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No, sometimes you don't make a choice to become pregnant by someone. I was told by drs that I could NOT have any more children. My exdh and I tried to have one for years. We went through all sorts of fertility treatments, including IVF. It just wasn't going to happen with my medical conditions. A few years after our divorce, I finally decided to date a man. I didn't know he was a sociopath and a drunk. Everything was a lie with him. I was with him for over a year before I found out all the lies and bs. I was done with him and I left. Only after I left did I find out I was pregnant.
NO, he will not be on be on a stupid piece of paper that does nothing but give him parental rights. It does list your child's heritage on it. It just says a name and dob for fob. I don't need such a thing to tell my baby about her heritage. Besides, if he were to go on it, she wouldn't survive long enough for it to matter.My son said he didn't think the baby would be alive after spending the day with him or his family. Oh, and do not think my life isn't in danger for breaking up with him. These people are truly sick and scary people, and I have enough guilt to deal with by thinking I was actually conned into being with someone so sick in the head.
It is not about me! It is about my children! Should I really put him on the birth cert and put her life in danger, because he had sex with me? Should my other kids have to live without their mother because of this too? Who would take care of them? Their dad isn't in the picture. He pays child support, but has only seen them once in 8 years. His choice, not mine.
So, you really think his rights go above and beyond my children's rights? A drunken, self centered, abusive, using, lazy, coke addict is more important then 3 loving and great children? (BTW he refuses to work, uses other people to get him drugs and drink, lives with his ma, and is violent. Oh and he is in his freaking 40s!)
But not all dads are like this................ many dads would love to see and spend time with their children but unfortunately the mothers have put a stop to them seeing their children, they're certainly haven't got their childrens best interest at heart.
1) A male friend had a one night stand, found out the girl is pregnant, but because the man didn't want a relationship with the mother, she banned him from seeing his son - a few years down the line and countless court cases he now thankfully has full custody and mother ended up in jail for perjury.
2) Another male friend dated a woman for a good 6months, shes says no need to take the pill as i can't get pregnant. He stupidly agreed that they can stop using protection, hey presto she feel pregnant, dumps him and says she only used him as a sperm donor so he is still fighting to see his child.
3) Yet another male friend got married had 2 children, wife decide to leave him for another man, they divorce but as soon as friend gets in to another relationship, ex wife stops him from seeing his children, now 5 years on his 15 year son realises mother made up lots of lies and now lives with his father
And these men are all very good fathers - there are as many shit mothers as there are shit fathers.
Also Daveww has come on here for advice not a lecture and this is a 'Single Parent' section and not a 'Single Mothers' section so give the guy a break
I agree.. I suppose he could say walk a mile in my shoes also and see what it feels to be a dad who wants to see his child but cant.

Plus remember, its just him against all you women