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Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hey redknob I think our cycles (minus the pgd) will be pretty similar.
Have to say...enjoying being drug free at the moment and having a (small) break. Ive kinda lost the urgency I felt about it all which is relief. It used to make me feel sick. Most of my friends have babies now and the ones that don't are already pregnant. There's just me now I guess it's a bit easier now there's no more comparison..does that make sense?
Hey Aleja - They will only do egg collection on a Wednesday or Friday for a PGD cycle as the cells can only be tested by certain people and they only work certain days :)

Hey Wish - Will be great to go on the journey at that same time with someone :)
Hi Girls,

How are you all doing?
Wish, good to hear you are enjoying your drug free stint the mo...if it doesn't happen this time for us i am definitely having a months break. I know what you mean about everyone else around you being pregnant, in my circle of girlfriends there are two of us and the rest are either about to give birth or are pregnant.
MJ- great to hear you are doing well hon, that is great news.
Aleja , hope you are feeling not so blue:).. Keep your chin up girl.
Just had my egg collection this morning , they got nine so that's good with my low amh. So we will see how we go.

Have a good day everyone.
Congrats dancing queen, 9 is great hope they all fertilize & grow into little maybe baby's , keep us posted when you find out how many fertilize, hope you are not to sore xxx
Well done dancing queen wow that happened so quickly!
9 is great.. Were you taking DHEA? If so its working !
Will you be taking some days off pre-post transfer?
Hey girlies,

The lab rang today....:(only three have fertilised. I was really hoping that more would, apparently four haven't shown any definite signs of fertilisation but they aren't going to discount them yet.
Two have gone nowhere.
I am coming to the conclusion that i have crap eggs. I WANNA BEER!!!!
Ps Girlies thank so much for all the encouragement.
Ps Yes Aleja, i have been on DHEA for 6 weeks.....am really trying to stay positive for the 3

Keep your chin up dancing queen, it only takes one hun. Sending you lots of :dust:
Hey dancingqueen what a shame about the 3 embies but hope they hang in there and the 4 others catch up.Did you do IvF or icsi?
Hi Aleja,

Yeah we did icsi, we have done that twice now....keep talking to myself....trying to stay positive....trying to stay positive..

Hi dancing queen sorry to hear you only got 3 fertilized , try to stay positive remember it only takes one good one, hope all 3 keep growing strong & turn into nice little embies for you, if they haven't discounted the other 4 there must be a reason for that- you never know! A friend of mine only ended up with 1 fertilized & they said it didn't look great either that little egg is now a rascal of a 3year old boy, goes to show you just dont know - keeping my fingers crossed for you xxx
Hey dancing queen it's good to have internal dialogue during times like this. I
Am sure you have already had lots of testing but could it be sperm issues rather than u eggs? Did ur DH have the DNA frag test? Sorry about the questions as I find it strange most of the didn't fertilise with iCsi x
Hi dancing queen - any news on how they are progressing?? Fingers & toes still x for you xxx
Hi aleja & wish how you guys going??
hi taylah, I was supposed to start taking provera this week to end my apparently annovulary cycle. I got a smiley digital +OPK that same day so I think I will let my cycle end naturally....not sure really I can't decide as I want to get on with the FETs too
Waiting to get on with it must be so hard, I hope the time passes quickly & you can get on track for your FET, how many frosties do you have??
Hey girlies,
Morning to you all :)How are you?
Well...the news is....one embryo survived....on day 5 it was still a morula though which isn't very encouraging sadly. However, stranger things have happened as you say Taylah.....at this stage i am going with the thought that it will be a BFN and anything else is a bonus. Man it gets tiring!!!
They pretty much told us at transfer yesterday that we only had a slim chance, they wished us good luck but said it was the best they had to put back in.
Aleja that was a good point about the testing, i must look into that. Hubby has had the standard morph/motility tests but that sounds like a more advanced one. Cheers for that.
Have decided to take at least a month off and have booked to go up to Queensland...can't wait for a break.
Aleja hope all is going well with your cycle, and Taylah i cannot believe you are almost at 12 weeks it seems to have gone so fast :)
Big hello to all you other ladies.
Dancingqueen even though you got the 1 emby, i am glad it was transferred. on these threads you got all sorts of women getting bfp's from less than perfect embryos so don't lose hope just yet. You really never know as they do say its just a beauty contest that they base their rating for the embryos

Regardless, one month off sounds awesome...is that off from work too?
I am going to QLD too this next weekend..can't wait just to be normal, drink some wine eat nice food, hang out with friends who are not TTC or pregnant or new mummies!

Taylah, we have 4 frosties....I am still waiting for AF to arrive. she could be another week I think

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