A Little About Me A Little About You

A Little About Me

Name: Samantha

Age: 32

Location: Austin, TX, but I lived in London for 4 years and my DH is a Brit.

Occupation: I currently own a make up boutique, but am closing it.

Short Personal Description:


Hobbies: Reading, decorating and shopping.

Color: Grey

Food: Chicken Strips


Music: anything

Books: Sci-fi and fantasy

Movies: Just about anything.

TV Shows: Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs, anything on HGTV and the Food network

Authors: Too many.

Cartoon Character:

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Costa Rica

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband and my best friend

Greatest Ambition: To be a good mommy and a good wife

Biggest Achievement: Getting pregnant!

Grandest Wish: Having a healthy baby

What You Can't Live Without: Chocolate!!!
A Little About Me

Name: Kendra

Age: 19

Location: Easley, South Carolina
Occupation:I am a leasing consultant for about 1600 apartment communities across the US

Short Personal Description: mixed with black white and indian, light skinned, hazel eys and shoulder length honey blonde hair.


Hobbies: dancing, singing, shopping, being a big sister in the Big brother big sister program

Color: PINK and Green

Food: hot wings

Hang-out: my house

Music: R&B, gospel

Books: africian american fiction

Movies: comedy,

TV Shows: I love New York, Flav of Love, Wedding central, and all things girlie

Authors: Mary Monroe

Cartoon Character: Pooh Bear

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: I wish i could go back to Athens Greece

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Fiance and my parents

Greatest Ambition: To raise productive children and be an advocate for youth
Biggest Achievement: Getting pregnant!

Grandest Wish: Having a healthy baby:crib:

What You Can't Live Without: Cable and candy
A Little About Me

Name: Jessica

Age: 19

Location: Bay City Michigan, USA

Occupation: MILF-in-training, otherwise unemployed.

Short Personal Description: I'm your average American. I love to eat McDonalds french fries, hang out with friends, play cards and stuff, and go online. I met my husband on myspace in July of 2006, we got together August 2006, Engaged October 2006, and Married in May 2007.


Hobbies: Internet, music, football games, new friends.

Color: Pink

Food: I love potatoes. Any kind of potato :rofl:

Hang-out: Where ever good people may be.

Music: Rock

Books: I only read my pregnancy books these days.

Movies: Anything with Johnny Depp and RENT!

TV Shows: HGTV, Baby shows, and anything else that catches my attention

Authors: Uhhh, I'll get back to you.

Cartoon Character: I don't really have one.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Europe

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Husband

Greatest Ambition: To really make a difference in someones life.

Biggest Achievement:Getting married

Grandest Wish: Infinite wishes

What You Can't Live Without: my blanket!!1
A Little About Me

Name: Kate

Age: 22

Location: Devon

Occupation: Advisor

Short Personal Description: Very happily married for about 1 1/2 years now. Just started TTC this month. My hubby and I are really into movies and computer games, and I love everything Disney (lol) going in 5 1/2 weeks.


Hobbies: Shopping, internet, music, computer games (wii, 360 ps2 etc), going for day trips in car with hubby (wherever the road takes us - lol), customising mlp's, arts&crafts, cinema & dvd's, pizza eating (lol)

Color: Red

Food: Pizza - Domino's Mighty Meaty - without a doubt.

Hang-out: At work, playing games or watching dvd's, cruising in our car, somewhere scenic (dartmoor, beach)

Music: Hip-hop and R&B (and some other random music)

Movies: Rush Hour 1, 2 and 3
The Simpsons Movie
HOT FUZZ (This film is genius)
Tenacious D - Pick of Destiny
Devil Wears Prada
Nightmare before Christmas
Blood Diamond
Alpha Dog (you have to see that film)
Three men and a baby / little lady
Look who's talking
Father of the Bride 1 & 2
Little Shop of Horrors
Fast and the Furious 1 & 2
The Naked Gun Trilogy
The break up
Rumour has it
Blades of Glory
Home Alone 1 & 2
Memoirs of a Geisha
Pink Panther (Steve Martin version)
Police Academy
(Really wanna see Transformers)
All the Bourne Films
Scary Movie 1-4
Date Movie
Transporter 1&2
Shrek1, 2 and 3
House of flying daggers
Shark Tale
Lion King :)
Harry Potter Films 1-5
Starsky & Hutch (love any ben stiller or owen wilson!)
Bruce Almighty
The Island
Die Hard Trilogy *bruce willis* :)
i robot
Lock Stock and two smoking barrels
ALL Disney movies - they kick ass.
40 Year old virgin
Spiderman 1&2 and hopefully 3
Resident Evil 1&2
Just like Heaven
Wedding Crashers
CRANK! Any Jason Statham Movie cuz he is amazing!!!! :) ALL DISNEY FILMS (I love them!) etc...
Quite partial to a good old Christmas Movie!

TV Shows: Family Guy, American Dad, Simpsons, Friends, Sex and the City, Scrubs, Prison Break, Girls of the Playboy Mansion, America's Next Top Model.

Cartoon Character: Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My hubby, parents and friends

Greatest Ambition: For me and my family to have long happy healthy lives together

Biggest Achievement: losing 3 stone, finding my hubby (of course - lol)

What You Can't Live Without : My hubby, Music, Movies, My Friends

Hi everyone, hope your all OK looking forward to getting to know y'all x x
A Little About Me

Name: Helen

Age: 26

Location: Llanelli, west Wales

Occupation: Residential child care officer

Short Personal Description: I have been married for a year and live in a small village with my hubby and 2 dogs.


Hobbies: Rock music, playing the flute. Friends

Color: purple

Food: Cheese


Music: Rock, classical

Books: Mainly fiction and lots of baby books these days.

Movies: Anything funny and anything with Will Smith in.

TV Shows: Greys anatony

Authors: Not fussy

Cartoon Character: Mickey mouse.

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Husband

Greatest Ambition: To become a mum.

Biggest Achievement:Getting married

Grandest Wish: For my family to have a happy healthy life

What You Can't Live Without: Family
Name: Mira

Age: 21

Location: Western Canada

Occupation: Nursing, however I'm on indefinite leave from work right now.

Short Personal Description: Physically, I'm 5'2" with black hair, brown eyes. I'm half Arab, half white. I come from an... interesting past, which I'm in the process of trying to overcome. For the most part, I'm a pretty friendly person, though admittedly I do have a bit of a temper at times. I'm engaged to a wonderful man, who I love dearly. I'm blessed to have him in my life.


Hobbies: Computers, reading, writing, studying biology & psychology, playing guitar and piano.

Color: Blue and black.

Food: Chinese food.

Hang-out: At home. I have no life. :P

Music: Anything. Most of my favourite bands tend to be alternative rock.

Books: It, Cujo, Misery, The Green Mile, and plenty of others by Stephen King. Also, Interview with the Vampire, Flashforward, Animal Farm, 1984, etc.

Movies: Requiem for a Dream, Saving Private Ryan, Ferris Buellers Day Off.

TV Shows: House, Law & Order SVU, Family Guy, Futurama, The Sopranos.

Authors: Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe, Robert J. Sawyer.

Cartoon Character: Bender, from Futurama.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: France.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mother.

Greatest Ambition: To be a good wife and mother, to be a decent person, to stay healthy.

Biggest Achievement: Overcoming anorexia.

Grandest Wish: To be a rock star, lol.

What You Can't Live Without: Books, music, the people I love, and my computer.

About the pregnancy...

I first suspected I was pregnant after I had missed my period for almost two weeks, started getting morning sickness, swollen boobs, and all those other fun symptoms of early pregnancy. I took an at-home test around August 10th, when I was roughly 6 weeks, and confirmed it with my doctor about a week later. Although it was a bit of a surprised, as we weren't actively trying to get pregnant, I'm excited about becoming a mom. Scared as hell too, but excited.

A Little About Me

Name: Linzi

Age: 21

Location: Leeds, UK
Occupation:Purchase Ledger Assistant
Short Personal Description: Brown hair (shoulder length) 5'8", brown eyes

Hobbies: drumming, producing music, listening to music, going to gigs, putting on gigs, reviewing CDs and gigs and artists. Music!!!

Color: pink!

Food: Chilli

Hang-out: Brockwell Seam... my old local in newcastle when I lived with my folks!

Music: 80s rock and metal, dance, r&b pop

Books: Motley Crue - The Dirt

Movies: Sin City and anything with Adam Sandler

TV Shows: Hollyoaks, The OC, Sex and the City, Friends

Authors: not sure

Cartoon Character: Tinkerbell

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Mexico

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My dad for looking after me on his own from when I was 6 weeks old, and in that time going from being a skint unemployed student to a high flying manager at British Airways!

Greatest Ambition: Have a pain free birth!
Biggest Achievement: Playing to 500 people in my old band, and getting pregnant
Grandest Wish: Having a healthy baby

What You Can't Live Without: My GHD hair straighteners
A Little About Me

Name: Vickie

Age: 27

Location: Toronto, Canada
Occupation:None yet, looking
Short Personal Description: Long brown hair, glasses, freckles lol
Favorites: reading, scrapbooking

Hobbies: reading, scrapbooking

Color: blue

Food: Tex-Mex food, I miss it up here

Hang-out: my home lol I'm boring

Music: Alternative, Rock

Books: fantasy, romance, anything by Jane Austen

Movies: My Big Fat Greek Wedding

TV Shows: CSI, CSI Miami, House

Authors: Terry Goodkind, Robert Jordan, Jane Austen

Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy, Greece, Russia, China, I love traveling

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom

Greatest Ambition: become a mother
Biggest Achievement: completing my Masters degree
Grandest Wish: become pregnant

What You Can't Live Without: my cats lol
Name: Chrissy

Age: 26

Location: NWIndiana/Chicago

Occupation: I work for a nationwide Insurance Co.


Hobbies: reading, writing, dancing, watching TV, listening to the radio, talking on the net and spending time with my hubby

Color: Blu and yellow

Food: anything italian

Hang-out: My hubby and the bestest SIL in the world.

Music: R&B, country, anything


Movies: Pretty Woman, the Fox and the Hound, The Bodyguard, 10 Things I Hate About You

TV Shows: Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy, Side Order of Life, Brothers and Sisters


Cartoon Character: Tom & Jerry (I used to watch them every day withmy grandpa :cry:)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: France, Spain, Aruba, Tahiti

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom

Greatest Ambition: To live a long and loving life.

Biggest Achievement: Graduating College, getting married, and actually living....

Grandest Wish: For my family to like eachother again.

What You Can't Live Without: My PC!
Name: Ashley

Age: 24

Location: Central Indiana

Occupation: I work for a healthcare provider as a scheduling coordinator

**Favorites **

Hobbies: Photography, traveling and scrapbooking.

Color: Pink of course.

Food: anything and everything! I looooove food. :blush:

Hang-out: My place.

Music: I like anything with a good beat. Right now I'm getting more into Old rock, R&b/hip-hop, and country.

Books: 5 people you meet in Heaven

Movies: Dirty Dancing, Paycheck, Footloose, .... the list goes on.

TV Shows: Criminal Minds, Law and Order (SVU and Criminal Intent) CSI, Ghost Hunters, The Office, My Name is Earl, Scrubs.

Authors: I don't really stick to one author.

Cartoon Character: Chip and Dale...the original Chipmunks!

** Digging Deeper **

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Anywher but IN. lol

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My sister

Greatest Ambition: To be a SAHM and part-time photographer.

Biggest Achievement: Meeting my husband, and soon to be having a beautiful baby.

Grandest Wish: For my husband to be able to own his own business, b/c he's damn good at what he does!

What You Can't Live Without: My camera!
Name: Launi

Age: 22

Location: Northern Virginia

Occupation: jetBlue gate agent

**Favorites **

Hobbies: Photography, dog training, reading

Color: Purple

Food: Tortilla chips and salsa!

Hang-out: My favorite place is home.

Music: Praise and Worship, Country, and BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN

Books: I read soooo many different things! Any thing but horror and sci-fi

Movies: All the animated Disney movies...

TV Shows: I don't watch tv

Authors: don't have one favorite

Cartoon Character: Mr. Smee (from Peter Pan lol)

** Digging Deeper **

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Egypt

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mom

Greatest Ambition: To have my own home with 5-7 kids and a huge yard for my dogs. :)

Biggest Achievement: Making it through hell over the last year and living to tell about it! And now having a baby! YAY

Grandest Wish: To get the hell out of my in-laws basement!!

What You Can't Live Without: My puppy... He's a Great Dane and I love him more than anything!! (cept my hubby of course. ;) )
Hi there :)
I am new to this forum. I've just (last year) come out of a long but difficult relationship and moved house to be with a new man who wants (like me) to start a family. At 37 I am starting late but hope I am healthy enough to move on to a new stage of my life soon. I'm taking folic Acid and have come off the pill (mini pill) which I was on for only about 8 months. before that I had a long break from the Pill after about 5 years on Microgynon 30.

Anyway - I live in Cardiff with my two cats (no I'm not some mad old cat lady!) and new man is all but living with me now. I've lived in England and Ireland but have been in Wales since I was 7 so feel mostly Welsh (despite not being born here). I have a brother and a sister, both of whom married recently but apart from my sister's step daughter they both have no children. I work in a music library, love my job...

now going to read back a bit to see if I have done this correctly.

AH-HA! Lol - so I'll do this now :)

A Little About Me

Name: Donna

Age: 37

Location: Cardiff, Wales

Occupation: Media music librarian

Short Personal Description: am small, dark and smiley

Hobbies: .Erm, Glastonbury festival, music in gebneral, Ireland, friends, nights out and in, sopranos at the moment as I am catching up on the whole series
Big reader, worked in Waterstone's for 7 years but read less these days than I used to. Cycling.

Color: Yellow

Food: Lamb Chops

Hang-out: In or out, with good friends

Music: Bob Dylan, Martha Wainwright, Midlake, Arcade Fire, James Taylor, just lots and lots :)

Books: Autobiographies, Histories, Good long novels.

Movies: I love a good comedy like Tootsie or Stir Crazy or anything which features any one from SNL but also like a good thriller or drama. Loved 'the Prestige', favourite films are 'deer hunter', 'splendour in the grass' and Withnail and I'.

TV Shows: Scrubs, D Housewives, Sopranos, Charlie Brookers screen wipes, Flight of the Chonchords etc

Authors: Theodore Sturgeon, Salinger, elizabeth mccracken, Kay redfield Jamison - anything really.

Cartoon Character: erm.... I like family Guy and simpsons and southpark.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Canada

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My dad who is dead now but he was a cool guy, and of course my mum who happily is alive :)

Greatest Ambition: to be a parent, either to my 'own' or adopting

Biggest Achievement: dunno really - not that ambitious, though I am glad I got the job I have now, and glad I am still close to my very small family!

Grandest Wish: parenthood

What You Can't Live Without: My computer... well, no that's a lie I am sure I could live without it... erm, food?

A bit about me!:hi:
Name: Vickie


Location: Surrey , UK

Occupation: Nanny ( and love it)

I have known my hubby since I was 9 years old we grew up down the same street we got together when we were 19/20 years old and got marrie 27/05/00 so have been married nearly 7 and half years, started TTC June 04, but not had any luck yet!!

Hobbies: socialising, reading, swimming, PC , Bingo and Movies

Colour: purple and blue

Food: roast dinner

Hang out: @ home , with friends or in here now!!

Music: anything really but I am a big Darren Hayes fan

Books:anything really not horror though I don't like to be frightened

Movies: Titanic, Grease 1 & 2, dirty dancing and Kissed by an angel.

TV shows: Friends The O.C , One tree hill and home and away

Authors: no faves

Cartoon character: Winnie the pooh ( I have met him yay)

Digging Deeper

Country most want to visit: tour of U.S

Most influentail person: Hubby and Sister

Greatest ambition: to have a baby

Biggest achievement: finding true love

Grandest wish: to live a long happy healthy life with hubby and have lots of children

What you can't live without: Hubby and my cat (millie):happydance:
About me

Name: nicki

Age: 22

Location: South london

Occupation: Full time Secretary

Short Personal Description: I live with my partner of 5 years, we have a dog.

Hobbies: The internet, my friends, food at moment lol

Color: Black , brown, beige

Food: carribean food

Hang-out: msn, friends house

Music: rnb, bashment

Movies: horrors, comedys

TV Shows: Eastenders, suppernanny, wife swap.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Carribean

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Ermmmmmm dont know

Greatest Ambition: To have a good career and own big house and have a healthy big family

Biggest Achievement: own a nice house

Grandest Wish: To never have finnancial worries

What You Can't Live Without : my partner, my belly in my belly
A Little About Me

Name: Kerri

Age: 27

Location: Hampshire

Occupation: Unemployment Advisor

Short Personal Description: Have been with my OH for 10 years, living together for the last 6 years and have recently bought our first home and now live with out cute little puddy tat.


Hobbies: reading, socialising, internet

Color: changes all the time currently blue

Food: Good old roast beef with all the trimmings

Hang-out: with friends

Music: quite a wide range

Books: anything by Patricia Cornwell

Movies: classic girlie films like pretty women, dirty dancing etc.

TV Shows: Currently am addicted to the Ghost Whisper

Authors: Patricia Cornwell

Cartoon Character: Tweety pie

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Africa

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my mum

Greatest Ambition: to have a happy, healthy family

Biggest Achievement: overcoming past issues

Grandest Wish: for my family and friends to be happy

What You Can't Live Without : my family (and my laptop!!!!)
hi there, im lorraine, im from sudbury suffoljk, im 34 years old and 5 wks preg with my first baby angel, im so excited, love to keep in contct.
A Little About Me

Name: Jenny

Age: 35

Location: Romford, Essex

Occupation: Full time mum

Short Personal Description: Essex Girl - well old bird now lol. Bit of a mother earth kinda girl. Super sensitive, honest, reliable. Married for 15 years with 3 children - Daisy, Alfi and Stanley and 2 angel babies. Currently pregnant - due April'07.


Hobbies: Internet, Cooking, Chasing my children around the park.

Color: Black

Food: Crispy Aromatic Duck - Choc, Choc, Choc.

Hang-out: Anywhere in the house with a duster in hand.

Music: Cold Play, Stereophonics.... Mostly Brit Bands

Books: Dont read so much anymore - fav book Folk of the Faraway Tree - loved it as a kid.

Movies: Comedies - Fav - Life of Brian

TV Shows: Dont watch too much tele - soaps far too depressing. Bit of a BB and reality tv show freak

Authors:My dad tells the best stories eva!!!

Cartoon Character: Betty Boop

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mum

Greatest Ambition: For those that i love to know exactly that

Biggest Achievement: Bringing up 3 kids to be wonderful human beings, passing my driving test at 33.

Grandest Wish: For my baby to make it thru this pregnancy.

What You Can't Live Without : My Husband, Family and Children..... and choc!!!! im that shallow hehe

A Little About Me

Name: Vicki

Age: 18

Location: Luton

Occupation: None, wish I had a job :(

Short Personal Description: I'm deciding whether it's worth finding a job now I'm pregnant, or if anyone would give me one anyway. I didn't plan this pregnancy and we did use protection. That's why I believe this baby is meant to be :)!


Hobbies: Internet, Friends, Reading.. Loads more.

Color: Pink, Green

Food: Chicken Korma!

Hang-out: Hmm, probably my boyfriends, friends house.

Music: Everything & anything.

Books: Harry Potter lol.

Movies: Hide & Seek, Sixth Sense, Harry Potter, Mean Girls.

TV Shows: Eastenders, Hollyoaks ect.

Authors: None.

Cartoon Character: Eeyore.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Africa.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Kitkat.

Greatest Ambition: Be happy.

Biggest Achievement: Hmm, tough question. Telling my Mum I'm pregnant probably.

Grandest Wish: For buba to be okay.

What You Can't Live Without: Bf, Computer, Phone, Mum.
A Little About Me

Name: Sarah

Age: 18

Location: Wakefield

Occupation: fingers crossed i'll be a sales assistant in a couple of weeks.


Hobbies: baby shopping already lol, reading, watching movies and walking my boyfriends dog is fun when i can be bothered.

Colour: pink or red i cant decide.

Food: chicken mayonnaise sandwiches.

Hang-out: my boyfriends house.

Music: rock, alternative and stuff.

Books: harry potter and how to look good dead is just getting interesting.

Movies: pulp fiction, devil wears prada, resident evil 2 and 3 and keeping mum.

TV Shows: hollyoaks, prison break and the mighty boosh is quite random.

Authors: kathy lette.

Cartoon Character: that guy that tries to shoot bugs bunny, my boyfriend has a tattoo of him on his arm and he hates it.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my best friend.

Greatest Ambition: to be a great mum.

Biggest Achievement: quitting smoking.

Grandest Wish: for my little bean to be healthy.

What You Can't Live Without: my boyfriend.
Hi there, here goes

Name: Carmela

Age: 37

Location: Ipswich suffolk

I have a son of 11 and a daughter of 2 i used to be a hairdresser but gave it up when my son was diagnose with autism when he was 3, i am just working part time at Tesco, 8pm - 2.00am 3 days a week, just to get out of the house, and earn a bit of money so i can spend on the kids,


Hobbies: doing family things

Color: Earthy colours

Food: Chiniese, indian, and my mums own made pasta

Hang-out: mums and tots, swimming sing and sign (don't have time for myself)

Music: like anything apart from country music

Books: (do magazine's count)

Movies: Mafia movies, horror

TV Shows: Eastenders, corination street, super nanny, nanny 911

Authors: used to like virgina andrews

Cartoon Character: micky mouse

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: thailand

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My parents

Greatest Ambition: good health me and my family, our move to New zealand goes well, to be happy

Biggest Achievement: Helping my son with his autisim,

Grandest Wish: Hope my son and daughter will be o.k if anything happens to me

What You Can't Live Without: My family, dishwasher, tv pc
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