Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

So happy for you Molly!!! Have you told anyone else yet, or are you going to wait?

Now we just need some of the lucky vibes from this thread to rub off on Eveclo and I next :)
Thanks Sparkle! I have told my DH and my mum, and a couple of good friends. they are very supportive of how i am feeling- as well as you girls of course!
If this actually it for me, I really hope the luck rubs off on you all, you are all so deserving of your dreams. Apparently this is quite a lucky thread so lets keep it that way ;)
PREGNANT!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
I had cramps in the beginning, perfectly normal :)

Thanks for the reassurance Red, how bad were your cramps? Bad enough to have you totally convinced you were getting AF? I have a warm heat pack on my abdomen at the moment
PREGNANT!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
I had cramps in the beginning, perfectly normal :)

Thanks for the reassurance Red, how bad were your cramps? Bad enough to have you totally convinced you were getting AF? I have a warm heat pack on my abdomen at the moment

Be careful with heat packs on your belly if you are pregnant! Maybe I'm a bit over cautious though haha! I am so excited for you !


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Brilliant lines! Congratulations! Bet your on cloud 9!

Yep- just need them positive vibes sent over to sparkle and I and we will be all sweet !

Cd 15 and had a light positive opk (assuming it will be positive by afternoon but ill check again). Went for a blood test so I'm guessing ovulation is approaching quickly and we will be having out fet soon! Growing out 2 of our 3 day embryos to 5 day so we can make sure they are progressing well & good.

Brilliant lines! Congratulations! Bet your on cloud 9!

Yep- just need them positive vibes sent over to sparkle and I and we will be all sweet !

Cd 15 and had a light positive opk (assuming it will be positive by afternoon but ill check again). Went for a blood test so I'm guessing ovulation is approaching quickly and we will be having out fet soon! Growing out 2 of our 3 day embryos to 5 day so we can make sure they are progressing well & good.

Thanks hun! Yes, I m on :cloud9: today!!! Can't focus so its lucky i am not at work! *sending great big BFP vibes to you and Sparkle!*
I will have everything crossed for you that you ovulate tonight and get 2 lovely 5 day blasts that stick!!! Good luck! :happydance:
Woohoo that looks awesome Molly! Xxx

Yay Eveclo looks like it's all about to happen soon, how exciting. My fingers and toes are crossed for you xxx

AFM just waiting for AF, I'm thinking she will arrive sometime Sunday to Tuesday. All the waiting is definitely a killer, waiting to start, then waiting for your follicles to grow, then waiting for your embryos, then waiting for your result. Hmm if only patience was one of my virtues haha. At the end it will all make it worthwhile but until then we just gotta keep waiting.

I'm really hating my work so I took the day off and only just woke up at 10am haha, I musta been tired! Wish I could just quit... I've been wanting to for so long but keep putting everything on hold because of ttc, it really sucks :(

Also still haven't heard from my mum, she hasn't called once to check how the ivf is going since I told her we had started the injections (and she's a nurse so she know the process) I'm so mad at her now for not checking in that I don't know what I'll say if she does call. She doesn't even know the 1st cycle was cancelled.
I am sure it will all be worth it! I know it's hard especially after a cancelled cycle I'm sure- please try to stay positive. When you have your baby in your arms you will not regret all this waiting

I feel you there hun, I hate my job too. Can't lie, a tiny part of the reason im feeling happy is because I can leave there in a few months finally. What do you do for work? Enjoy a cosy relaxing day :)

The fact your mum hasn't called isn't good enough! Are you and your mum usually pretty close? Maybe she thinks you might want to be left alone? Still, no mother should just assume something like that and not even call. I am so sorry she hasn't bothered Sparkle. Man, I'd be so tempted to call her and ask her does she even care, why hasn't she called etc? I am sure she cares but GRRR now i am angry for you! I hope she makes the effort to see how you are ASAP
Woo hoo..I knew it!! That is fab..congrats. So what due date will that be Molly??
Thanks Molly :hugs:

I'm a merchandise planner for a retail company, I really enjoy the job itself just work with some really painful people, and our department is very understaffed and overworked. I want to do something closer to home and less stressful, maybe just admin work, but its obviously not a great time to be looking for or starting a new job. What do you do?

I bet my mum will say "well you didn't call me either...", but when I told her we were starting she was really weird and cold and just kinda said "ok well all the best" I felt like I was an acquaintance or something. So that's why I was waiting for her to call cos I wanted her to show me she actually does care. It's possible she doesn't want to pry or something but I have been so open about it that I just don't know how she could think that also she's my mum, god if my future child ever had to go through something like this I would be checking on them everyday. DH's family haven't been that much better either but I guess I don't expect quite as much as my own mother. Not sure if I'm madder or sadder :(

Sorry for the rant :blush:

So anyway back to something positive, your blood test is tomorrow Molly!! How exciting, I mean it seems pretty certain but I'm sure it will still be nice to get that affirmation! Then you can start thinking about things like OBs and hospitals... Wow! Have you bought any baby stuff for yourself in the past? I haven't but very occasionally I look at stuff like strollers online... Just to tease myself haha

Haha thanks.
Take2 I will be due about December 18th give or take a day. Depends which calculator I use to tell me! haha
Your job sounds very tiring Sparkle....I'm surprised you have any 'sparkle' left :p sorry couldn't help it.
I do a couple of things...I work in insurance in a retail shop front. So i write home insurance, car insurance and travel insurance policies, In addition to that i am also merchandise coordinator as we sell a lot of merch products as well. My job sucks so many reasons- A. Every second customer is whinging to me about something, and we get a lot of hostile people B. There is targets we have to meet as individuals every day so there is lots of pressure to meet those or we get 'counseled'. We used to be rewarded with vouchers (coles etc) and because I was a good performer I'd win almost $100 a month, helping me stay motivated. They recently took those away.
C. I get no extra 'target points' or extra wages for taking on the role of merch coordinator, so I get paid the same amount as the other consultants who sit of their arses all day and don't ever offer to help me (on exception of one lovely girl whom I only work with once a week)....
I could go on but they are the biggest issues I have.
Sparkle I wonder if you are being seemingly 'ignored' because your mum and your DH's family are afraid they might say the wrong thing? You hear a lot from the more bitter women going through IVF in media outlets more so than the average woman. Maybe they think they don't really know how to support that when all they need to do is pick up the phone and say 'how are you'? or 'we love you'.
I don't know hun :( But you can rant away any time. No shame in that! Not that I believe that was a whinge about work was! hahaha :p
Yes, D-Day is tomorrow! Looking forward to it and nervous at the same time. I will have to ask the nurse if I go back for another blood test on Monday to make sure the BETA levels have done what they are supposed to.
I haven't bought one thing for a baby, ever. In saying that, I very recently learned how to knit (basic, cant read a pattern YET) so I have almost finished a baby blanket. I rationalised it by saying to myself that if my friend got pregnant first it would be for her, so I'm not making it for NO baby.
Well I decided now I will keep that one, and I have more wool ready to knit one for her too :)
I don't think I will buy anything until I am at the 12 week mark. I am just too superstitious which is silly considering I am not usually like that with any other aspect of my life!
Congratulations Molly! That's a wonderful result.

I did not dare take any test before my blood test, I was too scared it would be negative.

AFM I will be 22 weeks tomorrow and we found out a couple of weeks ago that we are having a BOY!!!!!!
Transfer scheduled for Wednesday next week! Yay. Defrosting 2 x 3 day embies and growing them to blast (hopefully) yay.
OH YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the best for Wednesday! I hope those little frosties are lovin life and grow perfectly xox
Your job sounds very tiring Sparkle....I'm surprised you have any 'sparkle' left :p sorry couldn't help it.
I do a couple of things...I work in insurance in a retail shop front. So i write home insurance, car insurance and travel insurance policies, In addition to that i am also merchandise coordinator as we sell a lot of merch products as well. My job sucks so many reasons- A. Every second customer is whinging to me about something, and we get a lot of hostile people B. There is targets we have to meet as individuals every day so there is lots of pressure to meet those or we get 'counseled'. We used to be rewarded with vouchers (coles etc) and because I was a good performer I'd win almost $100 a month, helping me stay motivated. They recently took those away.
C. I get no extra 'target points' or extra wages for taking on the role of merch coordinator, so I get paid the same amount as the other consultants who sit of their arses all day and don't ever offer to help me (on exception of one lovely girl whom I only work with once a week)....
I could go on but they are the biggest issues I have.
Sparkle I wonder if you are being seemingly 'ignored' because your mum and your DH's family are afraid they might say the wrong thing? You hear a lot from the more bitter women going through IVF in media outlets more so than the average woman. Maybe they think they don't really know how to support that when all they need to do is pick up the phone and say 'how are you'? or 'we love you'.
I don't know hun :( But you can rant away any time. No shame in that! Not that I believe that was a whinge about work was! hahaha :p
Yes, D-Day is tomorrow! Looking forward to it and nervous at the same time. I will have to ask the nurse if I go back for another blood test on Monday to make sure the BETA levels have done what they are supposed to.
I haven't bought one thing for a baby, ever. In saying that, I very recently learned how to knit (basic, cant read a pattern YET) so I have almost finished a baby blanket. I rationalised it by saying to myself that if my friend got pregnant first it would be for her, so I'm not making it for NO baby.
Well I decided now I will keep that one, and I have more wool ready to knit one for her too :)
I don't think I will buy anything until I am at the 12 week mark. I am just too superstitious which is silly considering I am not usually like that with any other aspect of my life!

Thanks Molly you're so sweet.

I used to work in retail too, I think retail staff deserve a medal for putting up with ahole customers. Excuse my French. That sucks that you had your incentives taken away and that most of the other staff don't want to help out :hugs: but good news as you said that now you got ur bfp you won't have to be there too much longer :happydance:

Good luck tomorrow not that you'll need it :thumbup:

Congrats BabyPiazza on finding out you are having a boy! :)

Yay Eveclo for transfer on Wednesday! :happydance: Grow embies grow! Will they let you know each day how they are going?

Your job sounds very tiring Sparkle....I'm surprised you have any 'sparkle' left :p sorry couldn't help it.
I do a couple of things...I work in insurance in a retail shop front. So i write home insurance, car insurance and travel insurance policies, In addition to that i am also merchandise coordinator as we sell a lot of merch products as well. My job sucks so many reasons- A. Every second customer is whinging to me about something, and we get a lot of hostile people B. There is targets we have to meet as individuals every day so there is lots of pressure to meet those or we get 'counseled'. We used to be rewarded with vouchers (coles etc) and because I was a good performer I'd win almost $100 a month, helping me stay motivated. They recently took those away.
C. I get no extra 'target points' or extra wages for taking on the role of merch coordinator, so I get paid the same amount as the other consultants who sit of their arses all day and don't ever offer to help me (on exception of one lovely girl whom I only work with once a week)....
I could go on but they are the biggest issues I have.
Sparkle I wonder if you are being seemingly 'ignored' because your mum and your DH's family are afraid they might say the wrong thing? You hear a lot from the more bitter women going through IVF in media outlets more so than the average woman. Maybe they think they don't really know how to support that when all they need to do is pick up the phone and say 'how are you'? or 'we love you'.
I don't know hun :( But you can rant away any time. No shame in that! Not that I believe that was a whinge about work was! hahaha :p
Yes, D-Day is tomorrow! Looking forward to it and nervous at the same time. I will have to ask the nurse if I go back for another blood test on Monday to make sure the BETA levels have done what they are supposed to.
I haven't bought one thing for a baby, ever. In saying that, I very recently learned how to knit (basic, cant read a pattern YET) so I have almost finished a baby blanket. I rationalised it by saying to myself that if my friend got pregnant first it would be for her, so I'm not making it for NO baby.
Well I decided now I will keep that one, and I have more wool ready to knit one for her too :)
I don't think I will buy anything until I am at the 12 week mark. I am just too superstitious which is silly considering I am not usually like that with any other aspect of my life!

Thanks Molly you're so sweet.

I used to work in retail too, I think retail staff deserve a medal for putting up with ahole customers. Excuse my French. That sucks that you had your incentives taken away and that most of the other staff don't want to help out :hugs: but good news as you said that now you got ur bfp you won't have to be there too much longer :happydance:

Good luck tomorrow not that you'll need it :thumbup:

Congrats BabyPiazza on finding out you are having a boy! :)

Yay Eveclo for transfer on Wednesday! :happydance: Grow embies grow! Will they let you know each day how they are going?


Agree about the retail thing! I worked in retail for 5-6 years before getting a job in the public sector and it's so much better! People think they can use and abuse you for anything in retail, it's horrible!

Good luck for today Molly hopefully it all goes well. Do we in Australia even get beta numbers? Hopefully... i love hearing the numbers! hehe.

Thanks ladies, very keen to get those embies back. I will ring the embryology lab each day to check on them. It makes me feel better that we have 3 embryos, so if one arrests we can just thaw another on the day. growwwww please! heh.

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