Accountability thread

Loeylo, I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling,mand I especially sympathize with having a husband with a huge appetite. That's rough.

I've also been struggling since going back to work. I think it's ok to fall off the wagon from time to time. As long as you eventually find the motivation to get back on you will see progress. Though it's frustrating when we don't meet our goals in the time frame we'd hoped for.
^^ I agree here. Don't expect to never fall off, just get back on when it happens! I've been working out, not eating as well. Signed up for my first 5k and then about twenty minutes later signed up for another on lol so better start prepping for those. No new lows, in fact haven't seen my newest low since the day I got it. I think not watching my calories is catching up to me! Might have to start it back up again, or if I start feeling brave maybe I'll try 21 day fix.

Doctor seems to think my LO's rash is cradle cap gone wild. I'm not sure. It hasn't gone away with the meds we were given but is better than it was.

I've gone chicken crazy. Spending my free time researching chickens and coops and care and what not. My husband keeps telling me we will work on a coop and then cops out. I'm getting fed up with him! If he doesn't cough it up soon we will be buying something really expensive!

Okay my check in for the day. Both babies are asleep for once and I feel like dozing.
Cradle cap gone crazy, huh? That sounds bizarre. I hope it settles down.

The chickens sound like they'll be a lot of fun for you, once the coop gets figured out. I'm hoping to get some yard projects going soon now that the weath is warming. We moved into this house in December, so this will be our first chance to do some gardening and landscaping. I could really get into it--I love getting my hands dirty--but I'm worried I won't have enough to free time to see my plans through. But I'm def gonna try?

My weight is still a bit above my previous low, but headed in the right direction. I've been counting calories for the last couple days again, so that's helping. Also got great workouts in yesterday and today. I am sore! :happydance:
I am sore too. I did legs the other day (not really sore, obviously going to have to start getting to the gym soon) but then did a bunch of sit ups and timed myself and now my abs are killing me haha. Arms are slightly sore. I keep forgetting to favorite the fitness blender videos that I really like so I get crappy workouts doing alternates after I give up trying to find the right video.

Just choose low maintenance stuff as far as gardening goes.. Then you will have minimal upkeep! We just finished our back patio and I finally got some shrubs in and fabric and mulch, our back is finally starting to look lived in (never buying new construction again). But I don't have a green thumb so even if I wanted to get creative everything would probably just die. I like the idea of burying pots through the garden and then planting seasonal annuals in them, then just yanking and doing something else when they go. This is our third year in this house and its taken awhile to landscape the front, decorate the inside and paint to my hearts content! So it was time to get out back. I could go on and on about chickens lol so I won't start.

Feel like I need to get back on track with calories as well!
have been in the states for a week and a half, which means NO watching what i'm eating, but lots of out and about with errands. my parents' car is so high, lifting the carseat into the base and out is a full workout!:haha:

i am trying to go to an aerial yoga class today; hopefully there's room! i'll let you all know how it goes!:thumbup:
Hope you made it to that yoga, jump. Uh...what exactly is aerial yoga? Is it exactly what the name implies?

Just a quick check in today. Didn't eat so great yesterday. Lost track of calories as the day got busy, but I'm sure I went way over goal. Woke up this morning even more sore than yesterday, so did a light workout just to warm up the muscles and then did some stretching. Felt so good :thumbup: these fitness blender workouts really have me feeling Stoner :happydance:
I hate cardio. I have just realized that we just don't mesh. That being said, I feel like cardio is in my future this morning. Haven't done any in awhile, and I just got and email to pick up my first 5k registration packet! This one is a family run, not quite sure how it works with kids. Was planning on possibly wearing my youngest, then hey to do with big ones? I'm not sure lol. I didn't think that one out all the way.

My muscles are getting less and less sore with my workouts. I don't think the gym is feasible yet, my three month old loves the boob too much. So maybe I should invest in heavier weights. Ugh. I don't know we will see. I was thinking of doing an ab challenge, is anyone feeling up to that? No tools required! Let me know!
I'm feeling a bit better about it all now. Having to buy size 14 (UK, not US! I think that is a 10 in US sizes) really gave me a kick up the butt. I was a UK 10 up to about 18 months ago when I had an ectopic pregnancy, I was pretty much house bound for ages, far longer than my c-section anyway, and I went up a clothes size. Planned on losing it and then fell pregnant again, now I have the baby weight to lose too.

Today I have had banana and strawberries with fat free yoghurt, then a skinny cappuccino. Got some veggies roasting for lunch because they needed used.

I need brain energy as I'm studying for a job interview. Its for a permanent teaching job, I applied for 8 last year, was interviewed for 7 of them and didn't get any! I was obviously pregnant and I'm hoping that went against me rather than my actual answers. I don't have much to add to what I had last year since I have been on mat leave, but I actually felt like they went well last year!

I have been doing lots of walking. I pushed the pram through Glasgow (its a pretty hilly city) for four hours yesterday. My legs are fine but my arms ache!

Family have been banned from buying Easter eggs for me. My mum bought me some small chocolate bars which I will use as the odd treat. They are only 100 calories each so that's fine.

Kmr - I really want chickens! My mum and dads old house was perfect for it as well, but they wouldn't let me. My garden is way too small and I think my dog would eat them, plus we have a lot of neighboring houses close by and I think they might be a bit annoyed, lol!
Loeylo, glad you're feeling more motivated. I tried banning Easter candy from the house, and DH seemed to be on board. But then he brought home 6 bags of candy! So of course, me having no will power, I've been eating way too much candy yesterday and today :growlmad:

I did get in a solid workout this morning, and a walk in the evening with baby in the carrier. Legs are shot. I've been trying so many fitness blender cardio workouts, but I keep coming back to the first one I ever did. Time to start trying more strength based off he's.

Kmr, I might be up for an abs challenge in the near future, but not right away. Unlike you, I'm still getting quite sore with my workouts, especially my abs. I could still feel it this morning from a workout I did Thursday. It's the damn bicycle crunches and side planks that did me in :wacko: I hope you got that cardio in yesterday (or was that two days ago?). What about it do you hate?
I swear I write back and then my post gets deleted. So it looks like I haven't been on in days, when really I wrote a post Saturday and it was deleted. I need to stop responding on my phone and get on my computer!

Loe-- we just got our coop in the yard and I'm painting it and we are prepping to build a pen for them! Probably this week headed to pick some chicks up!! I'm beyond excited it's been a long time wish!
I'm glad you're feeling motivated! Just stick to it! Check in every day! Start exercising small. Just try to do stuff every day until it starts becoming routine.

I got hit by the easter bunny too.... And it's really just the damn Reese's eggs that get me. They have always been my favorite lol. I think I didn't work out Saturday or Sunday. Husband was off both days and these are the times we can really get busy on the yard. Probably thighs and butt today maybe some sit ups just to hit abs a bit too. My calves are STILL sore from the cardio I did Friday. I'm not sure what I did that hurt lol!
Elma, share your favorite cardio workout! Maybe I'll like it! I don't know why I don't like it. Maybe it's just boring... And getting supernout of breath. But I need to get to it because if there was a zombie apocalypse I would probably get eaten (although hubby says he would save me).

Sharing pic of our new coop. It's being painted a light grey right now and will have white trim.


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Did legs yesterday and only slightly sore this morning. Arms and abs this morning? Or might just do a big abs video, they need love. Hope you ladies are doing good this morning!!
I am doing good! New low today: 151.6. Or maybe it ties a previous low. Either way, feels like progress, which I really need after this long plateau. Too bad I'm gonna go eat a piece of ice cream cake to celebrate My big boy's half birthday. Like I really need this after all the Easter candy over the weekend. :dohh:

Maybe I'll get a quick workout in before the cake,,,,
Elma, i made it to the aerial yoga class and it was AWESOME! i am now back in japan, but wish there was somewhere here to do it! it's basically big hammocks that hang from the ceiling and you wrap them around yourself to hang upside down or use your arms to pull up and kick your legs up to do different poses in the air. if you do a google image search for "aerial yoga," there are a lot of pictures that come right up to give you a good idea. i was really sore afterward, and there were a lot of things i couldn't do (hello non existent abs!:dohh:) but i had so much fun.:thumbup: i wanted to do a second class, the only other one offered while i was in the states, but it got cancelled.

i also weighed myself and up 2 pounds after two weeks of absolute gluttony!:dohh: hopefully now that i'm home, should be easier. and aerial yoga inspired me to get back to working out (and two new workout outfits don't hurt, either!:winkwink:)
Oh that's awesome Elma!! New lows rock!!

And omg jump that sounds sooooo fun. Of course I doubt anything cool lik that exists here in the sticks! I hope your vacation was awesome!

I'm up like two lbs from my lowest low. I attribute it to not counting calories. I still want to be a milf, I should probably start counting again! Or at least eating like I waswhen I was counting! I didn't get a workout in today, I drove to the town over to get baby chicks! Brought home four happily situated in my garage now. My friend loaned me t25 which I have heard some awesome things about so I'm going to give atry tomorrow!!
Oh I was really motivated for a workout this morning, but DH conspired against me. My usual routine, when I can swing it, is to wake up early, have a nice quick cup of coffee ASAP, and then get my workout in. But last night DH set up the coffee maker, but he left the carafe out! So 7 cups of coffee spilled out of the top of the coffee maker all over the counter, floor, and into a bunch of drawers :growlmad:

So no workout for me today. Bummer. But I ate fairly well during the day. Evenings are my downfall. So wish me luck that I can stay in control and eat a reasonable dinner.
Omg what a morning! I have done that before in the drunken-like stupor of right when I wake up! Or popped in a k-cup and the forgot to put my mug under the brewer!

I tried t-25 yesterday and blugh! It was cardio but I sucked! Now tomorrow we have our first five k as a family (my first one period!) and I'm nervous about it. Hoping the newest one tolerates the jogging stroller and we can get it done with minimal fuss! Aside from worrying about that I'm excited!!

Hope all is well ladies!
Kmr, how did the 5 k go? Did your older kids do it with you in a stroller? Or just baby? I've been trying baby in the carrier lately, but he still will only tolerate it for short periods.

Jump, are you getting back into your routine now that your back home? Did your baby do ok with the flights?

No workout for me this morning, but I know I'll be active all day. May go to a parade later. I got a good workout in yesterday, and still a bit sore, so maybe for the best that I don't over do it today.

I'm upping my calorie goal on myfitnesspal by 200 calories since I've realized I'm pumping 10 more oz at work that I was 5 weeks ago. Which is crazy, but it explaines why I'm always so hungry and can't ever meet my calorie goal. I think if I have a goal I can actually meet, I'll be more more motivated to eat well and count my calories. I really want to keep this weight loss going!
I stopped calorie counting because I felt hungrier than normal and figured it was my body telling me my body needed more. So definitely listen and eat like you need to, making milk is hard work! And I seriously am amazed by you working nursing mamas, it's so much harder on you! I'm in awe!

5k went great! The whole family did it, my six year old walked and my two year old and squish strolled. We did really great. We finished in right around 40 minutes which isn't too bad considering my oldest got very whiney and tired at the end so no more jogging for the last mile or so. That was my workout for today! Hubby is off tomorrow and we will finish working on the run for the chickens tomorrow. So another off day lol. T25 again on Monday!

Finished 5k pic for you ladies. Husband has the audacity to look like a 5k model.


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You look pretty great yourself! And you have a lovely family (well can't really see the baby, but I'm sure she is too). It's really impressive you did this only a few months after having a baby..and with all the kids in tow to boot! Man, I really need to get out for a jog one of these days.

Not much to report here. Didn't weigh in, didnt workout, didn't track. But I have eaten sensibly and been quite active all day. Also fit into a pair of pre pregnancy jeans :happydance: :thumbup: even got them buttoned comfortably. :haha:
Awesome!!! It's always such a good feeling seeing progress!!

Off day yesterday and boy did I need it. My legs are super sore! Especially those shin splints, that front of your shins where you don't realize you have muscles lol. Still sire today so will do arms and abs. I have to say the double jogger did great. The baby slept for most of the run and my older daughter just enjoyed the scenery. That was my first time taking them out in it and now I have no excuse not to do it again. Next 5k coming up end of May I believe and will be doing it with a friend, no kids this time. Hoping to get a better time, ours was about 40 minutes with all the kiddos.

Already finished two cups of coffee today and itching for another. Darn spring break had me sleeping in and tough getting back into the swing!

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