I think I need this thread.
I'm struggling at the moment.
I suffered from anorexia from early teens when I went through a hard time, my parents divorced, I was being bullied, amongst other things that I still can't talk about. I couldn't see any way out of the mess I was in and everything was falling apart. I felt worthless and hated myself, and to me, I was a big fat mess and I felt that if I could look better on the outside, maybe my parents would love me and be together (i blamed myself) and maybe I'd stop being bullied.
But obviously, I now know it doesn't work like that.
I was hospitalised after dropping down to just 5 and a half stone and was losing consciousness, I'm so lucky to be here.
I went through counselling and all sorts to try and help me, and eventually I stopped 'needing' the help according too professionals.
Though you never really stop needing help, it's always there, constantly.
And at the moment, I'm seriously struggling