Acupuncture - does it work? Any success stories?

Interesting!! I don't know what my tongue looked like before acu so I really can't say :)

Have fun, let us know how it goes
OK I'm back from my appointment, and like I thought, my acu made some adjustments. She said that we still needed to work on building my "vitality"--which I guess in general means my qi and blood. She had taken me off of Jia Wei Xiao Yao San and put me on the Zizyphus, but decided I needed to go back on it. It seemed like the Jia Wei is the stronger formulation and I am not quite ready to be off of it. She said she liked what the Zizyphus does for me, but it just isn't strong enough for my deficiencies. Jia Wei is for blood deficiency, spleen qi deficiency, and liver qi stagnation. So now I take both the Jia Wei and the Zizyphus.

She also confirmed that I had made some progress after looking at my tongue, so I was happy about that. I used to have a slightly yellow coat in the center of my tongue, and now the coat is white and not as heavy. She said that means that my body has cleared the excess heat. She also noted that the back of my tongue had greatly improved, although the coat was still peeled--which I guess means I've made progress on the kidney yin deficiency but still have some work to do on it.

With the needles, she stuck them in the usual locations, but this time she stuck them in a slightly different location in my ear. Also, I'm not sure if she stuck the needles in deeper, but I felt an electric like feeling in my abdomen.

Finally, she also wanted me to be sure me and dh were bd'ing enough around ovulation. That statement kind of worried me because I was afraid it meant that maybe I should be getting pregnant by now but I'm not, but I'm sure I'm just overthinking it.
Finally, she also wanted me to be sure me and dh were bd'ing enough around ovulation. That statement kind of worried me because I was afraid it meant that maybe I should be getting pregnant by now but I'm not, but I'm sure I'm just overthinking it.

dont worry about that, maybe shes just making sure you are doing it when you are suppose to be! hehehe glad it went well!
I went yesterday and visited with an acupuncturist who also is trained in herbs. (I have a wonderful acupuncturist, but she only deals acupuncture) He has his masters and has also studied in China.

When I got there, he asked me a ton of questions and took my pulse and looked at my tongue. He studied what I said about my trying to get pregnant and not having any luck. He also went over all of my medical records I brought with me as well as lab work.

He said my pulse was very different, he doesn’t see many like mine. He concluded that in my pulse, my liver should be dominant and the spleen should be there in a sense but not overactive. In my case, my spleen is super dominant over my liver and that the two are “fighting for power” (that’s what I understood hahaha)

He prescribed 3 different herbs :

Gui Pi Wan – on days 1-15 of my cycle. He said that this should help with my blood flow and qi. Will help to calm the spleen back to where it should be. (he also suggested a baby aspirin- I will be asking my doctor if this is alright)

Xiao Yao Wan-
on days 16-30 of my cycle. He said that this helps to get my qi and yang phase regulated. This also helps to regulate the liver. As well as relieves stress.

You Gui Wan- helps to warm the body. I told him I have always been a cold natured person. Also helps with kidney yang nourishes jing in the blood.

I should take 4 pills – 3x a day.

I’m hoping this will help, have you heard anything or ever dealt with these yourself? Any information would be awesome! I love to research and find out a lot about things, I’m excited to see what happens with my body.
The Jia Wei Xiao Yao San I'm taking is actually a variant of Xiao Yao Wan. The only difference is the Jia Wei clears heat in addition to the other properties. Also, San means that the herbs are in powder form while wan means that it's in pill form.

The Jia Wei is the formulation my acu tried to take me off of last month, which ended up in me having the terrible case of PMS! I didn't realize you weren't taking herbs along with your acu. You'll definitely see things change a few weeks after you start taking them.

One thing I'm wondering about is my acu has me taking it before ovulation. I wonder why that is...More things to google, lol!!

That was interesting about your pulse. I've tried taking my own pulse but I can't figure it out.
which one are you taking before?

yes my acu didnt do herbs, I had to go elsewhere
I am taking Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan in powder (tea) form twice a day to try to bring on my period - and hopefully get my cycle going again!

I've been on it for nearly 3 weeks now and still nothing so not really sure if it's doing anything. Although my hereditarily cold hands and feet seem to be warming up so I guess that's something! I might ask about these herbs tomorrow as I was expecting to see AF by now!

Hoping that the herbs work for you soon!
did you feel different after you started with these?
welcome and gl!!! please keep us posted on your acu adventure
I'm going to my third app. today! I went twice now since last Thursday and she is really helping me with my sleepless nights. I sleep like a baby now lol.
did you feel different after you started with these?

When I first started taking them, I didn't really feel any different, but I did have less PMS and my periods and tongue improved. I really noticed the difference, however, when she took me off it last cycle. I think the changes are really gradual so you really don't feel an immediate effect.

Now that I'm on the Jia Wei and Zizyphus at the same time, I'm feeling really drowsy during the day. I read on the bottle that Zizyphus is supposed to help improve sleep as well as for anxiety but when I just took the Zizyphus alone, I was just a little calmer but not drowsy. I guess this means that I have a major problem with anxiety and can't be fixed with just by taking one set of the herbs alone.

I'm going to my third app. today! I went twice now since last Thursday and she is really helping me with my sleepless nights. I sleep like a baby now lol.

That is awesome!! Those are some pretty dramatic results. Sounds like you are really relaxed with is very promising for TTC!!!
Quick question: last time I went I had needles on my belly. Later that day one of the spot started to bruise, is that a bad sign? I'm only seeing her later today and I never ask her about bruising.
Hello ladies! Im pretty new here actually just registered few minutes ago lol. I got so excited when I started reading this thread. Im going to my second session of acu today together with my DH. We've been ttc for about 1.5 years now and it's been very frustrating. Our case is mostly male factor. My period before was very irregular but just started to become normal (30 day cycle) few months ago after RE gave me some BCP to regulate it, eversince for the past 3 months Ive been getting it regularly. Anyways, the acu didn't check my tounge but he did ask me a lot of questions. I think since we told him that our main concern was my DH, he focussed on him. He gave me and my DH some herbal stuff. DH started drinking it but me on the other side still very hesitant to take it coz it might mess up my cycle. I forgot the names of the herbal supplements but I read up on it, and it says more on kidney, blood presure etc. One bottle after my period and another bottle i think while i have my period. Does any of you gotten any side effects after taking the herbal supplements? Many thanks!
Quick question: last time I went I had needles on my belly. Later that day one of the spot started to bruise, is that a bad sign? I'm only seeing her later today and I never ask her about bruising.

I think that is normal, but I would ask her about it next time you see her just in case. The first time I went, I had a little tiny mark from one of the needles that was a little sore. It didn't happen again and it didn't bother me that much, so I never brought it up with my acu.

Hello ladies! Im pretty new here actually just registered few minutes ago lol. I got so excited when I started reading this thread. Im going to my second session of acu today together with my DH. We've been ttc for about 1.5 years now and it's been very frustrating. Our case is mostly male factor. My period before was very irregular but just started to become normal (30 day cycle) few months ago after RE gave me some BCP to regulate it, eversince for the past 3 months Ive been getting it regularly. Anyways, the acu didn't check my tounge but he did ask me a lot of questions. I think since we told him that our main concern was my DH, he focussed on him. He gave me and my DH some herbal stuff. DH started drinking it but me on the other side still very hesitant to take it coz it might mess up my cycle. I forgot the names of the herbal supplements but I read up on it, and it says more on kidney, blood presure etc. One bottle after my period and another bottle i think while i have my period. Does any of you gotten any side effects after taking the herbal supplements? Many thanks!

Welcome hopefaith!! I know I was happy when I found this thread too! I'm really excited about acu!

I haven't gotten any side effects from the supplements I'm on. They're supposed to gently nudge your body along, so I don't think you really would have any severe side effects. I think some people might have upset stomach from them, because my acu always asks me if I'm able to take the number of herbs she prescribes.

I would just make sure both your acu and RE are fully aware of what you are taking so there are no bad interactions with the drugs you are already taking. I can see your dilemma since your cycles have already gotten regular and I'm not sure what I would either other than figure out what both your acu and RE thinks and research research research. Hopefully your RE is supportive of you doing acu!

Good luck!! I understand that male fertility issues are a much easier fix!
Hi all,
How are we all doing? Welcome along hopefaith :0)
I had my 4th session today, and this was slightly different. I'm unsure if I ovulated this month, as I don't temp (I find it stressful) and my opk's didn't give me a smily face ( but a faint line for a few days?!?!? My acu thinks I may have ovulated and missed it, or I also may have not due to a laparoscopy, Hysroscopy and due only 5 weeks ago. Either way I'm staying calm as I feel that this might be a month where the 2WW may not be as stressful.
He treated me today as if I had ovulated, in case, and I had needles in my wrists not by my thumbs. He said this is a line into the uterus via the heart which directs lots of blood for implantation. - anybody heard of this?
I also had no heat lamp as my temperature is staying warm with the acu and herbs. I am no longer shivery and cold all the time now.
Still feeling really optimistic and relaxed by acu, couldn't reccomend it highly enough :0)
welcome and gl!!! please keep us posted on your acu adventure

Thank you! I certainly will :) GL to you too! x

I'm going to my third app. today! I went twice now since last Thursday and she is really helping me with my sleepless nights. I sleep like a baby now lol.

I am exactly the same, I always sleep so well now - especially on the nights that I have acu!

I had my third acu session today. My acupuncturist said that I've made a lot of improvements so far (which I don't see as still no :witch:!) but apparently my tongue looks healthier and my pulse is stronger so I guess that's something!

She also switched my herbs to stronger 'blood movement' herbs, so will see what happens over the next few days. She was very vague about how long it would take to regulate my cycle but seemed confident that it would happen if I stick to her instructions. At this stage I'm definitely willing to try anything!
Hi Needle Friends!

Good to hear how you are all getting on with acupuncture and TCM. Quite impressive that people are noticing some changes after a short time.

Nothing new to report here - am waiting for my second apt (next thurs). Although I have all the signs of Ov (which I had 6 weeks ago but didn't ov then) so am hopeful! Have stopped taking the Dong Quai, EPO and Agnus Castus just in case! xx
Hi all,
How are we all doing? Welcome along hopefaith :0)
I had my 4th session today, and this was slightly different. I'm unsure if I ovulated this month, as I don't temp (I find it stressful) and my opk's didn't give me a smily face ( but a faint line for a few days?!?!? My acu thinks I may have ovulated and missed it, or I also may have not due to a laparoscopy, Hysroscopy and due only 5 weeks ago. Either way I'm staying calm as I feel that this might be a month where the 2WW may not be as stressful.
He treated me today as if I had ovulated, in case, and I had needles in my wrists not by my thumbs. He said this is a line into the uterus via the heart which directs lots of blood for implantation. - anybody heard of this?
I also had no heat lamp as my temperature is staying warm with the acu and herbs. I am no longer shivery and cold all the time now.
Still feeling really optimistic and relaxed by acu, couldn't reccomend it highly enough :0)

Hi RKW! I am doing very well today. I'm usually in a very good pre-O. I think the herbs are evening out my anxiety.

That's really interesting about the needles in the wrist and thumbs. I need to pay attention next time to see if my acu decides not to put needles by my thumbs too since I should be O'ing next week. I wish my acu would give me that kind of detailed info.

Also, I think your acu was right to treat you as if you had O'ed. It's easy to miss that surge. I've read that some women only need a short little burst of LH to O and that it is a sign that everything is functioning very well! Hope your 2ww is not stressful and I know the acu will help with that.

I had my third acu session today. My acupuncturist said that I've made a lot of improvements so far (which I don't see as still no :witch:!) but apparently my tongue looks healthier and my pulse is stronger so I guess that's something!

She also switched my herbs to stronger 'blood movement' herbs, so will see what happens over the next few days. She was very vague about how long it would take to regulate my cycle but seemed confident that it would happen if I stick to her instructions. At this stage I'm definitely willing to try anything!

That is really good news about your tongue and stronger pulse! Those are probably signs that AF could be soon on her way (or maybe even a BFP). I am so thankful that we can track our progress through our tongues. OUr bodies are so mysterious, so I love having some clues about what is going on.

I think it is good that your acu was vague about the timeframe. On another board, one of the women said that her acu gave out 3-4 months as a general timeframe, and now she's freaking out becuase she's completed month 2 and hasn't had a BFP. Even though I asked my acu for a timeframe, in hindsight I am glad she was vague.

Hi Needle Friends!

Good to hear how you are all getting on with acupuncture and TCM. Quite impressive that people are noticing some changes after a short time.

Nothing new to report here - am waiting for my second apt (next thurs). Although I have all the signs of Ov (which I had 6 weeks ago but didn't ov then) so am hopeful! Have stopped taking the Dong Quai, EPO and Agnus Castus just in case! xx

Hope you have a non-stressful 2ww! That appointment next week should keep you on an even keel!
this is great! everyone seems to be doing well!!

Well I went yesterday for my 6 appointment! I feel great, Ive been taking herbs for 4 days now, she said in the next few months I should feel a difference with the herbs. Im excited to see! Im on cd 10 today, just started OPK's for the month. I have a U/S monday to look at my follicals so ill keep yall updated :)

gl this month girls!

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