

Mother of 2
Jun 21, 2010
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Has anyone struggled to conceive after being diagnosed with adenomyosis? The consultant who did my ultrasound didn't think adenomyosis would be the cause of my subfertility, but I have read a lot of articles which say adenomyosis does cause infertility.

We concieved our first child so easily 4 years ago (which as time goes by I feel more and more thankful for) and although we are only on cycle 9 of ttc #2 - I am ovulating perfectly, my bloods are all fine and we have :sex: at the perfect time every month. I just can't help thinking there is a link between adenomyosis and infertility.

Thanks for reading!
This probably doesn't help much, but I have endometriosis and have been told it won't affect my chances and fertility but I'm sceptical and can't help thinking it is....
It wasn't found on my tubes or ovaries etc so the gyno gave me the all clear, but as you say, we've been BD'ing at the right time every month, using everything possible, pretty sure I'm Ov'ing and partner is ok with SA.
I've also read lots of articles saying endo does affect fertility, which contradicts my gyno.
Sorry I couldn't be much help x
Hey Floofy - thanks for replying! This forum is soooo quiet!

As you say, you have endo - andenomyosis is basically endometriosis of the uterine wall - and so one theory suggests that it makes the uterus too spongy so a fertilised egg cannot implant - no matter what you do - ie I would never ever again get pregnant.

I have been told that my adenomyosis is pretty mild too - but like you, I just can't understand why I have not conceived yet. I am onto cycle 10 now - spotting and temp fall and on off cramps all confirm this!

Here's hoping for some good news for you and me soon!:dust:
Hi, is this thread still going? I was wondering if any of you have been successful? I have adenomyosis and was told that it will not affect fertility. I am TTC #2 and have had two miscarriages in the last year and a half. I also have endometriosis. I have been told that my age is the problem (i am 38) and not my condition. My son was an accident on holiday nearly 4 years ago. Actually trying for a baby with all the timed sex, ovulation tests, mucus test etc can be so stressful and disheartening.
Hey nimblejim - I do have very mild adenomyosis, which apparently is very common in women who have already had a child. The MAIN reason I couldn't conceive is because I only ovulate from one ovary and that fallopian tube was blocked. I had an HSG - they finally forced the dye through that tube and I got pregnant about 2 days later.

I obviously have no scientific evidence for my theory about my main cause of infertility, but I feel it is too much of a coincidence, considering how easily I got pregnant last time. I am 33 and had my first son at 29 (nearly 30)! In the end it took a very painful 12 months to get pregnant and I am just under 12 weeks along, so I am praying all is OK.

I am terribly sorry for your miscarriages and I hope you conceive very soon and you are right about the extreme stress this causes.

I don't know whether you are in the UK or not? But we found that the NHS were very slow to get anywhere with finding out why we couldn't conceive, so we went privately in the end. It took the NHS over 6 months to find out the same info as we got in just under a month privately. I was worried that age wouldn't be on my side forever and lucky that money isn't too much of an issue.

I wish you all the best for a speedy bfp - secondary infertility really hurts, but is not understood my many :hugs:
Hi Mushypea, thanks so much for your message. I completely agree that the NHS can be incredibly slow. The doctors kept telling me that my symtpoms (I was having one good week a month) were due to stress and only after a lot of nagging did they agree to an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed that I have mild adenomyosis. I was still not happy with my prognosis and eventually I saw a consultant. He actually was fantastic and gave me all the time I needed. He said I have endometriosis but said that because I have no problem conceiving the endo was not a problem in getting pregnant but my age was the issue. He said that there is no link between miscarriage and endo. There is so much conflicting information on the internet. But he seemed to know what he was talking about so I am just going to keep trying.

Trying for a second one is so much harder. With our first we were at that lovely loved up stage so were having lots of sex and it happend by accident. Now, we have a two year old in our bed a lot of the time, I work full time as my husband looks after our son at home, and we are skint!!! But I read such amazing stories on these types of forums and not giving up really is the key. How is the pregnancy going? I am a bit of a tww symtpom spotting addict! Can you remember your symptoms? I was wondering if your adenomyosis symptoms disappeared completely?
I suppose with endo it depends how advanced it is. I know many struggle ttc with endo, but as you say if you find it hard to ttc due to having a 2 year old, then endo will not be your issue!

My husband and I both work full time in very stressful jobs too, which may also not help with ttc - although we always dtd at the correct times each month, but may be stress hormones can prevent fertilisation?

As you say - don't give up. I have known many who have ttc for over 2 years before a bfp and even some who had ivf with their first, only to fall pregnant naturally a few months after their ivf child was born.

Pregnancy is a miracle that cannot be rushed (unfortunately) - but do stay under medical supervision.

My first real symptom was feeling full after eating and occasional waves of nausea - also a lack of spotting - I usually spot for a few days before AF. I also had twinges in my ovaries and cervix - but I get these every month anyway. I had quite yellow, thick ewcm too! But it wasn't an infection - I promise! Adenomyosis only gives me extremely painful and heavy periods - so obviously that has cleared up!

Really hope we hear about a bfp from you soon x
You are so right, a friend of mine has a friend who could not conceive for 10 years so had twins eventually through IVF. Well, she is now pregnant naturally at the age of 40 with twins!!! I know stress is not good but it is really hard not to get stressed and not think about it all when trying for a baby month after month. My period is a day late and I know I am not pregnant as I am having my ususal endo cramping but in the back of my mind I am thinking there is still a chance this month! Crazy!!!
It REALLY is hard to relax! I hope you are wrong and that you are pregnant! Pregnancy and oncoming period symptoms are so similar :dust:
I have just started my period, which I am fine about as I would be worried about being pregnant with the horrible cramping I get before my period! It is just crazy how even though you know you are not pregnant, until you actually start your period you still think "maybe"!!! I am going to do lots of jogging and meditation this month as I really find that makes me feel much more positive about it all. Have you ever tried the sperm meets egg plan? We are going to try it this month but my husband is 47 so we may not be able to do it exactly!! It does involve a rather lot of sex for us oldies (me and my husband that is, not you!!!).
Sorry your period came :hugs:

I have no idea what the sperm meets egg plan is, to be honest. But exercise is great for making you feel better about everything - I am an exercise freak and was still running at 8 months pregnant last time! Enjoy the sex! I have gone right off it for the moment! Sex drive is zero!
I found the sperm meets egg plan on the internet and it is where you have sex every other day from day 8 and then when the LH surge comes 3 days in a row. We can just about do the every other day bit but 3 days in a row!!! You gotta be kidding!!!! I love jogging, it makes me feel great. I am cutting back a bit though only because I was doing 10k runs when I was pregnant the last time and miscarried and the doctor said to cut back on the exercise as it is not good to do too much. I felt terrible as I miscarried the day after I had done a run. But I suspect I was going to miscarry anyway. My sex drive was really low when I was pregnant. In fact I don't recall having a lot of sex during my pregnancy! My poor husband!:haha:
I suppose we kind of did the sperm meets egg plan. As for running causing miscarriage, as you say it would have happened anyway. I plan on continuing to run through this pregnancy too. Good luck with the 3 days in a row! ;)
Have you always been a runner or is this a recent thing? I only ask because I have always done a lot of sport but after I had my son I stopped for a while. I then changed jobs and was very stressed and not taking care of myself, drinking way too much coffee. Well, that is when I started getting terrible periods and was eventually diagnosed with adenomyosis and then endo. When I started doing my jogging again it helped massively with my symptoms. I have to be really careful with my diet as well as I can get sudden flare ups. But it is manageable and I really want to put off any kind of operation as long as possible. I was just wondering if exercise affects your symptoms? Good for you for keeping up the jogging during pregnancy. For my first one I cycled everywhere and did a lot of yoga and I am sure that that is why I had an good birth and recovered quickly.

Maybe 2 times in a row, but 3!!! Not so sure!!!! :winkwink:
12 week scan was great thanks! I have always run and done lots of exercise yes, so it has no effect on my adenomyosis symptoms :hugs:
Does anything have an impact on your symtpoms? Do you have good and bad months or always bad periods? Have you tried changing your diet? I can't wait to be pregnant so I can eat lots of chocolate and bread and cakes without the inevitable endo symptoms. Fantastic the 12 week scan went well, you must be thrilled. I am determined to be positive this month. Off for a jog! :happydance:
Nimblejim my periods are always terrible and always have been, but were worse after my son. I would say some months I probably didn't cry quite as much as others or need to almost comatose myself with painkillers - but generally, every month has been extremely painful and extremely heavy. I have to change tampons at least once an hour and they are the biggest tampons. I can only use one brand now as others just can't hack it! Also have masses of nasty big clots. But I was put on mefenamic acid and tranexamic acid (both together) and that helped immensely - I was like a new woman!

Enjoy your run. And do you fancy chocolate when pregnant? I have been right off it for the first trimester!

Anyway in summary - nothing helps my symptoms at all. I know losing weight would as my periods would stop, but if anything I am underweight anyway - lucky me!

Glad you are positive and enjoy your run hun - I was supposed to go tonight, but a headache got the better of me!
Is it the adenomyosis that makes your periods awful? It sounds really terrible for you. At the worst stage mine were very similar, I bled so much at work once that it came through my trousers on to my chair, I was mortified. But for me it is 70% diet, 20% stress, and 10% exercise. Once I get my lifestyle under control my symptoms ease up. I think my endo is worse than my adenomyosis. The reason why I am going to stuff my face with chocolate is because I cannot eat it as it really doesn't agree with me and my endo. Within 10 minutes of eating it I get cramping and diarrhea. The reaction is instant. My symptoms are very much like IBS to be honest. We are starting our sex marathon this week! Yikes!!! :wacko:
Yes, it is the adenomyosis that makes my periods awful - well they were always bad - so just unfortunate for me I suppose, but after having a child and developing mild adenomyosis, they got even worse - more pain and heavier and quite nasty cramps from ovulation onwards.

IBS runs in my family too, but if I do have it, it is only mild....

Enjoy your sex marathon! Let's hope its worth it :haha:

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