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Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hi dancing queen, the fact your 1 little embie made It to day 5 is enough to be hopeful, I really hope this will end up being your little survivor, keeping everything crossed for you Hun xxx enjoy your time away xxx
Aleja- will you have just one of your 4 frosties transferred ?? Hope time passes quickly for you this time while waiting for AF !
As for me I am anxiously awaiting my NT ultrasound , time is actually going so slow for me - I guess cause I'm waiting for the scan to check everything is ok, I think I will be much less of a worry wart once it's been done, other than that starting to feel much better ( not so sick) but always very tired.
hi to everyone else hope you are all well xxx
Hi everyone , how is everyone any news??
Thanks miss red knob hard to believe I made it here, hope you all are here soon too xxx
Hey Girls,
No news with me. Am counting down to my holiday...cannot wait!
Have my BT next Wednesday, but am not holding out for anything on that front....
hi gals,
Dancingqueen where are you going on your holiday?
I just got back from a mini hoilday in Gold Coast..Did nothing but eat, relax, eat, relax. it was just what I needed.

MsRedknob, my AF is always late...so inconvenient!!!
Have you had a HPT???
Sounds like you had a nice mini holiday :)

No HPT, I know that Im not pregnant cause I would have all the symptoms. I can get a positive from about 7dpo cause my (.)(.) are normally killing me :haha: It is probably my body still adjusting from my last D&C in April :(

How are you going?
Hi ladies, I'm in a big panic , I've been bleeding since last night, I go for my NT scan today at 11.30 so just waiting till then to see if my little been is ok or not , I've been up all night in tears so I'm prepared for the worst but hoping for the best, hope you all are well !
Miss red knob hope af arrives for you - unless of course you are pregnant !
Aleja - a mini break sounds like what I need , good on you !
Dancing queen - hope you enjoy your holiday still got fingers crossed for you, there is always hope until af arrives xxx
Oh Taylah, I hope your little bean is ok, how much are you bleeding? You must be beside yourself. Hurry up 11:30 :hugs:

CD1 for my today :dance:
Thanks so much miss red knob , it was so scary i have had some really bright red bleeding like a middle flow period day, but i am so so relieved now (& still a little worried) I am just back from my scan, baby looks great measuring correct & NT normal, I had 3 scans 2 via stomach with different machines & 1 Trans vaginal, they couldn't find a reason why I'm bleeding except my placenta is lying a little on the low side but not really low enough to be causing this so who knows, I've been told to rest up & go straight back to hospital if it gets worse, thanks so much for your kind words & support xxxx
Ohh thank goodness you and your bean are ok!! Rest up and get DH to wait on you hand and foot :hugs:

Did you get a picy?
Hi Girls,

Gosh Taylah, that is good news that all is ok.PHEW!! Rest up though and take it easy.Couldn't believe when i read that previous post as i haven't been on for a few days.

Well it is crap news with me girls, AF witchbag started yesterday and it is in full throttle!! so no good news for us this time :( have my BT in the morning which is a complete waste of time but sure i will go anyway as i should.

Aleja i am off to Port Douglas with DH, and cannot wait! we have booked 3 days in an adults only resort in the mountains....and i read after i booked it that it has optional clothing at the pool! haha should be a giggle! Then we are off to a resort in Port Douglas, complete with a swim up bar....which i will be making use of! Good to hear you had a good time in Queensland, this nonsense doesn't half take it out of you, holidays needed big time!
Right girls i am in for a couple of mental days in work so may not be about, everyone stay safe.
Dancing queen sorry to hear the witch got you :-( next time will be your turn Hun xxx
So sorry dancing queen, sending you and DH lots of :hugs:

Have any of you girls ever caught up to meet? :)
hi ladies,
Taylah, so glad to hear about your bubba being fine. That sounded so scary. I hope you are well.

DancingQueen, what a bummer about AF. I know what you mean about thinking the BT is a waste of time..that's how I felt during my last stim cycle.
Port Douglas sounds like it will be amazing...clothing optional?? he he that will be a cheeky swim!

MrsRedknob, hooray for AF!!! what next? do you start your cycle now?
I am hopefully not far behind..waiting for AF too......
Hey everyone!
I'm so happy to hear all is good Taylah.
Aleja- hope AF comes soon mate, the waiting is the worst.
Dancing Queen- I'm so sorry about AF, I know the total devastation. Enjoy Port Douglass and try to re-coup.
Redknob... Yay for cycle day 1!!!

AFM- Taking a break. DH and I have decided to have a month or so off to re-group. It's been really good actually after a stressful two years I actually feel calmer than ever, trying to focus on getting fit and having a good time the next couple of months xxx

I really hope that everyone else is doing ok. What a crazy ride hey?
Aleja - I start BCP tonight and will be on it for about 5-6 weeks, start the Syneral Spray in about 4 weeks :dance: When are you hoping to start?

Wish - Glad you and DH are having a nice break :) When are you going to start your next cycle?
Hey All!

How is everyone! Sorry I have been a bit absent lately, been super busy!

Anyway, so have started my second cycle of IVF. I went to the Doctor with lots of questions and they said they still won't put more than one embryo back which is disappointing, but the clinic has a policy to avoid multiples.

Good news though - I am going much better this cycle! I am now on 175 IU of Gonal F, up from 125 from last cycle. I had my first scan and bloods today and there's 8 big follies and heaps of smaller ones! Yay! So much better than the one follie that came to the party last month.

Definitely going to freeze embryos if we get more than one (fingers crossed).

How is everyone else?
Glad things are going well this time round Em, got everything crossed for you :hugs:

Picking up all my drugs on Friday, starting to feel really real :dance:

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