Acupuncture - does it work? Any success stories?

Weenat - good luck with your first apt. I had mine yesterday - I slept like a dream last night. However, no-one warned me some (not all!) of the needles hurt a bit - clearly I am a wuss or stupid to have thought that they wouldn't lol! But I will defo be going back. She also recommended that i try dong quai - has anyone else tried this to bring on menstration? I've looked it up and am a bit worried as it seems quite strong and also shd not be used in pregnancy (although clearly I'm not pregnant I'm actively ttc just 'in case' I ever ovulate lol!) xx

Yeah, some of those needles are pretty uncomfortable at first, especially when you're just starting out with acu. The ones in my feet hurt the most and couple in my lower leg. However, it does get easier and easier each time. Now the ones in my feet that really hurt don't bother me at all.

A couple of the formulations I was taking had dong quai in it. I think for me it was to keep my blood flowing freely. I would take different formulations before ovulation and after, so she should be telling you when in your cycle you should be taking it.
Weenat - good luck with your first apt. I had mine yesterday - I slept like a dream last night. However, no-one warned me some (not all!) of the needles hurt a bit - clearly I am a wuss or stupid to have thought that they wouldn't lol! But I will defo be going back. She also recommended that i try dong quai - has anyone else tried this to bring on menstration? I've looked it up and am a bit worried as it seems quite strong and also shd not be used in pregnancy (although clearly I'm not pregnant I'm actively ttc just 'in case' I ever ovulate lol!) xx

Hee hee... yeah, i guess it takes getting used to being treated like a pin cushion. I've never herd of dong quei. I have been trying to lose weight and refuse to use slimming aids (JUST in case) :haha:.

I am very much looking forward to my appointment. The lady says that its good for treating PCOS, which sounds fantastic... also to help weight loss. If this is true, she can sick as many needles in me, i wouldnt care!!

The things you have already done for the baby that is yet to be made! Hee hee x
Did your acu have anything to say about your spotting? You're expecting AF too right? What color is the blood?

She thinks it's likely caused by blood stagnation due to invasion of 'cold'. Probably left over blood from last af. Sometimes I'll have intermittent bleeding instead of a steady flow. Still no af yet. FF is saying :test: but I'm not convinced. I've had cycles of 30 days so could still come today. My spotting is very light in color and only get a small spot a couple times a day. Not sure what to make of it?? It normally does get gradually heavier. Intermittent mild cramps as well but I feel fine ATM.

Weenat - good luck with your first apt. I had mine yesterday - I slept like a dream last night. However, no-one warned me some (not all!) of the needles hurt a bit - clearly I am a wuss or stupid to have thought that they wouldn't lol! But I will defo be going back. She also recommended that i try dong quai - has anyone else tried this to bring on menstration? I've looked it up and am a bit worried as it seems quite strong and also shd not be used in pregnancy (although clearly I'm not pregnant I'm actively ttc just 'in case' I ever ovulate lol!) xx

I find some places tender. You get used to it after a few times.
Cali and Summer - good to know you get used to it after a few sessions. It was quite strange I barely felt some needles, yet others were painful. I was thinking "surely if it's painful it must mean I have lots to sort out and it will defo be doing me good"!! lol!

Cali - I'm not really having a cycle as such - only 1 v light bleed in the last 3 months, so she recommended it to bring on menstration. I am desperate for AF so at least I'll feel like I'm getting back to normal and have a chance of ov!
Weenat - good luck with your first apt. I had mine yesterday - I slept like a dream last night. However, no-one warned me some (not all!) of the needles hurt a bit - clearly I am a wuss or stupid to have thought that they wouldn't lol! But I will defo be going back. She also recommended that i try dong quai - has anyone else tried this to bring on menstration? I've looked it up and am a bit worried as it seems quite strong and also shd not be used in pregnancy (although clearly I'm not pregnant I'm actively ttc just 'in case' I ever ovulate lol!) xx

Hee hee... yeah, i guess it takes getting used to being treated like a pin cushion. I've never herd of dong quei. I have been trying to lose weight and refuse to use slimming aids (JUST in case) :haha:.

I am very much looking forward to my appointment. The lady says that its good for treating PCOS, which sounds fantastic... also to help weight loss. If this is true, she can sick as many needles in me, i wouldnt care!!

The things you have already done for the baby that is yet to be made! Hee hee x

Lol re the weight loss - I wouldn't mind some of that too!

True the things we do! sometimes I'm not sure if all this knowledge we have re cycles/ovulating/baby making is a good thing or not, the more I find out the more I obsess about, but maybe that's just me!
Weenat - good luck with your first apt. I had mine yesterday - I slept like a dream last night. However, no-one warned me some (not all!) of the needles hurt a bit - clearly I am a wuss or stupid to have thought that they wouldn't lol! But I will defo be going back. She also recommended that i try dong quai - has anyone else tried this to bring on menstration? I've looked it up and am a bit worried as it seems quite strong and also shd not be used in pregnancy (although clearly I'm not pregnant I'm actively ttc just 'in case' I ever ovulate lol!) xx

Hee hee... yeah, i guess it takes getting used to being treated like a pin cushion. I've never herd of dong quei. I have been trying to lose weight and refuse to use slimming aids (JUST in case) :haha:.

I am very much looking forward to my appointment. The lady says that its good for treating PCOS, which sounds fantastic... also to help weight loss. If this is true, she can sick as many needles in me, i wouldnt care!!

The things you have already done for the baby that is yet to be made! Hee hee x

Lol re the weight loss - I wouldn't mind some of that too!

True the things we do! sometimes I'm not sure if all this knowledge we have re cycles/ovulating/baby making is a good thing or not, the more I find out the more I obsess about, but maybe that's just me!

No, im with you on that one... the more i learn the worse i get. Its like an on switch without the off button!! But then, if i dont try then i could be waiting another 5 yrs!!! No way ho-say!! :flower:
SusieC, I believe I've finally reached the point where I think all of this specialized knowledge we all have gotten is hurting my TTC chances. I spend so much time in a day googling and obsessing about it. I really need to get to the point where I just go to acu and not think too far in advance. OH thinks I'm about to have a nervous breakdown.
Hello ladies!
So I have started a new month! AF GOT ME EARLY.I went for my 4th session yesterday, she has been working on my ovaries and uterus, helping with the blood flow to the areas. Im also taking a warm heating pad and putting it around my ovary area for 20mins a night as well as proping my legs up aganist a wall for 20 mins. hahaha Ill try anything at this point!

There is a lady in town that does holistic medicine, she is a holistic Dr. her website says she is a fertility specialist that focuses on infertility by ways of acupuncture and herbs. She works with your OBGYN and has her own lab for bloods and such…. Her record is impressive, and the fact that she does the holistic approach is awesome the only thing the PRICE!!! To see her for the first appointment is $270.00 then from there on out it ranges from $75.00 to $120.00. I am wanting to go to see how she might be different than the lady I’m going to now, but can’t cough up that much money just the “see”

Plus- my acupuncturist has what she calls community day every Thursday that is on a sliding scale so the first visit you have with her is 30.00 for an hour. Every time after that it’s what you can pay between 20.00-60.00. It’s awesome and affordable for me!! Im sticking to where im at right now ;)

2 questions for you ladies: I have my next IUI scheduled for some time between July 16-18th just depends on my ovulation. My OBGYN, wants to see me in for a U/S on day 11 or 12 but those days fall on a sat and sun. and they aren’t open. Has anyone ever had one preformed on CD10? OR CD13
Does anyone have a acu that doesn’t do herbs with treatment? Im looking into getting some for fertility but want to make sure Im taking the right ones, it sounds like traditional Chinese acu prescribe them, but where would I find someone that just does herbs?!?!?!

Hows everyone doing?
SusieC, I believe I've finally reached the point where I think all of this specialized knowledge we all have gotten is hurting my TTC chances. I spend so much time in a day googling and obsessing about it. I really need to get to the point where I just go to acu and not think too far in advance. OH thinks I'm about to have a nervous breakdown.

I at one time thought I was having a nervous breakdown. hahaha I thought that I was a nut and taking this waaaayyyy too seriously. Now im more relaxed but still often wonder mybe its just stress!!! thats where acu has helped me the most!
SusieC, I believe I've finally reached the point where I think all of this specialized knowledge we all have gotten is hurting my TTC chances. I spend so much time in a day googling and obsessing about it. I really need to get to the point where I just go to acu and not think too far in advance. OH thinks I'm about to have a nervous breakdown.

Big hugs hon. I know how u feel. I'm sure our mothers/ grandmothers never went through this. You end up analysing or obsessing over everything, despite knowing stress is not good! I've even wondered if subconsciously I'm not quite ready, therefor my body isn't going to conceive - crackers!

Wishing everybody luck, peace & baby dust. These longed for babies will be so loved, lol! Xx
Hi Moorebetter, glad your appointment went well.

Can't help on the iui I'm afraid. With regards to the herbs, in the uk there are loads of shops selling them but they can be very pricey. My acu sells herbs for 2 weeks for about $10 and the same ones are about $50 in a herbalist by me, I checked. It might be with looking online?

I went for a session today, and I'm 2-4 days away from ovulating, and I felt the effects of the session a lot stronger, I went into a deep trance whilst I lay there, not asleep but very vivid dreams ( about dog food! I work for a food company, considering moving into the dog food section!) I felt very woosy afterwards, and drive home the wrong way, adding 20 mins onto my journey as I was so spaced out.

Does anybody else have different acu experiences dependant on their cycle?
For some of you this is your second right? Were you as obsessed with ttc the first? Lol. I ask because right now I feel like the pressure is on for #1 but I'd be able to relax more for the second. Maybe I'm kidding myself :p
Ok! Still playing the waiting game for af! Bfn on hpt this morning. FF has me at 17dpo! Although my O date could be uncertain by a day or 2 I guess. Still I've never had this long a cycle and am starting to worry. Starting to think the herbs are to blame for this! Anyone else have cycle side effects? Temps are still up this am.
Thanks ladies for the support! I'm also wondering if the fact that my acu took me off some of the herbs I'm taking had anything to do with it. My emotions went all haywire and I think it was related to PMS because I'm much better know. Maybe I'm not ready to go off of those herbs. Seems like that is liver qi stagnation.

Moorebetter, Sorry AF got you early. But I think if she was going to get you, it's better that she gets you early than to make you wait around for her.

I wonder if your acu would be willing to just do herbs. I read all the time about people who just do acu and not herbs so it seems like they should be willing to do herbs and not acu as well. Also, I know some do just herbs for OHs who don't want to commit to the acu.

Thanks SusieC! You do make a good point. Maybe our it is our bodies just waiting for the best time. I know the first time around, in hindsight, I was a little grateful that it took so long. My mother had just passed away and I spent months grieving. I probably would have been hard dealing with grief and dealing with raging pregnancy hormones at the same time. This time around, maybe it's good because dd will be a little more independent and she will be old enough to handle the transition from only child to big sister. I know some other of my internet buddies who have children close in age are having a hard time in helping their older children through the transition.

RKW, I know there was one session where I almost fell asleep. I'm always relaxed, but this one I was super relaxed. I need to pay attention to see if it correlates to my cycle.

Summer2011, this is my second and I was definitely just as obsessed as with the first, but just in a different way. With the first, I was more obsessed with worrying about something being wrong with me and worrying about whether it was even possible for me to get pregnant. I don't think I ever just let go and resigned to let whatever happen. I tried hard from start to finish.

This time around, it's more like now that I know how great it is to be a mom, I desperately want to experience that again. I still worry about whether there is something wrong, but now I think about me and my dd getting older, worrying about her asking for a sibling, etc.
I went to my appointment for acupunture on Thursday. It went well, I'm going back twice this week (Tuesday + Thursday). I had a needle in each foot and I move one. Jeez, it was super painful but everything went well.

I should be ovulating very soon too, OPK is getting darker every day.
Hi girls. Quick question about Chinese herbs....I am on them at the moment...a blended mis from my Chinese medicine practioner. I am taking along with weekly acupuncture sessions. The herbs alone cost £50 for a weeks worth and the acu sessions £30. I'm not well off so this is just too expensive for me to maintain on any long term basis. Anyhow, question is.....have you been prescribed the herbs (mine is the powdered form i put in hot water) to take every day of your cycle? I'm slightly concerned taking it post doc's English isn't that great....
Hi Blythe, I have herbs in powdered form which I mix with water and have twice a day. I think I replied to a previous post of yours, those herbs do seem very expensive. I would really reccomend searching around for a different therapist. In the thread I have written the name of the herbs I take (sorry I'm out of the house at the mo) these cost me £8 for two weeks worth. My acupuncture is £40 a week.
The best thing I can reccomended is searching for a zita west affiliated acupuncturist as they are fertility specialists and tend to be more affordable, but are highly trained in fertility issues. I'm sure there are loads in London. I live in Oxford and there are 5 in the city.
Good luck
Hi thanks for reply.....I have looked at a couple of acupuncturists who have completed Zita west training....they charge a stupid amount of money...the joys of London!! The guy I'm with has years of experience in a hospital environment so I'm happy with his credentials but not so much the cost of the herbs. I will have to try and talk to him about a more affordable way forward as
Its just silly! Good luck to you x x

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