Accountability thread

Omg I had someone ask me that once, before I had kids and I was a skinny thing. Like really? And she definitely looked more pregnant than me��I just don't know about people some days. And yes I still definitely have a pooch! I weigh less now than I have pre-kids, but the pooch is hard to budge. B n b will censor my profanity, so eff them!!! It's not something a sensitive person would ever ask. So don't give it any more thought.
Hey ladies! Quiet past day! It was my dd1 birthday yesterday. We are celebrating Saturday so gearing up for an off day. I'm making honey bun cake and man does it sound tasty!

Yesterday I did a couple YouTube videos. A butt and thigh which was thirty minutes and then a short abs and arms circuit. My thighs are not as sore as they were after the first time I did that routine, but I sure was sweaty after it. Think I'll be doing some cardio today, probably jogging my backyard. Would love to be able to work up to jogging for longer periods of time lol because last time I only did short bouts to equal about a half mile.

So what is your favorite part of exercise? I LOVE the stretch following a workout, especially a really good, muscle shaking workout. Stretching is my absolute favorite part. I'm slowly working on increasing my flexibility while I workout, haven't had much flexibility since I was a kid in ballet lol. And my second favorite is sore muscles the next day. If I'm sore I feel like that's proof I'm making a change.

So I have a progress pic I'll share later. I don't see a huge difference but it's enough to be motivating lol. I'll have to be on my phone to upload.

Hope to hear from some of you today!
still totally off the bandwagon.:shhh:

i have a lingering cough from being sick, but just thoroughly unmotivated to work out.:dohh: maybe i will force myself to go to the gym with my husband tomorrow if he goes.

sore muscles are my LEAST favorite part!:haha: i just like the endorphin high afterward. i feel less anxiety and stress, overall, when i work out on a regular basis. logically i know that, and yet somehow can't make myself DO it.:dohh: and i agree that stretching afterward feels great.:thumbup:
Just do it! Five minute video. Ten minute video. Seriously, go look up fitness blender on YouTube. I love their stuff. Just doooo it. Force yourself.

Progress pic. It's not staggering but I feel like I've slimmed. I feel like I look stronger. I should have done the backside shots too lol I feel like I see less cellulite on my thighs. I obviously need to get some non funky bottoms for my future progress shots. It's hard submitting this post haha but I'm doing it.


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Getting so quiet in here :(

Today we are celebrating my DD's second birthday. I'm making honey bun cake, a big pot of corn and potato chowder (I made it the other day and it was so good I have to again!) and a green salad. Family coming over, might have a beer, so today is definitely going to be more relaxed as far as diet is concerned! I will be jogging this morning, hubby is off work and I'll be able to do it without kids interrupting me (like yesterday's crap run).

I hope you all are doing great. I hate being the only one checking in!
This week being back at work, combined with getting sick and me watching the kids by myself the last two nights (and this morning), have made it hard for me to write updates. But I had little to report anyways, since I was alternating between eating a bit too much early in the week, then almost nothing for two days, then too much again on Friday. No exercise to speak of. At the end of it all, I was at 154.2 this morning, which I think is 0.2 down from a week ago. So, whatever.

I did get a real work out in today, two short low impact YouTube videos that I chose at random (~12 minute) and various other arm, ab, and leg work for a while after that. Felt great, though certainly not going to be sore tomorrow. Weather is nice here this weekend. Hoping to get out for a long brisk walk today and/or tomorrow.

Doing well with my diet today. Unless I binge at dinner, I should meet or be very close to my calorie goal. Feels good to be tracking again, after not for half a week.

Kmr, I with you in loving having sore muscles the day after good workout. You just know those muscle s are getting stronger! I also love outside exercise, be it walking, jogging, biking, whatever. I just feel exhilarated being out there moving my body and breathing the fresh air. Especially great if it's a bit cool out. And got some nice tunes playing on the iPod.

Khr, you're looking hot! I def think you look more toned in the after pic. I think I'm gonna go take a "before pic" to keep me motivate. Though probably not posting it on here just yet!

And I'll try to check in more! I'm hoping the following week goes a bit more smoothy that the last.
I do like the before pic comparison. It's nice to see the difference, even if it's not huge. And no sharing unless you want to, but for personal use it's motivating! Elma-- ugh you remind me that hubby has a business trip coming up and I'll be alone for two nights! It will be my first time with all three kids :/ and that's awesome you got some workouts in! I bought myself various small Dumbbells for weight training so it's been easy to get sore lately haha. But I love some of these YouTube videos, why has this never occurred to me before?! There's a Madonna arms one on there that I use five and two pounds and ugh I don't think I have triceps. Lol. I need to check out Jillian Michaels thirty day shred or abs... I've heard good things about those!

Yesterday I jogged my backyard. This can probably get boring, but at least I can do it right here with my kiddos outside with me. I got 1.79 miles (the jawbone is so handy for tracking how far I've gone!). I downloaded an app for 5k training and so hopefully it'll help me get better with running longer distances. Hubby likes to run 5ks maybe I'll be able to run with him in the future.

I seen you are in Ohio? Beautiful there! My sister was a buckeye, I was able to visit her a time or two. How are the summer temps? Here in Louisiana our summer temps get up in the hundreds and the humidity will suffocate you. Ugh! So as far as jogging goes I'm not sure how I will cope unless I try to get it done first thing in the morning. We will see... I've had a treadmill in the past but I sold it because it was in a fitness phase. (This is honestly the longest I've ever lasted at committing to getting in shape)

I should go weigh his morning although in sick of seeing now change in the weight. I have been slacking on inputting to my fitness pal, although I basically stick to the same intake of food so doubt that that has much to do with it. (My diet doesn't m change day to day, I do the same basic things for breakfast and lunch and snacks, and healthy dinner)... But yeah my low was what? 128.2? And I've been right at 129 for the past but. Boo!
I'm seriously contemplating 21 day fix... Although it really freaks me out. But it's only three weeks right? I'm thinking about it. Or they even have a nutrisystem at Walmart a five day kit? Or maybe I'm being impatient. We will see. If I try 21 day fix I've already figured I can meal prep and freeze for the family so I don't have to cook for them and I can eat for me only. What do you guys think? Does anyone think of trying 21 day fix or meal plan diets combined with exercise? I just rambled a bit but it's what has been going through my mind!
Hope you guys have a lovely day! It's beautiful here today!!
After just getting over a stomach bug last week, poor DS1 now seems to have the flu. Been a pretty miserable day at home today, lots of cleaning up bodily fluids and boys crying :nope: but I did do a fitness blender workout while both boys slept! So I'm feeling good... Knock on wood I don't wake up sick tomorrow. Or baby, that would be worse. Does anyone know, if I have the flu vaccine, is baby protected too?

Kmr, I'm in Columbus. But I'm from Iowa originally, so I don't really feel like a buckeye. We like it ok here, but will probably not stay here long term. Hubby is in school, and we'd both love to be on the west coat or near mountains. Typical Midwest weather in Ohio, cold winters, hot humid summers (though not as bad a Louisiana I sure!), and too short lovely spring and fall.

I'm not tracking today, but feel like I've eaten well. Oh, and new low for me this morning:happydance: 153.4!!!
yay ohio!:haha: i'm originally from NE ohio, but moved to tokyo 10 years ago. then met my husband and got married, so the japan gig will be up this october and i think we are moving back to ohio...likely columbus! (1st choice is denver but we can't afford it...:sad1:)

so, my cough is still hanging on and my lower abs are so sore from it. blah.

i went for a walk yesterday. baymax was fussy and i didn't know what else to do. my friend joined me and carried her the whole way. (note to self: put socks on your baby so you don't feel like a horrible mother half way around the neighborhood in the cold!:dohh::roll:) it was just one lap, so somewhere just under a mile, but more than i've done otherwise!:haha:

i have been meaning to take a photo too, but just never do. i agree you look more toned in the second photo!:bodyb:

had a healthy dinner last night but then proceeded to eat a bunch of candy afterward. oh well, will try again today!
Haha Elma, I doubt my sister felt like a Buckeye too...
She just loved their graduate program. Long gone from there now and back in Louisiana. Congrats on the scale!! It's really moving for you!!!
We have the same thoughts, of eventually leaving this place and head to somewhere new. Montana has always been a dream of my spouse, but I've got this idealized view of New England in my head! But we bought our house three years ago, so we are here for a few more years at least. How did you like fitness blender? I have to say I really like them. And they have such a great range of videos, you really can pump it up if you want or do something lighter if that's what you want for the day!

Jump-- good walk! I've been bad about trying to get out with both babies. I always tell myself to go before the big one gets off the bus, but by that time of day I just want to relax and be done for the day.
I totally was off my diet yesterday again. Hubby got a damn vanilla malt, my weakness when I was pregnant. And then the Girl Scouts hit us as we were coming out of the store. And damn birthday cake again! I should probably dispose of it today. I think I will. Doing fitness blender today, some core and then Madonna arms video because I thought it was pretty good! I pulled out my husband's pull up bar the other day and can't budge myselfnhaha I have a sad lack of upper body strength.

Hope you all have a great day!
Jump, that would be pretty cool if you moved to Columbus! If so we should definitely get the babies together for a play date. One of the best things I can say about Columbus is that there are SO many great family and kid friend things to do all year long.

Kmr, like your husband I also would love to move to Montana. My family has vacationed there many times, and I'm very in love with it. And I have a very good friend who lives right outside Yellowstone. If I could find a good job in one of the college towns, I'd move there in a heartbeat. Though we also recently bought a house here, we'll be here for a few more years most likely.

Well, I was very eager to weigh in this morning after my good workout yesterday and eating well all weekend, but DH took the battery out of the scale cause the ear thermometer need a battery so we could watch DSs fever yesterday. No work out for me today, but on my feet all day at work, and gonna meet my calorie goal.

And fitness blender is awesome! I picked a "quiet" workout, which is just what I needed while the boys napped. I searched for low impact workouts cause my toe still won't tolerate jumping, and there were many to choose from. I'm hoping to find the motivation to wake up extra early (5am?) a few days a week so get more work outs in. Otherwise I just don't think I'll be able to get the exercise in during my busy days.
Phew, that is motivation! I have to wake up at five thirty to get my oldest ready for school, and I have to have my two morning coffees before I can even get myself moving lol. I did a core workout (fitness blender ab blaster) and arms (YouTube Madonna arms, it takes five pound and three pound Dumbbells but omg good arm workout!) today. Not sure what I'm feeling tomorrow. It's cardio day, might try jogging or might do Cize because jogging is boring. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel more pumped. I had a nice three am wake up because my two year old wanted mommy milkies while my squish was eating. Oy.
I got on the scale this morning and saw a new low, very exciting! 128.0! If I see this sucker hit 127.X I'll be doing a happy dance!
Okay I'm signing off for the night haha. Bout to lay this baby down and try to get my sleep on! Maybe babies won't wake me up tonight. Yeah right.
Today I fell off the wagon. Ate way too many sweets and def didnt wake up at 5am to excersise. Tomorrow is my day!
Just get back on! I know I have been hit up by the Girl Scouts and been enjoying more than my share! Didn't exercise yesterday, got woken up by the kids at four am and I just spent the day exhausted. Now I was up again this morning at 4:30, but I'm not letting that be an excuse today. As soon as the boy is on the bus I'm getting my workout on! It's cardio day, so I'll be doing that not sure if run or fitness blender, probably fitness blender and burpees lol. Will update when done. My abs are still SUPER sore from the fitness blender ab blaster workout. So check that one out! It's mostly floor work!
Morning ladies! I hope all is well!

I did my cardio yesterday but I did a crap job and felt guilty so I did a short ab workouts it too. Today is strength training so I'm going to be doing legs and abs. Think I will combine the two that got me really sore, but we'll see what happens, that will be like an hour workout.

Hope I hear from some of you today!
I have not been successful at waking up early to exercise this week. I did do half a fitness blender workout after work today..then the baby woke up so I had to end it early. Bummer.

I've been eating well during the day, but eating ice cream in the evenings. Been too busy to track calories, so not sure what the net result has been. I told DH that starting Monday, no more sweets in the house (for a few weeks anyways). There's some gelato in the freezer that I must eat in the mean time. :thumbup: also, I made a big batch of yummy chili last night, so I've got a yummy easy healthy dinner in store for tonight. :thumbup::thumbup:

Scale still has no batteries, so I haven't weighed in for a while. Sure hope I see a new low when I finally get around to changing it.
I'm sorry you're having trouble finding time to exercise! I honestly can't imagine trying to balance work, AND kids, AND maintaining the motivation to exercise in between. You are superwoman!

I've polished off all the Girl Scout cookies in my house thank goodness, but ironically I have weighed in at an all new low today!!
Holy crap! How funny too, I was gearing up to weigh and I said to myself, I feel like I weigh 127 today. And what do you know! Haha. We dragged out husbands pull up bar a few weeks ago and I've been dangling from it now and again trying to will myself to do a pull up. Well yesterday I gave a little jump and got em! I'm calling it my halfway pull up, once I get to a certain point I can crank it out.

I did abs today same as the other day. I petered out a bit early though I'm still sore from the last one and my legs are sore from yesterday. Besides in a bit of a hurry because I have to head to the local feed store because husband finally agreed to......

Backyard chickens!!! Woohoo! I'm beyond excited and have been researching and researching. I want to go see if they have chicks out yet and how to go about ordering specific breeds, price out things like watering cans and feed trays, warming lamps, et. I'm sooooop excited haha.

Okay signing off. Hope to hear from you ladies!
Congrats on the new low! And raising chickens, wow, that sounds ambitious. But I bet it will be a lot of fun.

No Girl Scout cookies here, thank goodness. I've been eating too much ice cream instead. There was a great sale on gelato and DH bought 3 yummy pints a few day ago. I happy to say we finished the last of it last night. I Monday I'm going to begin a no sugar week.

Still haven't weighted in in a while. But I did wake up early to work out 2 days I a row!! Yesterday did a fitness blender cardio, after which I attempted the 10 minute abs. That was a joke! I could not do it at all! This morning I kind of made up my own workout, while cleaning the kitchen and making coffee. But it felt good. Hoping today and tomorrow to get out for a walk with my boys, with baby in the carrier for extra calorie burn!

Hope all your weekends are off to a good start.
Good for you! It really does feel good to get it done! Yeah glad the cookies are out of reach, they are twice the guilt of my normal night time sweet snack lol. I'm not sure what our plans are for the day. It will be something to do with chickens or out backyard projects. I feel very springy. Off day for me today. See you later ladies!
Hey ladies! Very quiet this weekend! I took the weekend off but not really, hubby and I got busy on outdoor projects that we have been putting off over the winter (finish paving out back patio). Which required tons of shoveling and heavy lifting, so even though I didn't work out I still worked out lol. Back is really coming along, once we get finished with patio I can make our back porch look so much better, hang some outdoor xurtains, landscape a bit. Next project is fixing our fence that we hurriedly out up when we bought the house, and then when that's complete hubby says he will build my coop. Lol sorry I'm so super excited about that coop!!

I hope you ladies all had a wonderful weekend! It was beautiful here. Jumping back in today probably with strength training because it's easier for me after off days. I have been skimping on calorie counting lately, but I'm not a bad eater, although calories add up quickly!

Check in with me ladies! Even if you fell off the wagon, even if you have been off the wagon for awhile. We are not here for judgement but for healthy motivation and encouragement!

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