Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hi baby pizzazz! 16 week scan! How exciting :) I can't remember if we've asked already but are you finding out the gender?

My sister is pregnant and just bought a mountain buggy cosmopolitan pram... It looks really good and defn fits a capsule as I am giving her our maxi cosi one. I think it is about $600 or $700.

All is well for us! Lily is going great. So settled and happy now and had just started laughing which is hilarious! I'm a bit jealous of all you sleeping through the night girls too! Lil still wakes twice or just once on a good night- but it's just a quick 5-10 min feed and back to bed so it's not too bad! Xxx
Naaaw kirsti I've seen the pictures of lily on Facebook and she is an absolute DOLL!! So gorgeous!!

Baby piazz so excited for you love!! I loved the scan it was the best bit of being pregnant! And feeling the baby wriggle of course!
As for the pram we got a Valco rebel Q ex.. I wanted a pram that went forwards and back, took the capsule and had a good that went all the way over.. I love it! And it was about 650 new I think?? We also got a bugaboo cameleon second hand as pram for dh's car and it's great too but I really love the Valco! I can even fit a box of nappies in the basket!

AFM the ttc is tricky as my cycle is still soo messy! 37 days this month wtf???

How's everyone else going?
Hi Kirst, yes so exciting, and we are finding out the gender... Hopefully tomorrow but will wait until my 19 week scan to confirm.

Thanks for the pram info, I posted on Facebook last night and all my mummy friends commented LOL... My husband, however, is insisting that a 3 wheeler will be better than a 4 wheeler..... Oh, and it has to have big wheels.... I think that's the car fanatic in him :haha:

Oh, that's so cute that Lily has started laughing. I bet it's just the sweetest little sound! Don't feel jealous of me for getting sleep, a snoring husband, a bladder that needs to be emptied up to 3 times a night, and two cats who either wake me when they go to the box, scratching away trying to cover their mess or vomiting because they ate too much!!!

Unfortunately Wish, I haven't felt it move yet and I can't wait until I do!!!

I do not envy you for having to ttc again.... The last 4 years for us were terrible ttc'ing so I'm glad I don't have to do it anymore!

Hope everyone else is well! :flower:
Hi everyone,

Wish... gorgeous bub! No wonder we are all wanting more, they are so darned cute :thumbup:

Take... how ru going chick? :kiss:

Aleja... yay to Marlon getting mobile :happydance:

Kirst... I bet Lily's laughs makes any tiredness fade into the background :hugs:

Red... any exciting news from you :shrug:

Pizazz... we got the City Mini GT which is great for exercising as it has nice big wheels that never need pumping and you can steer it with one hand. I probably wouldn't have bought a 3-wheeler if I wasn't going to exercise, as you normally can't hang a nappy bag from the handbars (due to the way 3 wheelers are balanced). It's really annoying to be pushing a pram and also toting a heavy nappy bag on one shoulder...

Sorry if I missed anyone....I have brain-mush-syndrome :wacko:

As for us, L was 6 weeks on Sunday & has started smiling at DH, myself and his sister. It's a nice change, previously he only smiled at his own farts :haha::blush: (He's such a boy). He had his 6-week vaccinations on Monday and is a bit out of sorts, so we are having a day at home today.

Here's his latest pic - have put it in a spoiler because it's coming up really huge & I don't know how to resize it!
Maddy he is gorgeous!!!! Looks so cheeky

Wish, are you still breast feeding and did you get your periods back ? Could this be mucking up your cycles ...
I don't even have AF back after 7.5months but I think it's due to breast feeding.

Pizazz, the steel craft strider has big wheels and is very sturdy.
We bought a Combi stroller light and closes with one hand.. But it's not for off road
Im back! I picked up my meds on Thursday and got my period today- I start my Gonal F injects tomorrow. This is my first ever IVF cycle. Im nervous even more now, as I was told that because of my PCOS I have a higher chance of having OHSS. As if this process wasn't daunting enough!
Good luck MollyNorwood!! You're gonna be about 2 weeks ahead of me - I'm doing my first cycle too... Excited and nervous at the same time...

What dose of gonal f are you on? I don't have PCOS but I do have PC appearing ovaries so my re said I'm also at high risk of ohss. She is only putting me on 100 iu of gonal f because of the ohss risk. I'm really nervous that this is too low though and I won't get many eggs :(

When I had my nurses interview she said to minimise the risk make sure to drink lots of water and just rest and take it easy.

I hope it goes smoothly for us and we both get our bfp's 1st try!
Hi Sparkle!! Fingers crossed for us both!!
I am on 150 iu of Gonal F, I guess that was based on my body's reaction to my previous Clomid cycles? Not too sure, but the nurse had said the same thing to me about OHSS. Don't worry about the dosage, as they will be doing ultrasounds and blood tests to see how you are traveling. If they find that it wasn't quite strong enough then as long as your follicles are growing they will probably give you an extra couple days worth of the same dosage. Apparently it's rarer to hear that the woman has had no growth at all, but it can happen.
The nurse told me that it's also possible that the women going through IVF will have empty follicles with no eggs in there, and they can't find that out until egg retrieval when they stick the liquid from the follies under a microscope.
I was like "WHAT!?"
There are so many reasons that a cycle will be cancelled too...
It's their job to give you all worst case scenario's so you are not surprised if it happens to you, but I walked away thinking 'is it worth it'? Which of course I know it is but it's still scary!
See I don't understand why I'm only on 100... What was your ahm if you don't mind me asking?

To me that would be worst case scenario, we go through with the egg retrieval and have to pay for everything but then they don't get any eggs... Or they don't fertilise and we have nothing to transfer but we are still out of pocket the full amount... I know I shouldn't even be thinking like that but I just don't think I could cope if that happened... :( sorry for the downer...

What clinic are you with Molly?
See I don't understand why I'm only on 100... What was your ahm if you don't mind me asking?

To me that would be worst case scenario, we go through with the egg retrieval and have to pay for everything but then they don't get any eggs... Or they don't fertilise and we have nothing to transfer but we are still out of pocket the full amount... I know I shouldn't even be thinking like that but I just don't think I could cope if that happened... :( sorry for the downer...

What clinic are you with Molly?
Don't be sorry, it's a tough time! :hugs:
I don't know what my ahm was, I normally ask for copies of results but I didn't this time around because my head was elsewhere I think! Next time I will get a copy.
I am a big girl so maybe that's why I am on 150? Do you have a diagnosis as to why you weren't getting preg naturally? Maybe I am on 150 because of my PCOS? I really don't know what makes them choose certain dosages, I am pretty clueless really :wacko:
I am going through Monash IVF here in Clayton. I see a Dr Mark Lawrence who has been doing this for 30 years and has had awesome results so we have our fingers crossed that he is the one to grant our wish! We will see ;)
Where are you having treatment? I heard Westmead in Sydney is good and affordable. We will be paying around $11,000 up front with about $5000 back via Medicare.
It is scary that we could end up totally out of pocket for a cycle of IVF if it doesn't work for any reason but we have no choice but to be positive. If you don't then that dark cloud will swallow you up
Thanks :hugs:

150 is a pretty average dose from what I've heard. I don't think they would start you on much higher with PCOS as a higher dose puts you at even higher risk of ohss. I know I'm on a low dose because of my PC appearing ovaries it just seems even lower than most is all...

We are going through a private clinic in Sydney and will end up being out of pocket a similar amount. If it doesn't work first go plus any frosties we will go to westmead (I would have gone there as soon as I 1st heard about them but hubby didn't want to change drs again as we'd already changed from ivf Australia).

Keep me updated :flower:
Hello ladies, I saw this forum and thought I may join in! I'm from Brisbane. My husband and I did our first ivf cycle in December, which ended in a BFN.

I WAS ON 150 iu of Gonal F. We did attempt a cycle in September, however the doctor only put me on 100iu because my ovarian reserve was 'excellent' but I can't remember what the number was! We ended up having to cancel the cycle because just 2 days before Egg collection there was one dominant follicle. So the next cycle it was bumped up to 150iu and I got 10 eggs that were able to be injected with Icsi. 8 fertalized and we transferred one 3 day.

Doing a FET this cycle and have just ovulated. So hopefully over the next few days will have another embryo on board!

Are you Aussie ladies doing just one embryo? I'm with QFG and they will only let me transfer one. I'm a bit nervous doing a FET as I know the chances are a lot lower but it's definitely worth a try!
Hello ladies, I saw this forum and thought I may join in! I'm from Brisbane. My husband and I did our first ivf cycle in December, which ended in a BFN.

I WAS ON 150 iu of Gonal F. We did attempt a cycle in September, however the doctor only put me on 100iu because my ovarian reserve was 'excellent' but I can't remember what the number was! We ended up having to cancel the cycle because just 2 days before Egg collection there was one dominant follicle. So the next cycle it was bumped up to 150iu and I got 10 eggs that were able to be injected with Icsi. 8 fertalized and we transferred one 3 day.

Doing a FET this cycle and have just ovulated. So hopefully over the next few days will have another embryo on board!

Are you Aussie ladies doing just one embryo? I'm with QFG and they will only let me transfer one. I'm a bit nervous doing a FET as I know the chances are a lot lower but it's definitely worth a try!
Hi Eveclo!
Good luck with your journey, I hope it's not a long one :)
DH and I toyed with the idea of doing two transfers for our first IVF round. Still kinda considering it, but I think for us the risk of a twin pregnancy is not worth it. So I think we will do a single transfer. Just hope it sticks!
I hope yours is a sticky bean!
Let us know how you go
Good luck eveclo!!!

At my clinic the success rate for fet is almost the same, maybe yours could be too.

We are only allowed to transfer 1 emby too although I don't think I would want to do more than 1 yet - maybe if we are not successful I will feel different for future rounds.

My dr is only putting me on 100 iu of gonal f and I've been worried its so low... Do you mind me asking what your fertility issue is? My dr is putting me on a low dose as I have polycystic appearing ovaries and my amh is highish at 49

Good luck eveclo!!!

At my clinic the success rate for fet is almost the same, maybe yours could be too.

We are only allowed to transfer 1 emby too although I don't think I would want to do more than 1 yet - maybe if we are not successful I will feel different for future rounds.

My dr is only putting me on 100 iu of gonal f and I've been worried its so low... Do you mind me asking what your fertility issue is? My dr is putting me on a low dose as I have polycystic appearing ovaries and my amh is highish at 49


Our issue is low sperm count, morphology and motility. A triple whammy! Hehe. There is no known issues with myself. The reason I was put on such a low dose was because of my age (early 20's) and the fact that my doctor was very cautious of me overstimulating. I think that 100iu is a good dose for someone with polycystic symptoms just because there is nothing worse than feeling ill after the retrieval ! Have you had IVF before?

We will definitely be transferring 2 next FET, as we transferred one in December (fresh) and on Saturday another one! I rang the embryologists today to check on my defrosting embryo, and apparently it's 100% in tact still, so that's a bonus! It's 8 cells still... Just hoping over night it becomes something more ! And then by Saturday it will hopefully be a blastocyst ! We have one 6BB day 5 embryo in the freezer too so if all else fails we can use that one ;)
Good luck today eveclo! Let us know how the transfer goes :flower:

This will be our first ivf. FX for first time lucky
Good luck today eveclo! Let us know how the transfer goes :flower:

This will be our first ivf. FX for first time lucky

Thanks sparkle! It went really well. I got there about 7am and my FS was there and the scientist came up and said that the embryo we had ( which was at 9 cells yesterday) had now become a morula (which apparently was almost a blastocyst) and we transferred that one. Hoping all goes well. Also did accupuncture yesterday and today and going back on Monday for my weekly appointment with my acupuncturist:)

Is your FS hoping to take your embryos to blast or are they more interested in 3 days? The reason we had 3 day transfer the first time was because it fell on a Sunday (a 5 dt) and they aren't open so we ended up having to do a 3 day one, which is a pain but oh well ;)

When do you start meds ?
Yay good luck :dust:

Our clinic is open everyday and they do 5 day transfers. I stopped keeping track of my cycles as it was causing me too much anxiety so I actually don't really know when my period is due but I think it might be about a week... I can't believe its so soon... Eeek nervous and excited
Oh wow good luck Eveclo! I bet you are really nervous! I know i will be! :) Keep yourself busy if you can, thats always the best thing to do in the TWW!
Sparkles- AF really does come around so fast when you are a bit scared or worried about starting IVF, mine did too! I am currently on CD9 so I have (as of tonight) done 8 days of injects. Gonal F and Orgalutran. The orgalutran is a bugger to do, and leaves me with lumpy itchy skin for an hour or two afterwards but the Gonal F has been a breeze.
i went in yesterday for my first ultrasound and blood test which they were very happy with so I go back in on Tuesday morning for another lot, hopefully by then I will be told when to take my Ovidrel and be booked in for the ER.
This has been all happening so fast! It's crazy how fast actually. It's kind of like when you are looking forward to something so time is supposed to go really slow, but because you are also nervous time actually goes really fast instead.
Now I sound like I am on the crazy train! haha.
Apart from the needle injections, I am feeling pretty normal. I have watched Youtube videos of women crying and overly emotional after being on the IVF drugs, but I have to say that so far so good for me.
Hope it's the same for you too Sparkle!
Oh wow good luck Eveclo! I bet you are really nervous! I know i will be! :) Keep yourself busy if you can, thats always the best thing to do in the TWW!
Sparkles- AF really does come around so fast when you are a bit scared or worried about starting IVF, mine did too! I am currently on CD9 so I have (as of tonight) done 8 days of injects. Gonal F and Orgalutran. The orgalutran is a bugger to do, and leaves me with lumpy itchy skin for an hour or two afterwards but the Gonal F has been a breeze.
i went in yesterday for my first ultrasound and blood test which they were very happy with so I go back in on Tuesday morning for another lot, hopefully by then I will be told when to take my Ovidrel and be booked in for the ER.
This has been all happening so fast! It's crazy how fast actually. It's kind of like when you are looking forward to something so time is supposed to go really slow, but because you are also nervous time actually goes really fast instead.
Now I sound like I am on the crazy train! haha.
Apart from the needle injections, I am feeling pretty normal. I have watched Youtube videos of women crying and overly emotional after being on the IVF drugs, but I have to say that so far so good for me.
Hope it's the same for you too Sparkle!

Hehe sounds like everything is going super smooth for you! That's excellent ! My first cycle (that was cancelled 2 days before ET) was horrible. Absolutely exhausted and so bloated. The second time was much better and we got the 11 follicles.

How bad is the orgalutran!!! I had to get my husband to do it for me, I found if I put a ice cube on the area for a few minutes it was a lot easier and didn't hurt. I liked the gonal f though- much easier to deal with.

I am nervous, but also excited. I have felt so much healthier for this fet than I did for the fresh. Just hoping the embryo is of ok quality and keeps growing and sticks! Official test date is the 27th, but ill probably do a home test before then.... Maybe...

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