Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hi Eveclo, I'm sorry you got a bfn :hugs: it is still early though so you're definitely not out yet, I still have my fingers crossed for you.

AFM I have my 1st ultrasound tomorrow morning, fingers crossed I have lots of good size follicles. It's a bit weird though that I'm only getting my 1st ultrasound tomorrow on day 7 of stims, last month I had my 2nd ultrasound on day 7 of stims and that was the day it was cancelled... They've been open all wknd, I even had a blood test on Friday so that's not the reason... Anyway I'm sure it will fine.

Hope everyone is well and had a nice Easter xx
Hi Eveclo, I'm sorry you got a bfn :hugs: it is still early though so you're definitely not out yet, I still have my fingers crossed for you.

AFM I have my 1st ultrasound tomorrow morning, fingers crossed I have lots of good size follicles. It's a bit weird though that I'm only getting my 1st ultrasound tomorrow on day 7 of stims, last month I had my 2nd ultrasound on day 7 of stims and that was the day it was cancelled... They've been open all wknd, I even had a blood test on Friday so that's not the reason... Anyway I'm sure it will fine.

Hope everyone is well and had a nice Easter xx

Thank you!!! I hope i'm not out just yet, I will keep pretending that it is too early and live in PUPO bliss! :haha:

Hmm.. That is a bit strange, but my theory is.. the first cycle is almost always a test to how your body response, and maybe they just know that it will be doing better this time around and they don't have much to worry about? That sounds like a silly excuse. Haha. I hope your ultrasound goes well tomorrow, but i'm sure it will be fine. I was sooo nervous for mine, especially since it got cancelled first time round, but everything was looking perfect and they check your lining too to make sure it's all looking peachy and ready for babies :wink wink:

Ate soooo much chocolate, i think the BFN was a nice excuse to eat even more than i usually would!

When do they think that EPU will be? Are your ovaries starting to feel like they're working more? I found that the strangest feeling, like they were brewing something interesting up in there!

Goodluckgoodluck! x
Hi glad there are a few new Aussies on the board that are taking up the TTC challenge. I finally got birth control sorted last week and I'm coming to terms with the idea that my fertile days are over :cry: I would have happily tried for another but DH isn't on board. Oh well - will have to live my life vicariously through you all :winkwink:

BTW just a comment on the progesterone pessaries. If they irritate, ask your Dr if you can pop them in the *ahem* back passage....apparently they are absorbed just as efficiently and are less irritating.
Thanks Eveclo :) are you going to test again or wait? I hadn't had any cramping or strange feelings until today, but I often get weird pains and stuff throughout my cycles from my endometriosis so it could also be that

Hi Maddy, thanks for the progesterone tip :thumbup: I had heard that before, will have to remember to ask my dr about it if I do have any irritation.

My ultrasound today went well I think, it definitely looks better than last month but neither the tech or the nurse that called later gave me much info... The tech said I had 13 total over 10mm, a few were 13mm, 1 was 15mm, and 1 x 18mm, do those numbers sound ok for 7 days of stims (CD9)?? I'm a bit nervous that I still might only get a couple of good size ones... :( I gave to go back tomorrow for another ultrasound, will have to remember to ask when they think the retrieval might be.
Quick update from this morning; I had 10 total over 14mm, 1 was 19, 1 x 18, and a few at 16. The tech said this looks good, what do you guys think, does this sound ok?? Xx
Hi eveclo- how are you doing? Have you decided to test again? It's defn very early and you are not out yet! Hoping for good news soon x

Sparkle that sounds very good! I'm pretty sure I didn't have that many at that stage. I think I ended up with around 12 at pick up. Did they mention when retrieval would be? Also I agree with maddys tip on progesterone if using the supps. I absolutely hates the crinone and it made me feel awful, but the suppositories were fine and as gross as it sounds- much easier and less messy in the back way ;)

Maddy- how is Leo going?

Take wish red aleja- any updates on bubs? And on ttc number 2??
Quick update from this morning; I had 10 total over 14mm, 1 was 19, 1 x 18, and a few at 16. The tech said this looks good, what do you guys think, does this sound ok?? Xx

That sounds really good sparkle! Sounds very similar to me. They didn't give me much info, just 'you have about 6 on the right ovary and about 6 on the left too' and I got 11 eggs but only 10 were mature but that's still good! It's definitely quality not quantity so don't worry! That's a great amount. When do they think EPU will be ? :) hope you are feeling ok.

Hi eveclo- how are you doing? Have you decided to test again? It's defn very early and you are not out yet! Hoping for good news soon x

Sparkle that sounds very good! I'm pretty sure I didn't have that many at that stage. I think I ended up with around 12 at pick up. Did they mention when retrieval would be? Also I agree with maddys tip on progesterone if using the supps. I absolutely hates the crinone and it made me feel awful, but the suppositories were fine and as gross as it sounds- much easier and less messy in the back way ;)

Maddy- how is Leo going?

Take wish red aleja- any updates on bubs? And on ttc number 2??

I haven't tested yet! Not since my negative on 5dp6dt. Feeling pretty crap and like af could come any moment! I'm going to test on Friday morning probably, before we go to the dawn service and then just stop progesterone so ill hopefully get my period not too late, so I can start a fresh cycle again. :) thanks for the hope! Hehe
Thanks Krist and Eveclo!

I heard from the clinic and they said things look good and my retrieval will be Saturday and if all goes well transfer will be Thursday. I don't have to get anymore ultrasounds and they will call me tomorrow and tell me when to take my trigger tomorrow night. Yay! Feeling really tired today and really crampy and a bit bloated.

I'm still going to be hopeful for you Eveclo, you're not out until the witch shows :hugs:
Hi ladies, so I had today off work as I feel absolutely exhausted. The nurse just called I have to do my trigger tonight at 7, yay! I told her about how I was feeling and she said it was normal especially with my high estrogen levels. They didn't mention yesterday and I didn't ask but she said it was 7364 and today it would probably be 10000... She didn't say it was a problem, just said to rest and drink plenty of water. Does anyone know what their estrogen was before retrieval? Was anyone else feeling really crappy?
Hi ladies, so I had today off work as I feel absolutely exhausted. The nurse just called I have to do my trigger tonight at 7, yay! I told her about how I was feeling and she said it was normal especially with my high estrogen levels. They didn't mention yesterday and I didn't ask but she said it was 7364 and today it would probably be 10000... She didn't say it was a problem, just said to rest and drink plenty of water. Does anyone know what their estrogen was before retrieval? Was anyone else feeling really crappy?

They never told me what any of my levels were, but my god I was feeling horrible constantly near the end. I took a few days off work before hand just so sleepy and just bloated in the belly it's crazy! Just super tired and like I had ran a marathon...

Congratulations on your LAST injection! You've made it! :) until Saturday when your all knocked out but yay! How many days off do you have after ET?
Ok cool I'm glad I'm not the only 1, I remember in my nurses interview asking about any side effects of the stims and if I would feel tired or anything (a lady at work had told me she had) and the nurse said no that was not a common side effect, but then when I spoke to a nurse today she said it was normal... I just wish they could all their facts straight...

Thanks hun! We did the trigger 15mins late eek... I set 2 reminders on my phone but didn't hear them... Hope I don't get in too much trouble :dohh:

I will actually be awake for my retrieval, you can request a general but mostly at my clinic they do light sedation and local anaesthetic :wacko: a little nervous but not too bad. I'll have the rest of Saturday off and Sunday but will probably go to work Monday unless I'm not feeling good. How long did you have off and how did you feel after?

Still planning on testing in the morning? I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you xx
Ok cool I'm glad I'm not the only 1, I remember in my nurses interview asking about any side effects of the stims and if I would feel tired or anything (a lady at work had told me she had) and the nurse said no that was not a common side effect, but then when I spoke to a nurse today she said it was normal... I just wish they could all their facts straight...

Thanks hun! We did the trigger 15mins late eek... I set 2 reminders on my phone but didn't hear them... Hope I don't get in too much trouble :dohh:

I will actually be awake for my retrieval, you can request a general but mostly at Genea they do light sedation and local anaesthetic :wacko: a little nervous but not too bad. I'll have the rest of Saturday off and Sunday but will probably go to work Monday unless I'm not feeling good. How long did you have off and how did you feel after?

Still planning on testing in the morning? I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you xx

Eeek, you should be fine. Just tell them that you did just in case... But i don't really think 15 mins would make a difference considering how late drs usually are! Are you getting nervous? I had my EPU on a Tuesday, and had the rest of the week off because i felt pretty ill, but the dr said i would be fine with just one day after it off, so you should be ok! Do you have an office job at a desk? i feel like thats a lot easier on the body.

I did a test yesterday morning and it was super negative again, so, just waiting for AF now :) due tomorrow so hopefully it'll come soon and i'll be starting this journey for the second time ha ha :)

Let me know how you go tomorrow! I have all of my fingers and toes crossed that it goes well, but i know it will :)
are you doing ICSI?
Good luck Sparkle! 26 April will be 1 year since our egg retrieval that resulted in little Leo, so I hope the date proves auspicious for you as well :)
Oh I'm so sorry Eveclo :hugs: I was really hopeful for you. I'm really inspired by how strong you are, you always seem to be able to pick yourself up and think of the positives of moving on to the next cycle. I'm really impressed and I just hope I can be as strong as you if I'm not successful 1st go. Hopefully AF arrives soon so you can get started on this next cycle. Wishing you lots and lots of :dust:

Thanks Maddy :) I really hope we are successful, that would be so cool if we had the same successful retrieval day!

Oh and Eve we are doing ICSI because of DH's 0% morphology

Hope everyone had a nice Anzac Day, wish me luck for tomorrow

Oh I'm so sorry Eveclo :hugs: I was really hopeful for you. I'm really inspired by how strong you are, you always seem to be able to pick yourself up and think of the positives of moving on to the next cycle. I'm really impressed and I just hope I can be as strong as you if I'm not successful 1st go. Hopefully AF arrives soon so you can get started on this next cycle. Wishing you lots and lots of :dust:

Thanks Maddy :) I really hope we are successful, that would be so cool if we had the same successful retrieval day!

Oh and Eve we are doing ICSI because of DH's 0% morphology

Hope everyone had a nice Anzac Day, wish me luck for tomorrow


Oh duh of course you are! Sorry I totally knew that I just obviously went crazy for a moment haha! Goodluck!! Eep your probably there now! I'm thinking of you! Can't wait to hear how many they get. Make sure you have heaps of powerade & just rest and watch heaps of tv series (during our fresh cycle I made my husband watch the whole series of breaking bad with me again, totally made bed rest worth it!)

And thanks! It's really the best way to be. I have my bad days, usually the first time i do a pregnancy test... And then I'm alright once I have accepted it because you physically cannot do anything! Just hope and be positive. And I am SUPER positive for you. Can't believe you'll have some growing embies by the end of the day!
Thanks hun and no need to apologise :)

So retrieval went well, we got 9 eggs that they said look good so FX for good fertilisation results tomorrow. Felt a bit sore when I woke up, like bad AF cramps, still feel sore now but I'll be fine, just happy the hard parts over.

I'll let you know when I hear from them tomorrow.

Any signs of the witch yet?

Thanks hun and no need to apologise :)

So retrieval went well, we got 9 eggs that they said look good so FX for good fertilisation results tomorrow. Felt a bit sore when I woke up, like bad AF cramps, still feel sore now but I'll be fine, just happy the hard parts over.

I'll let you know when I hear from them tomorrow.

Any signs of the witch yet?


That's Great news!!! Bet you are relieved that it's over! Hopefully it's smooth sailing from here and in 5 days your pregnant ;)

I actually got my period full blown about 2 hours after writing that message to you. I send a text to my dr just to tell her & she replied explaining how sorry she was that this wasn't our cycle. Blood test tomorrow (day 2) and then I guess start meds on Monday! Here we go again... Eep! Hope & wish for better results this time. Hard part is, our embryos were great! Just gotta hope that one of the next batch are our take home baby/babies.

Can't wait to hear your fertilization results! Hope all goes well tonight. Are you calling the embryologists tomorrow (Sunday) or do you have to wait until Monday? Xx
Thanks Eveclo! They just called and 6 fertilised normally yay! I was hoping for 7 but said I'd be ok with 5, so 6 is good haha. They will call again Tuesday with an update on our embies and then I need to go in for a blood test Wednesday to check my hormones are ok to go ahead with the transfer on Thursday FX

That's really nice of your dr to say that and that's exciting that you can finally get started. Everything is crossed for your success this time. Are you on the same dose of meds?

Thanks Eveclo! They just called and 6 fertilised normally yay! I was hoping for 7 but said I'd be ok with 5, so 6 is good haha. They will call again Tuesday with an update on our embies and then I need to go in for a blood test Wednesday to check my hormones are ok to go ahead with the transfer on Thursday FX

That's really nice of your dr to say that and that's exciting that you can finally get started. Everything is crossed for your success this time. Are you on the same dose of meds?


6 is great! Good idea setting a number that you'd be happy with, I'm glad it's beaten it! ;) wonderful, so a 5 day transfer? Or 6?

I went for my baseline blood test this morning & she said she would call me later this afternoon but I am guessing she will probably call tomorrow as its a weekend and she has 3 kids herself! But my guess is, I'll be on the same protocol with 150iu gonal f, because i responded quite well. I will ask if there's anything more or different we can do, but i kind of already have asked that question and she said its a game of luck.

How are you feeling today after your surgery?
I hope your embryos are going good!!! I rang my embryology lab everyday to check up on them haha. Dh is picking up the meds today and I'm starting tomorrow (day 4: apparently this is fine). :)

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