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Andrew - born at 29 weeks!

He's gorgeous hun, how much does he weigh now??
He lost a little weight at the start of last week when I was attempting to feed him solely by BF, so he's regaining that now - 4lb 8oz.
He is looking so handsome! Demand feeding is definately the way to go IMO, sounds like you are all doing great. Have fun at Tesco and the Post office showing him off to the world!
The nurse said he was a little cool at Saturday's temperature check, so he's now under layers and layers of blankets and wearing a hat indoors. He checked out fine today. All those tables of "if it's 18 degrees he needs a sheet and two blankets" ?? Pah. More like a folded flannel sheet and about four layers of blankets.
He is looking lovely. So sweet and peaceful.

I so agree about the useless indications for temerature. Abby is now 6 months and her room hovers between 18 and 21. She has a gro-bag, a sheet and a folded cellular blanket with a crocheted blanket on top - and that just about keeps her warm enough!! One hint is, when he cries and you can't work out why, he'll be cold. It took us a while to work that one out. In the early days she was well wrapped up, even had a cardi on at night and that was in the summer.

Enjoy taking him out and showing him off. It is lovely to see people's reactions. I swear Abby still thinks her name is "awwwwww" The first time I went round tesco with her she had been very upset in the car seat so I just carried her on my shoulder, it was brilliant hearing everyone cooing at her.

Keep the updates and pictures comin! :hugs:
Emily's temperature was always 36.2 even with five blankets, swaddled, vest, sleepsuit, hat, and cardi...I swear the thermometers were rubbished as she always felt toastie so don't worry too much about it.
As for the weight loss, it is probably just Andrew settling into BF.

Have fun taking Andrew out, the first time people see the actual size of your baby (like Foogirl says), they can't believe it, I think you will get stopped in your tracks several times for people to coo and admire him. Even now Emily is 9lb, we still get stopped in Tescos by staff and customers who admire her as a newborn.
Wait until you tell them how old he is, watch their jaws drop to the floor, it is so funny!
Have fun and enjoy every minute of your time together...they grow so quickly once they are home....x
Andrew is just so adorable. I love his knitted wee outfit too. I agree with the others on real age versus actual size. :haha::haha:

Andrew will thrive and grow so much at home so cherish every moment. We took Archie home at 7lbs, now he is 18 and a half pounds and I can't remember him being that small never mind 2lb 6oz! :cloud9::cloud9:

Congratulations again hun xxx
A good day today - for a start, I found that NICU hadn't thrown out my surplus frozen EBM, so I've brought that home to replenish the stocks, which means I don't have to switch to formula until the Dom Perignon Domperidone kicks in.

Andrew attended his Physio appointment, and they say he has balanced and expected movement - basically all his limbs react and work in the correct way! Back in three weeks for his "one month" check-up.

(eta - heck, don't they have on this BB?)
Gald today went well. Just wait until that Dom Perignon kicks in!! :wine: :rofl:
Emily loves her Champers, it tastes better than Ranitidine, is Andrew on that as well? Am trying to get Emily off the drugs by trying alternative therapies, am going to try Cranial Osteopathy. A lady at Baby Massage gave it a go and she now has a different baby (happy) with reduced reflux...!

Oh see if you can get free baby massage session for Andrew, does our babies the world of good!

Glad you are enjoying having him home...x
Premmiemum, the champers is for me to increase my BM production, not for Andrew! Luckily he doesn't appear to have a problem with reflux, and he only gripes when I don't take the time to wind him properly.

I do want to take him to Baby Massage but was warned off taking him to any organised baby groups for a few months as he is still so small, NICU were worried that he'd be more susceptible to any viruses that are around this winter. My OH (without even realising) gives Andrew wonderful massage anyway.
Hey Marleys, thought I'd sneak in and see how you're doing :) Has the Domperidone worked? As for baby massage, if you go to youtube there are educational videos to keep you going until you can get to a class although sounds like OH is doing great anyway!
Hi Marleygirl, just catching on on your wee superstar so glad he's home and doing so well, you must be chuffed to bits :cloud9:. I agree you will have lots of admirers showing off your wee cutie and those new bits are adorable.

If your really keen on baby massage ask your HV to come to your house for 1:1 mine comes to see us (although mostly to keep an eye on me I think) but worth asking as I feel Matthew is now to big and wriggly to get the benefit of it, but Andrew will really enjoy it xx
Hey Marleys, thought I'd sneak in and see how you're doing :) Has the Domperidone worked? As for baby massage, if you go to youtube there are educational videos to keep you going until you can get to a class although sounds like OH is doing great anyway!

Great tip! Thanks.
Thanks, will look at Youtube in the morning.

The Domp is working but not much. Production has increased from around 20ml to around 40ml a session, which means I'm expressing about half of what Andrew needs. I'm also now trying Fenugreek as well, three days in, but no difference. Will speak to the outreach midwife tomorrow but think Andrew will have to go onto formula for half his feeds soon, unless something miraculously happens.

eta - Going to increase the fenugreek- I don't yet smell of pancakes, so the dose can't be high enough!

Anyone else find that their EBM production doesn't increase if they pump more often? I've tried increasing from 6 (4hrly) to 8 (3hrly) pumps but I just get less each time. And if I skip a pump, I get double next time. It's as if my body can only produce so much regardless of how often.

Andrew went on a train and a tram for the first time today! And we changed him and bottle-fed him in public (Arndale centre) for the first time too! :happydance:
Morning All

arr he is looking so lovely!!!!!!!!!! hes really gorgeous bet yr really proud of yr brave boy!!!!!!:hugs: hes so scummy really changed!!!:thumbup: xxx oh and i love his little outfit its brill!!!!!!!!!!!! xx
He's looking really well, I'm always amazed how our babies go from a teeny scrap to a strapping bairn so quickly. He is gorgeous and I do love the outfit - where do we get these from?

hes so scummy
:rofl: such an unfortunate typo. We shall assume you meant scRummy :haha:
Wow he looks so much bigger!!! So amazing how quickly they grow, sometimes I think that the smaller they are when they're born, the quicker they want to catch up!! Love his CIN outfit BTW!

As for the Fenugreek - there are also others you can take, Stinging Nettle and Milk Thistle can help too. Don't know if I've told you this before but I bought a great book about milk supply, loads of tips and information.

The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk

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