Accountability thread

Ladies, I really need help. I literally look like I did when I was about 4-5 months pregnant. My lower belly is so rounded, the rest of me is okay but my belly is so bad!

I have meal planned all week, my attitude is eating what I fancy but packed with veggies so things like 80g pasta, 80g mushrooms, 80g broccoli and cauliflower, onion and sweetcorn and carrot all mixed with some tinned tomato etc. - sounds good but it isn't working!

I'm craving sweet things like never before. I never have a sweet tooth but I'm insatiable with chocolate these days. I nearly had a chocolate bar with my morning coffee! And I have been putting sugar on my cereal every morning which I literally haven't done in about 15 years.
I'm cutting back on my usual vices, mainly cheese and chips (fries, not American chips lol) and I honestly don't miss them. But a chocolate bar? Cake? Oh yes please!

Todays food diary:
B - 2 shredded wheat, semi skimmed milk and sugar. Cappuccino sachet.
Snack: Snickers bar and diet coke
Lunch: Leftover pasta (the one I mentioned earlier) with 15g low fat cheddar cheese on top. Diet coke.

Second lunch: More of above but with no cheese.

Third lunch: Oven chips (fries!) -only a side plate worth but I was craving them so bad!

Snack: Cappuccino sachet

Dinner: Didn't have one (so lunch #3 could be dinner!)

Snack: We had a family bday so three glasses of wine, a handful of crisps and a slice of chocolate cake.

I totally see where I'm going wrong. The wine and the sweet food. I just cant help it! If I know something is there, I have this voice in my head telling me to take it. I cant ignore it.

Activity wise I don't do much exercise as such but I do walk a lot. Its maybe not enough. I cant go on like this though, I have had to start buying bigger clothes and I'm now wearing wha ti had considered to be a "fat" size since my childhood.

I have always been uk size 8-10 (US size 4-6) whereas now I'm in UK 12-14 (US 8-10) which looks a lot as jm 5ft 2.5
Loe-- I'm so sorry! I hate that you are feeling this way. I think you need to really get in the mindset of making a change and then sticking with it. The sweets are not good (fine in moderation, I really recommend low calorie sweets, like skinny cow here in the states) but neither are the carbs, like pasta and potatoes. And UP your water intake. You should be drinking AT LEAST half of your body weight in ounces. I weight 128 and try to drink at least 70 ounces per day.

I'm not a salesman or a beach body coach, but check out the link to the portion control containers I posted. Really. Because it gives you a VISUAL of how much of everything you should be eating in order to lose weight. I guarantee you that if nothing else, just changing your diet and upping your water will get you losing weight. And if you tack on 30 minutes of cardio each day? You'll be looking like one hot mama.

Get on Facebook and look up the group No Excuse Moms. I love this group, other moms just like you and me who are dieting, working out, and looking straight up hot. That group made me want to 21 day fix and meal plan.

Elma-- congrats on the new low! I haven't seen on in awhile. lol. Shouldn't have stopped calorie counting but that's okay because we are 21 day fixing it (should I admit that I still drink my coffee as usual in the morning with cream and sugar? This gal can't do ANYTHING without my morning coffee the way I LIKE IT lol).

It's not really THAT much planning, I'm probably making it sound harder than it needs to sound. I've never been a meal planner. I am more of a let me go and buy a bunch of stuff and then I have on hand what I need to make a large variety of things kind of girl. So just having to pick recipes that are 21 day approved and base my shopping list off of those recipes is way more work than I usually put into a list. But honestly, I should be spending way less money because I'm target shopping. And I feel GOOD about everything I have been putting in my body (except the skinny cow candy I eat at night, but hey, if you try to cut out everything, you're set out to fail.) Every day I've gotten on the scale it's been less than the day before. I'll weigh in today in a bit. Day one was 127.8, then 127.2, then 127.0. Now, that could be just evening out because I was totally gorging before I started knowing I was about to diet. But it could be actual loss. I haven't been working out like I should. Well, I have. Didn't yesterday though because I've been so slack on house cleaning that I took my workout time and just spent it cleaning. It feels better in here. But it feels good. I really like it. I've already run out of things like cottage cheese, greens, fruit... Things that usually last us a week only lasted four days, and that's GOOD. I'll get better with meal planning, it could be as simply as a baked chicken breast and steamed veggies for lunches. It doesn't need to be complicated. Anyway husband is totally in love with having his food all prepped for him and not having to go out to eat. This week we've probably already saved around 50 on just him eating out.

When I'm all done with these three weeks, I'll post my before and after pics, and before and after stats. Maybe you ladies will do it with me next round. Maybe next round I will be motivated enough to kick my cream and sugar from my coffee.
125.8! Down two lbs from Monday starting weight of 127.8. Just wanted to quick update.
elma, i used to have an etsy shop, but it's been "asleep" for several years. i don't want to double list things, so i will likely start up a new shop after the craft fair with whatever doesn't sell tomorrow (:shock:). and so i'll have somewhere to sell any new stuff i make because i'm getting all inspired.:winkwink:

kmr, sounds like a bit of prep work, but work that pays off in the end when there is healthy snack food and (fairly?) easy to put together dinners. i keep telling myself i'm going to do all this stuff once this craft fair is over!:haha: but seriously, i may join you on round two! can't wait to see the before and afters. love me a good before and after!:haha:
Yeah it's definitely not as hard as I have made it sound. Now closing in on the end of the first week! everything is easy and could be even easier. I do a lot of raw fresh veggies but could do more steamed frozen, i actually picked up frozen strawberries and blueberries while I was restocking yesterday. And once you get comfortable with what color all the foods are and how many you're supposed to eat each day, it's easy to even mentally plan out what you will have that day or the next.
I'm a huge fan so far, my hubs even says I look slimmer lol may just be sucking up or motivating me, but it worked.

Anyway, typing one-handed while four month sleep regression baby nurses so i will check in later on.
HI ladies.

Long time no visit for me so I have heaps to catch up on.

I'm on my phone at the moment so just a quick post.

I am a food addict. Sugar is my problem so I'm also going to try a 21 day sugar detox.

I'm going to make sure I check in and make this happen. Ughhh I hate being fat. I must do something.
Loe, I intend to write a more complete response to you post, since I have some ideas for you. But I can totally relate to so much of what you wrote. If I catch a break today and can sit at the computer, I'll write more.
Hello ladies! Just checking in. Loe, I hope you're doing okay. Before I got pregnant with number three I was at my largest. 160 lbs, size 12, I've never been there before and never want to be again. I don't even have pictures from then. I have been there, I want you to know!

I think I need to start doing more cardio. I do strength training most of the time because I like it more. And I've got some pretty good strength going on now where there used to be next to nothing. But I don't think much is going to take this jiggle off besides diet and some cardio. So probably will try to take the babes out in the jogger three days a week. The length of my road and back is one mile so that makes it really simple to a mile, two, three what have you. I know I just need to get in the habit of doing it and then it will come more naturally. Walking/jogging is about the only cardio I like, burpees and jumping jacks suck lol.

Off days for us the weekend. Even hubby hasn't been going to the gym on the weekends lately. I think we are going to finish getting the coop set up, these birds are getting huge and they need out of my garage!!
Today is day SEVEN of the 21 day fix. My diet yesterday was-- 21 day fix waffles (which I thought were delish and the rest of my family hated) made of Greek yogurt, oat flour, and mashed banana. Lunch was a big green salad with chicken and sweet peppers. I had cottage cheese for a snack. And then dinner we had steak, mushroom, pepper, and onion kabobs (my husband called them kamikes all night) over a brown rice quinoa blend, it was delish! I am loving clean eating, I have been put nothing processed in my body in almost a week (errrrrrr except the skinny cow sweet before bed) and it feels great. I think I have more energy through the day although my energy level was pretty good before. I'm going to weigh in tomorrow although I'm mevervousnbecause I got that low and then the next day was up a lb from that low, which is obviously why you shouldn't weigh in daily.

Okay long enough of a post. Can you tell I'm getting some unusual alone time? Have a good day ladies!
craft fair is over! i have some custom orders to work on, but no strict deadline, so i am hoping to start walking 2-3 miles a day with baymax starting tomorrow. hoping for good weather!

way to go on the clean eating!:thumbup: i think a skinny cow now and then is much deserved!:winkwink:
Kmr, sounds like you are doing amazing! I would love to do this with you if you do another round.

OMG SLEEP REGRESSION :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: I want my "good" sleeper back.

Jump, congrats on the craft fair. Do you feel like it was a success? Good luck and have fun with the baby walks. Baby walks are my favorite exercise ever! Well....maybe....

This weekend has been a mixed bag. Ate a ton of pizza Friday night and haven't had a good workout, but did go for a hike with baby in the carrier yesterday. Really wanted to get a workout in today, but just too busy getting ready for in-law visit and doing some work for my big deadline this week. But I cleaned a lot and held baby a lot (super fussy today, teething? :shrug:) so at least I was pretty active.
Hi spud, it's good to hear from you again!

So, SUGAR. I love sugar, but I hate sugar. I've spent a lot of time over the last few years thinking about sugar. I've concluded I have a very real sugar addiction.

Like you ladies said, I CAN NOT control myself with it. I want to only eat 2 cookies, but I can't help but eat 12. Or I want to only eat one of my sons gummy bears, but then I eat the whole bag.

My husband is an enabler, and doesn't believe my problem Is real. He thinks just because he can have a small scoop of ice cream an then stop (or say no to it entirely) I should be able to have the will power to do the same. But I just HAVE to have some, and then go back for more.

I wasn't Always like this. I don't think this was ever an issue in my teens or twenties, but it's been a major problem in my 30s. I actually think it may have started after DS1 was born.

I tell you all this so you'll know how I've struggled with this when I tell you: Sugar Detox has been SO SO SO effective in helping me with my sugar problem.

Sometimes I think I should give it up completely, but I can't quite muster that motivation. But Actually, knowing I'm not giving up my sugar crack completely makes it easier to do it in short bursts.

I gotta go, but will continue this novel later...
I LOVE sugar but I don't think I have an addiction. I can have two cookies and say no to more, or choose a small diet candy rather than a full on candy bar. I can't IMAGINE the struggle if the pull was stronger than that! Well, I used to be a smoker. So I canj somewhat empathize. There was no cutting back. I could put off thw urge for awhile but in the end I would always have my smoke. The only way to cut back was to quit. Im sorry you ladies struggle like that :(((((

I had the crappiest workout. Did arms which was good. Then had decided to try out new ab workout but it sucked. So wound up doing half and then was done for the day. Back on the horse tomorrow. Hope you ladies are all doing well.
Kmr - congrats on the new low and thanks for the advice. I definitely need to look into something! I'm brilliant at eating veggies, I'm vegetarian so easily have about 7 portions a day, its the other stuff that's the issue! Possibly a lack of protein too mind you. And overreliance on carbs!

Elma - I hear ya on sugar. I go through phases, sometimes I honestly don't eat much, other times I'm insatiable. We don't buy much sweet stuff in the house - one pack of biscuits per week, then a bag of sugar whenever. I am just going to not buy sugar and I'm going to get my OH to take his biscuits to work. He definitely is more of a sugar addict than me!

Food wise I haven't been great. On Friday I had my baby class in the morning so I had pancakes and butter (its all they have!) then I just had a few coffees until my OH got in, then I had my Friday night pizza. I was meeting a friend and ended up having a bottle of prosecco and a few g&ts. We did walk about a mile to a club (in heels!) and then dance until 4am. Thats the first time I have been clubbing in years! Safe to say Saturday was terrible. Sunday was ok, yesterday I was at my mum and dads as their friends were over with their kids. So I had cake!

My plan I to eat all the junk in the house then not to buy it and to eat clean. I really cant afford to bin it or I would!
not sure if this would help with a sugar addiction, but i have a MAJOR sweet tooth and try to eat frozen fruit instead of candy. after a week or so, the cravings for candy are definitely better. i actually just bought 2 bags of frozen fruit yesterday to retrain my brain to crave fruit not candy!:dohh::friends:
I might try that, I do love fruit and I have been buying loads of mango and melon to snack on.

I also bought some caramel rice cakes which only have 40cal each and are pretty filling. Going to munch one now actually!
Pizza has lately been one of my weaknesses. Lately on the 21 day fix diet it has me searching for recipes that abide by the eating plan, and I just found a pizza one. It was a wrap (like for sandwiches, I used whole grain low carb) then top with light marinara, veggies of choice (I used red onion, black olive, mushroom, baby spinach, and then LIGHT mozzarella.... I threw it on the grill and it was sonfreaking good, it definitely hit my pizza spot. That's a keeper recipe right there, for anytime I'm feeling the craving.

I got geared up to go run this morning with the girls in the jogger, but my squish just would not have it. I hate cardio, and a run walk is about the only thing I find decent. But she is just so finicky. I'm getting frustrated. Hubby goes to the gym almost daily all on his own to workout for two hours give or take. While I have to find the time in between taking care of two babies. I'm feeling resentful right this moment. He is in for a rude awakening when I go back to work and the kid duties are shared.

I guess I'll find some alternative cardio today, or maybe I'll do t25. Or fitness blender, I don't know. Blugh. Elma, what's your favorite fitness blender cardio?

Pic of my delicious low carb pizza omg I could eat it all over again


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Kmr, as you know I love pizza and those look amazing. I have a recipe for a pizza base made out of blended cauliflower which is good too. Its a bit footery but they freeze and are obviously carb free. To top it I use tinned tomato, chopped basil and garlic boiled into a sauce, then I top with loads of veggies and a sprinkling of low fat cheese.

I weighed myself. I'm up 1lb since I last weighed myself. I'm going to draw a weight chart up. I'm quite old fashioned that way - if I have a visual checker on my fridge then it might help.

Might take the dog out a long walk tonight. I have done tonnes of housework today so I'm exhausted.
Loeylo, I'm vegetarian too!

All this talk of pizza makes me hungry. I super stressed out right now with work, and baby has had a fever for two days (turns out it's Hand Foot and Mounth disease), so I'm havin major stress food craving. It gonna be hard to be good tonight. but there's no sugary treats in the house, thank god.

So I've done some variation of a "sugar detox" 5 times over the last year. Generally what I do is set a target day to start, usually two or three weeks later so I have time to mentally prepare and motivate myself. I always set out to go 3 weeks, but typically I find it so empowering that I do it a bit longer. I usually also get my sister to be an accountability buddy, we do it together and check in to keep each other honest.

The week before I starting trying to ramp down my sugar, choosing dark chocolate in the eventing rather than ice cream. And unlike "real" sugar detox programs, I allow myself fruit during the no sugar weeks. Not a ton, but some.

What I find so amazin about doing a sugar detox is how easy it is to say no To sugar, after the couple days anyways. It's like it no longer this horrible battle of will power, cause I've already made the decision to say no to that donut. It's not even an option to eat it, so I don't have to fight the urge.
I like these specific fitness blender workouts cause are low impact, which makes them quiet so I can do them in the morning before the littles guys are awake. We have suuuuper creaky wood floors.

A low impact total body cardio. This has been my go-to workout for 2 months. Starting to get bored with it as it's not much of a challenge anymore.

Another low impact cardio. A bit more challenging for me cause of all the core work.

And a shorter leg/butt toning workout, which I need to do more.
Elma - do you find it harder to eat well because you are veggie? As in, getting a balanced diet with enough protein and not covering everything in cheese?!

I could definitely do that kind of sugar detox - I thought you meant cutting all sugars eg fruit etc. Id literally die!

I'm also addicted to diet coke. I went without it for most of my pregnancy (having the odd bit here and there) and then I wasn't allowed fizzy juice whatsoever for a week after having her, but now I'm as bad as ever.

I cant wait to go shopping next week and not buy junk.

My OH ate all my rice cakes last night. I have been having two a night because they help my sweet cravings and are only 40cal. He ate about 8 of them last night - follows by a chocolate bar and two bags of crisps. He is getting so much heavier than I ever thought he would but it doesn't bother him, if I comment on his food he just replies that he is "a growing boy" - he can easily eat 2000 calories as a snack.

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