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AF due between 3/28-3/31 Any buddies out there?

Omg kaylab I'm getting excited for you. Fx!

Dh didn't come inside from the garage until almost midnight...needless to say we did not dtd :-( still showing high fertility but come on...he gets more active after my green week I swear!
Ugh! You need to get on that hubby!! Pun intended, :haha:

FX to you Kayla :) I know the 2ww is hard... symptom spotting gets the best of me EVERY dang month. Hoping it is good news for you!

CD10 here.. I will do an O test in a couple of hours. We did the BD last night. Going to do every other day until I see a pos. OPK and then maybe a couple tries back to back, if he can hold out! I will take what I can get at this point though since I was not even sure we would be trying this month!
My temp this morning


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Looks like it's going back up. So could definitely be implantation...only time will tell.

Good luck breaking dawn! You'd think men would be the ones wanting it.

Last month for me was the same way. Dh decided 2 days in a row he wanted to bd (a week after my green week). So I asked him why he wants it more on the weeks we can't get pregnant. Hes like we can get pregnant...I was like you know the egg is only viable for fertilization for like 36 hours right? It wither gets fertilized of flushed with af. He goes nuh uh you have sex you get pregnant, that's how it works. Like hunny yes but only sex at the right time can get me pregnant. Such a goof...but he really has no clue.
My husband also has NO clue..... I try explaining and he is like a deer in the headlights so I stopped bothering. My CD10 OPK was a lot like yesterday so I did not bother with a photo. Our next BD event is tomorrow night which will put us a lot closer to O. Letting the swimmers build up!
My husband also has NO clue..... I try explaining and he is like a deer in the headlights so I stopped bothering. My CD10 OPK was a lot like yesterday so I did not bother with a photo. Our next BD event is tomorrow night which will put us a lot closer to O. Letting the swimmers build up!

I've heard everything from every other day to 2 times a day..don't know what to believe.
I think every other day is ideal for those with lower sperm counts. And while I have no idea what his count is, he IS older... by a good bit... so I figure it can't hurt to do every other day. Plus with the way he loses stamina... it is almost mandatory. I am lucky to get two days in a row. Twice in a day would surely kill him.
So.. I HAVE to share this. A good friend of mine (who is tiny) had a baby girl very early this morning. Her baby... weighs 10lbs and 9oz!!!! :shock: She had that baby vaginally... no tears.. nothing. :saywhat:
Lol breaking dawn!

And congrats to your friend! Kidos...I expect lots and lots of twars
Good morning ladies. So I'm cd 14 and have not gotten my peak ovulation test yet. Temp went down a little today but I'm not sure it went down enough to predict ovulation. Dtd last night so that was good at least.

I'm still having stomach issues...been 4 days in a. Row now. And I'm bloated :-( you'd think I was in the tww instead of waiting for ovulation. And of course I hesitate to take anything.
Selfish vent post: My OPK is very near positive today. I imagine it will be positive again at CD12 this month. I am feeling a fair amount of right sided pain (again) this month. :( It makes me not even want to bother anymore. So frustrating. :sad:

Hang in there Night. Hope you catch your peak.


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Awe I'm sorry hun. Hopefully it changes sides. Just keep doing your thing....all you can do is hope your body takes care of that egg and moves it where it needs to be.
Sorry AF got you Kayla!! :(

CD12 here and a LOT more O cramping. A lot coming from my good side now. It is safe to say I have NO idea what side it is coming from now. We did the BD last night. I have a good feeling my OPK will be positive today. I am not sure I can get him to do the next 3+ days in a row so I really need to pick carefully. So frustrating because I am not sure if I will get 3 days of pos. OPKs like last time or not!! Advice?
Well ladies, the test line showed up well before the control line. I am so nervous!


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Woot woot get on him girl!!!

Cd 15...still no positive opk :-( high reading on the cb and not even close on the ic last night. I'm still having stomach issues...this morning was green...sorry tmi. Idk what's going on though. I didn't have anything green last night...had pasta with marinara sauce (I threw mushrooms in but still no green). Ugh!
I am going to! I told him today AND tomorrow for sure. If it is still positive Monday I have no idea what we will do. His stamina will be depleted. But with all the cramping I have had today I would be really surprised if I did not O tomorrow.
Meanwhile I am hating life. Why can't I get just ONE day of a positive OPK like normal people? Instead I get 3+ days and I don't know how much longer DH can hold out. :(


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