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Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hi girls,
Emilina, its great to hear your 2nd cycle is up and going right now. very exciting!
When do you expect to have the EPU?
It's disappointing about the 1 emby policy but i guess its better to have 1 healthy baby than 2 bubbas which may be risky for them .

MsRedknob its exciting to be picking up the meds and having the goal in sight. It sounds like you are having the long protocol? why did they choose to do this one?

Hi Wish, welcome back! a break in IVF is absolutely a must sometimes. I am having a (forced!) break myself...my cycles are so erratic and long after the stim cycle that i have had no choice but wait...I too am feeling calmer and accepting that sometimes things will happen when they do.
Having said that I hope AF starts this week so I can get the Clomid going- I am aiming to finally have a FET next cycle..its been a long time coming!
I am having a long protocol due to having PGD. Also had to start BCP as my period was out of whack after my last D&C. Also the 21st September was the first available egg collection day for a PGD cycle.
Hi ladies, thanks for all your kind words, I'm very relieved!
Miss red knob so glad to see you on your way, same with you em - my clinic had the same 1 embie policy unless you are over 38 years old, remember it only takes 1 ! fingers crossed for you both xx
Hi aleja, hoping af hurrys up for you so you can get on your way!
Hi wish sounds like a well deserved & needed break hope you enjoy your time off & feel human again before you go again xxx
Thanks guys! My egg pick up is planned for the 31st! Taylah - same policy, if you're under 37 they will only do 1. I'm planning for the worst, but hoping to get some to freeze for next cycle, if we have no luck again! I think if I have a failed cycle again this time they might consider putting 2 back. Fingers crossed! Wishnwait - how are you going?
Hi em, try to stay positive Hun, it only takes one !
How is everyone going ?
Egg pick up tomorrow! Last scan they picked up at least 8 big follies and heaps of smaller ones. My clinic only aims for 5-6 eggs so on track at the moment. Don't know why I'm feeling negative, I just feel so certain it's not going to work again!!
Well EPU all done - 6 nice mature eggs! That's what they were hoping for, so all going well so far. Was so much more painful this time! TMI but I actually threw up afterwards, think that it was all the happy gas. So fingers crossed for fertilization over night - we will wait and see. Will keep you all updated, thanks for all the support ladies! xo
GL Emilina fx for your embies to fertilise x
Did any of you girls go on BCP during your protocol? If so did you have a weird cycle, I am on CD9 and AF is still here but it is old blood ( sorry TMI )
Yep! 3/6 fertilized we found out this morning. Was hoping for more - but the nurse seemed happy with this - she didn't have the report in front of her but thought that the other 3 eggs might have been a little immature. ET is Friday! Do you guys think it's worthwhile freezing the other two if they both keep developing?
That's fantastic Em :dance:

DH and I are freezing any we have left over. The FET success is a lot higher now!!
Hey Miss Redknob

I was for a few weeks after my last IVF cycle, and to get the timing right for this cycle. Don't worry - I was exactly the same. I had AF for longer than usual, but it was dull brown discharge more so than red blood (TMI!). I wouldn't worry too much about it!
That's for that Em glad I'm not the only one. 9 days is driving me mental :haha:
I just WISH they'd put back two! Does anyone know what the rate of embryos surviving the thaw is? Redknob - where are you up to in your IVF cycle? Is this your first cycle?
LOL Redknob - 9 days does suck! I was about the same though - on and off. Just when I thought AF was done and DH and I were about to be intimate - back AF came with the old bloody! Persistent!
Yeah they told me one only due to my age (29)!!

Not sure of the rate, but the nurse said to me it has come a long way over the years..

I am on BCP now and am going for my first bloods 5th September :)
Hi ladies firstly congrats em, & good luck with your transfer xxx

I just got some really bad news, I have tested positive to parvo virus ( slap cheek) I am so terrified I'm going to lose my bub, miscarriage rates are high especially at the stage I'm at, if bub manages to survive it may develop severe anemia & require inutero blood transfusions, I am so sad & scared I can't believe this is happening after all the infertility etc now I just have to wait until Wednesday to see a specialist & have an ultrasound done by specialist :cry:

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