Ever since i was in Year 8 at school (so about 13 yr old) i got bullied, called everything under the sun, i have a really shit complexion so was told i was diseased
up until 2010 i wouldn't of been able to write that without bursting into tears! Anyway the joys of decent make up.
I started hanging out with a girl when i was 15, i guess i was jealous of her, she was petite and skinny, yet ate everything! like she would eat ginger bread men, cakes all sorts, her sisters were the same, they just had high metabolism i guess. So one night in 2007 December i started looking up online how to lose weight fast, was taken to a pro-ana site, people cheered everyone on for weight loss. I was 148lbs then, i lost a couple of lbs by starving myself thats all. My mum used to make me eat my tea at 4pm when i was in from school. I didn't go to bed til around 1am and around midnight i would eat aloada shit, so i guess that was my weight problem! BMI then was 24.8.
2008 i moved out, was kinda better emotionally but this started again.. anyway Xmas 2008 i was down to 119, my lowest (god i feel a fraud now lol) BMI was 19.8.
Pregnancy went fine.. at 39 weeks i weighed 167lbs! I lost most of that within 3 weeks. So Late september last year i started on those sites again and now addicted, i'm now 119 but 5 foot 6 so BMI is 19.2. Everyday starts where i feel shit with myself, i either fast for 2 days, restrict then once a week binge, meltdown where i feel vile, then the whole thing starts again. I know this won't go but i hope one day i will reach a weight i'l be happy with.