Acupuncture - Herbal Treatment *6 BFPs*

Hobb, any symptoms youve spotted at all? I have a few but think its just progesterone levels. Cramps, thirst leading to freq urination, hightened smell, dizziness, gas & bloated, sore throat, fatigue, tender/itchy boos on the sides. Last pregnancy I had sinus & Im getting this now. Two days after OV I ate my fav soup & then hot choc with friends. BUT I felt so sick, so I didnt finish it. These signs could be from anything so Im not wanting to test til late next week.
thks pinkorblue i think i just have to tough it out :)

Scorpio i totally relate to the relaxing part afterwards :) After the needles are out in fact I feel fantastic and even more fantastic once I am driving down the street and i can see the needle house behind me lol

Madeline xxx
nicki - heheh I am a tragic heheh

madeline xx

ps scorpio - I know its way early but that a little bit exciting :)
Hiya ladies I've been reading thought I'd chip in if thats ok :)
Firstly hello and sorry for your losses its so hard for all of us but i am relieved to have found people to relate to. My miscarriage ended on sunday after one month of bleeding so im pretty whacked to be honest. I decided after reading alot about herbs and acupuncture that I would take this route whilst ttc my 1st. I have found a local acupuncturist who specialises in fertility and gyne issues so im hoping this can help get me back on track. I'd love a spring baby :)
Im taking red clover and drinking ladies mantle tea both supposed to help regulate cycles, becoming a pin cushion as of next wednesday :)
Fingers crossed for you ladies in 2ww saw some very promising charts on here:happydance:
Madeline~ Thanks! That's great news about your back! I had the same result but I didn't even tell her about my lower back because I had that ache for so long, I got used to it. Just one session, back pain was gone and never came back. :) xxx. Needle house, I like that. :haha:

Nicki~ Thank you for the hugs :hugs: I know it will all work out in the end, just gotta get through all the reading first and making sure the procedure I want covered actually is. Good luck to you and I hope this is your bfp cycle! :flower:

Scorpio~ No worries about knowing much about it, I didn't either and now I'm learning the hard way. It will be worth it in the end! :)

Hi Merri, sorry for your loss as well. :hugs: Hope acu leads to very good things for you, lol @ pin cushion.
Hi merri - sorry for you loss but a big Hello and :hugs:
Two acu terms have made me chuckle today - pincushion and needle house :)

Scorpio, I know it's hard not to symptom spot but sounding good! What dpo do you think you'll test?

:dust: everyone! N
Nicki, I have never heard of the foresight plan. Sounds really cool. I don't know if they offer it in the states.

My temp dropped today so I am wondering if it is over for me. Fertility friend said I od on CD12 using their "advance method." Their FAM method says I od on cd 14 which seems more to my normal pattern, but now I think it may have been cd12 since my temp dropped today.
Does anyone else find that fertility friend is not so accurate at establishing O date on ambiguous charts?
Scorpio--I don't have any. I did need to take a nap a few times, I guess I have been a lot more thirsty. But honestly I don't think it happened. Last time I have very distinct symptoms and I just "knew." I suppose it is possible I won't always "know" but it doesn't feel promising to me this time. I don't know.

Madeline-- I had needles in my ears yesterday. Those hurt a little, but once in, I didn't feel them at all. I don't watch cause then I think I would have an issue so I just close my eyes. I almost fell asleep yesterday. It's like forced meditation. Can't more with the needles in, I guess I have no choice but to sit here and relax.
Merri, welcome. Glad u joined the thread. Sorry for ur loss & am glad ur seeking help with acu.

Nicki, i plan to test DPO 12 if my temps are high.

Hobb, hugs! My temp also dropped today. Hang in there as one drop doesnt mean ur out. I dont feel pregnant either. Do u know ur luteal phase length??
Merri, welcome. Glad u joined the thread. Sorry for ur loss & am glad ur seeking help with acu.

Nicki, i plan to test DPO 12 if my temps are high.

Hobb, hugs! My temp also dropped today. Hang in there as one drop doesnt mean ur out. I dont feel pregnant either. Do u know ur luteal phase length??

Yeah, since my miscarriage, my luteal phase has shortened to 12 days. This cycle was a weird one though as I had ovulation symptoms two days earlier and I am not really sure how many dpo I am. Fertility friend originally had me ovulating on cd 12, which would put me at 11 dpo today with af expected on Saturday. If I od on cd 14, which is what using FAM says, that would put me at 9dpo with af expected on Monday. I am beginning to think fertility friend was right the first time and I am 11dpo. Or I could have Od on cd13 which a different site says I did. So I have no idea this cycle. I just want this waiting to be over already!!! Please!
hi merry sorry for your losses, i hope the acupuncture will help keep us posted :hugs:

hob - i can't process needles in the ears yet but i will definitely b closing my eyes! the waiting is the worst isn't it, thirst can b a sign of pregnancy :)

pinkorblue - thats awesome about yr back i would give anything to offload this back pain of mine, it went away briefly following physio and massage but it has returned so i am pursuing other avenues to work out wats causing it.

nicki - baby dust to u too :) off to the gym to have my ass kicked then off to the needle house to c Dr prick lol

scorpio - i have my thermometer and ready to go w temps so placing a big sign near my bed to remind myself to do it before i get up. I am 2-3DPO not testing until end of cycle,thats the plan anyway:)

Madeline xxx
Hob, I think 11DPO for you also. Yay!

The needles in the ears sting. It helps reduce knee aches or back aches.

Madeline, welcome to the 2WW gang :) I did alot of research and according to specialists we can not feel any pregnancy symptoms until the fertilised egg implants (after 7 DPO atleast). This is because hcg will not be in our bloodstream until implantation. From 1 DPO until implantation all the signs are from progesterone :(

However I think it is possible for women to just KNOW. When I was pregnant (I didnt think I was because I was on a months break) I had two symptoms BUT thought I was making symptoms up. I had implantation bleeding. And one night I felt a big pushing or stabbing pain. It made me wake up. I think that was the moment of implantation. I never told anyone this info before.
Dr Prick at the needle house - lol Madeline.

I think I'm officially in the 2ww now. Am classing yesterday as ov day so am 1dpo. Am on my way to acu right now so hopefully the lady can create a warm snuggly environment for eggy to implant into in a few days. I love Fridays, I have acu first thing, then go into the office but all the managers work from home on Friday so we have a pretty chilled out day and I start winding down for the weekend.

Scorpio, some women do seem to be very intuitive where early pg is concerned, and just know. I don't think I am one of them unfortunately! I hope so much you get your bfp. Not long to wait til you find out!
Had Acupuncture session 8 today, it hurt a bit more than normal - not badly but I felt the needles more. She decided to do them in my back. I asked her why they hurt more and she said there are different needling techniques. At first she was just trying to 'clear me out' and get my system moving, and she said you don't feel those needles as much, whereas this week and the last few weeks it has been about strengthening me and there is more connection with my Qi which I why I felt it more. Having the next 2 weeks off acu now as she wants to see me more pre-ov.
Yay Nicki! Welcome to the 2WW gang. Im stressed on Fri's as my manager doesnt work on that day. & problems miraculously appear on Fri where my help is needed grrr lol.
Awwww I miss acu already. Not due to go back for another month.
Scorpio thks:) OMG I have to tell yo when I read your description of your pregnancy I couldn't believe it I had exactly the same thing when I got pregnant except it happened during the day I was just walking along and suddenly I doubled over with stabbing pains in my abdomen. I knew that wasn't normal,also I just felt like everything had sort of stopped. Weird hey!

Cool so basically we need to hang out till probably day 10 or 12 before expecting any symptoms and really we may not get any anyway although I have to tell you when i got pregnant my progesterone skyrocketed and my boobs were swollen etc a week before the end of my cycle. I have heard though that each pregnancy is different so i guess that means more waiting to c :)

Nicki - its so great to be put in touch with your QI isn't it (NOT!) maybe thats what Dr Prick has been doing. Either way he was in fine form today, the needles in my back were painful. I do try to b diplomatic however and keep my wincing to a minimum so as not to hurt his feelings lol There i nothing like the sight of the needle house disappearing into the distance in my rear vision mirror however lol That is really good to know about the needle techniques though :)I am really glad you made it through inspite of the discomfort :hugs:

fingers crossed for everyone in the TWW :hugs:

Madeline xxx
Madeline, omg thanks for letting me know. I never told anyone cos i though noone would believe me.
scorpio - yeh i tried googling it but I couldn't find any symptom like that anywhere I wonder wat it means....

Madeline xxx

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