Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Thanks lovely. I've been feeling pretty crampy and sore still, and then this morning I started on the crinone progesterone gel and hello nausea and dizziness :wacko: I had to leave work... I hope this doesn't last the whole time I need to take it :(

Yay for starting your meds tomorrow, hope it all goes smoothly for you and flies by and then you get your much deserved bfp!

Thanks lovely. I've been feeling pretty crampy and sore still, and then this morning I started on the crinone progesterone gel and hello nausea and dizziness :wacko: I had to leave work... I hope this doesn't last the whole time I need to take it :(

Yay for starting your meds tomorrow, hope it all goes smoothly for you and flies by and then you get your much deserved bfp!


Oh no!!! That's not good? I didn't have any nausea or dizziness on the Crinone... maybe it's a sign you need to relax at home for a bit? As long as you aren't in any pain. I ended up taking the week from CD 15-21 off so hopefully EPU will fall in between that time so i don't have to chuck any sickies. :p

Got my meds today, I'm on 150iu of gonal f again. and start Orgalutran Saturday... I have no idea how i am going to do it though... we are meant to be going out to dinner that night with my family! Might have to make it an early dinner so we are home in time for the injection (i think it has to be done at 8pm...):dohh:

So i am guessing i will have roughly the same amount of eggs as last time. 11 but 10 mature. I was kinda hoping she would up my dosage a little more, but i can understand that it is about quality not quantity. She seemed to make a big deal about this last time... Hm. :)
Hi lovelies!
Thought I would see how you are both going. Eveclo I am sorry to read your last cycle was a bfn, I really have everything crossed that with this new fresh cycle you are able to get some beautiful mature eggs (yes, quality not quantity but you can't help but wanting both without being greedy!) and it finally works!
Sparkle- i absolutely hated the crinone gel. I didn't get side effects from it, but (your nurse has already warned you I am sure) what goes UP must eventually come DOWN if you know what I mean!
I had clumps of it (after a couple of weeks) that were as hard as little bits of plastic, then I passed big soft clumps which was gross! Sex is also...messy...if your DH has a sensitive tummy maybe avoid sex while on Crinone.. Once after I had my bfp I could feel something inside me moving down and I had a panic attack because I thought I was having a miscarriage as I was still cramping on and off too. It was just some crinone gel. Ewww!!!!....
Had to share that sorry! Sparkle when do you test? Or have you been testing the trigger out?
Hey Eveclo that's good that you took some time off work? Does work know you're doing ivf?
Does the orgalutran have to be in the fridge? This might sound crazy but could you take it with you and do it in the car or bathroom? Otherwise if you speak to someone between now and then maybe you could ask if it matters if you do it a bit later?
I think sometimes the number of embryos you get can be different even on the same protocol/dose, and your right it's definitely quality not quantity... I need to keep telling myself that too haha :)

Hi Molly! How are you? How are you feeling? Still on :cloud9: I'm sure! Have you told many people? When is ur 1st ultrasound? Haha sorry for the 20 questions :winkwink:
Thanks for the warning about the gel... Eeek more to look forward too hey :dohh: luckily I was feeling better today, just a little nausea and no dizziness so hopefully it was just some initial symptoms.
I haven't started testing out my trigger yet, I thought I'd wait till the morning after transfer.

So I heard from the clinic today that all 6 embies are still looking good so far. Today is day 3 and there is 1 x 7 cell, 3 x 8 cell, and 1 x 10 and 1 x 12, which they said were a little fast but still good. And they said they all have very little fragmentation. I really really hope at least a few make it now Thursday. Please please please I just wanna have 1 to transfer and at least 2 frosties as backup.

And blood test tomorrow, I hope my levels are ok to even go ahead with transfer.

Argh! I read that you had the retrieval but for some reason I got confused and thought you'd also had the transfer done! Whoops :) Sounds like the embryos are growing beautifully! There are a couple growing a bit too quick but they can slow down so hopefully you end up with at least the three you want!
I am still feeling a bit shocked but it also feels like it's not really happening to ME. I think once I go for the first ultrasound (Thurs next week by the way- I will be exactly 8 weeks) I think reality will sink in once I have seen it and heard the heart beat.
I have told my boss and work mates as they all knew I was doing IVF, and our mums dads and brothers know, as well as a couple of our closer friends. We decided we will tell DH's grand parents after our 1st scan and he and I will go buy our first baby outfit together :) We can't wait to do that! haha.
We still don't want to get ahead of ourselves because we still have ages to go until we hit the second trimester but we are trying to keep positive and allow ourselves to feel happy rather than scared all of the time that something might go wrong.
You don't have to keep the orgalurtan in the fridge, i kept mine in a dark cupboard. The Gonal F has to live in the fridge though.
I ended up doing both needles together. I wasnt told they reccommend you do one at night and the orgalutran in the AM, so I just did both (different sides) in the PM. Obviously it made no difference to me ;)
Sparkle, hope your bloods were good & embies still growing well xx Good luck at transfer :)
Hey Eveclo that's good that you took some time off work? Does work know you're doing ivf?
Does the orgalutran have to be in the fridge? This might sound crazy but could you take it with you and do it in the car or bathroom? Otherwise if you speak to someone between now and then maybe you could ask if it matters if you do it a bit later?
I think sometimes the number of embryos you get can be different even on the same protocol/dose, and your right it's definitely quality not quantity... I need to keep telling myself that too haha :)

Hi Molly! How are you? How are you feeling? Still on :cloud9: I'm sure! Have you told many people? When is ur 1st ultrasound? Haha sorry for the 20 questions :winkwink:
Thanks for the warning about the gel... Eeek more to look forward too hey :dohh: luckily I was feeling better today, just a little nausea and no dizziness so hopefully it was just some initial symptoms.
I haven't started testing out my trigger yet, I thought I'd wait till the morning after transfer.

So I heard from the clinic today that all 6 embies are still looking good so far. Today is day 3 and there is 1 x 7 cell, 3 x 8 cell, and 1 x 10 and 1 x 12, which they said were a little fast but still good. And they said they all have very little fragmentation. I really really hope at least a few make it now Thursday. Please please please I just wanna have 1 to transfer and at least 2 frosties as backup.

And blood test tomorrow, I hope my levels are ok to even go ahead with transfer.


No-one knows we are doing this cycle but us. Including our families. It's easier for us as noone asks questions if it fails, as they have no idea it could even be a possibility! We are fairly grounded and don't need too much support as we have each other and BandB haha ;)

That is a brilliant number of embryos progressing! On day 3 all of our embryos were 8 cell, so hearing about yours makes mine sound lame! hahaha. Seriously though, so good! I thought it was good for them to be fast growers. Strong and healthy hopefully.

I'm going to test out my trigger i think, make sure it's gone. Hmm i might actually purchase some of those internet cheap pregnancy tests while i have been reminded ;)

Is tomorrow (Thursday) transfer day? I hope everything goes well! I am feeling pretty confident that you will have that 1 perfect to transfer and 2 frosties if not more. I am so happy that none of died off !!! :) I have everything crossed for you and i hope your transfer goes smoothly.

Argh! I read that you had the retrieval but for some reason I got confused and thought you'd also had the transfer done! Whoops :) Sounds like the embryos are growing beautifully! There are a couple growing a bit too quick but they can slow down so hopefully you end up with at least the three you want!
I am still feeling a bit shocked but it also feels like it's not really happening to ME. I think once I go for the first ultrasound (Thurs next week by the way- I will be exactly 8 weeks) I think reality will sink in once I have seen it and heard the heart beat.
I have told my boss and work mates as they all knew I was doing IVF, and our mums dads and brothers know, as well as a couple of our closer friends. We decided we will tell DH's grand parents after our 1st scan and he and I will go buy our first baby outfit together :) We can't wait to do that! haha.
We still don't want to get ahead of ourselves because we still have ages to go until we hit the second trimester but we are trying to keep positive and allow ourselves to feel happy rather than scared all of the time that something might go wrong.
You don't have to keep the orgalurtan in the fridge, i kept mine in a dark cupboard. The Gonal F has to live in the fridge though.
I ended up doing both needles together. I wasnt told they reccommend you do one at night and the orgalutran in the AM, so I just did both (different sides) in the PM. Obviously it made no difference to me ;)

Oh you don't?? That's good to know. My clinic told me they had to be kept in the fridge but they are probably just saying that so i don't get confused and accidentally keep the gonal out :p

I might take it with us and sneak off and do it, if it were the gonal i would be fine but the orgalutran stings like a B!!! I always make M do it......after i ice it up. Such a wuss!

Cannot believe you will be 8 weeks next week, man, time flies!!! I bet you can't wait to hear that precious little heart beat. Good luck with everything:)

AFM, day 2 of stims today, and i am going for my first scan on Monday at 8am, so hopefully they are doing something in there. I'm worried that my follicles won't be growing well and we will have to cancel our cycle, it's such a pain in the bum! I can feel them starting to work up but hopefully i'll start to feel more over the next few days so i can be reassured. :)
Thanks Maddy! Hope you and Leo are doing well. I hope our babies are exactly 1 year apart :winkwink:

Yay hormones all good so transfer is tomorrow at 11.45! Woohoo! This time tomorrow I will be PUPO :happydance:

Yay Molly for 1st ultrasound next week! I can't believe you're already 7 weeks tomorrow, it feels like that has gone really quick!
I know what you mean it's probably hard to relax but it's good that you're trying to enjoy it and not stress too much. When ttc we all talk about the dreaded tww but I've heard many ladies say that even once you've got ur bfp then it's just more waiting for each milestone and ultrasound etc.
How fun that you get to start buying stuff! Will you find out the gender when you can?

Eve did you start your meds today? When is ur first blood test and ultrasound?

Haha we must have both been typing at the same time Eve :)

That's fair enough that you're not telling anyone, I'm actually regretting a few of the family we told as it made it worse when they were unsupportive of our cancelled cycle and so I don't want that added disappointment of them being unsupportive if we get a bfn... Kinda too late now though :dohh:

Im happy too that they were all still going yesterday although I've heard that usually only 50% make it to day 5 so I'm not really expecting them to all still be good tomorrow. And then they keep growing the extras until day 6 before deciding if they are suitable to freeze so even more might not make it.

I'm sure you won't have a cancelled cycle as you had such a large number last time on the same dose. You know I was reading the other day from an embryologist online that no matter the number of eggs retrieved most people only end up with between 1-3 embryos on day 5. I found that really interesting and definitely proves what our drs always tell us that it's quality over quantity.

Haha we must have both been typing at the same time Eve :)

That's fair enough that you're not telling anyone, I'm actually regretting a few of the family we told as it made it worse when they were unsupportive of our cancelled cycle and so I don't want that added disappointment of them being unsupportive if we get a bfn... Kinda too late now though :dohh:

Im happy too that they were all still going yesterday although I've heard that usually only 50% make it to day 5 so I'm not really expecting them to all still be good tomorrow. And then they keep growing the extras until day 6 before deciding if they are suitable to freeze so even more might not make it.

I'm sure you won't have a cancelled cycle as you had such a large number last time on the same dose. You know I was reading the other day from an embryologist online that no matter the number of eggs retrieved most people only end up with between 1-3 embryos on day 5. I found that really interesting and definitely proves what our drs always tell us that it's quality over quantity.


Haha- we must have been! Yay I hope everything goes smoothly this morning for you! ET is the easiest part it just feels like a pap :)

I am so excited to hear how many blasts you have! Hopefully at least 3! :)

That is interesting to know, I will be so grateful to know if we can get some blasts! Last fresh, our transfer day fell on a Sunday, so they decided to do a 3 dt. This time ill right for a 5 day, even 6 day! As we ended up having only one blast and that was a left over after the good ones were frozen on day 3 and the other ones left to see if they get better!

Did they say anything about the quality? Maybe they will today. Let us know how you go!!! :)
Woohoo I'm PUPO with 1 perfect expanded blastocyst! Transfer was easy. :happydance::happydance:

I find out tomorrow morning final number on how many frosties, but what they told me was there were 3 great hatching blastocysts that they were going to freeze this afternoon. They said they used the expanded blast instead of the hatching as it was just so perfect (that was pretty cool to hear!), but they said the hatching were great too... Should have seen me grinning from ear to ear! The other 2 I think she said were early blasts so they will check again this afternoon and freeze if they look good or wait until morning and freeze if they look good then. So we should have 3 but possibly 5 blasts frozen! I'm so relieved, I had trouble sleeping last night cos I thought we might not get any... Phew...

Eveclo I'm sure you will get great blasts in a couple of weeks too!:)
This could be my future bubba!


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This could be my future bubba!

I knew you would have a great number of embies! That's great news. I am so happy you got a photo! that's so cool. they never showed me any photos lame! But it looks great. I bet you are feeling relieved. When do you think you are going to test?! :)
Congratulations Sparkle on being PUPO! :happydance:
I hope in a week or so we get some great news from you!
You too Eveclo! I look forward to seeing positive news with embies in a couple of weeks :D Both of you really deserve this. My friend said to me when I was still injecting- "The people who will make the best parents are the ones who have to work for it." Yes, there are plenty of parents who are great and who fell pregnant naturally/easily BUT I have seen MANY who in no way tried (accidental) and are awful.
Iv'e ranted before about that topic, but I just wanted to share her words with you. I kept thinking of them during my process and I know I would have continued to do so throughout other rounds.
Feel free to use those words to remind yourselves that this will happen for you, soon or in the not too distant future. You will be great at it because you had to fight for it :flower:
Thanks so much Eve and Molly! I don't want to get too excited but it's hard not to as I'm sure you know :winkwink:

We heard today from the embryologist and all 5 of our blasts were good enough to freeze so we feel very lucky that we have that as backup!

Have a nice weekend everyone xx
YYYAAAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! Great news~!!
I will try and have a good weekend (working urgh) haha I hope you all have a lovely one :)
Thanks so much Eve and Molly! I don't want to get too excited but it's hard not to as I'm sure you know :winkwink:

We heard today from the embryologist and all 5 of our blasts were good enough to freeze so we feel very lucky that we have that as backup!

Have a nice weekend everyone xx

SPARKLE WOW!!!! That is a seriously amazing number of blasts! So what's that, 6 in total? Out of 8 eggs? (I can't remember if you had 8 but I know it's around that number). That's a great number! So so so happy to hear that! It's great to know you have them as a back up option in case you need them (which you won't) and possibly future babies (how cool).

How are you feeling? Have you been testing your trigger?

Day 4 of stims today, starting to feel them ovaries working! Phew. My scan got rescheduled from 8 am Monday to 3.30pm... So I'll be waiting anxiously all day to go and see how they're going! Bummer. I like getting it over & done with in the morning. :)

Sparkle & Molly, what CYcle day was your EPU on? Last cycle I had EPU on day 15... So I'm just curious as to whether everyone's is roughly the Same. :)

Have a great weekend ladies! Rest up sparkle!
They had me doing a slow drawn out stim due to OHSS risk so I went in on about CD20 or 21 I actually can't remember. I pretty much stopped counting after CD17 when I was told I'd have to do another aprox 5 days. I was fed up, but just went with the flow. I didn't look at a calendar again until April 1st when I had ET done :) not helpful am I? lol
Thanks ladies! Even though we don't have our bfp yet we are really happy that we got such great numbers, I feel very lucky as hopefully it means that even if we don't get a bfp this cycle we have lots of quality embies to do FET and hopefully I won't have to do a full cycle again. From 9 eggs collected , they were all mature, 6 fertilised and then all 6 made it to good quality blasts and were frozen, we were not expecting it at all, the embryologist yesterday said it was so rare, that made me feel pretty good :blush: the night before transfer I'd barely slept as I was worrying all night that we would only have 1 left... Just goes to show we can't predict these things huh :winkwink:

Eve I got AF on the 14th, 1st bloods and injection 15th then EPU 26th so for me it was pretty quick and even though the previous cycle was cancelled I took my trigger on the same cd as this month as my dominant follicle was already full size.

I tested yesterday and trigger was gone, forgot to test this morning haha

Actually been feeling really sore and it hurts inside when I pee so clinic told me to check if I have uti, I went yesterday to GP and I don't and she pressed around on my belly/uterus and consulted with the clinic and they said its normal but I have peritonitis or something like that, she said its like a graze on the inside and I just need to rest more and let myself heal. So I went for a walk with a friend uphill and got pulled around by her crazy dog and when I got back I felt so sore... I'm an idiot :wacko:

I'll try be better today but I'm going a bit stir crazy!


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