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AF around 7th Jan anyone to join me this month?

Hi girls, hope you're all ok. How's the egg chasing going for you all?

Had an up and down couple of days. Dh's SA results were due this week but he rang today to be told they can take up to a month to come back (another 2 weeks)!!

Also had to listen to my mum telling me about how a friend of my sister's got pg on their honeymoon, first time trying.... thanks for that!

Had 2 days of high on cbfm, no real pos opks though (don't think they are ever gonna work for me!) DH has been very obliging in the :sex: department. He's going snowboarding on Sat with his mates so tbh he probably feels guilty!! Don't care as long as I'm getting those :spermy: !!!!

Hope to hear from you all soon. :hugs:
Well I've had two days of elevated temps so let's see what happens tomorrow. Hopefully it'll stay up so I can confirm when I ov'd. Then I have to cross everything and hope it continues to stay up and I get a BFP!

I think my chances are slim because of my limited BD opportunities. Oh well.

I've been so bloated after lunch the last couple of days. I don't usually get this but I suspect it's a combination of hormones and stress. The last couple of weeks have been manic - both at work and at home. That's kind of good at the moment though as I'm settling into the dreaded 2WW!:thumbup:
Hi girls.
I know it's not that exciting but just humour me with this one.....

I GOT A POS OPK!!!!!!!


Ignore my PM i see it here :happydance:

Leila it only takes the once we only bd'd twice at the right time last cycle!

Sarah how you doing?


We are proper cycle buddies this time as I got another +ve today as well, thats such great news gives you today and tomorrow to BD before DH goes away!!! Sooooo happy and excited for you hun!!

Hi Jo, how is bubs doing? MS passing or getting worse now?? Im OK think I am Oving or just about to and BD last 2 nights and will again tonight and tomorrow. Just booked a holiday to Cyprus as well on 7th April so im excited about that.
YAY!! Cycle buddies, pos opk buddies and bump buddies??!!! FX!!
Hey Ladies... I got a positive OPK this morning as well !!! Lets see if this is the lucky month for us...
Three of you with positives on the same day!!! Thats got to be a good sign for this month :)

Yeah im good thanks sarah, MS is lasting all day with the odd waves where its really bad but i can put up with it :) We booked a private scan for next thursday, despite the dr saying she'd rush me through ive still not heard from MW - no surprise there!
Jo, great news on scan cant wait to here all is OK and see pictures!

Wishing - congrats on + OPK hun welcome to the club!!!

Things come in 3's ladies, lets make it 3 BFP's as well!! PMA all the way for next 2 weeks!!
Yay for the positive OPKs! Go girlies go! :happydance:

I've had a third elevated temp (hurrah) so I can pinpoint my ov day. Am now 3DPO. Not sure what I have to do for Fertility Friend to give me a proper crosshairs on my chart. The first month I was temping I had the crosshairs but the last 3 months they've been dotted. I have stupid CM though and suspect that's what's causing the confusion.

Now in the 2WW *drums fingers on desk impatiently*...
Chart looks good leila. Nice drop in temp before ov, lets see it keep rising!!! I think the only reason you have dotted line is the one high temp earlier in the cycle.

Did you get lots of bding in at ov?

Not as much as I would have liked because OH was only around on cycle days 6, 11 and 13! The latter was 2 days before ov day so within the fertile period.

It's tricky as OH has only been home infrequently. From now on he's away for 4-6 weeks at a time with occasional trips home so that makes the whole TTC experience even more tricky - but strangely less stressful as we can't BD if he's not here so I don't have that pressure to be doing it all the time. We BD when we see each other and there's little else we can do. Unless I chase him around the country at key times in the month... watch this space, I may end up doing that! :rofl:
Not as much as I would have liked because OH was only around on cycle days 6, 11 and 13! The latter was 2 days before ov day so within the fertile period.

It's tricky as OH has only been home infrequently. From now on he's away for 4-6 weeks at a time with occasional trips home so that makes the whole TTC experience even more tricky - but strangely less stressful as we can't BD if he's not here so I don't have that pressure to be doing it all the time. We BD when we see each other and there's little else we can do. Unless I chase him around the country at key times in the month... watch this space, I may end up doing that! :rofl:

:rofl:A ttc sex stalker!!!:rofl:
Could someoone take a look at my FF chart, its my firt month temping and I havent been very good at it admitedly!
Hun are you sure about yesterdays temp? You can ignore or disregard a days temp, it might be an idea to do that with yesterdays. You should get a drop the day before ov but that is a big drop!!

Yeah thats what it said, although i have been home for a few days with a horrible old so dont know how much i can trust temps anyway. Do you think I should disregard?
Yeah thats what it said, although i have been home for a few days with a horrible old so dont know how much i can trust temps anyway. Do you think I should disregard?

Maybe leave it in and keep recording them for a few days. Now you've ov'd they should stay high. You can always go back and take dodgy ones out later!!

So I guess we're officially in the 2ww now??!!:cry:
Sarah, just been looking at your chart again. It's actually not that big a drop, your temps are just low overall (about 2 deg below mine) Maybe that's something to do with meds? Or maybe I'm just too hot and bothered!!!
If you have a cold or are unwell it can really screw up your temps.

I've had a bit of a spike today. I'm hoping it's a good sign!

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