than too little.

Spunky- the random night time dripping will stop soon, but usually if you breastfeed from your right bob, your left will leak too!

What's that weird prickling sensation I sometimes get in my boobs? they fizz or prickle and then feel hard!

Just had her weighed and length taken...she is now 9 lb 13oz and 56cm long!! Thats a 3 lb 5 oz weight gain in 6 weeks! I think I deserve a slice of cake!
Sooz - I started pumping 3 days ago so that James too could have a bottle if I want to go out. He had a bottle today of 2 oz and my husband said he drank it only 5 mintues. How much are you expressing at a time? I too have leaked everywhere at night. My mom told me to put a puddle pad under my boobs at night so I wouldn't have to change the sheets everyday. Sorry to hear you're still hurting and bleeding! :hugs:

Hey, I pump 4-5oz but she faffs about quite a bit on the bottle and it will take her about an hour to drink that, and then she'll often want to go to the breast again afterwards.
How's everyone doing?

I am feeling shattered and poorly today (the cold I've had for 4 weeks is now a chest infection) so we're having a quiet day at home.

My blog is getting seriously neglected as I'm struggling to find time to write it! I rarely get on bnb either and last night had a 9pm bedtime! Is anyone else finding the same?

I only get on bnb while I'm feeding! I'm up at 6am with my son, by 8pm I'm ready for my bed lol.

I have mastitis its awful the fever has gone today thankfully so just need to get rid of the pain when I feed!
there deffo is growth spurts! i can vouch for that all of my 4 had days sometimes weeks at a time when they fed continuosly and would not settle without the extra resulting in huge increases in weight then it slows right down for a while etc.

ive had some issues with Luca, he's been diagnosed with Colic, only its horrific, only one of my others had a touch of it which eased with infacol, infacol for luca makes him worse, were on a pescription off the doctor, and ive had to change milk for the 3rd time they all upset him, so have been advised that of all available c&g comfort milk ( sepcially for colic or constipated babies) i must say he's doing so well 2 days into this new milk, we had 4 days of constant collicy screaming literally round the clock and during feeds, im also having to still use gripe water, but were slowly getting there, i also dropped into the baby massage session locally and tummy massage 3 times a day is helping him too, it wud appear his appetite has shrivled and first growth spurt over, weve gone from 5oz every 3 hours to 4oz every 4-5 hours, he simly wont take anymore but is now content and sleeping much better. :happydance:
I only get on bnb while I'm feeding! I'm up at 6am with my son, by 8pm I'm ready for my bed lol.

I have mastitis its awful the fever has gone today thankfully so just need to get rid of the pain when I feed!

Mastitis us completely horrible (just replied to your thread on baby club!) I think I would rather go through labour again than that! I also had mastitis and then developed thrush on both nipples as well as have a crusty green pussy nip. I completely agree, it better be worth it!

Scuffer - I never have any time to do anything anymore; first time I've managed to get on bnb for weeks!

Wild2011 - colic sounds horrible but it's good to read your LO is doing better.

Jessica - can't believe you are still healing, it must be at least six weeks for you now? Have they said why? (sorry if you typed it before I haven't had time to read all the posts)
By the way it's completely lovely to find this thread still going :happydance:
Thanks ladies, sorry you've had problems as well tuppance xx
Mastitis sounds nasty, hope it clears up soon and you feel better.

I had the HV check P for thrush today as she has been writhing around terribly at the breast some days, she said her mouth is fine so it looks like it's wind related pain. I've doubled her infacol and started winding her part way through each feed. She's much better today and weighing a whopping 11lb 4oz at 5 weeks.

Scuffer I seem to get things done it just takes longer than it used to. I'm not getting out of the house much though, I've been trying in vain to find some groups to go to and seem to be getting nowhere fast. HV has found me a BF group, just going to call my BFSW next as she mentioned baby massage last time we spoke.
I only get on bnb while I'm feeding! I'm up at 6am with my son, by 8pm I'm ready for my bed lol.

I have mastitis its awful the fever has gone today thankfully so just need to get rid of the pain when I feed!

Poor you, it is awful, well done for battling through. We'd be in bed earlier but feel we should stay up until after my 12 year old has gone to bed!

there deffo is growth spurts! i can vouch for that all of my 4 had days sometimes weeks at a time when they fed continuosly and would not settle without the extra resulting in huge increases in weight then it slows right down for a while etc.

ive had some issues with Luca, he's been diagnosed with Colic, only its horrific, only one of my others had a touch of it which eased with infacol, infacol for luca makes him worse, were on a pescription off the doctor, and ive had to change milk for the 3rd time they all upset him, so have been advised that of all available c&g comfort milk ( sepcially for colic or constipated babies) i must say he's doing so well 2 days into this new milk, we had 4 days of constant collicy screaming literally round the clock and during feeds, im also having to still use gripe water, but were slowly getting there, i also dropped into the baby massage session locally and tummy massage 3 times a day is helping him too, it wud appear his appetite has shrivled and first growth spurt over, weve gone from 5oz every 3 hours to 4oz every 4-5 hours, he simly wont take anymore but is now content and sleeping much better. :happydance:

We tried Wilf on infacol after he was really windy and upset but it made him worse! Luckily he's settled down again now.

I'm glad the new milk is helping.

Mastitis sounds nasty, hope it clears up soon and you feel better.

I had the HV check P for thrush today as she has been writhing around terribly at the breast some days, she said her mouth is fine so it looks like it's wind related pain. I've doubled her infacol and started winding her part way through each feed. She's much better today and weighing a whopping 11lb 4oz at 5 weeks.

Scuffer I seem to get things done it just takes longer than it used to. I'm not getting out of the house much though, I've been trying in vain to find some groups to go to and seem to be getting nowhere fast. HV has found me a BF group, just going to call my BFSW next as she mentioned baby massage last time we spoke.

There's a bf group at sharrow sure start on a monday morning that i keep meaning to go to. There's a really lovely baby/toddler group at carter knowle church on a tues/wed/thur and you can get a jacket potato for lunch after, do you fancy going one day?

Oh and it takes AGES for me to get anything done!
Thanks Hun. I fed James for 11 months so I would feel guilty if I didn't do the same for Charlotte. I was very teary yesterday thinking I wouldn't be able to carry on so I'm glad I can see an end in sight!

I've made it to one group so far that was last week! It was nice to go though!

I would def go to bed earlier if my son was in bed earlier lol. We've had a lot of problems with his sleep since Charlotte was born.
Mastitis sounds nasty, hope it clears up soon and you feel better.

I had the HV check P for thrush today as she has been writhing around terribly at the breast some days, she said her mouth is fine so it looks like it's wind related pain. I've doubled her infacol and started winding her part way through each feed. She's much better today and weighing a whopping 11lb 4oz at 5 weeks.

Scuffer I seem to get things done it just takes longer than it used to. I'm not getting out of the house much though, I've been trying in vain to find some groups to go to and seem to be getting nowhere fast. HV has found me a BF group, just going to call my BFSW next as she mentioned baby massage last time we spoke.

There's a bf group at sharrow sure start on a monday morning that i keep meaning to go to. There's a really lovely baby/toddler group at carter knowle church on a tues/wed/thur and you can get a jacket potato for lunch after, do you fancy going one day?

Oh and it takes AGES for me to get anything done!

The Sharrow Sure Start is where my ante0natal classes were, my post-natal ones are at the Old Junior School opposite, got one tomorrow actually.

The only problem I have is needing to get public transport everywhere, so provided places are accessible by bus or tram from town I'm alright as long as I get the old Google maps out!
scuffer i hate infacol colief is good but its 11.99 a bottle that lasts just under 2 days, luckily have it on perscription now, but they get addicted to it and u have to gradually wean them off sometimes as late as 8 months for some babies so im hoping to to be one of the lucky ones who doesnt have that problem but i have been pre warned x
Thanks Hun. I fed James for 11 months so I would feel guilty if I didn't do the same for Charlotte. I was very teary yesterday thinking I wouldn't be able to carry on so I'm glad I can see an end in sight!

I've made it to one group so far that was last week! It was nice to go though!

I would def go to bed earlier if my son was in bed earlier lol. We've had a lot of problems with his sleep since Charlotte was born.

MrScuff and I were just saying how one full night's sleep would fix us for a bit!

Mothering guilt is a dreadful thing and it never seems to end :nope: As long as you do what's right for you and Charlotte, that's all that matters. It's good to hear you are coming out the other side x

The Sharrow Sure Start is where my ante0natal classes were, my post-natal ones are at the Old Junior School opposite, got one tomorrow actually.

The only problem I have is needing to get public transport everywhere, so provided places are accessible by bus or tram from town I'm alright as long as I get the old Google maps out!

We should meet up too, did I send you a message with my address? I think I may have deleted the message you sent as my inbox was full :dohh:

I could always come to you or near you if it's easier as I have still got my car. (Anyone want to buy a Yaris? I can't seem to sell the bloody thing!)

scuffer i hate infacol colief is good but its 11.99 a bottle that lasts just under 2 days, luckily have it on perscription now, but they get addicted to it and u have to gradually wean them off sometimes as late as 8 months for some babies so im hoping to to be one of the lucky ones who doesnt have that problem but i have been pre warned x

I didn't realise that could happen. Thank goodness for prescriptions though, it's a bit much to have to pay all!

I was glad of prescriptions to keep up with my Gaviscon habit when pregnant :wacko:
lol i bought my gaviscon, it cost more to get to my gp :rofl: thank god them days of heartburn are behind us, eakk u just reminded me of it lol x
Scuffer – I get online so much less too! Would usually much rather be sleeping! I’m not going to bed as early, but I am going earlier than I used to! James determines everything now with whatever schedule he thinks he should have for the day!

Pinkclaire – so sorry! :hugs: glad you’re feeling better! Hope it goes away soon! I have it too and have been miserable and emotional.

Wild2011 – so sorry about Luca! Glad he’s feeling better but sorry you’ve been having such a hard time! I hope this milk works out long term! Baby massage, does that work well? James doesn’t have colic but he does have a lot of gas problems.

Sooz – Congrats on P’s size! How lovely! I was so pleased James was 9lbs at his last appointment, but he started out a pound smaller.

Having mastitis sucks! I came down with it on Sunday and they told me to try to just drink liquids, rest and feed. They told me they wanted me to try to clear it up on my own. Finally, today, Thursday got sick of feeling like crap and went to the doctor and they gave me antibiotics and I hope to start feeling better soon. I too was wondering if giving up breastfeeding might just be easier. But James seems to like it and I know it’s good for him.

Anyone else having a tough time emotionally? When they gave me antibiotics they also gave me anti-depressants. I’ve had depression problems in the past and just get so worn down with such little sleep, not feeling good, and just not feeling good enough I’ve been very teary. I keep telling myself he’ll start sleeping more and when I start feeling better things will be looking up, right? Hopefully I’m not alone in this. Well, hopefully I am and none of you are feeling the same.

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