Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Thanks ladies :)

Yay Eve for EPU Friday! That's awesome! And you'll be able to do a 5 day transfer this time too which is good :) I've got everything crossed for you!

So I'm definitely not testing tomorrow morning, but these are my 2 options after that;

1: go buy some different tests tomorrow cos in all my crazy internet searching I've come across lots of people that those ebay cheapie tests don't work for... Some get BFPs really early but others get bfn even though they're getting BFPs on other brands... Then I could test Friday or even try hold out a little bit longer...

2: don't test again and wait for blood test results. This way even if I get a bfn I can at least be semi positive until that point and not be devastated getting a bfn every day while still trying to hold out a tiny bit of hope...

Hmmm what would you all do?

No tww prepares you for an ivf tww huh :wacko:

Thanks ladies :)

Yay Eve for EPU Friday! That's awesome! And you'll be able to do a 5 day transfer this time too which is good :) I've got everything crossed for you!

So I'm definitely not testing tomorrow morning, but these are my 2 options after that;

1: go buy some different tests tomorrow cos in all my crazy internet searching I've come across lots of people that those ebay cheapie tests don't work for... Some get BFPs really early but others get bfn even though they're getting BFPs on other brands... Then I could test Friday or even try hold out a little bit longer...

2: don't test again and wait for blood test results. This way even if I get a bfn I can at least be semi positive until that point and not be devastated getting a bfn every day while still trying to hold out a tiny bit of hope...

Hmmm what would you all do?

No tww prepares you for an ivf tww huh :wacko:


I hope so!!! I'm just a bit nervous we won't have enough embryos make it to that stage. She said if we are looking good with fertilization rates on Saturday she will give the heads up for a Wednesday transfer but if not it will be Monday and a 3 day transfer. We are transferring two this time hopefully as well, so a slightly higher chance but who knows!!

And NOPE! Nothing ever prepares you haha! It's so rough, because its the biggest chance you've ever had so you want to know ASAP! I know the best advice is to wait for your blood test... But at the same time, I know myself and I know that i can't help but test myself because I'm a freak! So I would probably get a FiRst response from the supermarket or something, and test on 9dp5dt. Then at least you are 14 dpo and it should be 99% accurate by then? But then again you never know if its a late implanter either. Ahh decisions... Let me know what you come up with.. I'm sorry you even have to THINK of this! :(
Argh! So nervous for tomorrow. I know what to expect but I hate that I have to do this again... :(

I'll update tomorrow on how many mature eggs we get! We are guessing 7 or 8. Fingers crossed!!
Good luck tomorrow hun, fingers crossed for you, 7-8 eggs would be great! And I hope you feel ok after, was it a reaction to the meds last time that made you feel not well?

Molly did you have your scan today? I hope it went well if you did!

So I didn't test this morning and I won't tomorrow as I didn't get any frer's yet, but I might get some tomorrow and test on sat or sun.

Good luck tomorrow hun, fingers crossed for you, 7-8 eggs would be great! And I hope you feel ok after, was it a reaction to the meds last time that made you feel not well?

Molly did you have your scan today? I hope it went well if you did!

So I didn't test this morning and I won't tomorrow as I didn't get any frer's yet, but I might get some tomorrow and test on sat or sun.


I actually spoke to the doctor yesterday about it, and she said the reason I bled was probably due to the puncture sites, and although it seemed like a lot of blood it probably wasn't. I have super low blood pressure so when I am laying down for a long period of time I can feel quite light headed so maybe that made things worse... And as for afterwards I was just feeling so bruised and tender inside. So hopefully I'm just getting used to it now haha.

YES MOLLY, I hope everything went well if your scan was today. Can't wait to hear. :)

Great Idea on the first responses. I just have read too many stories of those Internet cheap tests that make me go crazy!

Thankyou for your well wishes ill need all of the ones I can get :) xx
Good morning ladies! Just in the recovery room now being sneaky waiting for DH to come and pick me up!

We got 7 eggs. 7 is my favorite number so Maybe that's a good sign.

But with quite low numbers, I'm guessing we will probably end up doing a 3 day transfer on Monday rather than a 5 day transfer on Wednesday. That's ok though. They're still an embryo regardless.

Had a bit of a rough time waking up... Not as much bleeding as last time but I went to the bathroom - and just couldn't do it! It was so hard to do... I or there after about 10 minutes. I think I got stage fright that it would hurt or something so my muscles tensed up. Once I left the bathroom the nurse walked me back to bed and then I woke up on the floor... Apparently I fainted but they helped me down. I woke up and saw 3 nurses saying phew! Hahaha. I think I scared the crap out of them! I always faint when I'm hungry... So they've given me a nice feed and some ginger ale and I'm feeling a lot better. But then again, I haven't stood up yet again... :)

Dr is going to ring me tomorrow with our fertilization results. I am going to send her a text a little later just to say thankyou. When the anesthetist was giving me my sleepy time medicine, my FS came and held my hand and said ' be positive & we can do this ' . I almost cried a little, she is such a sweet heart. It's amazing the difference it can make to your spirit with just the touch of a hand. Since this is our second cycle and possibly our 4th transfer with this FS, I think she's feelin a bit sorry for us considering how young we are.

I hope all you ladies are well. I can't wait to get home and be spoilt ;) hehe.
Congrats Eve 7 is fantastic, wishing you a speedy recovery and hope hubby spoils you. Good luck for fertilisation report, I'm sure you will get a good number. Your dr sounds lovely, it really makes a difference. Xxx
Hi Girls,

Thought it was about time I joined this thread! Hope that is Ok! I'm from Melb and undergoing my fourth transfer (1 fresh, 2 natural FET: all bfn), fingers crossed! Currently on CD2 and waiting on scan next Friday, it's amazing how quick these cycles go. Have 2 frosties left 1 5-cell and 1 11-cell, just going for one embie transfer and have a review appointment later this week to try and find some answers!
Well done Eve, 7 is a brilliant number :) Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Welcome Pisces! Hope you get some answers or suggestions at your review that will help you achieve your BFP goal.
Congrats Eve 7 is fantastic, wishing you a speedy recovery and hope hubby spoils you. Good luck for fertilisation report, I'm sure you will get a good number. Your dr sounds lovely, it really makes a difference. Xxx

It really made me happy actually, I almost had a little baby tear in my eye to know she is trying as hard as we are. And thankyou! I feel SO much better than last time. Had a little nap when I got home but even managed to go to Woolies and go get some take away with my husband. He says I'm 100% better than last time. I'm pretty swollen though I actually look pregnant hahaha.

Thank you sparkle! Hope you're going well xx

Hi Girls,

Thought it was about time I joined this thread! Hope that is Ok! I'm from Melb and undergoing my fourth transfer (1 fresh, 2 natural FET: all bfn), fingers crossed! Currently on CD2 and waiting on scan next Friday, it's amazing how quick these cycles go. Have 2 frosties left 1 5-cell and 1 11-cell, just going for one embie transfer and have a review appointment later this week to try and find some answers!

Yay Pisces, glad to have you. The other forums are great but this one is cool because Australia seems to have such different ivf protocols to USA etc. I think there are a few lovely ladies from Melbourne on here too:)

Well done Eve, 7 is a brilliant number :) Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Welcome Pisces! Hope you get some answers or suggestions at your review that will help you achieve your BFP goal.

Thanks Maddy. I'm a bit nervous about the fertilization but I just want 2 beauties to transfer! After this we are going on a break as we are moving Wodonga (blah!!!) so will go to just one income / just need some 'us' time. Might go on a holiday too. Why not ;) .

Definitely relaxing up this weekend, my two puppies have been lapping up my time on the couch today, usually I'm a run around type of person so they're enjoying the stationary me. Hehe.

Have a great weekend ladies xox
After all the tears and heartache turns out it was prob just too early to test and on those dodgy eBay pee sticks! Today is 9dp5dt, blood test is Monday so I'm not going to get over the top excited but I'm pretty happy!



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Welcome Pisces78! Good luck in your next cycle! This is a very lucky thread so you've come to the right place :)

Eve I can't wait to hear your fertilisation report today, I'm very positive for you and I hope your feeling a bit better today. Make sure you drink lots of water and have a nice restful and relaxing wknd x

Have a great weekend everyone! Xxxx
Those are beautiful lines sparkle! A huge congratulations xxx keep us posted xxx
After all the tears and heartache turns out it was prob just too early to test and on those dodgy eBay pee sticks! Today is 9dp5dt, blood test is Monday so I'm not going to get over the top excited but I'm pretty happy!


Welcome Pisces78! Good luck in your next cycle! This is a very lucky thread so you've come to the right place :)

Eve I can't wait to hear your fertilisation report today, I'm very positive for you and I hope your feeling a bit better today. Make sure you drink lots of water and have a nice restful and relaxing wknd x

Have a great weekend everyone! Xxxx

Omg!!! I just squeeled a little!!!! So happy for you Sparkle! I knew you weren't out yet. Cannot wait to hear how your blood test goes. You're PREGNANT!!! :) absolutely over the moon for you & your husband you so deserve this.

I'm feeling good today, a bit bloated but not too bad. My dr just called me with the fertilization results. It ended up that we only had 5 mature eggs (I thought it was 7) :( BUT we have had a 100% fertilization rate. So 5/5. I'm happy with this, as yesterday we decided the fertilization rate we would be happy with was 5/7. So 5/5 is the same deal! She said she is going to check the embies on Monday & if she thinks they aren't looking great, will transfer the 2 best. If they are traveling along nicely, she will do a 5 day transfer on Wednesday. I have the whole of the week off work so I told her when she calls me I can be there within half an hour, so that works out well.

I'm actually so happy for your news I can't wipe the smile off my face! I knew that perfect embryo had to become something great! Have an AMAZING weekend :)
I jumped on because I wanted to see how you chicky's are doing and WOW am I happy!
Sparkle you are pregnant!!!!
Those cheap ebay tests are CRAP! They were only giving me a reeeeally faint line even at weeks pregnant when on the FRER's my test line was way darker than the control!
And Eveclo- FANTASTIC- 100% eggies fertilized! OMG!!! I am glad you have been taking care of yourself- you do feel bloated and look a little preggers after EC but that will be gone come ET :)
forgot to mention we went for our 1st ultrasound on Thursday which showed embie all snug in there and little leg plates and little arm plates and the yolk sack and the beautiful heart beat! What a surreal moment! We just stared at the screen and kept saying "OMG it's AMAZING" over and over lol !! she/he measured 8 weeks and 1 day (Thurs we were exactly 8 weeks and they like the embie to measure +/- within 5 days of actual # of weeks) and heart rate they wanted between 80-190bpm, ours was 160!
We also MAY have announced to EVERYONE that we are pregnant because thats just how we roll.
Obviously its still very early but we are ok with that :)
We announced it by saying above the picture :So we have been keeping a 'little secret... baby due Dec 18th 2014!


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I jumped on because I wanted to see how you chicky's are doing and WOW am I happy!
Sparkle you are pregnant!!!!
Those cheap ebay tests are CRAP! They were only giving me a reeeeally faint line even at weeks pregnant when on the FRER's my test line was way darker than the control!
And Eveclo- FANTASTIC- 100% eggies fertilized! OMG!!! I am glad you have been taking care of yourself- you do feel bloated and look a little preggers after EC but that will be gone come ET :)

Thankyou Hun! Happy about the 100% fertilization but just need some great embabies!

i really feel like crying! sorry! just so excited! holy crap!

Hahaha- I feel EXACTLY the same. I was saying to my husband before its such a relief for me to know that the people that do struggle can come out on top & you all deserve it so much. I have really been hoping and wishing for this for everyone on here so it's really quite special. So happy for you BOTH!

forgot to mention we went for our 1st ultrasound on Thursday which showed embie all snug in there and little leg plates and little arm plates and the yolk sack and the beautiful heart beat! What a surreal moment! We just stared at the screen and kept saying "OMG it's AMAZING" over and over lol !! she/he measured 8 weeks and 1 day (Thurs we were exactly 8 weeks and they like the embie to measure +/- within 5 days of actual # of weeks) and heart rate they wanted between 80-190bpm, ours was 160!
We also MAY have announced to EVERYONE that we are pregnant because thats just how we roll.
Obviously its still very early but we are ok with that :)
We announced it by saying above the picture :So we have been keeping a 'little secret... baby due Dec 18th 2014!

Omg! How amazing. Are you going to find out the sex of this bub? It's great that you have announced it early- let everyone share in your joy. Can't wait to follow your journey:) all the best to you and your husband and this amazing gift!
Thanks so much ladies! It still feels a bit surreal... But I can't wipe the smile off my face :)

Yay Eve 5 is fantastic!! So so happy for you :happydance: FX for your transfer whether it's Monday or Wednesday. That's perfect that you have the whole week off the rest and relax, make sure you treat yourself, you deserve it :hugs:

That's amazing Molly! 8 weeks already! So happy everything is going along smoothly for you and your perfect little bean :)


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