Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Oh I'm sorry Eveclo that you didn't get great news today although I'm hopeful for you that they will both come back and be great. I have read lots of stories too of success with less than perfect embryos so don't write them off yet. FX for you xx

AF arrived today so I can finally get started, I called the clinic to book in for my blood test and I spoke to the nurse about if I could do my injections at night and she said it is the drs preference that we do them in the morning as apparently they reckon it is slightly better for the cetrotide. I explained that I had trouble sleeping because I was anxious about the injections in the morning and she told me I should talk to a counsellor. I said I'm not anxious about it all the time it's just that thinking about having to do it in the morning is keeping me awake (not all night, just from early morning) and she said yeah like I said you should talk to a counsellor to get some strategies to overcome it. She was really quite rude to me and had a real attitude. Maybe I could speak to a counsellor but I think she could have been a bit nicer about recommending it than she was. Definitely ruined my morning. I'm a bit annoyed that I can't do my injections at night and that she wouldn't even check with the dr for me but mostly I'm annoyed at how rude she was :(

Anyway I'll get over it, sorry for the rant!

It's really cold today too which isn't helping my mood. Winter is here :(
Oh I'm sorry Eveclo that you didn't get great news today although I'm hopeful for you that they will both come back and be great. I have read lots of stories too of success with less than perfect embryos so don't write them off yet. FX for you xx

AF arrived today so I can finally get started, I called the clinic to book in for my blood test and I spoke to the nurse about if I could do my injections at night and she said it is the drs preference that we do them in the morning as apparently they reckon it is slightly better for the cetrotide. I explained that I had trouble sleeping because I was anxious about the injections in the morning and she told me I should talk to a counsellor. I said I'm not anxious about it all the time it's just that thinking about having to do it in the morning is keeping me awake (not all night, just from early morning) and she said yeah like I said you should talk to a counsellor to get some strategies to overcome it. She was really quite rude to me and had a real attitude. Maybe I could speak to a counsellor but I think she could have been a bit nicer about recommending it than she was. Definitely ruined my morning. I'm a bit annoyed that I can't do my injections at night and that she wouldn't even check with the dr for me but mostly I'm annoyed at how rude she was :(

Anyway I'll get over it, sorry for the rant!

It's really cold today too which isn't helping my mood. Winter is here :(

Oh my goodness! How horrible!!!! She obviously has never gone through such a struggle then I'm guessing! Maybe ring your doctor directly to ask? I'm sure your dr will understand more than a nurse.. I know at our clinic when you call to book a cycle it's usually a receptionist rather than a nurse and they don't have that much knowledge on ivf itself. Worth a try.

I had a similar experience when I went for my last blood test, although the receptionist wasn't quite rude, it just felt like she didn't understand at all. I went for my bloods, and my doctors receptionists hadn't forward the test form. I said to her, 'this is the 4th time this has happened (true), I also struggle with the dr's receptionists as they never call me with results.. I just don't like being kept out of the loop' she kinda looked at me like I was a weirdo, and said 'ill write down the number of the councilling service' and I just left it, it's not worth wasting precious time and energy on people that don't reallllly understand completely. It's not things we NEED help with, they're just things that can make this process a little less scary & run smoother. :)

Thanks for the positive vibes Sparkle! Pretty disappointed but what can you do. We are already planning our fresh next month... Is that terrible ? :haha:
Sooo just me again, updating about the embryos today! The 3 cell is still 3 cell, so no growth over night and basically not doing anything at all so looks like that ones just going to be dying off. The 5 cell is now up to 7 cells.. Which is better than not growing at all! Will see how it goes tomorrow, but hopefully it will grow a bit more! I found out our blast is a 6 day, rather than the 5 day that I thought. It's graded 6BB which is a hatched blast with good quality. This may be our only hope but I have read that 6 day embryos don't usually survive a thaw well. We'll see. Waiting on my doctor to call to tell me what she's planning on doing. Keep your fingers crossed for us ladies. Hope your all well.
I'm sorry to hear about the 3 cell not growing Eveclo :( but that's great news about the 7 cell! I definitely have my FX for you. Let me know what your Dr says.

You said in your last post that you're planning your next fresh cycle, I definitely have hope for you that this month you will get your bfp, but has your dr said if she would do anything different for another fresh cycle, or does she have any ideas why these others may not have worked? I know you were concerned about the quality of the embryos, has your dr said anything along those lines or does she think it might just be luck?

Good luck tomorrow :dust:

All went fine with my blood test today and when the nurse (different 1 from yesterday) called to tell me to start my meds I just thought I'd ask 1 more time about the morning/night injections and apparently yesterday's nurse had put a note in my file so that when today's nurse spoke to my dr she said it would be fine to do the injections at night... So we started tonight and I'm very happy! Still pretty annoyed about yesterday's nurse instead of saying no she could have just said she'd check with the dr! But anyway I got what I wanted so I'm happy. Next blood test will be Good Friday.
I'm sorry to hear about the 3 cell not growing Eveclo :( but that's great news about the 7 cell! I definitely have my FX for you. Let me know what your Dr says.

You said in your last post that you're planning your next fresh cycle, I definitely have hope for you that this month you will get your bfp, but has your dr said if she would do anything different for another fresh cycle, or does she have any ideas why these others may not have worked? I know you were concerned about the quality of the embryos, has your dr said anything along those lines or does she think it might just be luck?

Good luck tomorrow :dust:

All went fine with my blood test today and when the nurse (different 1 from yesterday) called to tell me to start my meds I just thought I'd ask 1 more time about the morning/night injections and apparently yesterday's nurse had put a note in my file so that when today's nurse spoke to my dr she said it would be fine to do the injections at night... So we started tonight and I'm very happy! Still pretty annoyed about yesterday's nurse instead of saying no she could have just said she'd check with the dr! But anyway I got what I wanted so I'm happy. Next blood test will be Good Friday.

We are a little concerned because of my husbands sperm, but ultimately we have only had two transfers which isn't that many.. It's just hard when you spend so much money and invest so much time into it and you get nothing! Hopefully we just had a dud batch and we can do better next time. I'm going to ask her when she calls me with my blood results for this cycle, and just say what can we do that is more effective/ maybe even look into the testing of the embryos even though that's like $3500!!! Crazy

YES! Thank you wonderful nurse who listens!!! That's great news sparkle. You need to be as relaxed as possible. So your on 150 iu now? It's so funny when you can start feeling your ovaries do all weird stuff in your tummy! Wait until a few days before EPU you'll feel so funny but in a good way cos your almost done ;)

I'm just Laying in bed, a little nervous for this morning. I'm not religious at all but I found myself praying out loud to my husbands late father (we always say he watches over us & helps us out when times are rough) just hoping that our blast survives the thaw. I guess we will see this morning at 9.15. Eep, I'll let you know. Good luck with your injections!
My DHs issue is low morphology too but my dr said this doesn't affect the 'quality' of the sperm only that because of their abnormal shape they can't penetrate the egg. Remember I mentioned the DNA fragmentation test, this one should tell you more about at the quality. Maybe you could ask about this.

You are right though only 2 unsuccessful transfers would most likely unfortunately be luck. Another fresh cycle would still be the same eggs and sperm unless they change the protocol - less eggs may mean a higher quality, or if you've had any lifestyle changes or anything, do you have hubbie on supplements? Let me know if you want a list of everything I've got mine on.

Anyway I really don't think you need to worry about it, I have a really really good feeling for you about this one. Just because 2 others from this batch didn't work doesn't mean there is anything wrong with these little guys, one or even both of them could be your future little bubba :happydance: thinking about you today xx
Eveclo sorry to hear of your embryo dramas :(
I agree totally with Sparkle- this still could be the cycle you get your BFP! Many women who have transferred not so top grade embies have gone on to have healthy and happy babies! There are heaps of success stories around, maybe have a look at those if you are feeling down?
I wish you all the best for today hun, let us know how you get on xox
Eveclo sorry to hear of your embryo dramas :(
I agree totally with Sparkle- this still could be the cycle you get your BFP! Many women who have transferred not so top grade embies have gone on to have healthy and happy babies! There are heaps of success stories around, maybe have a look at those if you are feeling down?
I wish you all the best for today hun, let us know how you get on xox

Thanks Molly, my husband is getting mad at me for being google queen haha!!

My DHs issue is low morphology too but my dr said this doesn't affect the 'quality' of the sperm only that because of their abnormal shape they can't penetrate the egg. Remember I mentioned the DNA fragmentation test, this one should tell you more about at the quality. Maybe you could ask about this.

You are right though only 2 unsuccessful transfers would most likely unfortunately be luck. Another fresh cycle would still be the same eggs and sperm unless they change the protocol - less eggs may mean a higher quality, or if you've had any lifestyle changes or anything, do you have hubbie on supplements? Let me know if you want a list of everything I've got mine on.

Anyway I really don't think you need to worry about it, I have a really really good feeling for you about this one. Just because 2 others from this batch didn't work doesn't mean there is anything wrong with these little guys, one or even both of them could be your future little bubba :happydance: thinking about you today xx

Thanks sparkle, hubby was on Maca, zinc, folate and a multi vitamin before our first ivf. No alcohol or coffee either. He is on different herbs this time due to visiting our naturopath who put him on all different concoctions that taste ick but hopefully work!! :)

ET went well, our 3 cell died, and our 7 cell from yesterday was still 7 cell. Our blast that we hoped we would at least be able to transfer thawed really well, and went from being a 6BB when frozen to a 6AB today. So it's gone up a little to a better quality. The embryologist said he was very happy with it and blasts have a great chance of pregnancy :) so I felt a lot better about that then. So we have ONE embryo on board. And we discussed with our doctor we would do a 2 x 5dt next fresh cycle but she was very persistent in saying we won't need to. Positive vibes haha.

Hope you ladies are well. Thanks for your kind words I need them. Xx
^^^ What Sparkle said! hahaha! Enjoy being PUPO :D Keep your uterus nice and warm and try to relax and spoil yourself if you can xox
Thanks ladies! At least we know its fresh cycle for us rather than having to decide to do another FET as we now have none left ! Haha

I'm not sure when to start testing... Last cycle I didn't really test that much I think that I'll probably be the same this one! Just not wanting to see stark white tests !
This is a lucky thread! I've got everything crossed for you evclo xxx

Sparkle - you're next!

Chook- are you out there? Just wondering how you're going?
Eveclo i would recommend testing out your trigger. You will feel more confident if you see the line vanish then start to come back that it IS your bfp. Says me. Who didn't WANT to believe it when she saw it! LOL!! You will get there, this will be your cycle!
Sparkle- i agree with Kris- Eveclo will get her bfp followed shortly by you! :D Come on baby dust!
I had my second beta today which was 1263. My progesterone was 162 which is impressive considering I had stopped the crinone gel 4 or 5 days ago and my last progesterone level was 147. Nurse said they like it above 20! I think thats why I am constantly doing number 2's all times of the day and night! Our bodies are strange, exciting, annoying things ladies!
Eveclo i would recommend testing out your trigger. You will feel more confident if you see the line vanish then start to come back that it IS your bfp. Says me. Who didn't WANT to believe it when she saw it! LOL!! You will get there, this will be your cycle!
Sparkle- i agree with Kris- Eveclo will get her bfp followed shortly by you! :D Come on baby dust!
I had my second beta today which was 1263. My progesterone was 162 which is impressive considering I had stopped the crinone gel 4 or 5 days ago and my last progesterone level was 147. Nurse said they like it above 20! I think thats why I am constantly doing number 2's all times of the day and night! Our bodies are strange, exciting, annoying things ladies!

I didn't do a trigger as I am doing a natural cycle (wait for o, then transfer 5 days later) :) next fresh cycle I will do that as I did with my fresh but 2 lines never came up again ! Dang ! Haha.

Oh how great about your beta. Must make you feel good about it everything moving ahead well! So your not on progesterone at all anymore? Having a little cramping today, I think due to the progesterone. It usually happens when I'm on it. :)
Sorry Eveclo of course you weren't doing a trigger! I forget not everyone is ovulation deficient like me! haha.
Yeah My levels of progesterone have been high that i was told i would not need to continue. since stopping the levels have risen so thats great. I hated using that stuff, fingers crossed ive seen the last of it for this pregnancy :)
When is your official test date? Do you go back in for a blood test on that specific date?
Sorry Eveclo of course you weren't doing a trigger! I forget not everyone is ovulation deficient like me! haha.
Yeah My levels of progesterone have been high that i was told i would not need to continue. since stopping the levels have risen so thats great. I hated using that stuff, fingers crossed ive seen the last of it for this pregnancy :)
When is your official test date? Do you go back in for a blood test on that specific date?

It's horrible stuff, isn't it? I have to do it morning and night, and have to lay down for 30 minutes afterwards! So ridiculous, so I am getting up at 5.30 am to go to the fridge and get it, come back to bed and lay down for 30 mins. And before bed I just pop it in before I sleep.

That's great news! I am worried if I were to get pregnant I would have to take it for 12 weeks! But that really is my least concern as I would be grateful to be pregnant ! Hehe
Thanks lovely ladies for the good vibes :hugs: If we both get pregnant this cycle Eveclo it will be before Mother's Day which would be nice FX

I'm really nervous about the progesterone gel eek... Apologies in advance for the TMI but almost all creams, body washes etc burn me down there so I'm really scared, my dr knows but we just need to try it and figure out an alternative if I can't use it... Geez it just never ends does it...

Have a wonderful Easter long weekend everyone! So excited for 4 days off! :happydance:
Thanks lovely ladies for the good vibes :hugs: If we both get pregnant this cycle Eveclo it will be before Mother's Day which would be nice FX

I'm really nervous about the progesterone gel eek... Apologies in advance for the TMI but almost all creams, body washes etc burn me down there so I'm really scared, my dr knows but we just need to try it and figure out an alternative if I can't use it... Geez it just never ends does it...

Have a wonderful Easter long weekend everyone! So excited for 4 days off! :happydance:

Oww that would be lovely! I wish I could sneak in a fresh cycle before then;)

I am SUPER sensitive down there too, and I am not going to sugar coat it, the progesterone makes me a lot 'drier' than usual which is really irritating and uncomfortable... But I have noticed that the little suppository ones are better than the actual cronine gel, but some people prefer that ! Hopefully you'll be ok! I am guessing they can't give you the injectable? Not that you'd want that; I know your not loving the needles at the moment.
When is your next scan? I hope those ovaries are making some good follicles!!! :)

Happy Easter to you too! Actually SO excited for a little break; even if it is only 4 days ;)
Hi ladies, just checking in. I was naughty and did a HPT and got a negative today. 5dp6dt. Feeling like poo, but I guess I was always second guessing from the start. Just scared that we have transferred 3 embryos now and not one pregnancy or even chemical. Terrified for the next fresh cycle, because if there's nothing positive at the end of that we have no other options! :(

Hope everyone is well:)

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