Thanks Libby. I live all the way on the west coast, so we would be flying all the way to the east coast, and it was not fun this last trip with my son. It's an all day thing. I'm dreading it already. I've read some horror stories that pregnant women get sick while flying. Did you feel nauseous while you flew? I also read to get a doctors note because a lot of the times they wont let you on the plane unless you can prove how far along you are. I was pretty big when I was 24 weeks with my son, so I'm thinking I might get just as big. I'm also worried, because when we've gone to Florida in the past I swell up anyway.. I can't imagine what it will be like being pregnant.
Thanks Libby. I live all the way on the west coast, so we would be flying all the way to the east coast, and it was not fun this last trip with my son. It's an all day thing. I'm dreading it already. I've read some horror stories that pregnant women get sick while flying. Did you feel nauseous while you flew? I also read to get a doctors note because a lot of the times they wont let you on the plane unless you can prove how far along you are. I was pretty big when I was 24 weeks with my son, so I'm thinking I might get just as big. I'm also worried, because when we've gone to Florida in the past I swell up anyway.. I can't imagine what it will be like being pregnant.
nicole what kind of animals do you have?
There will be 6 of us flying all together. So, it should be fairly simple, but I'm bring no carry on! SCREW THAT!
Nicole, will you have the ipad when you fly?! BRING IT! It's the only thing that kept my son from a total melt down.
nicole i hope you get to keep you animals! if you really wanna lol...some women might take it as an out to get rid of them lol..
ok ladies even though i still feel like i got ran over by a mac truck i gotta get up and at least do dishes.....