Acupuncture - Herbal Treatment *6 BFPs*

Thanks hobs not read it have heard of it though, will see if I can find it. But my charts are always ambiguous, i think my best bet is to concerntrate on cm and use ff as a recorder of things but not trust it fully! This cycle was always going to be weird for me anyway! xx
Thanks hobs not read it have heard of it though, will see if I can find it. But my charts are always ambiguous, i think my best bet is to concerntrate on cm and use ff as a recorder of things but not trust it fully! This cycle was always going to be weird for me anyway! xx

I think that is a good plan! I think CM tells you the most. If you ever notice a day where you have A LOT, be sure to dtd on that day for sure even if you think you aren't close to ovulating. That is what I did both times I got knocked up ;-) Some cycles I don't have as much, but the ones I have a lot are apparently the good cycles! I notice it most after a bowl movement. (Sorry for TMI) CM is key!
Merri, looks like your mc is over and you are waiting for your first period? Is that right? sorry for your loss. I know how that feels. It looks like you could have ovulated on CD35. I bled for a long time with my MC (like for 6 weeks!). It took me two months to get a regular cycle back and it was slightly off. It shortened my LP by two days. I heard other women say that too. Thought Acupuncture might help with the shortened LP. Good that you are doing acu now as I think it does help even out your hormones. I wish you all the best!
Wahoo!!! Massive congrats hobbnob. And it is so reassuring to know you can get a BFP without symptoms, gives us all more hope :) happy and healthy 9 months to you.
yep I havent had a period since mc this is my first cycle, maybe I did O but not convinced because temp fell off today.I hope my lp doesnt shorten because it used to be 12 days! I think acu will help im keeping fingers crossed, do I tell them everything about what happened and that I havent had a cycle since mc? xxx Thanks again
Merristems, they may not need to know everything that happened, but I would tell them as much about your cycles prior to that and where you are at now and take in your charts if you have previous one. That tells them a lot. And any blood work you had done.

My acupuncturist told me that in Chinese medicine acupuncture is really a secondary treatment and that the herbal medication is what is their primary way of addressing issues. She gave me some herbs. I honestly can't say if it truly helped me or not since I just started it after I ovulated, but never know. I did notice that my LP temps were a lot more stable than they usually are.They still look erratic but nothing compared to my previous cycles so I think my problem is in the LP. I just pray this one sticks!

It takes a while for your body to adjust after a mc. This is my fourth cycle after the first period after MC (if that make sense). It took two months for me to get my first AF. MC really sets you back. Hang in there. I think seeking help now is a good thing.
Merri, I would advise to be upfront with your dr as it will help them to help you in the long run.
I didnt get my first AF until 60 days after D&C. I was really hoping to get AF because I did not want to fall pregnant and then have the stressed of EDD. Herbs brought AF on after three days. Acu has made me feel happier and got me out from a dark place. I feel healthier physically and mentally.
If you are hoping to fall pregnant before AF, you won't have a problem with EDD if you know your OV date.
Hi scorpio and hobs, I'm not too worried if i do concieve this month, im sort of ntnp but also I dont really mind about edd stress as thats what your scans are for, plus there only a guestimate too! I really hope the herbs help, im taking red clover but im a bit sporradic! Not sure why I MC is anyone though, I just dont think it was my time however my cycle i concieved on was a little out of sorts. Well first appointment tommorrow night im kind of excited and i be scared of talking about it all again. Love and light xx
Anyone on here anymore?

Merri--Have you had your appointment yet?

Anyone know anyone know anyone who took chinese herbs in the first trimester? My acupuncturist recommended that but I wasn't comfortable since I was afraid of birth defects and stuff. I know they have been using those herbs for thousands of years but ya know. Just wondering if anyone else know anyone who did take some first trimester herbs and if there were any negative consequences?

By the way, my puppy is so cute. He sees a crow and chases after it, but since it can fly he gets confused and just starts running around the back yard looking for it. Darling!
Hiya first appointment went well I guess, it was horrid talking about it all again but I thought it was for the best to say everything I could think of. Tongue is grey purple and pulse was thin and quick-indicating stess and spleen and stomach working overtime which is understandable! Also said no cold food drink etc but thats really hard!!getting herbs next week. Had needles in feet legs and hands.
How you ladies doing? I dont know about herbs that are safe but im sure they wouldnt give you anything too powerful any way- i asked about that because there is tiny chance i could have concieved this cycle-man said they wouldnt be harmful.
Hmmm not heard of anyone taking meds while pregnant.

AF got me this morning. My cycle length is 41 days. LP 14 days.

Heres to cycle #2 for me. Im doing ok. Didnt cry. Buts its definitely ON as planned :)

FX for the TWW ladies & sticky dust to all the pregnant ladies.
Merri-that's awesome. It is hard to talk about a mc isn't it. I cry even now just when I tell someone I had one.

Scorpio--Sorry girl. Have you tried the smep timing? we tried it the best we could this cycle and it seemed to work. We we doing everyday, practically, around ovulation but that was too much; I think my DH ran out of sperm by the time we really needed it. haha! it is so hard to time it right.

TMI warning. I am having diarrhea today. i hope i am not sick. my mom said that was an early preg symptom for her 2 pregnancies and same for my grandmother (with her 4). i hope that's it and that i am not just sick. ugh.
I tried to SMEP but the night of OV and night after OV I had painful cramps.
It was so bad I had to sleep it off. BUT I did BD two nights before in a row and 2 days after OV. SO I think I suffered by not BD on the day of OV.
I will do it this month even if it kills me LOL.
Plus I had high stress at work. Going through a merger and it's full on. Even worse its winter here :(

I had diarrhea the day after OV during C#1. It's unusual for me to have lose stools. All TMI welcome here :)

I'm feeling good today but AF is only a light bleed. I'm hoping for a heavy red bleed. My last AF was red but only lasted one to two days. I felt as though the bleed didnt clear things out. I also had late OV wasnt happy about that. *sigh* I just want to talk to my dr already but shes on holiday and my next appointment is 11 July.
By the way, my puppy is so cute. He sees a crow and chases after it, but since it can fly he gets confused and just starts running around the back yard looking for it. Darling!

:rofl: too cute!

I wish I could help but my acupuncturist doesn't like giving herbs during pregnancy.

:hugs: Scorpio and Hobb, hope you both feel better and sorry AF got you, Scorpio. Next cycle will be the one! :flower:

Merri~ Sorry your appointment had a rough beginning :hugs: hope it helped to talk.
PinkorBlue, I think I am going to pass on the herbs. I just don't want to play around with that stuff. Acupuncturist said they were not toxic but if I didn't feel comfortable then I should not take any and just do the acupuncture.

Acupuncture hurt today. She put them in different spots and two in particular hurt. One in my right ear and the other in the inside of my right shin. I moved my leg and felt a really weird pain move down my leg, but she had left the room and I didn't know what to do so I laid there and tried not to move my leg again and it subsided.
Hobb, what type of dog do you have?
I have a border collie and a cattle dog.
Could go on and on about the bizarre things they do especially my collie.
They are my best pals. Supported me alot through MC and gave me cuddles when I needed them most.

I think cattle dog knew I was getting AF last night:laugh2:
Scorpio-I love dogs. Border Collies and Cattle dogs are suppose to be the smartest dogs. I watch a show on dogs and they tested this border collie's vocabulary and he knew 200 words or something. Have you heard of this? They would ask the dog to bring them a toy and the toy was in a pile of lots of other toys in another room and the dog could pick out the right one every time and knew the names of 200 of them. Amazing. They also showed him a picture of the toy and he would do the same thing from looking at the picture. So smart!

We have a little mutt we think has poodle hair with Maltese temperament and ears and terrier face. He is a mutt we got from a rescue organization. He is the best little guy.

What are your dogs names?
Hi Scorpio, sorry the witch got you, but you have the right attitude, it's only cycle 1 and a 14 day LP is great.

Merri, well done for getting your first acu session done.

Hobnob, hope the diarrhoea went away quickly.

Hello pinkorblue!

Re herbs, I don't take any as my acu lady says I'm doing lots with my diet and vitamins and so we'll see how that goes and try herbs down the line if we need to. 8dpo here, I want to wait til 14 til I test but think I'll cave at 12 dpo
I'M 8dpo too Nikki, have had headaches and been in foul mood on an off too this week so dont think this is my month :( testing monday if no af
I guess all dr are different I will ask mine at next appointment-he specialises in gyn and fertility so i think he will have an idea about safety (I hope so!) I will give you the ingrediants list when i get mine-I know there are some you deff shouldnt go near so I completely understand you not feeling confident taking them.
I really want a dog!! We had border collies all my life, my darling minty left us 6yrs ago and I still expect to see her when I get home :( I really want a border terrier mongral/lurcher type they are so cheeky! But collies are the most intelligent animals :)
Sorry af got you scorpio but at least you did o this month xxx
Hi Merri - so exciting to be same dpo! Madeline (hello madeline!) is just one day ahead of us too. I'm going to wait til Tuesday to test at the earliest. I have had a bfp at 11 dpo before but it was very feint so going to leave it the extra day. Good luck, fx for you.

Am trying not to get my hopes up but had a small amount of blood yesterday morning and keep thinking maybe it's implantation ... So hard not to get excited but must try not to yet.

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