Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

i really feel like crying! sorry! just so excited! holy crap!

Hahaha- I feel EXACTLY the same. I was saying to my husband before its such a relief for me to know that the people that do struggle can come out on top & you all deserve it so much. I have really been hoping and wishing for this for everyone on here so it's really quite special. So happy for you BOTH!

Oh thanks so much girls you bought a tear to my eye too :hugs: I was so excited to share it with you and I'm so happy not only with my news but that I have so many wonderful supportive people in my life, including my beautiful online buddies :)

You're next Eve! Xxxx
i really feel like crying! sorry! just so excited! holy crap!

Hahaha- I feel EXACTLY the same. I was saying to my husband before its such a relief for me to know that the people that do struggle can come out on top & you all deserve it so much. I have really been hoping and wishing for this for everyone on here so it's really quite special. So happy for you BOTH!

Oh thanks so much girls you bought a tear to my eye too :hugs: I was so excited to share it with you and I'm so happy not only with my news but that I have so many wonderful supportive people in my life, including my beautiful online buddies :)

You're next Eve! Xxxx

It's amazing :) & I hope I am next! So much luck on this board. It's hard to stay enthusiastic after 3 failed ET's at only 21 though! I'll be praying hard for those embryos to do well.

I hope your dr gives you a beta number... I love hearing those things hehe. Monday cannot come sooner!!
Oops; I forgot to mention something my FS said on the phone this morning which I thought was super cool... Apparently our embryos are in this weird new (been around for a long time but apparently new to QFG) contraption that keeps the embryo under constant microscopic surveillance.. And is videoed constantly or something for monitoring. I thought that was super cool ! She said it leads to less intervention as they don't have to take the embryos out to put them under the microscope. Have any of you heard of this? She said only some embryos get this done so I felt pretty cool being one of these people!
I'm freaking out... Spotting started this afternoon and it's getting heavier :( so scared it's ending already. I know a little spotting is normal but this is quite a bit and is getting heavier, I feel like af is about to start :(
I'm freaking out... Spotting started this afternoon and it's getting heavier :( so scared it's ending already. I know a little spotting is normal but this is quite a bit and is getting heavier, I feel like af is about to start :(

Oh no? That sounds stressful.. I think you should be fine though, since you had a good line on your test & I have read more often than not that people do get spotting after a positive pregnancy test... If you're still spotting by the morning could you call your Dr? Maybe they could do a blood test tomorrow to ease your mind? Hmm.. I hope you're ok! My doc also has said that small amounts of bleeding can seem like a lot down there and that they aren't usually worried until it soaks a pad ? So that might be something to remember... Let us know how you go love xx
Thanks so much Eve! That actually makes me feel better, I haven't heard that before but it helps to quantify it like that cos it was hard to know how much is too much, it wasn't heavy enough before to soak a pad, although I have been out and haven't checked again in a bit. FX it's less not more. Thanks for your support, how are you feeling? Xxx
Thanks so much Eve! That actually makes me feel better, I haven't heard that before but it helps to quantify it like that cos it was hard to know how much is too much, it wasn't heavy enough before to soak a pad, although I have been out and haven't checked again in a bit. FX it's less not more. Thanks for your support, how are you feeling? Xxx

It is a super blood enriched area, so it probably just means your embie is getting comfy and the spotting is usually fine. As long as your tests are getting darker each day and your blood test comes back good you should be all fine! But i understand your concern you poor thing! It's the last thing you need to worry about on what should be one of the best days of your life!! :)

I am feeling good! My ovaries aren't hurting much anymore but i was a bit cheeky today and decided to go for a walk around Westfield and get my eyebrows waxed... I got home and i slept for about an hour, haha. Just need to learn to relax a bit! I am feeling super anxious about our embryo update on Monday... just hoping we have some strong ones!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend Sparkle, try and relax until your Blood test! Can't wait to hear how you go :) :hugs:
Sparkle spotting can definitely be normal ! please try not to stress it too much. It can happen at any given point through a pregnancy and like Eve says if its not enough to soak a pad you should be fine. you may even find in a couple of days it subsides then goes away. I have also being spotting but it started a week ago is has become seemingly an on and off kind of thing.
I panicked at first but I have assured all will be ok.I'm sure you will be fine too! HURRY UP MONDAY!!! :)
Eve its great that you are doing things that make you feel more relaxed (well trying to relax!) it's all you can do really. Maybe download a movie or something like a good comedy and have a belly laugh- i promise it works wonders :)
Even if you get news on Monday that you are down to 4 embies or 3, don't be too disheartened, your 100% fertilization rate is unbelievably fantastic as you know- they usually expect about a 50% fertilization rate. When make to day 5 they are usually very strong. And if they are using new technology which prevents them interfering to much with the embies that's even better again! I haven't heard of it actually, they checked on mine the 'old fashioned' way :D
I understand how you must be feeling trying to keep your spirits up when you have lucked out thus far. But I admire your strength and your determination! THAT is what will make you successful. And you are so young which is awesome!
You are soooo next girlie! we will be enthusiastic for you! :D
*Rubbing luck all over you*
My clinic kept going on and on about how it will work for me (IVF) because I am so young- and I am 8 years older than you! (gawd now I DO feel old! haha)
To answer your question, no we won't find out the sex, we were going to but changed our minds. We figure since IVF is so structured and you assume that eventually it will work so it takes that "surprise honey I am pregnant" aspect away from it already.
That will be one surprise we are very much looking forward to! :D
Sparkle spotting can definitely be normal ! please try not to stress it too much. It can happen at any given point through a pregnancy and like Eve says if its not enough to soak a pad you should be fine. you may even find in a couple of days it subsides then goes away. I have also being spotting but it started a week ago is has become seemingly an on and off kind of thing.
I panicked at first but I have assured all will be ok.I'm sure you will be fine too! HURRY UP MONDAY!!! :)
Eve its great that you are doing things that make you feel more relaxed (well trying to relax!) it's all you can do really. Maybe download a movie or something like a good comedy and have a belly laugh- i promise it works wonders :)
Even if you get news on Monday that you are down to 4 embies or 3, don't be too disheartened, your 100% fertilization rate is unbelievably fantastic as you know- they usually expect about a 50% fertilization rate. When make to day 5 they are usually very strong. And if they are using new technology which prevents them interfering to much with the embies that's even better again! I haven't heard of it actually, they checked on mine the 'old fashioned' way :D
I understand how you must be feeling trying to keep your spirits up when you have lucked out thus far. But I admire your strength and your determination! THAT is what will make you successful. And you are so young which is awesome!
You are soooo next girlie! we will be enthusiastic for you! :D
*Rubbing luck all over you*
My clinic kept going on and on about how it will work for me (IVF) because I am so young- and I am 8 years older than you! (gawd now I DO feel old! haha)
To answer your question, no we won't find out the sex, we were going to but changed our minds. We figure since IVF is so structured and you assume that eventually it will work so it takes that "surprise honey I am pregnant" aspect away from it already.
That will be one surprise we are very much looking forward to! :D

Thank you so much. Although I do already know deep down there has to be a time for us, it helps so much to hear it from someone other than just my husband and my own brain... I am so determined not to give up, and I'm grateful for my young age that gives me time to not give up! Hehe.

Great idea on not finding out the sex! So true.. I can't wait to find out what that little bub is in December then!
Try not to stress Sparkle, I know it's easier said than done :) I spotted from 7-14weeks and was so stressed, but made it in the end :hugs:
Thanks ladies for all your support and sorry for the late update.

I woke up this morning and my bleeding was quite heavy like the start of AF. I took another test and it was darker than yesterday... I then called my clinic and they said to come in for blood test today, so I went in this morning and then heard from them this afternoon, my hcg came back at 29, at 10dp5dt they said they like to see it over 100 but that it is possible it was late to implant. The other alternative which is probably more likely is that it's not viable and hence all the bleeding. I'm trying to be hopeful but I'm pretty realistic that it's unlikely to have a good outcome.

I have another blood test tues morning and hopefully my levels have doubled but if it's just not happening then I hope it doesn't get drawn out too long. My bleeding has been much lighter throughout today so who know what's going on.

The other thing I'm really concerned about is my progesterone level is only 10, I've always been concerned about progesterone as I have spotting for a week before AF every month so to hear that it is really low now when I'm on crinone has my brain going into overdrive... What if the reason I'm bleeding is cos my progesterone is too low not cos the pregnancy isn't viable... Drs are funny about progesterone though... Just have to wait and see what happens Tuesday although I'm definitely going to test tomorrow morning too and see if the line is darker.

Glad your feeling good Eve, I've got my FX for you tomorrow for embryo update and Molly is totally right, you have great numbers at the moment so even if a couple aren't great tomorrow that's still really good numbers, although I completely know how you feel, we want as many as possible huh :winkwink: I hope you make it to 5 days but even if not I have a good feeling for you :hugs:

Molly that's a nice idea about your surprise, I can't wait till dec to know what you have :)

Happy Mothers Day to all the lovely Mum's on this thread!

Oh Sparkle :( I am so sorry you are going through this, especially today of all days. While it is still possible that is is in fact a late implant (which would also explain bfn's until yesterday too) I know the best option for you is to believe this isn't your time because if it turns out it IS a sticky bean, it will be a 'lucky surprise' in a way. I am just so sorry you are dealing with this :cry:
It is definitely possible this is happening because of low progesterone. I wish the doctors in Aus would take it more seriously. I have spoken to other Aussie ladies who have had trouble with their doctors looking into upping progesterone supps yet American's are all over it. I really am hoping your news on Tuesday is surprising and happy hun xox
Thanks ladies for all your support and sorry for the late update.

I woke up this morning and my bleeding was quite heavy like the start of AF. I took another test and it was darker than yesterday... I then called my clinic and they said to come in for blood test today, so I went in this morning and then heard from them this afternoon, my hcg came back at 29, at 10dp5dt they said they like to see it over 100 but that it is possible it was late to implant. The other alternative which is probably more likely is that it's not viable and hence all the bleeding. I'm trying to be hopeful but I'm pretty realistic that it's unlikely to have a good outcome.

I have another blood test tues morning and hopefully my levels have doubled but if it's just not happening then I hope it doesn't get drawn out too long. My bleeding has been much lighter throughout today so who know what's going on.

The other thing I'm really concerned about is my progesterone level is only 10, I've always been concerned about progesterone as I have spotting for a week before AF every month so to hear that it is really low now when I'm on crinone has my brain going into overdrive... What if the reason I'm bleeding is cos my progesterone is too low not cos the pregnancy isn't viable... Drs are funny about progesterone though... Just have to wait and see what happens Tuesday although I'm definitely going to test tomorrow morning too and see if the line is darker.

Glad your feeling good Eve, I've got my FX for you tomorrow for embryo update and Molly is totally right, you have great numbers at the moment so even if a couple aren't great tomorrow that's still really good numbers, although I completely know how you feel, we want as many as possible huh :winkwink: I hope you make it to 5 days but even if not I have a good feeling for you :hugs:

Molly that's a nice idea about your surprise, I can't wait till dec to know what you have :)

Happy Mothers Day to all the lovely Mum's on this thread!


Sparkle, this hurts my heart. I'm glad you rang you clinic to check if you could come in. Can they up your progesterone now? Or is it too late?? I hope you have better news on Tuesday. What an anxious wait for you. It's good that the test is getting darker.. Are you going to test tomorrow morning just to check again? I am so badly hoping for a doubling HCG number & that this little embie is just playing a silly trick on us!

Are you on 2 x 90mg of cronine a day? I can't remember how to spell it... Haha.

Thank you for your words and well wishes. We are feeling nervous about having no embryos but I guess we will know tomorrow . I will update as soon as possible.

I hope the bleeding slows a little so that you're able to relax until you have more news on Tuesday. I will have you in my thoughts but for now I am only thinking positive and sending vibes from QLD! :hugs:
Oh Sparkle I'm sorry about the uncertainty. Hopefully it's just a late implantation. Take care.
Anxiously waiting and no phone call yet from my doctor. It's either good news... Transfer on Wednesday or bad news... They've all died and she's putting off telling me. Nervous!!
Still haven't heard but decided to call the embryology lab anyway.. We have 2 x 9 cell, 1 x 8 cell (all 3 are graded 3 on a scale of 1-5 which is scary... We have 1 x 10 cell which is graded 2 cos it is more fragmented and then a 4 cell which will probably die. Feeling super super nervous! I will call my doctor later this afternoon, but it looks like we're going for a 5 day transfer. Hope they make it to blast !
Sounds like you have at least 3 good embies Eve which is great! Let us know what your dr says later today. I've got everything crossed for you :hugs:

Nothing major to update here, the line on my frer this morning was the tiniest bit lighter which isn't a great sign, pretty sure I'm out, just want the blood test tomorrow to hurry up so I can't find out for sure, stop the crinone and get started on the next cycle.

Sounds like you have at least 3 good embies Eve which is great! Let us know what your dr says later today. I've got everything crossed for you :hugs:

Nothing major to update here, the line on my frer this morning was the tiniest bit lighter which isn't a great sign, pretty sure I'm out, just want the blood test tomorrow to hurry up so I can't find out for sure, stop the crinone and get started on the next cycle.


Oh no. :( are you still bleeding?? I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow. My heart breaks for you. I'm glad you have some beautiful quality blasts in the freezer if you do need to use them. Hopefully your doc can up your progesterone or do something for you! :( I wish you didn't even have to think of this!!!

I still haven't heard from my doctor, but I might ring the office soon. I just don't like talking to one of her reception ladies, but the other is great so it's just a gamble who I get! Haha. We are super nervous about the embryos, but really if we only get one it won't matter that we have only gotten one if it gives me a positive test! Just need one good one to stick around. But, we are realistic and know that it probably won't happen.

Hope you are feeling ok sparkle, have you been at work? Xx
Got the annoying lady... Gah. But, apparently our doc is happy with the embryos and has booked us for a 5 day transfer on Wednesday morning! So as of 10am Wednesday ill be PUPO once again (if all goes to plan...fingers crossed they keep alive and well).
Oh that's annoying about ur dr not calling although I guess that means you're doing a day 5 transfer so she must be happy with how the embies are going so far which is good :thumbup: I know what you mean some of the nurses at my clinic are great and some not so great, it's such a gamble, I hope it's a nice one tomorrow to give me my bad news :(

The drs always say it's a numbers game and you're time is definitely due hun, I'm very positive that your sticky bean is there growing away and getting nice and strong as we speak :dust:

I'm still bleeding but it's mostly quite light, heavier though just before I'm due to take another dose of crinone... I didn't go to work today, it would've been a good distraction but I just wasn't up for it, I'm pretty devastated but I think I would have felt similar even if it was a plain old bfn :cry:

You're right I'm very lucky to have some great frosties for next time, when this is all over and we can get started on the next round I will pick myself back up and get hopeful again.

I will definitely talk to my dr about my low progesterone and if there is anything we can do, I'm sure she will say it was caused by the unviable embryo and there is no problem blah blah blah but I'm going to push to see what we can do anyway just to make sure, maybe an extra blood test or 2 in the tww to check it, or extra progesterone support (I don't think they normally give it at all in unmedicated FET cycles so I'm sure I will have to push even to get it at all), maybe I'm wrong but I just have a feeling this is an issue especially because of my previous spotting issues.

I'm also going to do acupunture before and after my transfer, I think I will just do it at my clinic, I wanted to find somewhere more convenient so I could go more regularly but for this cycle I think I will just do it on the day.


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