Hi Girls!!!
My husband has the "it will happen when it happens" attitude about ttc...
We talked about the SMEP plan last night a little...and his response was "sure, we can do it 3 day in a row if I'm not too tired/stressed/blah blah blah from work. Why isn't EOD good enough!" Not the response I was looking for, but then he went on to say maybe we should try mornings, bc in Cali it's been btwn 90-100 degrees everyday and morning sperm might be cooler? And he giggled about the softcup or hip raise idea, but agreed it made sense, and wanted to try. ( I hardly ever talk to him about my ttc plans, bc I try to keep things romantic)
My DH doesn't want ttc pressure, he enjoys making luv, but I understand the delicate nature of getting the timing right!!! How to find the middle ground?
Sorry for the long preface , but girls, my question is:
Any suggestions on how to make "love" enjoyable and no pressure during the 3 days in a row on SMEP? And possibly how to make morning deeds romantic and not feel like routine?
i'm not sure i have much advice because my husband and i talk about "the plan" more than some people (or maybe not? i have no idea

) but i explained SMEP last month and he was totally trash talking and acting like he was gonna bring his A game in the bedroom, etc etc.

but when it got to be go week, he actually got burnt out because we had sex 2 days in a row right before getting my positive OPK, so it was too much too early.

i (sort of) jokingly scolded him for getting too frisky too early and that if we had another cycle, i would turn him down if it was too early, nothing personal

and he said "fiiine

about a week later we were talking about TTC and he told me that there WAS a bit of "performance anxiety/pressure" when he knows that it matters so much. but, i think that's one advantage of SMEP--you're already having sex every other day, so it's at least a LITTLE bit less like you are just using them for sex during a 5 day window

and if you miss a day in the 3-in-a-row, you still will have hit 2 days in your fertile window, so still have a chance.
AF showed the other day, so yesterday (still only CD2) i reminded him that i was gonna follow the schedule this month. if it was too early for sex, sorry but i WILL turn down any advances. he said, "what if i don't make any moves on 'good' days?" and i said, "then i will

" and he laughed. i guess my only real advice is to just find out/figure out what turns him on, and do that

regardless. i will admit to using "tricks" even when i'm not THAT into it. i'll play the part if i have to.

probably not good if it's like that every time, but for the fertile window week, i'm totally guilty.
not sure if this helps, or not, sorry