A long term weight loss thread

Kiki just curious but how tall are you? I'm sorry to read about your breastfeeding experience. Can I ask what happened? I had a terrible time with ds1 (who refused to latch after he was given a bottle wayyyyyyy to early after my nurse in the hospital insisted, and I didn't know any better). Ds2 was better, at least he latched, but it was a bad latch, was really painful, and he was losing weight so ended up on formula.

Third time has been much better! He has a great latch. Only problem is i have low supply so still have to supplement with formula but he nurses exclusively at night and occasionally during the day.

All this to say your experience may be different this time and hey, the included weight loss doesn't hurt!
Gigs: I am 5'8, my husband is 6'6 so baby came out almost 9 lbs and 21 inch. Big girl! My belly measured right on track the whole pregnancy - I just didn't gain the wt. I wasn't dieting either - my thoughts are I didn't watch what I ate before I was pregnant so there was no big increase in intake during because I already ate probably more than I needed. Lol. I'm also a bigger snacker non pregnant. I end up with fairly bad food aversions until about 14-15 wks so that causes the wt loss. No mormmor sickness. Just plain old food aversions!

Yes - the first time breastfeeding went terribly. If I'm being honest the only reason I even tried it was because I felt so much "pressure" from the outside world to do it because "breast is best"!... Or so I was told! Baby had a good latch but my milk did not come in and when baby was 7 days old it still hadn't come in. Baby was losing a ton of wt (just under 7 lbs when she started at almost 9). So we made the decision to go to formula and it was glorious. :) I haven't regretted it once. Baby started sleeping better immediately and my anxiety went from 100 to like 2. Lol

I have found - thru 1 pregnancy and 2 miscarriages that my main issue postpartum is anxiety. The hormone drop causes it to go crazy! And I think that added with the stress of new Parenthood and the fact that I had no desire to do it was a recipe for disaster. Lol

So that all being said - I still have no desire to do it. Just isn't something I want to do and most definitely isn't best for baby or me in this case. Plus baby #1 was formula fed, and has been healthy as a horse and sleeping great since 6 wks. Not sure if it is formula induced but I choose to believe it was for us. Haha!

But I am a supporter of whoever wants to breastfeed - just isn't for me!

Wow that was a book on that saga. :lol: So congrats to whoever made it through this. Lol.
Well I can certainly understand all of that! Oy that baby weight loss is substantial! No wonder you're a bit traumatized from your experience.

So do you know the sex of the baby yet?
Kiki, sorry to hear about your breastfeeding struggles. I definitely support fed is best, a mother has to do what is best for her and her child. There is no shame in that.

When I was expecting #1, I signed up with all the formula brands that sent out free samples not knowing if breast would be a success for us. When it turned out that I could exclusively bf, I gave all the formulas away to a mom who struggled with her supply. ;) I wish I had done that again this time, but we finished a move weeks before babyb#2 was born so never had the time for it... The companies give it away for free, I can sign up and help another mom even if it's just a few feeds.

Weight wise, bfing with ds1 has helped me shed the extra weight I had on before the pregnancy and managed to keep it off between pregnancies. That means I can't afford to loose too many lbs this time. Maybe I can replace it with some muscle weight instead.
Pl are you still bf-ing ds1? That was very nice of you to share the formula. You've also reminded me i need to sign up for similac coupons!

I forgot who asked but I live in the states, specifically Virginia.
Gigs, no I stopped night time feeds at 9 months when we stopped co-sleeping and fully weaned around 1 year old. I went back to work and it just felt right and natural. Ds1 actually sort of self weaned... So I guess the feelings towards weaning were mutual :haha:

As for sharing the formula: I could not have let it expire or thrown it out. Someone is always in need for things like that ;)
Our area has a wonderful support system, for bfing and formula.
Updated my stats in first post.
Got my first bit of exercise today! Just lifted some 8lb weights but it's a start!
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Sorry for the junk reply. Feel like junk lol.

Hi to all those I haven't chatted with before!

I chuckled at the treats conversation in a diet thread as well. Idk why but the Cadbury egg mcflurry just seems so Canadian lol. Is it a thing here? I feel like I have never heard of it either.

Nothing new to report. The protein powder has been great for my overall mood and energy levels. But it's been a week and I haven't lost any weight at all. Which seems odd because I am not binge eating anymore. Shrugs. I did pass a clot today so hoping maybe I have some water retention going on and it goes away.

Still no hope for exercise on the horizon
Nice ticker dobs! I noticed immediately;)

Looking at the mcD's website it appears to be one of those "at select locations" things. They don't have them here as far as i can tell.

Did i tell y'all i tried to get a mcflurry? It's been years...turns out they won't do chocolate anymore, BUT they will pit m&m's in a chocolate shake so that's what I got. It was "meh" and not nearly as satisfying as I hoped.

My mom has been helping us with adjusting to baby but she leaves today. For dieting this is good as she cooks a lot of carbs! she has been making dinners. She's also been keeping the freezer stocked with ice cream lol
Gigs, thats the thing about McD. It looks good, tastes alright, but it never is fully satisfactory... Sorry you don't have the cadbury mcflurry in your area :( I feel sorry for you!

Bittersweet when mom's leave...

I had my stitch removed today and it feels a lot better already down under ;) she said healing looks good. Time to start getting more active again. DH and ds1 have been gone for 2 nights, so I thoroughly enjoyed my babymoon of doing abosolutely nothing but snuggle baby ;)
That sounds lovely! Glad the stitch is out and you feel better. Any specific plans for working out? I wanted to start walking tomorrow but of course we're expecting rain and ice :roll:
I will join so that maybe it will help me be accountable!

Pre-baby (#1) 135lbs
Post baby 180 (I gained wayyyy too much!)

Pre-baby (#2) 160
Post baby 185 (did a lot better)

I was on the way to losing the weight when I got pregnant with #2 and have to start all over again. I sadly fell off my goal after being sick for month and gained all the weight back that I had just started to lose again.

Right now I am 185 (again) and my LTG is 135.

STG weight is 165 by end of June. I started my diet 02/26 and so far so good but its literally been 3 days! lol!

3 days of riding my bike and walking while my babies nap/rest and being way more mindful of portion amounts and what I am putting into my body.

Cutting most junk food (soda, candy, etc) and only allowing myself small amounts when I really want some is my goal. I am not a big breakfast or lunch eater so this is really the most difficult part for me. My metabolism has slowed so much because I normally only eat one meal a day and then I tend to overeat because I am starving. I am making myself have a small mid morning snack ( Breakfast makes me nauseous and always has) usually a boiled egg and then a slimfast shake with frozen berries and spinach or something light for lunch and then for dinner whatever sounds good but being mindful of calories and portion sizes.

To help me keep track of it all I am using the Noom app and it seems easy enough. Also, wearing my apple watch again to keep track of my steps and calories burned.

What good snacks have you ladies found to help you stay full? Im trying to keep my calorie intake between 1200-1300.
Welcome Cew!
I usually have nuts around and just have a handful here and there (usually walnuts). I also loooooove hard boiled eggs! If I'm really peckish but baby is not asleep I'll grab a protein bar.

My biggest trick though is cold coffee with cream (no sugar). It staves off my appetite because the fatty cream is filling but this depends on your feelings on that. I prefer not to cut fatty foods but rather eat in moderation.
Welcome Cew!
I usually have nuts around and just have a handful here and there (usually walnuts). I also loooooove hard boiled eggs! If I'm really peckish but baby is not asleep I'll grab a protein bar.

My biggest trick though is cold coffee with cream (no sugar). It staves off my appetite because the fatty cream is filling but this depends on your feelings on that. I prefer not to cut fatty foods but rather eat in moderation.

I prefer to let myself have a little treat even before I started this diet. I keep mini candy bars that I will have every few days. I LOVE hardboiled eggs. I could eat a dozen a day. I did cheat a little tonight and let myself have a serving of flaming hot cheetos! Lol, I adore spicy food! To offset that I had a salad with dinner with basalmic vinegar as a dressing.

I do coffee with 2% milk and so far that works for me. I am drinking a ton of lemon water during the day too. I would probably have way more energy if DS1 didn't wake me up at 2am wanting to snuggle. This is a new thing with him and its happened a few times in the last 2 weeks.
I got my jeans done up!!! Lol... They are my biggest jeans that I bought after ds2 and they were still tight but I got them on!

I'm a little jealous of those who loose their appetite while breastfeeding. I am ravenous. I eat huge meals. And snacks. I ate the same amount of lasagna as my hubby who is a big eater last night. Sure makes it hard to loose weight.

On a plus note though I have successfully been loweriing the amount of sugar in my coffee and opted to eat fruit as an after dinner snack over chips the other day. Small victories
Gigs, i had to think about your question for a day (re: exercise goals). A few years back DH and I got into Beachbody, we found a 20 minute long intense work out. After 2 months of that I found my body was building muscle and changing shape already although I did struggle each day with the exercises. I'd like to get back into that one. Long term goal is that I want to start horseback riding again. I haven't in years and it's been 15+ years since my last lesson. Alas, it won't happen until this one is weaned. So that's a year or so out.

Country: pants on is pants on!! All of my non maternity pants got worn through, I have to buy new and I am scared! No idea on size...

Nuts is a good healthy snack.. I am thinking of making some kale chips this weekend as my healthy chips alternative.
I also find oatmeal to be very filling and keeps me full for quite some time..

Gotta go, ds1 is up from his nap
Pl ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Horseback riding!!! I haven't been in about 15-16 years but had started learning very small jumps last i was riding. My friend had her own horses and was teaching me. I've wanted to get back into it for years but no money for lessons and just to go riding once is boring. They always go at a slow walk. Maybe a goal if hubby's new business takes off but that's low on the list...

Heck yeah country! Must feel good to be out of maternity pants. I have been trying to find my "fat girl jeans" but not sure where they are! For now sweats and skirts are my friends. Yay for fruit over snacks!

Cews don't put cream in your coffee if milk does the job. You'll never be able to go back. :haha:

Afm, i saw 175.6 on the scale today! First time postpartum seeing below 176. I haven't changed my diet much at all, but have been moving around a little bit now that my mom is back home and i'm full time mom again.

I'm also about to go running as soon as hubby finishes his lunch...it will lokely be more walking with occasional sprinting but hey it's better than being parked in a recliner! I swear this cushion has formed to the exact shape of my fat ass over that past 6 weeks :rofl:
Gigs, seriously, how much more do we have in common!? :haha: I feel like I have been off the horse for too long but am hoping to find someone to get me ready for horse ownership in a few years. By that time, financially we should not have a problem keeping one ( or two). Still hoping to get DH on a horse too, but he'd rather go golfing.

Awesome on the weight! And don't worry about the last 6 weeks, you've had a C-section!

Speaking of pants: I ordered a few to try on... (Small Town = limited shopping so we do more and more online shopping) curious to see which one will fit then we'll return the ones that don't fit and order more of the ones that do.
Ugh I hate online shopping for clothes. I mever have luck with it! Let me know if you find anything comfy and flattering. My experience is clothing that is both is hard to come by...

My hubs won't get on a horse either. Says they're too unpredictable. But man, talk about a leg workout! That's something else you don't get with the one time walk along things...they kind of just follow the leader, no real need to direct the horse.

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