WOw I had no clue there was A thread about this!! I have struggled with anorexia since about 2 years ago , I have never really had it as achild but I knew my body was fat and gross as a teen I was very depressed all throughout high school never made real friends and I was very ashamed of my body. I hit an all time high after a miscarriage and was 180 lbs at 5'6 feet tall then in a 4-5month matter when i turned 20 I dropped to 112lbs and i still thought i was fat and hated everything about me

I then went to 100 lbs and started puking even water i drank

wow this is so hard to talk about bring tears to my eyes

I cant believe how much I Hated the Child my mom brought into thiis world (me) it makes me so sad

MY mom was very affraid but she was in denial she just thought her offering me food would make it better but I never ate it instead I felt preassured to go jogging because looking at the food made me think of the calories my body would gain

. Then I move in with OH and he knew I had something cause who losses that much weight in 5 months , he did everything to make me happy and still does with him i went back up to 118 and I felt fat and disgusting but it was an ok weight for my height i guess . then I became pregnant

( was planned) And I feel Like baby bunny saved my life

I was lost in a world of puking and not eating I knew I was doing bad I would look at myself in the mirror and cry and say why can't I be happy

BUT becoming pregnant I promised my baby I would never puke and I have kept my promise it is hard because i hate seeing the scale numbers go up and Im already planning how im not gonna eat again after he is here

but I don't want to think that way anymore I want to be the best role model for him he is my inspiration. I do find it hard to eat someday , most of the time i Just have one meal and vitamins and i feel like hunger is gone

I see my legs and they disgust me cause I feel so fat I look at my arms and oh gosh I just hope to one day be free from this I truly do . I hope to not be judged as I have never ever spoke to anyone about this . hope I can find some support