Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Went shopping yesterday for some new summer clothes, BAD IDEA!!! Nothing looked good, need to get myself back to yoga. My arms and back used to be very toned, now I can see it changing along with everything just feeling bigger. And its not just the bump feeling bigger. A bit scared to gain weight, but trying to tell myself its temporary. I've already gained weight when I quit smoking. Can't tell if I'm on track with the weight gain or not. Walked 5 miles this morning, I guess I just need to keep up with the exercise. I keep getting the " oh my God, you're HUGE" or " are you sure its not twins?" comments. No woman gay or straight, pregnant or not wants to hear they are huge. Ugh!!
Ugh, gingmg, I hear you. The weight's coming on a lot more easily this pregnancy, which is probably a good thing since I struggled to gain last time, but I'm still having a hard time with it. I started at a lower weight than last time so this is probably just my body doing what it needs to do to best support this pregnancy, but it's still hard to just sit back and let nature take over! (For me, at least.) It's tough though--in the past pregnancy was considered a free ticket to just let yourself go for a while. Not anymore. We're expected to somehow still maintain our physical attractiveness while growing another human being inside our bodies! Agh, the pressure makes me a little crazy sometimes. No one has said anything, but I feel it as a member of society. Especially since last time I had all these people congratulating me for "staying small" and not gaining too much (that's just wrong) while my dr. was lecturing me about having to gain more. People thought they were being complimentary but it only made me anxious. Like, what if I do gain 45 lbs? Is that really the end of the world? People make it out like it is. And I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks it's okay to tell a pregnant woman she is big or joke about twins should be smacked. Period.

Fortunately, no one has said that to me (yet), though I think it's just a matter of time. I was getting "oh your so small" a lot a couple of months ago. Now, not so much (i.e. at ALL). And I just saw that my OB wrote "FH LGA Please assess fetal growth" on the requisition for my upcoming u/s. I figure that means "Fundal Height Large for Gestational Age" and I know she wrote it that way likely so I wouldn't know because she realizes how neurotic I am! Now I'm freaking out, thinking I'm eating too much, not exercising enough, and worst of all, going to have a monster baby! I'm afraid she's going to try to talk me into a c-section which I REALLY don't want (bc of the recovery). Ugh, why is there seemingly ALWAYS something to fret about???
Ging and Try: I'm curious, when did you start showing? I was at the dentist yesterday and the hygienists said she was 8 weeks pregnant, too, but she had a very noticeable baby bump. Hmmm...I definitely don't.

I can't run or exercise hard right now because of the hematoma, but I've been walking. I'm going to resume my yoga this weekend, since I haven't had a major bleed in over a week.
I've been bloated since day one, so its hard to tell what is "showing" and what is bloat. I've looked pregnant since my positive beta, but like I said I was so bloated. The only clothes that I could wear at the beginning was my yoga pants and I bought true maternity pants at 8 weeks. Its hard to tell what's what. I'm sure I still have a component of bloat, hence the "you are huge" comments. I think its too early for me to look the way I do, but its not like I can control it. I think it is different for everyone when they start showing.
Ging: Don't get too discouraged. My sister got very bloated with her pregnancies as well. Like you said, each woman is different. Some days I feel more bloated than others. It doesn't help being pregnant in the summer either, when everyone is wearing shorts, tank tops and bikinis. I know you'll be able to bounce back after the baby! Think of how toned your arms will be when you're constantly carrying a baby. ;-)
Melly2: it depends what you consider "showing." If you classify it as just your shirt getting pushed forward the slightest bit, then about 17 weeks for my first and at 15 weeks this time. As for an actual bump, probably not till about 20 weeks with no. 1 and about 18-19 weeks with this one. It varies so much person to person. Depends on your height, musculature, torso length, pelvis, how many pregnancies you've had. I know it's hard, but try not to compare. There will always be somebody smaller than you and someone larger than you. Mild to moderate exercise is great for both you and baby, but your bump will only get larger obviously, as your baby grows. It's hard to wrap your mind around at first, as we so quickly equate increasing girth with "fat," but once you start seeing your increasing midsection for what it is (a human being hanging out inside you), it will be easier to deal with. It's a bit of a mind f__ at first though!

Gingmg: I was quite bloated this pregnancy too. Huge variance in bump size from morning to night. And my friend who had IVF told me she had a "bump" even before she got pregnant and it just stayed and got increasingly larger as her twins grew. Something to do with ovary stimulation or egg retrieval? So that could be part of it. Funny how we always want what we can't have... I find myself noticing thin women these days, whereas when I was TTC I so envied pregnant women their big bellies!
Hi Melly - echoing what the other ladies have said. I bloated immediately after testing positive. I was in mat tights from about week 7 just for comfort. I think if your bump changes during the day - it's bloat. If it is there when you wake up - more likely to be the baby.

I don't remember when I definitely had a bump but I do now at 30 weeks!

Ging I hate those comments about your bump. I get "when are you due?" And when I reply "August" - they always look shocked and follow it up with a "so you've still got some way to go then!" SOD OFF! Last time a checkout lady made that comment I said: "why are you so surprised - am I a lot fatter than you think I should be at this point?!" That shut her up!

I think everyone puts weight on differently and at different times. I'm 19 pounds heavier than when I started. Most of the weight I gained so far was in second tri. Just hoping it slows down now. But I still have 10 weeks left, so I'm thinking I'll be 30 pounds heavier :-(

The worst thing is that my bump feels uncomfortable so exercising is tricky! Grrrrr! But at least I'm pretty much unable to eat a full meal now because I get full so quickly.

And then you feel down about your body and stuff your face with cake!
Ging, I just today got AF, it's a sad reminder of what happened and I had been feeling down these last couple of days, or I should say, still. I hope you will help bring some closure as I do feel relieved I finally see red :( my feeling right now is that I don't want to put my body thought it again, but it's all still so raw so that's not a decision just a feeling. I don't like to make decisions based on negative emotions, they are usually just fear based and right now I'm not in a good place to decide anything yet. I had a Bnb lady tell me she had my exact experience at my age and had a natural bfp after... So you never know.

About the weight and showing, I think the first tri is just bloat and if you are in really good shape in the beginning and have strong abdominal muscles, I'd say your muscles will probably hold it all up a little tighter and you probably won't show till second tri. I gained 45lb with each of my pregnancies and it was a lot for me I'm only 5'4" but the weight come all off within six months. I did BF and it helped so much, first the calories you lose just by producing all that milk and second when you BF it makes your uterus contract so it aids it in going back to its original size. I don't recommend gaining that much at all, just don't worry about it if you get up there, you'll have plenty of time to get your shape back after and who knows you may even look thinner. :)
Bbliss-I truly am sorry for what you are going through right now. Take all the time you need to heal and don't put any expectations on yourself. You will know what you want to do in time. This time now is for feeling sad and then healing. Hugs!
Hi BBbliss - sending you lots of love and peace. You are so wise - I never thought about it before but you are so right not to make any decisions on negative emotions. Such a good guide for life in general.

Take your time - can you go away for a holiday with OH? A break will do you the world of good. You have great eggs and stats so I am sure it can happen for you.

Thinking of you hun. Xxx
Morning is every one?

I'm ok...still dealing with nausea vomiting...and had a light headed /faint feeling the other day.

Hopefully it eases up in 2nd tri like I've read. I'm 11w+1d today :)
Hi Breaking. I'm 9 weeks tomorrow. Sorry you're dealing with vomiting. I sorta lucked out there, it appears. Dealing with more bloat and swelling boobs this week, but still wearing the same clothes, so that's good. Are you showing yet?
Things are good here. This is a picture from the other day before work. It was the first time I didn't wear a loose scrub top. It was funny, the people that didn't know before certainly know now. The baby is actually still quite small so I know its a combination of bloat and my uterus pushing other organs up, but who cares, I'm starting to love my expanding belly.

We sign the purchase and sales agreement tomorrow, so excited, I LOVE this house!!


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Breaking- so sorry about the nausea and vomiting. I hope it eases up soon.
Melly..congrats 9 weeks you're into your third month :)
Yes lucky

Ging..oh how cute you look. Love the bump :). Congrats on the house!!

AFM...yes the nausea and vomiting has been a challenge...but I'm hoping it starts to ease up soon.

As for belly is bloated + no baby bump yet. I am still wearing all my usual pants, jeans etc.

I feel as tho I'm gaining some weight around my waist. Oh and boobs. That started right away at 5-6 wks.
Ging: You look so adorable! That's not an overly big bump at all! It's a super cute bump! Congratulations on the house. So exciting.

Breaking: I'm glad I'm not the only one then. We have a boat on the lake and I wore a bikini yesterday. Yikes! Doesn't look as good as it used to. Definitely some bloat and big, big boobies.
Hi Breaking - so sorry to hear about nausea and vomiting. I really really sympathise. I had it badly from week 7 to 16 but the nausea didn't go completely for me until week 22ish. Even now (30 weeks) food just doesn't taste quite right but I can eat almost everything again (except curries). I also found I had extreme hunger and was waking up every 2 hours. I would also get heartburn, acid reflux, bad bloating and UTIs! I felt like someone had completely shaken my body upside down! It got better very gradually. By 12 weeks I think I was only vomiting twice a week but the nausea was constant. In fact I think that's what was worse for me.

It is a good sign though that your hormones are strong and whilst all my pregnant friends are whinging about third tri - it's an absolute breeze for me by comparison. I'm sleeping a lot better now even though I need to go to the bathroom a few times during the night.

If you are struggling with food, these things really helped me - they might help you but it all seems very individual: almonds, avacados, mints, cheese, peanut butter on toast, salt and vinegar crisps! I was able to eat mac and cheese from week 12 onwards! But meat was the very last thing I was able to stomach. I just survived on stodgy carbs at the worst of it.

Hopefully it will soon pass - most women feel better week 12-14. I think I was just unlucky!

Hugs :) when you see your baby at 12 week scan you will forget the sickness!
Ging - congrats on the house! That's fantastic news. You can start thinking about nursery decorating - which is a lovely thing to do!

Melly - congrats on 9 weeks! Not long til you are in second tri.

AFM - I just started birthing classes which was a bit of a shock! Suddenly the reality of a baby is upon me. I'm going to try a home birth as you get 2 midwives come to the house. I live just 1 mile away from the hospital and will probably transfer when it gets to the later stages. I'm also going to use natal hypnotherapy and yoga. But if I can't handle it I'm not adverse to using drugs!

We are getting close to finishing the nursery. Our cot arrived yesterday so we need to put that up and we have our wall stickers up which are so so cute! I just hope it is really a girl!

I can feel her squirming around now and sticking her limbs out. It's very strange - like a little alien :)

I've also found these non maternity t-shirt dresses which are very comfy to wear if you buy a size up from Dorothy Perkins (uk store).

Hope you are all doing well.
Jazz bird- Exciting birth plan. The hypnotherapy sounds cool. Can't believe its time to start birthing classes already! What colors are you doing the nursery?

Went yesterday to a local consignment shop and got a bunch of cotton sun dresses so other than a bathing suit and maybe a pair of maternity shorts or two, I think I should be good and prepared to continue expanding this summer.

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