Yeah but you cant hold a gun to their heads and make them so the law is trying its best. My friends daughter is going to be 8 in January and her dad hasnt been much of a dad through those 8 years so she said when she hears that he is expecting another child she will contact CSA and this year he said he was having a boy with someone else so she took him to CSA and he owes £16,000 and has to pay back every penny, they found his employer and told him if he doesnt contact them in 2 weeks they will automatically take a payment they think suitable from his wages.. Which they did.
has anyone ever been thro the mediation process?
yeh she has refused to attend mediation but i still need to go just to show i tried , the legal system is seriously messed up in my opinion and takes such a long time , i just want to no my daughter is safe and well and give her a big hug .... but because mothers have all the rights its going to be a long time before i can do that. so to all the mothers who have stopped access i hope you think about the child who is missin out on time with the father and thats time that can never be got back
I really hope you get to see your daughter soon..
I really hope you get to see your daughter soon..
its actually nice to here that from a women just wish all women cared as much
from what i have exprienced so far i think other fathers just give up as it seems everything is against us and how long it takes and the amount of money it costs, its a shame some fathers do choose not to do everything they can but maybe if the legal system was a little bit quicker and easier they might and in the end it will be the child that benefits and gets to see dadI would be really happy and wouldn't stand in the way of my FOB having eventual access to my baby at any stage, no matter how much I was upset with him for leaving me, because my baby would know their Father and that is what would be important. I think ultimately, the majority of women would want the FOB's to see their children as that is what is best for the baby in most circumstances. I don't understand women who block access completely to the Dad's out of spite or other stupid reasons (i.e. If the Father is not an ogre and loves his kid/s and treats them right, why do this?) . I would do anything in the world to have my FOB acknowledge and love our child, so good luck to you. It's a shame other absent Father's don't behave like you.