Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

What are your birth plans breaking?

I'm really not sure what I would do birth wise if I did get pregnant. Since birth my bowels aren't the same anymore. I'm back on laxatives as a particularly bad movement caused fissure to reopen. I'm worried about another natural delivery. So might look at c section although that has its own risks ....
My birthing plan is to hopefully not have as difficult a birth as I did with DD!

It's that simple lol
Breaking- so close now! Don't they say the second time around is easier? I hope it is for you.

I had my appointment with the RE to talk about our FET. She has a strict no breastfeeding during treatments policy and my son still nurses a couple times a day. I was hoping to get pregnant, have my milk dry up, and not have to actively wean these last couple of times. But that's not what's going to happen and I'm ok with that now. I've started pushing him in the direction of weaning but I want to be gentle on him so it might take some time. I'm going to put off the frozen cycle for no longer than 6 months, but im actually hoping for much sooner than that. I never planned on nursing for this long but it didn't seem right to stop just because he turned a year old. He is a much calmer, better behaved toddler when he can nurse those few times a day, and that makes everything easier for me. Plus we have both enjoyed the bonding after I've been gone so long at work. I knew when he turned one that I most likely would nurse until he was two. I am really proud that we have come this far, but i am also really self conscious about it too. It's definitely not what most people do and I am always afraid others are judging me. I know I shouldn't care, but I don't have thick skin. It's just what felt right for us, for him. Anyway, that's where we are. So no baby for now. I'm ok with that now too.
Ging - I think evolutionarily speaking babies breast fed for a lot longer than a year. You are probably following what we're supposed to do!!! And your little guy is still getting lots of antibodies and other great stuff from you. Being a mum is a constant invitation for judgement from strangers as well as family. But in the end you and only you know what is right for your son. And it really doesn't matter what you choose.

I don't have thick skin either and take comments to heart. My MIL said that her daughter was one end of the parenting spectrum (overly anxious, sleeps with her 4 year old) and I'm apparently the other end (careless, unfeeling and harsh??) with my mil slotting perfectly in the middle. Peoples comments are usually more to do with their own insecurities.

You will know when the time is right. X
Breaking, so excited for you! Can't wait to hear the news.

Ging, I'm still breastfeeding Gretchen, too. I feed her twice a day and have every intention on continuing to do so until she is two. When I take her to the children's museum here I see mothers feeding their toddlers (who are probably more like 3) all the time. It's nice to see women openly breastfeeding their toddlers. I don't think there should be judgement. It's very healthy for our babies the longer we breastfeed them. I always joke that I will continue to breastfeed Gretchen until she tells me otherwise. ;-)

Hope everyone is doing well!!!
Oh melly that's great! In my real life I feel like the only one breastfeeding a toddler. I know it's biologically normal, but it's certainly not culturally normal and like I said before, I don't have thick skin. Ive really only gotten a few comments, but it makes me feel like others have them and are just polite not to say anything. I shouldn't care. I'm proud we have come this far. Weaning has been tough, but we've made some forward progress and I keep telling myself that it's for a good reason that I'm doing this. He slowly is adjusting. And I am too. Good to hear from you!
Hi ladies

I'm hanging in there 1-2 cm dialated but no other progress.

Will be sure to update you!
It's a boy!

Just under 8.5 lbs and on his due date !!!

I'm doing well and love having a baby around again - tiring but love it!

This time around has been easier !!!

Easier delivery and easier recovery! Easier time getting baby to latch and breastfeed!

So those of you thinking of another one - hopefully this helps with any anxiety u have.

I was really dreading delievry and the early post-partum days but it was better this time!
Hi Everyone,

I haven't checked in for awhile. Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for the holidays. Any new baby news for us? Gretchen will soon turn 2. Yikes! It has gone so fast. Can't believe we all now have little toddlers already.
Hi melly! Happy 2nd birthday to Gretchen! Hope you had a nice holiday.

Hope everyone is well.
Gingmg - i look on this forum now and then to see how you girls are getting on and just saw your signature - how wonderful!

How are you feeling?
Thanks Blythe!! :hugs: I feel good. Tired, only nauseous mildly at times, but not bad. All in all can't complain. But boy is it different being pregnant this time running after this little tornado, can't imagine as the months go on. Haha.

How are you? How is your baby girl?
I bet!

Thank you for asking. She is lovely and I am just overwhelmed by my love for her. Feel so lucky that I have got to this place after so long. She has just had her first set of immunisations so a bit grouchy still. She is nine weeks now and the sleep is getting better.

Hope you are getting some rest and will keep checking in on you x
Hi Everyone,

I haven't checked in for awhile. Going, do you have a baby yet?!? How are you feeling? Well...I have some surprising news. I'm pregnant. Naturally. At 41!!! After we decided not to proceed with implanting another embryo (I had five remaining), we settled on just one child, but I guess our plans are changing. Hah! I'm extremely early and old, so it's too early to get too excited at this point. I could easily miscarry, so I won't hedge my bets quite yet.

Hope everyone is doing great!
Ahh Melly!!! Congrats!! I so hope everything goes smoothly these next bunch of weeks. The beginning can be so scary. Guess even though you thought you were done life had an alternate plan. Funny how that happens sometimes. I have everything crossed that this is a healthy bean. How are you feeling? How many weeks are you?

I'm due in September. Things are good. Just busy. This pregnancy feels like once I got past the first trimester, it's flown by. Can't believe in a few short months there is going to be two little ones to look after. Ahhh, I'm excited and scared all at the same time.
Thanks Ging! And congratulations to you and your wife! How exciting. Your son will love being an older sibling. I think the age difference will be perfect, too!

I definitely have very mixed feelings on this pregnancy. Still trying to wrap my head around it. There's just a lot of things we now have to re-think as a result. We adapted to our three person family, but now with another little person, our house gets that much smaller, relatives are that much further, and daily chores become that much harder. We'll manage though, and I'm sure it's meant to be. It is scary.

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