Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

So sorry lovely I really didn't mean to terrify you I just wanted to be honest, I definitely haven't found it as easy as they made it sound before I had my first one. Hopefully you will be one of the lucky ladies who have a super easy recovery :flower:

Thanks honey xx I have a follow up appt at the hospital on the 11th June. Spoke to my dr today and she thinks I might get AF in 3-5weeks depending on when my body recognized it was a non viable pregnancy and started producing a new egg. She said we can try on our own this month (although don't know if that's going to happen for a bit considering how sore I still feel & I'm down 1 tube so feeling pretty hopeless that we will have much chance of natural conception now or in the future especially with this added onto our other fertility issues :dohh:) then once I get AF we can do a FET in that next cycle. This is good news, although bad news is not only am I at increased risk of having another ectopic in my right tube, it is also possible to have another ectopic in the tiny bit of my left tube that is attached inside my uterus that isn't removed WTF

Oh well whatya gonna do...

Just popping in to say hi - Sparkle I am so sorry to hear you have been in the wars. You sound amazingly chipper, what an amazing person you must be :flower:

Hi everyone else :hi: all is good here - Leo is now 4.5 months old, still in 000 clothes and only on the 3rd percentile for weight but hey, someone has to be at the small end of the charts. He is bright, happy, chatty and sleeps very well at night (although not so well during the day :dohh:). I am still smitten and NOT thrilled at the idea of going back to work in 9 weeks!
hey Maddy :) good to hear from you. Cydney is in the 80th percentile for length but only the 30th for weight..looks like she will be tall and lean..didn't take after me lol. have you got childcare lined up? Will you go back full time?
So sorry lovely I really didn't mean to terrify you I just wanted to be honest, I definitely haven't found it as easy as they made it sound before I had my first one. Hopefully you will be one of the lucky ladies who have a super easy recovery :flower:

Thanks honey xx I have a follow up appt at the hospital on the 11th June. Spoke to my dr today and she thinks I might get AF in 3-5weeks depending on when my body recognized it was a non viable pregnancy and started producing a new egg. She said we can try on our own this month (although don't know if that's going to happen for a bit considering how sore I still feel & I'm down 1 tube so feeling pretty hopeless that we will have much chance of natural conception now or in the future especially with this added onto our other fertility issues :dohh:) then once I get AF we can do a FET in that next cycle. This is good news, although bad news is not only am I at increased risk of having another ectopic in my right tube, it is also possible to have another ectopic in the tiny bit of my left tube that is attached inside my uterus that isn't removed WTF

Oh well whatya gonna do...


Haha, no it's fine! I wanted the honest truth! I have a feeling it'll probably be hard to cope with, but that's ok. I'm not sure when I'll do it. Maybe towards the end of the year, but we'll see how I'm feeling. Too much going on at the moment and plus, if they were to find endo or something in there and remove it... I would want to do ivf as soon as possible to have a greater chance, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. Lots to think about.
How are you feeling?! Any sign of more AF or is it still maybe a few weeks away? That's crazy that there's still a bit of your tube left.. Where does it lead to? I'm confused. Haha. Sorry for my late reply! We have had a busy (but great) week or so, organizing our move & work etc. it's nice to be kept busy. Xxx
hey Maddy :) good to hear from you. Cydney is in the 80th percentile for length but only the 30th for weight..looks like she will be tall and lean..didn't take after me lol. have you got childcare lined up? Will you go back full time?

Hey Take, glad :baby: is doing well. They grow so fast, don't they?

Both DH and I are shiftworkers so we are tossing up whether DH will quit his job (I earn way more than him), or whether we go with childcare (there are some family daycare providers here that do care for the children of shiftworkers). At the moment we are thinking of trying the childcare option for a few months & then reassessing the situation. If only I could win Tattslotto... :nope:
Thanks Maddy, I've been a bit of a cry baby sometimes but I'm getting there :) Oh no to having to going back to work :dohh: I hope it's ok. Glad to hear you're doing well, you too Take :flower:

Hey Eve, I think that sounds like a good idea and will give you a chance to have a nice break from all this infertility stuff for a bit. I'm trying to tell myself that I'm looking forward to having a bit of a break too (although it's only a month so not the same as your break) but I'm a very impatient person and I'm just is sick of waiting already. There's nothing I can do though so I just have to try and make the most of it. So we booked a holiday to Hawaii! We're gonna go for a week in late June, hubby has been dying to go back since our honeymoon and even though we really should be saving we kinda just thought what the hell we need to do something fun, so we booked it. Depending on when I get AF there is a chance that we might miss another month for our FET but we needed a mental health holiday more haha. I have been having a bit of light AF since yesterday so I'm hoping this is my body recognising the pregnancy is gone and so is the start of a new cycle, and then hopefully I'll get another AF in 4 weeks and this would be perfect timing... Lots of maybes in there haha :winkwink:

How long till you move Eve? Do you have a friends down that way yet? I'm sure you will make plenty when you get there :) I only knew one person in Sydney when I moved here from Brisbane, but luckily I was able to make some great friends. Hope the packing and everything is going well :)

OMG I was googling and came across the type of ectopic that is in the part of the Fallopian tube buried in the uterus it's called a cornual ectopic and it sounds absolutely terrifying! Why do I do this stuff to myself... I need to step away from the iPad! :wacko:
Thanks Maddy, I've been a bit of a cry baby sometimes but I'm getting there :) Oh no to having to going back to work :dohh: I hope it's ok. Glad to hear you're doing well, you too Take :flower:

Hey Eve, I think that sounds like a good idea and will give you a chance to have a nice break from all this infertility stuff for a bit. I'm trying to tell myself that I'm looking forward to having a bit of a break too (although it's only a month so not the same as your break) but I'm a very impatient person and I'm just is sick of waiting already. There's nothing I can do though so I just have to try and make the most of it. So we booked a holiday to Hawaii! We're gonna go for a week in late June, hubby has been dying to go back since our honeymoon and even though we really should be saving we kinda just thought what the hell we need to do something fun, so we booked it. Depending on when I get AF there is a chance that we might miss another month for our FET but we needed a mental health holiday more haha. I have been having a bit of light AF since yesterday so I'm hoping this is my body recognising the pregnancy is gone and so is the start of a new cycle, and then hopefully I'll get another AF in 4 weeks and this would be perfect timing... Lots of maybes in there haha :winkwink:

How long till you move Eve? Do you have a friends down that way yet? I'm sure you will make plenty when you get there :) I only knew one person in Sydney when I moved here from Brisbane, but luckily I was able to make some great friends. Hope the packing and everything is going well :)


Omg! Great idea on the holiday booking. Is it amazing? I'd love to go. My husband and I are thinking of America at the end of the year but it's so hard to work out whether we do another cycle or travel! Too many hard decisions. We have time on our side but it just seems crazy to us to keep spending money on a gamble and not enjoy our hard earnt dollars!

I don't have any friends down there, or family. I've never even been there! But we are looking at only being there for a year, and then move onto Sydney, depending on work Etc. I'm not too nervous though, I can make friends semi easily :) just need to put myself out there but I'm sooo lazy lately! It's funny after IVF, you become so nervous to make plans because you don't know if you'll be in mid cycle or transfer etc. Its so nice to be able to make plans in 2 weeks and know that I can stick to them!

Definately just enjoy the break; and let your body get back to prime baby making state. You don't want to waste a cycle if you don't think you'll be 100% both emotionally and physically. I am the same though, so impatient! Waiting kills me ;) but its all part of a journey of things that make us stronger. It's hard, I've had a LOT of people say 'Oh- you're moving to such a quiet town- quick! Have a baby' and I really just want to be like argh!! If only you knew ;) haha. It's fine though, they aren't to know but man it pulls at the heart strings.

And to your last post- GOOGLE IS NOT OUR FRIEND! Hehe. You'll be fine :) I understand your concern though it is a lot to go through :( still so awesome about how many blasty babes you've got. Are they going to defrost one at a time? And make sure they're all good? Or 2 and choose the best? You probably don't know yet they never told me until I rocked up basically;)

Hope you're having a good week!
Hi Ladies, I have decided to write a blog as I just think that typing down my feelings will be a lot easier than holding them in my brain. I just don't think there is enough room up there! If you want to check it out i will put it in my signature. I have just given a brief overview of our story , but i will hopefully have more to add in the next few months about everything else and what our options are and test results :)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. :)
Hey Eve sorry for the late reply to your last posts. Hope you've been having a nice long wknd :flower:

We are so excited about our holiday, you should totally think about booking a holiday to take your mind off things and have something to look forward to! Where in America do you want to go? I really want to go to NY but we didn't have enough time this time so it's still at the top of my list. I would highly recommend Hawaii, if you could do it as a stopover on your way home or something, amazing!

I totally know what you mean about having a hard time making plans, I'm so sick of my life being on hold for ivf!

You're right I need to remind myself that we were lucky to have 5 frosties, so I have a few more shots before we would have to do another fresh cycle. I asked my dr about the defrosting and she said there is a 95% chance that they will defrost well and not get damaged in the defrosting process, so that's pretty good and means that they only defrost as many as you are using, so in our case this is 1 as that's all we're allowed. She also told me the our FET success rate for my age is 50%, I know I should be happy about this but it also means there is a 50% chance of it not working :(

Yay to starting a blog! I'm going to pop over and read tonight xxx

Hope everyone else is well too and having a nice wknd :)
Hey Eve sorry for the late reply to your last posts. Hope you've been having a nice long wknd :flower:

We are so excited about our holiday, you should totally think about booking a holiday to take your mind off things and have something to look forward to! Where in America do you want to go? I really want to go to NY but we didn't have enough time this time so it's still at the top of my list. I would highly recommend Hawaii, if you could do it as a stopover on your way home or something, amazing!

I totally know what you mean about having a hard time making plans, I'm so sick of my life being on hold for ivf!

You're right I need to remind myself that we were lucky to have 5 frosties, so I have a few more shots before we would have to do another fresh cycle. I asked my dr about the defrosting and she said there is a 95% chance that they will defrost well and not get damaged in the defrosting process, so that's pretty good and means that they only defrost as many as you are using, so in our case this is 1 as that's all we're allowed. She also told me the our FET success rate for my age is 50%, I know I should be happy about this but it also means there is a 50% chance of it not working :(

Yay to starting a blog! I'm going to pop over and read tonight xxx

Hope everyone else is well too and having a nice wknd :)

50% success rate is great! Especially since your first 'technically' did stick but just not in the right spot :( my first FET was an 8 cell that defrosted 100% in tact and then another blast I had was a 6BB when frozen and then became a 6AB by the time we got there. I know we didn't get a BFP but there's something crazy going on in my body that's preventing it I'm sure. So I have complete faith in your little beauties :)

Hehe, I need to add the rest of our story to the blog but I want to make sure I actually use it because its pretty therapeutic! ;)
Thanks honey :)

Hey I left a comment on your blog the other day, did you get it? I can't see it yet.

Thanks honey :)

Hey I left a comment on your blog the other day, did you get it? I can't see it yet.


Oops! Looks like I have to approve comments on there! I will reply later tonight, I need to keep cracking on that blog is keeps my mind sane hehe. Thank you so much for those kind words though, it means a lot :) xx

How are you feeling? Back to your old self yet ? :(
Oh that's good, I was just worried I might not have done it right and the message was lost :)

I'm feeling ok, getting there both physically and emotionally. Had my follow up at the hospital this morning. Mostly good. They did say there was some evidence that the tube may have had some damage previously which could possibly have caused the ectopic. It's all just possibilities though. The report from the surgeon says that my right tube though looked fine from the outside, but they can't see the inside so it doesn't make me feel that much better.

Trying to work on letting go of what I can't control though, I'm certainly not there yet but I plan to work on reducing my anxiety and worry and stress cos I'm literally driving myself bonkers and I'm not sleeping properly and stuff...

When's the big move? Must be soon now. Are you driving down?

Sparkle glad one tube looks good on the outside - that's promising. Are you going to have a hysterosalpingogram to test if it's good on the inside?

Eveclo I'd love to go back to the US on holidays, been a few times and I was an exchange student there for a year when I was a teenager. Americans are so darned nice!
Thanks Maddy, I had a hsg last year and it was all good so probably won't worry about it again this time, especially as I don't need tubes for ivf anyway ;)

How are you and Leo? What cute stuff does he do, does he laugh yet? Is he rolling over? Gosh I just love babies!! Although of course my experience is all the easy stuff and then hand them back to mum for the crying and nappy changing haha :winkwink:

Eve I'm sure you're probably moving at the moment so I hope it's all going well.

Oh that's good, I was just worried I might not have done it right and the message was lost :)

I'm feeling ok, getting there both physically and emotionally. Had my follow up at the hospital this morning. Mostly good. They did say there was some evidence that the tube may have had some damage previously which could possibly have caused the ectopic. It's all just possibilities though. The report from the surgeon says that my right tube though looked fine from the outside, but they can't see the inside so it doesn't make me feel that much better.

Trying to work on letting go of what I can't control though, I'm certainly not there yet but I plan to work on reducing my anxiety and worry and stress cos I'm literally driving myself bonkers and I'm not sleeping properly and stuff...

When's the big move? Must be soon now. Are you driving down?


Sparkle! I am so sorry it has been so long between replies. I haven't forgotten about you, I promise. You are correct, we are still mid move, as our dates got mucked around. We are pretty much all packed up now, just waiting for the trucks on Wednesday!

I hope that you are beginning to sleep a bit better, that's not good to hear at all. How is everything going cycle wise? Are you waiting until after your Hawaiian trip? When will that be again? End of July?

We are driving down, yes. I believe we will stop over in Coffs Harbour and then also Sydney and stay with Family. :coffee: It's going to be a shock to the system to how cold it is!!!!

I decided against the hyteroscopy/d&c for now, as we are just too stressed with moving. I will make an appointment to see Dr Giltrap at the local clinic, and see how everything goes. If i don't get good vibes i'll probably just leave it until i find someone that can offer me something more. I'm not sure what that is, but we just can't keep doing the same thing and getting no results. :)

I did get my AF on Friday, although i had been bleeding (really light) for almost 2 weeks before that! Wtf? :dohh: Wish my body would sort itself out ;) I am excited to get the tests done though, i would love to know if there is a reason behind our failed cycles. All in due course.

But yes, What is happening with you ? and are you ok? :hugs:
How's everyone going?

How is the ttc going?

How are all the bubs?

My first cycle is back so we are going to try on our own from now until jan when we use our frosties.
Hey Kirsty!! How is your little girl? Are you still breastfeeding? I stopped 5 weeks ago..Cydney's decision not mine. Hope you might get a natural BFP this time :)
Oh Kirst, on the TTC bandwagon again :happydance: Good luck!

Take, how are you feeling about stopping BF? Are you going to go for another too?

AFM, we are still persisting with mix-feeds & am going to try and make it thru to Sept when we go overseas to visit the in-laws, for convenience sake. Leo started solids this week and also started rolling back-to-front plus had his first swim lesson. Time is going so quick!

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