Jess the Mommy necklace is so sweet. I had someone make me a Mommy charm necklace. (Check out Origami Owl online. Great gift for someone else or yourself!)
As of now we are going to give TTC a while til LM is 2ish. We'll see though! I hope my next pregnancy I'm not so sick.
LM is sleeping til 5 or 6 lately. It has been all week....thinking it might be the new norm!
Woohoo Jenny! I remember the first night Lexi did an 8 hour stretch I held off celebrating then a week went by and she did it all week then I was really excited!
Nursing like crazy...must be growing even more than usual. She can do her "sit-ups" without head lag now. One proud momma! Still not quite able to lift up much during tummy time. She is getting better though.
Lexi slept 12 hours last night thought my boobs were going to explode. The little booger also managed to drag herself 2 feet on her tummy yesterday I'm not so thrilled by this I hope she stays put a while longer. We have an apt tomorrow so hopefully will get a new weight on her, she has to be 14 pounds by now she's such a little chub-a-lub.
Wow strong girl!! LM is not behind but not ahead either on her tummy time development. Super strong legs and abs. Her arms/hands are also well coordinated. She grabs her toys now. So cute! She talks while she plays.
I am still much fatter than I want to be. Got sick but doing better now. Time to run again.
^ you didn't look fat in those pics you posted, you looked pretty darn great, but I do understand the sentiment!
The little chub-a-lub IS 14 pounds! Exactly lol, good guess on my part.
I've been on a calorie restricted diet till my work out dvd's get here and so far I've lost 4.5 pounds! In 9 days Though I think I've reached a plateau which sucks. I still have 1.5 pounds till I'm prepregnancy weight, but 4.5 to be pre IVF and pregnancy and 6.5 pounds to go to get to my goal weight. I will freaking do this. Sucks tonight though cause I made a carrot cake for a dinner I had and I thought people would eat more of it so now it's going to taunt me. that and the broccoli salad in my fridge which sounds healthy but it has bacon bits and cheese in it. ugh.
I have lost 10 pounds in the last 6 weeks as I trained for 10 K race! I finished in 1 hour! It was so exciting! Now I am training for a half marathon in September, hard to do with no sleep! You ladies have little sleepers there! You are quite lucky!
I am the total opposite and can't run on a treadmill...Give me a destination and I will get there! lol So funny how mentally challenging running is rather than physical!
Ex....Tyler is def a big boy! Raif is long and lean but starting to fill out. He is already wearing 18 month clothing!
Hi everyone! Cant believe ive just gotten round to posting!!
I am a single mama to my rainbow baby Jonathan! My ex and i lost our first baby girl when i went into labor at 23 weeks. i was devastated. Jonathan is the joy of my life and im so happy to be his mama. I see so many similarities in him and Sophia. I think of her everyday
Ill post some pics when im not on my phone. Ive missed you ladies and everyones los are sooo cute!
To all FF ladies.. how much is your lo taking at a time? I struggle to get more then 4 oz in jonathan.. he is so fussy with his bottles during the day and makes up for it at night!!! Feel like i have a newborn again hes up every 2.5 hrs!
Tyler takes 8oz's now and near enough always finishes them unless he is tired and falls asleep half way through them. Hope Jonathan starts sleeping for you soon
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