After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

Sorry Angelria, but as Emmy said It sounds like u have an answer, which means it can be sorted and then you can try knowing your chances of gettin your baby are so much higher! It doesn't bring back those babies you lost, but I feel good you have an answer. Xxx
Angelria: I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope the surgery doesn't require to long of a recovery and that you can TTC ASAP. :hugs: I hope you can still enjoy your 10 year anniversary! What a milestone! Congrats!

Emmy: I can't wait for you to test. I hope this is the month! :)

Duck: I hope you aren't to uncomfortable and that treatment is going well. You are getting close to TTC. :hugs:
Sorry to hijack this thread but i just spotted you Leinzlove and wanted to say congrats on Zoela, she is beautiful it was hard going to get there but your proof that there can be a happy ending and that's really made my day.
I have to call when AF shows to schedule the surgery. I will have it done in a couple of weeks and will hopefully be able to get back to ttc in March. Emmy can't wait to see you update with your BFP :)
Angelria sorry to hear your news but at least like the others say you now know the problem and after surgery it should be all systems go.

I hope everyone is well and Leinz I hope Zoela is being as adorable as she looks xxx

afm still not on track :( I now need some radiotherapy on my neck and whilst it doesn't push back my ttc start date it does mean that I defo can't start any earlier than in 6 months time :( xxx
Mrs duck in sorry to hear that :( I hope it comes round quick for u to ttc.

Hope ur doing ok Emmy u should hopefully have a BFp soon!!

Angelria hope ur ok.

Leinz, Zoela is gorgeous :) I can't wait to have a newborn again!

As for me... Pregnancy wise everything's great, apart from I've got restless leg syndrome and it's bloody annoying! We havnt found anywhere to live yet so are moving back with my parents for a couple weeks... Dunno how I feel about that really haha
Oooh erinsmummy I hope all goes well, moving back home is going to be tough, I hope you find somewhere soon, but at least you will be saving a bit of money, every cloud hey xxx
Yeah it's just for a short time so should be ok, havnt lived at home since I was 17 and im 23 now so will be interesting!! Used to having my own place, but we don't have to pay anything at all, not even for food, so means we will save a bit! Plus my mum will do loads with Erin do I'll rest :)
Oh that's good, it sounds like it's not going to be too bad, and if it's saving you pennies too, that's more to spend on bubba xx
I took a pregnancy test this morning (Tuesday) and got a BFN. On the up side, I've had period like cramps all afternoon. My period is not due until Friday and I'm usually pretty regular. Hoping I may have some implantation cramping, which I had with my first pregnancy. Fingers crossed but trying not to get my hopes up.
Pinkcasi: Oh my did your post get my emotions and the tears running. Thanks hun! Your comments mean so much! I hope you concieve your rainbow super fast and find the joy that I have. Loss is awful... But don't ever give up! It doesn't matter the journey as it'll all be worth it when you are holding a sweet newborn in your arms. Lots and Lots of :dust:!

angelria: Bring on March and your forever baby! I wish you a speedy recovery from surgery. :hugs:

Erinsmummy: Won't be long! Almost the third trimester! :wohoo: You'll be holding your newborn. :) I hope you get relief from pg discomforts. I'm so ready to be over this PP crap already.

Duck: I really keep wishing and hoping that you can catch a break. I feel awful for all that you have to endure. Life is so unfair and cruel. I will be so happy and full of joy when you can put all this behind you and have the forever baby that you're long past due. All my :hugs:!

Emmy: I think the implantation cramping can very well be. It's definitley one of the earliest signs. I've experienced it all three times. :) Eeeeek! I'll be stopping in to see your BFP! I'm so excited for testing. :)

AFM: Blessed, happy... Zoela is pefect with a bit of colic. But sooo worth it. :) DD has double ear infections. Very happy just busy. :)
Aw thanks leinz <3 sorry to hear of dd's double ear infection, the poor thing, and glad you and zoela are doing great xx
I've finally got a few minutes to catch up on recent posts thanks to a snow day and no school!

Mrs. Duck- That's definitely a bummer. How are you feeling, have you started any of your treatments yet? Thinking of you <3

Angelria- Hope you're having fun on that cruise of yours!

Erinsmummy- Living with you parents won't be too bad. As other's have said you'll definitely get to save up some money. In the end think of all the little extras you'll be able to pick up because of it!

Leinzlove- So sorry about Chloe's ears! How are you feeling these days? Hopefully you're recovering well and those symptoms start to fade soon!

As for me.... get out your magnifying glass ladies. I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning and it was a big negative. I took one this afternoon (today my period is due) and got the best surprise ever! A faint, but definite second line! It doesn't show up too well in the pictures so hopefully you see it too. :)

photo copy.jpg
Oh my God Emmy that's so great!!! I can def see it!!! :) xxx
Thanks ladies! The test is getting a little darker each day (of course I'm POS each day still, haha). I wish I could fast forward a month to the first ultrasound though.
Emmy: I wish I could speed up the month for you. But, this is your rainbow. :hugs:
Sorry I haven't had a chance to update. We got back from our cruise on Saturday and the hubby has already booked another one with some friends of ours. I have to admit I am loving the family time and spending time with my son. Makes my love this time I have with just him and not dwell too much on wanting another one. I called yesterday to book my surgery but I am still waiting for them to call me back. I am kind of glad that I didn't get a BFP because I know I would have been waiting for the MC to happen since I know that the polyp or whatever the small mass is that is attatched to the uterus is acting like an IUD and killing off any pregnancy.
After the holidays and 4 family vacations in 4 months I put on all the weight I had lost so I started back on my weight loss challange. I am sitting at 165 right now on my 5'6 frame. I don't look really fat, but was floored when I typed in my BMI and I am considered overweight. Never in my life did I think I would see that. So I want to lose about 15 lbs at least so that I know I will have a healthy pregnancy for me and baby. I have to take at least this month off when I have the surgery to allow my insides to heal. It is nothing serious, but they are cutting something out of me so I will have some bleeding and cramping for a few days. Kind of like a second period for the month YAY! NOT. I know that the area is messing with my body because my periods are all messed up. I only bled for 3 days this time and now some light spotting when I usually have 3 heavy days and 3 light days.
Emmy I am so happy for you and I know that this one will stick. I will say an extra prayer for you though so that God keeps His hand on you and your forever baby.
Mrs. Duck I am sorry that you won't be able to try any earlier than 6 months, but you do want to make sure you are completely healthy so you can enjoy the entire 9 months.
Erinsmummy how are you doing? We have been on this site for a while together now and I am thrilled to see everything is working out for you. I can't wait to see your bundle of joy.
Leinz your daughter is so precious. I love looking at her picture. I love seeing little miracles and how God blesses each and every one of us in the right time. It gives me hope :)
Well I am off to work. Hope everyone is having a great New Year so far and that it is filled with so many blessings. I will update when I find out when my surgery is. TaTa for now.

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