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AF around 7th Jan anyone to join me this month?

i did and its madness. he looks about 8!!

well it seems she is here, so thats me out x
i did and its madness. he looks about 8!!

well it seems she is here, so thats me out x

Sorry to hear that hun.:hug:
We're all sticking around on this thread if you fancy it.
I agree Samzi, the 13 year old looks about 8 and the 15 yr old girl looks about 18, its just so wrong on sooo many levels!!

Sorry :witch: got you Samzi :hug:

Im ill, i feel horrible with a cold just because BD season starts tomorrow!! Im also getting very faint lines on OPK which im sure i didnt get this early last month so im worried that either

1) im going to ov on tuesday when im in london for the night without DH
2) Clomid isnt working for me this month as before the meds helped me ovulate id get faint lines for up to 2 weeks as the pcos means lh is always high and then you dont ovulate!!!:hissy:
Remember it doesn't have to be day of ov. :spermy: can live for a good few days.

Even with a regular cycle, ov date can vary. Don't worry hun. Is clomid supposed to affect lh levels too?

What a bummer samzi :hugs:

Well I'm moving house tomorrow - from North London to Kent. Moving in with my sister so most of the stuff is going into storage. It's going to be a feat of organisation getting everything down the stairs from our third floor flat and into the van in the correct order to be loaded into the storage unit at the other end.

Unfortunately DH is working in Southampton all day (and night) but luckily I have fabulous parents, a super sister (and her boyf) who are helping me. Also have a chum in London and two in Kent who are helping out at each end!

On top of that I think I'm due to ov in the next couple of days so I'm currently waiting up for DH so I can seduce him when he gets home from work :blush: Gotta take my chances where I can!

Any excuse for :sex: eh??
Happy Valentines Day to everyone !!! \\:D/

I think I will join you guys, I will be testing around the 7th, my :witch: has not been very consistent lately but I think that should be about the right timing :shrug:

Last month I was 7 days late but :witch: finally showed up. So I am determined to not get my hopes up again this month.... funny how everyone around me is getting preganant... maybe it is in the water and it is contagious... lets hope so....

Lets see lots of :bfp: this month !!!!

OOOMMMGGGG!!! Has anyone seen on the news the 13yr old boy and 15yr old girl just had baby?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hi girlies not been on here in a few days!

i seen this and its disgraceful!!!!!! For a start he looks the same age as my 8yr old daughter!!! And why did her parents let him stay over, even have a school uniform there for him if it was a school night. Some parents are just shocking. The whole family are unemployed with 5 kids now a baby living in rented council accomodation - rented??? how can they pay rent when unemployed?? Oh yes our f*cking taxes paying their benefits to pay their rent no doubt.

My little cousin was 14 when she got pg (i dont have anything to do with her and her mother they're horrible people - my nan tells me everything) but her mother was letting her bf stay over apparantly they planned to get pg and now the boy is 18 months old last week she decided its no longer "cool" to have a baby and wants to go out drinking etc and he's a tie so she bundled him off to social services!!!!! Ive been told though that his dad wants to look after him he's 18 with a job and a flat etc but it depends what SS say.

I wanted to wring her f*cking neck, so many people are so desperate and she's just palmed him off cos she's bored of him now.

Im not saying every kid who has a baby is like this, many grow up and cope very well, but it does happen alot and children should not be having babies.

Sorry rant over about that!! Sorry if i offended anyone.
CBFM is officially rubbish! low,low,low,low,low,low,low etc etc etc

Here is my poas diary so far.
Sat 6pm - no line
Sun 1pm - faint line
Sun 4pm - faint line
Sun 7pm - faint line

I know you are all riveted, so will keep you posted!
CBFM is officially rubbish! low,low,low,low,low,low,low etc etc etc

Here is my poas diary so far.
Sat 6pm - no line
Sun 1pm - faint line
Sun 4pm - faint line
Sun 7pm - faint line

I know you are all riveted, so will keep you posted!

Mrs. G --- is this POAS for ovulation? Or are you looking for a :bfp: ? from looking at your cycle day i am assuming ovulation but I just was wondering... I am ovulation testing right now.... maybe this will be the month :hugs:

Best of luck to you this month...
CBFM is officially rubbish! low,low,low,low,low,low,low etc etc etc

Here is my poas diary so far.
Sat 6pm - no line
Sun 1pm - faint line
Sun 4pm - faint line
Sun 7pm - faint line

I know you are all riveted, so will keep you posted!

you know i am staying here till you get that :bfp:
Mrs. G --- is this POAS for ovulation? Or are you looking for a :bfp: ? from looking at your cycle day i am assuming ovulation but I just was wondering... I am ovulation testing right now.... maybe this will be the month :hugs:

Best of luck to you this month...

Hi. No these are opks. Have never had a pos opk before so I'm not holding out much hope. Had to stop temping though cos it was getting obsessive and I wasn't sleeping and cbfm is being absolutely no help at all.

FX for you this month hun.:hug:
you know i am staying here till you get that :bfp:

Thanks hun. :hugs:

I hate keeping people waiting!

Low again today and V faint line on opk......:cry: Think I'm out before its even started this month....
keep up with the :sex: anyway regardless of what that stupid machine says - maybe your hormones arent strong enough to pick up the surge. dunno if thats possible but just a thought :hug:
keep up with the :sex: anyway regardless of what that stupid machine says - maybe your hormones arent strong enough to pick up the surge. dunno if thats possible but just a thought :hug:

I was clinging to that thought as well. Especially as opks have never seemed to work for me either. Am struggling with the superdrug ones though, it says to limit liquid intake and poas for 10-15 seconds..!!? Am having difficulty with 5 seconds of pee!!

4pm update - darkest line so far but still a def neg.....
Where have Ju_bubbs, Samzi, Leila and Sarah been recently???
I'm here! I've been moving house and am currently internet-less at home.

It's been a busy few days and I still have aching arms. My temps have been messed up a bit too - on Monday DH accidentally deleted my usual alarm time and replaced it with one an hour later so I took my temp late. Then I had to take it a bit earlier than usual today because I had to get up early to get into work as I now have a longer journey. Only 20 mins earlier though.

My temp dropped a bit today so I'm really really hoping it's because it's ov day. I saw DH at the weekend so we did some BDing but I'm not seeing him for 2 1/2 weeks now so I really need to ovulate soon! Last BD session was Sunday night so if I ov today then I'm in with a chance this month :happydance:
Oh yeh, forgot about the move! Hope it all went well! A dip in temp is good as this normally happens the day before you get an rise. FF ususally puts ov between the two.

hello ladies

sorry i have been awol, been away at a conference in London.

I have a horrible cold at the mo and have no idea what is going on with ov. Started getting faint lines on opk at the weekend, then sunday and yesterday no line at all but a lot of ewcm, then some darker lines today and more ewcm but it a beige color rather than clear??

I know i should bd tonight but i really feel like crap and was hoping to wait till tomorrow!

Hope you are all OK.:hugs:

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