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Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hi Taylah,

I am so sorry to hear this news - try not think of the worst though. Your baby might get through it just fine - try and think positive, I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you xo

Bad news for me too. We had 3 eggs that fertilised, one has 2 nuclei (is that what it's called?) which means they can't do anything with it. The other is a 3 cell with some fragmentation and the other is a 2 cell with a little fragmentation. So it looks like we will only have one embryo - if that one survives. So disappointing. Do you think it's time for me to change clinics??

Emily :(
Oh Taylah try and stay positive hun, I have got everything crossed for you xx
More bad news for me :( We're doing a day 3 transfer and both embryos are only at 4 cell stage with some fragmentation. They are still growing apparently - but are slow. The clinic still won't put both of them back despite their quality - and that this is my 2nd cycle. I'm starting to get annoyed with their 'policy', I understand why they do it but when I am having no luck at all - perhaps they could be more flexible. Heading in soon for ET - not feeling hopeful at all :(
Oh em I. Sorry Hun, but don't give up hope, everything crossed for you, I'm so surprised your clinic still won't 2 back, I talked to you previously about my clinic having the same policy but that is only when you have a really successful cycle & if they make it to day 5 , I know of 2 other ladies that had there egg collection the same day as me & there embies were not looking great so they put 2 back on day 3! So I guess my clinic is flexible when they need to be, where abouts are you again? Which clinic? If you are in Sydney I can highly recommend mine at westmead xxx
Thanks miss redknob I really can't believe this is happening but there is nothing I can do except wait hope & pray, I have a Doppler so I know my tiny bub is still alive for now so I still have hope !
Hey Taylah -

I have a feeling you'll be just fine, and so will your bub! Praying for you...

Well, I should eat my words because they did transfer 2. Mind you both embryos are slow, and fragmented - so not looking very positive but at least they were flexible. So the 2WW begins.... Urghhhhh
Hi girls
Taylah, omg that is awful... How did you contract this illness? Excuse my ignorance as I don't know much about parvovirus .. What is it?
I really hope your little bubba is strong and will pull through x

Em, my FS told us the story of one of his patients who had the most fragmented and slow growing embryo . It was still transferred and she is now a healthy school aged child .. So don't give up hope x

Miss Red GL with your cycle
That's fantastic Em, you will be eating your words if both stick :rofl:

How are you feeling Taylah?, been thinking of you :hugs:

AFM, had my 2nd round of acupuncture and the lady said she thinks I am anemic, so going for a blood test tomorrow :(
Miss red knob- Feeling terrible over the weekend, I have had a high fever & a rash from head to toe- all hope of only having a mild case has gone out the window :-( hope your test results come back ok !
Hope everyone else is doing great, everything crossed for you em xx
Hi Girls,

Taylah, that must have been a shock. Poor thing, sending you hugs xx
I know it's easy for everyone else to say but try not to worry though hun until you need to, hopefully no blood transfusions will ever be required. Fingers and toes crossed it won't affect the baby at all.
I work in a child care centre and we had two outbreaks of slap cheek last year, it can be pretty unpleasant as an adult to contract it, it didn't even seem to bother the children that much strangely enough.Hopefully you get better very soon.

Emilina that is great they transferred 2 for you, they must have heard you!!haha Great news.
Miss Redknob i hope all is going well for you this cycle, and good luck with the blood test.:)
Aleja, hope all is going well for you too at the mo.
Wish i hope you are enjoying your break and feeling well, DH and i are just back from Queensland and it was great. We did decline a nude swim though in the adults resort!!hehe too cold....and there was me thinking i was getting braver in my maturity!hehe
Hi dancingqueen good to hear you had a nice breaks sans the nudie swim!

Taylah gosh I hope your illness passes very soon

Well today I had my first BT scan for this cycle .. Gotta go back on Wednesday for scan . Hopefully I will have a natural FET this cycle. I'm not convinced about the natural cycles(my FS raves on about these ) as last month my hormones were flat lined . BUT I should trust my FS he is the expert.

Hi everyone else !

Ps how about the Olympics ???!!!! Gosh we got a lotta silver wear !
I'm off to see the fetal medicine specialist tomorrow, so nervous to see if my lo is ok, wish me luck & if you pray throw one in for me & my lo please xxx thanks xxx

Aleja - thanks & wishing you lots of luck hope your hormones behave this cycle xxx
Will be thinking of you tomorrow Taylah, stay positive Hun..xxx
Thanks so much will let you know how I go xxx
Hi ladies back from specialist & great news for now, baby is looking great , healthy & measuring spot on! I still have to go back to specialist for weekly scans & check ups but I am taking it week by week so for now I am very happy ! Thank you all for your kind words of support xxx
Good news taylah that must be a relief for you. Soon you will be able to enjoy just being pregnant without the added stress
That's the best news Taylah congrats. How is everyone else? So sorry I've been MIA for a while. After lots of soul searching DH and I have postponed round 2 IVF untill next year. Instead I'm going to Africa for two months in November!! I'm scared but excited.. We are still going to try naturally until then and whatever happens, happens. I feel like I have been living the last two years of my life in cycle days and I need a break. I figure I'm relatively young in IVF years (28) and six months isn't going to make a difference. I know the baby I eventually have will be the one I was meant to. Anyways, that's enough bs from me! Updates? Xxxx

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