Angelynn Updates

ive just read both threads on Angelynn. Shes a little fighter and she is doing so well. Im really happy for you all and sure she will be home in no time.
Well today was an awesome cuddle!! The best cuddle in almost 2 weeks.
When I arrived the nurse was assessing her and asked if I wanted to change her diaper so I said ok. I don't mind :) Then a caught a whiff of it lmao... It was the biggest smelliest green poop!!! Bleh!
Then about 5 mins after we took her out for a cuddle she decided to leave a nice suprise again. lol
But she did very well on the breast and bottle today! I know she was getting milk from me because I had a custy mouth ring LOL. So I would guess she got maybe 3ml of milk from me and she took about 24 ml from the bottle!! She ate it all in about 15 minutes!
Then I had her on my chest for kangaroo cuddle and she was still wide awake trying to look up at me so I swaddled her so she could see me and she fell asleep right away :) We had a good quiet cuddle with only 1 desat the while time for about 40 minutes. I probably kissed her beautiful face 20 times lol and while I was talking with her and looking at her I teared up a couple of times because I just felt so happy and her sweetness and beauty just melts my heart. I feel so blessed and priviledged to have her as my daughter!!!
Aww you have such a little fighter there hunny and shes lucky to have such a lovely Mummy ...

How is Jay? How are you guys as a couple? It must be hard sometimes on you both or at least at one point.

Always in my thoughts guys x
Oh Hun I've just been looking at your pictures - how amazing! She's gorgeous. You're doing so well. It must be hard not to have her at home with you. What are your work doing about Maternity leave? I hope you get some extra time. Sending our love to the 3 of you x
Aww, watching her take the bottle was so sweet :cloud9:
Glad she's doing so well hon, I'm sure she'll probably come home before her due date :hugs:
Well wobble so far things are going ok. The only issues actually are with his own kids behaviour lately. I haven't really talked to him about it. But were doing ok. I got a little mad at him last week and told him he's got to help me more around the house because im uber stressed and I dont know if he chooses to ignore it just doesn't realise it... men... lol

But yeah its hard not having her home. But on the other hand im ok with that right now because we are moving in a couple of weeks and I can concentrate on packing up. But once we are all moved in im sure im going to be sooo anxious to get her home. But looking at her yesterday she's just starting to look more and more like a normal baby and her face is starting to change. My mom says she has my smile :) TOmorrow we get to start her on 2 bottles and hopefully by next week she'll be up to 3 and so on until she's on bottle feeds only.

Oh and yesterday when I walked in the door there was a cot beside her isolette and I got all excited but it had blue blankets so I realised it wasn't for her! But soon enough... Im just waiting until they have extra room in the back where it's more quiet. Then I will be able to kiss her anytime I want :D
Its great that shes eating so much! Sounds like shes doing really well :)

Has she grown a lot since she was born? She looks loads bigger in those photos. It sounds like a really obvious thing to say but... you know :)

wow its amazing how u has changed lately she turning in to a mummy princess u will have sore nipples soon drinking u dry thats amzing abbe a little fighter and she is nearly 2moonths old in 2day taht has flown bye xxxxx
Well wobble so far things are going ok. The only issues actually are with his own kids behaviour lately. I haven't really talked to him about it. But were doing ok. I got a little mad at him last week and told him he's got to help me more around the house because im uber stressed and I dont know if he chooses to ignore it just doesn't realise it... men... lol

But yeah its hard not having her home. But on the other hand im ok with that right now because we are moving in a couple of weeks and I can concentrate on packing up. But once we are all moved in im sure im going to be sooo anxious to get her home. But looking at her yesterday she's just starting to look more and more like a normal baby and her face is starting to change. My mom says she has my smile :) TOmorrow we get to start her on 2 bottles and hopefully by next week she'll be up to 3 and so on until she's on bottle feeds only.

Oh and yesterday when I walked in the door there was a cot beside her isolette and I got all excited but it had blue blankets so I realised it wasn't for her! But soon enough... Im just waiting until they have extra room in the back where it's more quiet. Then I will be able to kiss her anytime I want :D
I think we have to learn to accept sometimes that if man does not do much house work and see how much you do (they can think its nothing at all like my OH lol) they never will ;) Its not because of anything but men are silly species :rofl: Sit down and talk to him if you really need a bit of a hand work out 'exactly' what that something could be so he knows THAT is what hes to do and can do it in his own time if you get me.

Must be hard.

Do his kids live with you? Are they naughty? How old are they?

Things are really going well - shes always been normal sweety she just needed some baby fat :D x
Thanks wobbles. He's getting better. Much better than he was a few months ago.
His kids live with us every other weekend and I think that there moms boyfriends kids are starting to rub off on them. It's not so much that they are naughty but the older one is constantly butting into conversations and the little one is uber whiny and they are not very appreciative of things. Jay doesn't really notice it. I think they are starting to get a little bit jealous of Angel and im worried that they are going to be fighting over his attention when angel comes home. So i'm trying to get him to spend more time with them. But we'll see how it goes.

But angel is now 3lb 1oz!!! FInally!! I am soo happy. She has grown alot since she was born. Shes got this angel bear from my mom in her incubator and when we gave it to her she wasnt much bigger than it. Now it seems like shes 2-3 inches longer than it. She doesn't look so tiny in comparison anymore! She hasn't really learned the breast yet either. She latches on and sucks a little then just sits there and plays with it with her toungue lol... but once the bottle is in her mouth she can't suck it fast enough!!! I hope she wont be strictly a bottle baby :( I hate pumping!!
Well not much else to report.. Been pretty uneventful :)
she's just 1lb lighter now than Kabe was when he was born. She's doing so so well, she'll be home and in your arms before you know it :D
Fat baby!!!!! I love love love reading how well she is doing.
I'm so glad she is still doing well and improving! YAY!
But angel is now 3lb 1oz!!! FInally!! I am soo happy. She has grown alot since she was born. ...I hope she wont be strictly a bottle baby :)

Hi Steph, Angel is doing Brilliantly ,we cannot believe how fast she is growing, she sounds even more of a piglet then Charlotte "piglet" Low, and is progressing faster than her. Angel is 3lb 1oz at nearly 8 weeks old,and looking back at Charlotte's Diaries, she was the same age 3rd September 2007(her 50th day birthday) but was only 2 lb 10 oz. It is great that Angel is also feeding from the bottle so early as Charlotte did not manage it until 11 weeks old, and even then it was still mostly via the feeding tube.

She was also moved from the incubator to her cot on 20th September
when she was 10 weeks old. It differs from Hospital to Hospital even in Britain but they said she just needed to weigh a minimum of 3 lb 5 oz, so you wont have long to wait. Also the criteria at our Hospital for coming home was weighing 4 lb 5oz, being off all monitoring equipment, feeding entirely from the bottle and being at least 35 weeks.

Charlotte has been a bottle baby from the beginning , not by choice, but it has done no harm other than sleepless nights for both of us now she is home,the formula milk, Aptamil, which the NICU/SCBU unit used, is supplied
by all supermarkets in Britain and she has thrived on it. she has now started on home made puree food as well as milk and her poo has changed horrifically but healthily as a result.

Charlotte came home end October 1 week before her due date and if Angel continues to progress so well I would very be surprised if she did not come home early too.

All the best Alasdair, Samantha and the Piglet
Yeah ALI I think all the nurses and doctors are suprised at how well she's thriving considering how young and small she was. We truly are lucky that there has been no big issues with her as of yet. I'm suprised by her every day when I come in. She's putting on weight like you wouldn't beleive now. I remember when gaining just 2 or 3 oz was huge before... now shes gaining 20+ a day!!! She is now 3lb 3oz lol she's just a little machine :) I think she just really wants to come home ;)

But the good news is she will be getting her first bath next week! I cannot wait to scrub her down. I bet she will scream the whole time too LOL
And hopefully in a week she'll be in a cot! It's looking very promising now that she's going to be in one by end of next week. So next week is going to be very exciting I think. I bet she'll be well over 4lb by the end of the month too. Im getting so excited each and every day because its one day closer to her home coming. I just hope I will be ready! My due date was Feb.28 so she could be home then give or take a week. Its not that far away woohoo!
My biggest fear is her oxygen though. Im a bit nervous about that. I think she will be coming home on it so i'm not too sure what to expect. But im sure as we get closer they will go through all of that with me.

Oh today when I went to see her this morning I got so scared!When I looked in her bed she was gone... didn't see her. No one was holding her. And my heart started to race and I started to panick. I just asked one of the other nurses "WHERE"S ANGEL????" and she just kinda laughed. She was downstairs getting a routine unltrasound done. Boy was I releived. I thought something bad might have happened. I sure didn't like how I felt sitting beside her empty bed. I was sooo happy when the nurse came back and let me hold her and kiss her. Apparently she pooped all over there US table too LOLOLOL she always poops at the worst time. I bet she will be one of those babies that poops while shes in the tub.Lord help me lol.... Well thats all for today. I have some packing to do before I head again for our 5 o clock cuddle :D
its so nice to hear ur being sopostive and looking to the furture she will be home in no timeits great she reaching all the littlemilestones xxxx

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