A Little About Me A Little About You

About me

Name: Desiree

Age: 32

Location: Arizona

Occupation: Dental Hygienist

Short Personal Description: I love my job, even though most would think it gross. My husband and I have been together for over 13 years and only recently got married, in Maui Hawaii (it was gorgeous and perfect!) we are just as crazy about each other as the day we met. We have a beautiful happy baby boy, he'll be two this coming week.

Favorites: chocolate and strawberries

Hobbies: playing with my son, and movies (definitely don't get a chance to watch them though :sleep:)

Color: Blue

Food: Mexican everything

Hang-out: hhmmmm...who has the time!

Music: alternative, pop, oldies, rock, acoustic, reggae, reggae ton....I can go on and on

Books: Sci-Fi, romance,

Movies: Horror, comedy, sci-Fi, action

TV Shows: The walking dead

Authors: no favorites but lots of likes

Cartoon Character: The little mermaid

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Spain

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My grandmother

Greatest Ambition: To be a successful artist/animist

Biggest Achievement: My son

Grandest Wish: For my son to have a long happy life (hopefully with siblings:winkwink: )

What You Can't Live Without : My Son
A Little About Me

Name: Amber
Age: 25

Location: Nashville, TN
Occupation: Full time mom

Short Personal Description: I'm a full time college student, Full- time worker and Full time mom
Favorites: Playing with my daughter and reading

Hobbies: Internet, Reading, Cooking, on the phone
Color: RED!!

Food: Lasagne, Italian (my recipe of course)

Hang-out: around the house

Music: All sorts!! (Keep dolly parton AWAY though!!)

Books: To many to mention LOVE reading

Movies: Princess & The Frog

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Loving Grandma

Greatest Ambition: To be the best mom and friend i can be to those in my life

Biggest Achievement: What i have done to date ... never look back always forward

Grandest Wish: For my great friends who are TTC to have there babies

What You Can't Live Without : My beautiful daughter, loving family and friends
Name: Karmen

Age: 26

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Occupation: Customer Support Tech at a software company

Short Personal Description: I recently got married and now we are ttc. We both wanted to have a kid for while now but wanted to get married first.


Hobbies: Reading, games, going on adventures

Color: Black and purple (I cannot chose between the 2)

Food: Blue steak or pizza

Hang-out: Anywhere with my husband

Music: Rock

Books: anything fantasy

Movies: Horrors, and super heroes

TV Shows: You're the worst, The Goldbergs, The Middle, Outcast, NCIS type shows

Authors: Dean Koontz, Cassandra Clare, Suzanne Collins, Eoin Colfer, Lewis Carroll, Roald Dahl

Cartoon Character: Eeyore

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Paris, France

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Got to be a split between mum and dad

Greatest Ambition: Be successful with a kid and job

Biggest Achievement: Getting married

Grandest Wish: Life would be sorted out so we can live comfortably

What You Can't Live Without: Affection, books, family
Name: Tanya

Age: 36

Location: Fleet, Hampshire, UK

Occupation: Accountant

Short Personal Description: married to my DH since 2010 but we have been together since 2006, I have 2 gorgeous babies and my shar pei :cloud9:


Hobbies: playing with my children, walking the dog

Color: yellow

Food: Italian (shame I can't eat gluten :dohh:)

Hang-out: Home on the sofa :haha:

Music: anything & everything as long as it catches my attention

Books: really enjoyed The Game of Thrones

Movies: Horror - more Zombies the better :haha:

TV Shows: Big Bang Theory

Authors: ?

Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: New Zealand

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum

Greatest Ambition: to be the best mum I can to my babies and finish my accounting qualification

Biggest Achievement: My children without a doubt

Grandest Wish: For my children to grow up in a world which has peace and for them to be safe & healthy

What You Can't Live Without: My family & my mobile with all my pictures
A Little About Me

Name: Danielle

Age: 27

Location: Azusa, CA

Occupation: Stay at home mom to a 13mo baby girl and 3 crazy rescue dogs.

Short Personal Description: I'm a new stay at home mom. Before I got pregnant w/ DD I worked as a vet tech for 8 years at the same vet hospital full time. It's been a tough transition but I wouldn't have it any other way. I would love to have 1-2 more littles running around the house :) love beer and wine. Guilty pleasure is binge watching shows on Netflix especially pretty little liars �� I love being outdoors mostly around water, beaches, lakes hiking all that fun stuff but to be honest I'm kind of a homebody now since I had dd, definitely need to try to get out more. I'm a little on the "crunchy side" and love baby wearing. :)


Hobbies: hiking, swimming, wine, beer, gardening. Pinterest lol

Color: Purple/pink/turquoise

Food: Burritos and guacamole

Hang-out: home lol but I'd rather be on a boat on the lake.

Music: Country, reggae

Books: I haven't read a book in a while I would love to lol but dd keeps me busy. I loved the hunger games and of course all the twilight books.

Movies: I can't even tell you how many times I've seen mean girls lol and I still love it.

TV Shows: FIXER UPPER! Real housewives of OC, pretty little liars, naked and afraid.

Authors: Stephanie Meyer

Cartoon Character: Care Bears they're so cute.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy, Greece, Ireland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom

Greatest Ambition: To be As healthy as I can and keep my little family happy and healthy as well.

Biggest Achievement: having my baby girl. She's my whole life :)

Grandest Wish: for my baby girl to achieve everything shes ever dreamed of and to own a home in the near future.

What You Can't Live Without: my baby girl, My cellphone :( , and mascara and sunglasses
Name: mackenzie
Age: 22

Location: Lindsay Ontario
Occupation: Prep line cook

Short Personal Description: I'm a part time worker as prep line cook. I live a crazy life and couldn't be happier

Favorites: Reading

Hobbies: Cooking , taking care of my animals, being out doors and of course sports

Color: Purple

Food: Pizza!

Hang-out: around the house

Music: everything and anything.

Books: To many to mention.

Movies: everything horror and crime

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My father

Greatest Ambition: To be a loving mother and amazing wife.

Biggest Achievement: being able to always smile and make it through the hard days.

Grandest Wish: For everyone trying and praying for a baby. That there wishes and dreams come true.

What You Can't Live Without : My family and my boyfriend.
Name: Kristy

Age: 27

Location: Wisconsin! :)

Occupation: Hospital and Facility Medical Biller

Short Personal Description: My wonderful significant other and I recently decided to start secretly trying to conceive about 2 months ago.


Hobbies: Volleyball, sun-bathing, reading, trying new restaurant's Bloody Marys, crafting

Color: Pink, of course!

Food: chicken wings, cheeseburges, and mexican food!

Hang-out: my house, or family members house.

Music: i'm a country girl!

Books: Romance...cheesy romances!

Movies: I'm not a movie watcher. I love Disney movies though.

TV Shows: Greys Anatomy is my all time fav. I'm guilty of being obsessed with reality tv.

Authors: No one in particular.

Cartoon Character: I loved Stitch from Lilo and Stitch for a while.

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Jamaica!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Momma Bear

Greatest Ambition: being a mommy myself. :)

Biggest Achievement: getting back on my feet after my divorce from my ex-husband. I did it all by myself, with no help from my parents. (that was my choice)

Grandest Wish: To live a healthy and fulfilling life.

What You Can't Live Without: Zappa, and food!
A Little About Me

Name: kelly

Age: 26

Location: Ireland

Short personal discripsion: I have 2 girls already faye who is 5 and bella-may who's is 3 they are 21 months apart in age ♡
My partner is 30 we have been together 8 years.
We've just decided to try for our 3rd child I used this site with both my pregnancies so I'm back and TTC


Hobbies: social media, shopping, visting friends drinking with friends lol

Color: black lol its slimming

Food: crisps diet coke

Hang-out: friends houses

Music: chart music

Books: I have to kids I don't get

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: America (again)

Most Influential Person in Your Life: is it sad I can't think of anyone lol

Greatest Ambition: to give my kids the best memories to keep forever

Biggest Achievement: my girls passing my driving test

Grandest Wish: to vist heaven once

What You Can't Live Without: my fiance my kids my family n friends
Name: Katie/Kate

Age: 37

Location: USA

Occupation: SAHM for now

Short Personal Description: I have 4 children (one an angel) with my wonderful husband who I have been married to for 10 years.


Hobbies: spending time with my kids, reading, sewing

Color: blue

Food: ice cream!

Hang-out: Home with my kids. At the lake or in the park.

Music: anything really

Books: literally anything

Movies: I like a good comedy or drama movie.

TV Shows: the walking dead, criminal minds

Authors: Jane Austen, Dickens

Cartoon Character: Minnie mouse!

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Tokyo

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My kids.

Greatest Ambition: To be the best Mom I can be.

Biggest Achievement: My ids and finishing my degree.

Grandest Wish: For my kids to grow up healthy & happy.

What You Can't Live Without: My family
A Little About Me

Name: Rosanne (Ro or Rose)

Age: 31

Location: Florida, USA

Occupation: SAHM, used to be a teacher

Short Personal Description: SAHM to my 2 year old triplets who were born via IVF after a long and hard TTC journey. I am married to Mike who is my high school sweetheart, we have been married for 10 years now :cloud9:


Hobbies: sewing, spending time with my family, baking

Color: Blue

Food: Cake

Hang-out: At the park with my kids :cloud9:

Music: Anything really

Books: nothing in particular, dont have time to read anymore

Movies: Any disney movie (love watching them with my kids)

TV Shows: Friends, The Walking Dead, GoT

Authors: nobody in particular

Cartoon Character:not sure... if i had to choose i would say Simba

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Venice, Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mom

Greatest Ambition: To be happy (which I am, and I am very thankful for that)

Biggest Achievement: getting through the hard times and coming out on top, and never giving up.

Grandest Wish: To have a healthy and happy family

What You Can't Live Without: My family and my parents. And cake :haha:
A Little About Me

Name: Christina

Age: 29

Location: Pennsylvania, US

Occupation: Assistant Resident Manager & Writer

Short Personal Description: I work at my apartment complex in a tiny town in northwest PA by day and a screenwriter (usually) the rest of the time. I've been married for 5 years to my hubby Alex but we've been together for 7. We've been trying to conceive for those 5 years but 2 years ago we finally started looking into the issues and found out that I had a few. We own a cat named Figaro whom we call Figgy for short and he is very tall, fat, and a bit of an a$$. I have a 15 year old sister (so we are 14 years apart).


Hobbies: looking at Pinterest, playing Township on my tablet, writing on my blog and baby journal

Color: Purple

Food: anything Italian or Mexican

Hang-out: occasionally with my longtime friend but usually my hubby with our cat

Music: Indie rock

Books: I like young adult fiction like Percy Jackson and the Cahill Witch series with a few classics like Pride & Prejudice.

Movies: The Last Holiday with Queen Latifah, Beauty & the Beast, It's Complicated, After the Ball

TV Shows: Master Chef, Shark Tank, Blue Bloods, Charmed

Authors: Jane Austen mostly with a few others

Cartoon Character: Tweety bird

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: England

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My hubby

Greatest Ambition: To lead a fulfilling and happy life with my family and provide the with experiences and not just things.

Biggest Achievement: Earning 2 degrees in writing and finally finishing the 1st draft of the screenplay

Grandest Wish: that I will be a good mommy

What You Can't Live Without: my hubby and cell phone
A Little About Me

Name: Kirsten

Age: 33

Location: Maryland, US

Occupation: SAHM, sometimes do photography

Short Personal Description: I have identical twin boys who turned 3 just a few weeks ago. My husband and I are also expecting our third baby which is why I joined this site, to chat about pregnancy and everything that comes with it! Not a fan of babycenter, found this site and thought I'd give it a go. I love photography (something I always loved but since having my boys I have worked harder to be better at it!)


Hobbies: photography, walking & hiking, baking

Color: blue

Food: Cake! Or brownies.

Hang-out: I feel like I'm always at the ice cream shop... and the park with my boys.

Music: Anything but I admit to liking pop.

Books: I'm a Harry Potter nerd.

Movies: Breakfast Club, Harry Potter, Shawshank, Kill Bill, Any superhero movie (my boys got me into them), Forrest Gump

TV Shows: The Walking Dead, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Dexter, Parks and recreation

Authors: Don't really have a fave

Cartoon Character: I love Nemo.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: England (London in particular)

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband and my kids.

Greatest Ambition: To raise a happy, healthy family.

Biggest Achievement: My kids!! I am so proud of them, they are so sweet.

Grandest Wish: That our kids grow up healthy and happy. And financially secure.

What You Can't Live Without: my house and my family!
Hi all, brand new here and thought i'd introduce myself :)

bout me

Name: Lindsey

Age: 36

Location: Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Medical Lab Tech

Short Personal Description: I am a married mom of a 7 y/o girl. We had been TTC for 5 years and not preventing for 7 before we hit our BFP!


Hobbies: The internet, TV Crime Drama/Netflix Original series, spending time with the family

Color: blue

Food: gyros

Hang-out: Tim Hortons/coffee shop

Music: Pretty much anything except metal and classical

Books: Stephen King - Dark Tower Series

Movies: 13 going on 30, The Proposal

TV Shows: Criminal Minds, Friends

Authors: Jonathan Kellerman, Stephen King, Dean Koontz

Cartoon Character: hmm, dunno

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: France!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: hmm, i dunno

Greatest Ambition: Financial security

Biggest Achievement: Raising a bright, loving, well behaved (mostly :P) little girl!

Grandest Wish: For my children to achieve success in all areas of life

What You Can't Live Without : Netflix!
A Little About Me

Name: Just call me themisfit :P

Age: 25

Location: North Carolina

Occupation: Cashier at a tire shop

Short Personal Description: I am a college student who is bouncing between majors, but currently in the early childhood education program. I am only about 1 1/2 years away from my associate degree. I am the partner (though we might as well be married by this point lol) of a wonderful guy, who works at the tire shop as well (changing tires). Together we have one beautiful baby girl, a corgi mix, and a rabbit. We're a small family, starting out pretty much. I love to write, and would one day like to be a published author. I love to read as well.


Hobbies: World of Warcraft, writing, reading, drawing, Netflix binging, walking, HIIT, dogs

Color: Orange

Food: Potatoes of any variety

Hang-out: My bed

Music: Rock

Books: I have waaaay too many to name haha

Movies: Sweeney Todd, The Nightmare Before Christmas

TV Shows: The Walking Dead, Criminal Minds

Authors: V.C. Andrews, Stephen King, J.K. Rowling

Cartoon Character: Cartman lol

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mother

Greatest Ambition: To achieve happiness and maintain it

Biggest Achievement: Earning my adult degree after dropping out

Grandest Wish: For this to last forever

What You Can't Live Without: My family
Hi all, just thought I'd stop by and introduce myself :)

Name: Thilini

Age: 29

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Occupation: Registered Nurse

Short Personal Description: I graduated last year and after a period of unemployment and a stint at a challenging workplace I am gearing up to start working at a great place in a few days. I have been with my wonderful partner for 5 years and we are planning to get married in a year or two. I am keen to start TTC but I want to get at least a year of work experience in before the arrival of a little bean :)


Hobbies: Perusing through Netflix, walking, Youtube surfing, crafts

Color: Emerald Green

Food: Chocolate, Eggs, Peas, Thai red curry, marmite, peda ... i could go on lol

Hang-out: Our apartment

Music: A little bit of everything ... though recently it's been more Lana del Rey & Adele

Books: Mostly Sci-fi and Fantasy. I love David Gemmell's books

Movies: Everything Sci-Fi & Fantasy, some horror and a few documentaries

TV Shows: OITNB, GOT, SATC, HTGAWM, The IT Crowd, Stranger things

Authors: David Gemmell

Cartoon Character: I am so Po from Kung fu Panda

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Both my mum and my dad

Greatest Ambition: To be a great mum

Biggest Achievement: My degree

Grandest Wish: To have a healthy happy family ... winning the lotto would be a nice addition ;)

What You Can't Live Without: My family and my partner
Name: Jessi

Age: 31

Location: Michigan, USA

Occupation: Sr. Customer Service Rep

Short Personal Description: I have a son who will be 14 in a few weeks, and after 14 years of not being sure if we want more children (DH is not the bio father of 14y/o), DH and I decided last month that we do want one or two more. So, here we are TTC. It'll be like starting over, but I'm so excited for the adventure. :)


Hobbies: Writing, film watching, series binging, classic gaming (WoW, Mario), debate, general tomfoolery.

Color: Orange and rainbow

Food: Biscuits and gravy, tikka masala, chili, all the food all the time, gimme. Lol. I've been on a whole-food, macro-counting diet for six months... I'm always hungry, and will eat everything except vinegar and sauerkraut.

Hang-out: Our home or the movie theater or a local restaurant.

Music: Everything from Tchaikovsky to Slayer. Really, I have no line when it comes to music; I listen to all of it. 90s holds my heart, though.

Books: Mostly Sci-fi/Fantasy. Harry Potter had such an impact on my life; that's how DH and I met!

Movies: Comedy, superhero, sci-fi.

TV Shows: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Orange is the New Black, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Doctor Who, Scream... Honestly, the list goes on and on, lol

Authors: Pierce Brown, JK Rowling

Cartoon Character: Wyle E Coyote <3

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Greece

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My late Aunt Mary, and my dad.

Greatest Ambition: To rule the world. XD

Biggest Achievement: Raising an amazing son.

Grandest Wish: At the end of my life, to look upon all I have created and smile while enjoying a good chuckle.

What You Can't Live Without: Laughter and positivity.
Hi everyone!! :)

Name: Allyssa

Age: 23

Location: Colorado

Occupation: Accountant

Short Personal Description: Country girl, fun loving, and goofy!


Hobbies: Dancing, sports, fishing

Color: Anything Bright!

Food: Spaghetti all day every day ;)

Hang-out: anywhere with my loved ones around

Music: Country!

Books: I hate reading to be honest!

Movies: Comedies!

TV Shows: Friends!

Cartoon Character: hmmm I'm not sure

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My dad

Greatest Ambition: To be happy and satisfied with my life

Biggest Achievement: Becoming a dancer for the NBA!

Grandest Wish: To live a life full of happiness and health and the same for my loved ones!

What You Can't Live Without : My pup and my hubby!
Name: Jessicca
Age: 29
Location: US
Occupation: Home with the kids

Short Personal Description: I have two sons 7 years old and 1 years old.. we decided to try for one more and now we ars currently expecting twins.. ultrasound at 19 weeks one day said twin girls.. but 23 weeks one day was not so sure and baby b maybe a boy.


Hobbies: Reading, binge-watching tv series on Netflix, I love to bake and just spend time with my family and close friends.
Color: Red or orange
Food: Sushi
Hang-out: Home mostly.
Music: Anything I don't have a favorite
Books: Mystery
Movies: Labyrinth
TV Shows: Grey's Anatomy The Walking Dead
Authors: Don't have a favorite
Cartoon Character: Ariel

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: I never cared much for traveling I'm more of a home body.
Most Influential Person in Your Life: My sisters
Greatest Ambition: Open a bakery
Biggest Achievement: My family
Grandest Wish: Have my kids be successful in life, and for them to know love and happiness.
What You Can't Live Without : My family
A Little About Me

Name: Jackie

Age: 29

Location: Michigan, USA

Occupation: Unemployed, Social Work field

Short Personal Description: I'm a recent graduate with a master's degree. I currently have one fur baby named Sasha Poo who is an absolute diva. I love reading about post apocalyptic and fantasy. I'm also a fiction writer who hopes to one day publish a story.

I'm married to my best friend and love of my live as of 2010 and we want to add to our family.


Hobbies: eating, movies, writing, music

Color: pink

Food: Fettuccine Alfredo

Hang-out: I prefer to lay in bed in my pajamas. The only place is the movie theater.

Music: Everything

Books: Too many to name. There are 400 on my Kindle and three boxes full at home.

Movies: Same thing. Nodding Hill, King Arthur, all Marvel movies, Independence Day, Transformers

TV Shows: NCIS, Criminal Minds, The Flash, Ghost Whisperer, The Walking Dead

Authors: I'm terrible at authors...

Cartoon Character: Sailor Moon

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: To be content with life and it's many challenges while living out my dreams (to be a mommy and a writer)

Biggest Achievement: Finishing college, and despite one shut door I keep on writing.

Grandest Wish: To see my dreams realized.

What You Can't Live Without: my Kindle
Cool thread!

A Little About Me

Name: Skye

Age: 47

Location: Arizona, USA

Occupation: Former Nun now work in an office.

Short Personal Description: Spent all of my life as a Nun, then decided I wanted to do something else with my life. Met my OH, fell in love and we got married 6 months ago. Now I'm 6 months pregnant with my first child and my best friend is expecting her first grandchild. LOL!


Hobbies: Exercise and gym, video games, movies, and books.

Color: Fuchsia

Food: Pot Roast

Hang-out: Gym, mall, movie theater

Music: I like all kinds.

Books: V.C. Andrews books, Stephen King books, and Science Fiction books.

Movies: Avatar, Transformers, Stargate, anything with aliens in it or anything scary. :)

TV Shows: The Walking Dead, Fear The Walking Dead, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, Stargate, Designated Survivor, Speechless, Empire, The Haves and the Have Nots, Queen Sugar, Lethal Weapon, can't wait to see Timeless.

Authors: V.C. Andrews, Stephen king

Cartoon Character: Hello Kitty :)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: The Holy Land

Most Influential Person in Your Life: God

Greatest Ambition: To live and enjoy my life. :)

Biggest Achievement: Being a Nun.

Grandest Wish: To travel around the whole world.

What You Can't Live Without: God

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