"An excuse to eat what you want"

Just a question. Not trying to ruffle feathers, but what does it matter what other people eat and do? I just don't see how it affects anyone other than the person eating and doing whatever they're doing.:shrug:
Ironically since pregnancy some strange things have happened. First of all, my metabolism has become regular. For the first time in my life I recognize hunger and I get full like normal people do. I crave healthy things and I have no desire whatsoever to over eat. It's like I normalized. I've lost 10lbs. Not only that but I quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant. Geez, it only takes pregnancy and quitting smoking for me to lose weight lol! I couldn't be happier. But as much as my body/metabolism/appetite has changed for the better without even trying I can understand that for someone else it might change in the opposite way. So if someone tells me they're unusually hungry and can't control it, I believe them!

I'm the opposite. Pregnancy has killed my ability to feel hunger and fullness. I can go an entire day and forget to eat, because I never feel hungry. (And then I get dizzy and headaches and a *bit* cranky.) So now I have to set an alarm on my phone to remind me to eat. I used to really love food, and now it's just a chore that I must do in order not to feel sick.

And I don't know when I'm full. On the rare occasions that I am excited about food and make something delicious, I will eat WAY too much if I'm not paying attention, and then I'll be sick. I can't tell when my stomach is full or when it's WAY TOO FULL until I get horrible heartburn or feel like it's gotta come back up- which is a horrible way to eat! So now in addition to an alarm telling me when to eat, I have to be super careful and measure out what I eat into portions, and not go back for seconds.

Up until last week, I hadn't gained any weight, in fact I lost 17 pounds in the first trimester. (Not a big deal for a lady my size, though.) And then this week, I stepped on the scale and had gained 7 pounds!!! So now I'm freaking out about this, I can't gain weight at this rate. (Although this weekend we were away, and I couldn't measure my portion sizes, and ummm... there was a LOT of bacon at every meal. I will always eat bacon.)

To the OP: I did feel a little insulted by your first post, but that's just because I'm super-sensitive about my weight, and I'm jealous at your ability to control your food intake. Although the best part about being overweight to begin with it is that no one has said to me "Just eat it, you're pregnant!" or anything like that.
Eating healthy is important during pregnancy, to assure you are getting the proper nutrients to you and your baby. BUT, at the same time - I can't stand when I see women "dieting" or trying things like the Atkin's diet just because they're afraid of gaining too much weight. A balanced diet is important - and you should eat from every food group. And when I need a cupcake, I just need a cupcake ... and I refuse to deny myself of one. :D
I like the idea, "an excuse to eat what you want". But I take it as, because you cannot diet or aim to lose weight, that you shouldn't restrict yourself to foods that aren't potentially harmful. I still aim to eat just as healthy (even more, actually) during my pregnancy, but if I am craving a slice of chocolate cake, I am not going to make myself feel bad over it.

Funny thing is, I actually get full faster now that I'm pregnant :blush:

I think... not sure... that it may be to do with the fact our organs are getting pushed up... surely that would squish our stomachs meaning there's less room so you get fuller?? I don't know, but the same happens to me! :lol:
Oh man, you guys. I had a nightmare last night that I became cripplingly obese during this pregnancy. Like, to the point where I could hardly walk. :haha:

Waking up was a RELIEF.

Lol I am soo worried about putting weight on it doesn't help that Im already short and now I'm round!

I'm short, too! I've been the same height since age 13. Never made it pat 5'2''.
Just a question. Not trying to ruffle feathers, but what does it matter what other people eat and do? I just don't see how it affects anyone other than the person eating and doing whatever they're doing.:shrug:

It doesn't matter what others eat and do necessarily. Not unless they want to talk about it. My point was that if someone says " I have been pigging out on junk and love it" then fair enough. Each to their own and if people want to support that then again, fair enough. What I was saying originally was when people say "I have been over eating and feel bad as I'm gaining too much weight" It shouldn't be always be met with "you're pregnant, eat what you want". Of course, circumstances are different so in some cases that may be ok to say to an extent. A balanced diet is still important.
This wasn't all about picking on people, but instead support.

Oh dear MoonMelody I hope that wasn't down to reading this thread! Sometimes it's great to wake up isn't it.

Oh, no, it wasn't this thread. I'm just paranoid. :blush:

Aww, I saw your bump pick and you look great! I get paranoid too though, pregnant or not so know how you feel.
I don't know whether I felt offended by the OP or not!

Before my 1st pregnancy I was a marathon running gym bunny. I ate very healthily and worked very hard to maintain my weight. I always loved treats though especially crisps and I had a very negative self image, often hated the way I looked. My DH and I ctually had a long talk about how important it was that I not pass my negative self image onto our DD. (I was overweight for about a year about 12 years ago but since then have been a healthy weight and a since 12/10) I gained about 3 stone in my last pregnancy, I continued to run until about 20 weeks but ate what I wanted. I also ended up with pretty bad SPD probably running a marathon at 12 weeks didn't help. Most of the weight fell off after DD was born even though I ate loads whilst BF I was about 5lbs shy of my pre preg weight when I fell pregnant again. I haven't weighed myself since about 9 weeks and I don't intend to.

I try to eat a good diet and include lots of fruit and veg, we eat healthily for DD anyway but I am pretty relaxed about what else I eat. I still feel sick a lot, I work full time while DH looks after DD, I can't run or walk the dog becuase my SPD is already coming back, I'm incredibly stressed at work and yes eating is a bit of a hobby for me. BUT I know my body, I know I will loose the weight once I'm able to get back to normal. DH and I have agreed that I'm not getting pregnant with number 3 until I've run another marathon!! It's nice not agonising over every mouthful, weighing myself every morning and hating myself becuase my jeans are too tight. During pregnancy I probably have the best self image ever. And when people tell me not to worry I'm eating for two I just think 'great nobody thinks I'm a pig'. I think if you manage to deny yourself and live on bananas and salad leaves all pregnancy great but if not, don't beat yourself up about it. It's only nine months and you are never going to feel quite this way again.
I like the idea, "an excuse to eat what you want". But I take it as, because you cannot diet or aim to lose weight, that you shouldn't restrict yourself to foods that aren't potentially harmful. I still aim to eat just as healthy (even more, actually) during my pregnancy, but if I am craving a slice of chocolate cake, I am not going to make myself feel bad over it.

Funny thing is, I actually get full faster now that I'm pregnant :blush:

I think... not sure... that it may be to do with the fact our organs are getting pushed up... surely that would squish our stomachs meaning there's less room so you get fuller?? I don't know, but the same happens to me! :lol:

I've heard that too! I guess because of the growing baby there is less room in the stomach! :D

As for overeating, I've definitely seen some girls take it too far when it comes to "I'm pregnant I eat what I want!"

Have any of you ladies watched Amber from Teen Mom on her 16 & Pregnant special? She was eating tons of food, drinking milkshakes, eating baskets of fries and burgers almost every meal. She gained a lot of weight while pregnant, so I guess it's good for her now that she's lost even more.

Although, I'm not innocent, I remember one time in my 38th week of pregnancy, I ate a whole Burger King meal and a Dairy Queen blizzard. :blush:
Just a question. Not trying to ruffle feathers, but what does it matter what other people eat and do? I just don't see how it affects anyone other than the person eating and doing whatever they're doing.:shrug:

It doesn't matter what others eat and do necessarily. Not unless they want to talk about it. My point was that if someone says " I have been pigging out on junk and love it" then fair enough. Each to their own and if people want to support that then again, fair enough. What I was saying originally was when people say "I have been over eating and feel bad as I'm gaining too much weight" It shouldn't be always be met with "you're pregnant, eat what you want". Of course, circumstances are different so in some cases that may be ok to say to an extent. A balanced diet is still important.
This wasn't all about picking on people, but instead support.

Oh dear MoonMelody I hope that wasn't down to reading this thread! Sometimes it's great to wake up isn't it.

Oh, no, it wasn't this thread. I'm just paranoid. :blush:

Aww, I saw your bump pick and you look great! I get paranoid too though, pregnant or not so know how you feel.

Thanks, hun. :hugs: My paranoia/guilt comes from the fact that I lost a ton of weight before I got pregnant, so now seeing it all pile back on (even though I know it's necessary) is scary. My fear, though probably irrational, is that I'll be fat forever and never reach my goal weight.
Just a question. Not trying to ruffle feathers, but what does it matter what other people eat and do? I just don't see how it affects anyone other than the person eating and doing whatever they're doing.:shrug:

It doesn't matter what others eat and do necessarily. Not unless they want to talk about it. My point was that if someone says " I have been pigging out on junk and love it" then fair enough. Each to their own and if people want to support that then again, fair enough. What I was saying originally was when people say "I have been over eating and feel bad as I'm gaining too much weight" It shouldn't be always be met with "you're pregnant, eat what you want". Of course, circumstances are different so in some cases that may be ok to say to an extent. A balanced diet is still important.
This wasn't all about picking on people, but instead support.

Oh dear MoonMelody I hope that wasn't down to reading this thread! Sometimes it's great to wake up isn't it.

Oh, no, it wasn't this thread. I'm just paranoid. :blush:

Aww, I saw your bump pick and you look great! I get paranoid too though, pregnant or not so know how you feel.

Thanks, hun. :hugs: My paranoia/guilt comes from the fact that I lost a ton of weight before I got pregnant, so now seeing it all pile back on (even though I know it's necessary) is scary. My fear, though probably irrational, is that I'll be fat forever and never reach my goal weight.

If you have the desire and drive to meet a comfortable weight for yourself, you will. It may not happen instantly after birth but I'm sure you'll get there. Try not to worry too much. You'll be a yummy mummy and the size you want to be :hugs:
A lot of controversy in this thread! I don't really agree and although I don't feel offended I also don't think it's too healthy to discuss it because there will be as many different pregnancies/weight gains/tummy shapes as there are women. Also, there are different starting points.
I've started underweight and I don't think I will obsess over every piece of toast/salad leaf or cake. Everyone is different but at times when confidence could be low and hormones levels are high, I'd like to be left alone whether I want to pig out or not is not anybody's business! :winkwink:
I have never implied anyone should worry about indulging here and there. More about going OTT and it being unhealthy. And people encouraging it.

I regret starting this bloody thread and will keep my 'controversial' thoughts and opinions to discussions with friends and family from now on. Clearly this forum is best keeping away from any subject that people may disagree with. Things get way too twisted and it's just not worth it.

I will ignore this thread now. It's become tiresome.

Edit: This is not a hissy fit :haha: Just think it's best left alone now.
You can pm a mod or report it as the original poster and ask that it be closed if you wanted
:hugs: to ProudMum.

I didn't get offended by the OP but often get a little bit moopy by weight threads in general because I have such a terrible complex about my weight. I've battled with my weight since I was 6 years old (I shit you not) and was horrendously bullied. I've spent my entire life on a diet and lost 3 stone before I fell pregnant. Despite the fact I could barely eat in 1st tri, by my 12 week appt I had already piled 1 and a half stones on because a) I'm one of those unfortunate people who put weight on by just *looking* at food b) my job is mentally taxing but sedentary so often I would get home from work as have no energy to exercise...I would pass out on the sofa at 7pm and c) going through mum's terminal illness means I cannot focus on my diet because all my energy is going on my mum.

I hate how fat I've gotten and I don't feel I've indulged more than I normally would mostly, although I did go through a chocolate bar period but more because of comfort eating.

My DH has lost loads of weight recently too and looks amazing, when we were out walking last weekend I felt people were looking at us thinking 'WTF is that gorgeous guy doing with that ugly fatso'? It was horrible.

I can't wait to start dieting again once my LO is born. I know full well I will have probably about 6 stones to lose ( Inc the 2 stones I still had to lose before I got pregnant). I'm terrified at the prospect but will go for it. I've refused to weigh myself since 12 weeks and I won't be weighing myself after birth. Those numbers are too depressing.

Sorry, I've gone on. Just having a real low time of things at the moment.

Well, I`m a weightlifter. I am into bodybuilding. I had a 6 pack when I got pregnant.

But I gained 40lbs from going to restaurants every night, and I don`t regret a damn thing about it. I enjoyed going out and eating. I sure as hell can`t do that anymore with such little cares and concern.

And I have been back in the gym since LO was 6 weeks, and I am a lot stronger, leaner, and in shape than the vast majority of women.

So I decided to get fat. I indulged! So what!
Well, not to be mean, but I'm not sure what you expected. You told a bunch of pregnant women not to get fat. I'm actually suprised you didn't tick off more people than you did... lol.
I do have to say that even though I was flabby before I got pregnant and have struggled with over-eating while pregnant I LOVE my pregnant belly. I don't know. For the first time in a long time I like my body. I finally have boobs and my bump makes my skin so stretched that it actually looks smooth. I've only recently started to see the excess flab building on my thighs and in my face. I've started to cut back on portions but am still struggling.

And I still encourage/endorse eating a craving if it's there. I don't feel guilty for having some potato chips the other evening. I'm actually proud I showed restraint and had a couple instead of half the bag. woo hoo! go me.
I wasnt offended at all, the OP wasnt talking about people 'getting fat' she was talking about encouraging people to eat unhealthy food. They're 2 different things.

Im not offended by this because i am conscious of the food i put in my mouth, not because i dont want to put on any weight, stuff the weight gain, its about eating the right things for the baby.

And if someone says to me "your eating for 2" i correct them. Of course i indulge every now and then, but i did then when i wasnt pregnant :)
please don't worry.:hugs:

enjoy your pregnancy, the body does store fat in preg for bf, it happened to me last time. I bet you look gorgeous and that your OH thinks so too! We have the rest of our lives to worry about our weight. I'm not saying eat what you want but I just felt so sad reading your post. This should be one of the happiest times of our lives but weight issues seem to stop so many woman enjoying their pregnancy. :hugs:
:hugs: to ProudMum.

I didn't get offended by the OP but often get a little bit moopy by weight threads in general because I have such a terrible complex about my weight. I've battled with my weight since I was 6 years old (I shit you not) and was horrendously bullied. I've spent my entire life on a diet and lost 3 stone before I fell pregnant. Despite the fact I could barely eat in 1st tri, by my 12 week appt I had already piled 1 and a half stones on because a) I'm one of those unfortunate people who put weight on by just *looking* at food b) my job is mentally taxing but sedentary so often I would get home from work as have:hugs: no energy to exercise...I would pass out on the sofa at 7pm and c) going through mum's terminal illness means I cannot focus on my diet because all my energy is going on my mum.

I hate how fat I've gotten and I don't feel I've indulged more than I normally would mostly, although I did go through a chocolate bar period but more because of comfort eating.

My DH has lost loads of weight recently too and looks amazing, when we were out walking last weekend I felt people were looking at us thinking 'WTF is that gorgeous guy doing with that ugly fatso'? It was horrible.

I can't wait to start dieting again once my LO is born. I know full well I will have probably about 6 stones to lose ( Inc the 2 stones I still had to lose before I got pregnant). I'm terrified at the prospect but will go for it. I've refused to weigh myself since 12 weeks and I won't be weighing myself after birth. Those numbers are too depressing.

Sorry, I've gone on. Just having a real low time of things at the moment.

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