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Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

How exciting Wish!! I have always wanted to go to Africa, but went to Europe last year for 6weeks instead :haha: Doing well CD17 and still spotting, starting to drive me insane just so annoying!!! :growlmad:
Good to hear from you Wish! Well - disappointing day for me, I'm 9 days past egg pick up and it's a BFN again for me. I've decided to change clinics - I think I really need to see what's happening with our embryo's past the day 2/3 stage and my clinic will not do a 5 day transfer, or even attempt to grow them that long. I'm so impatient, I want to try again right away but Wish - I am envious of your trip overseas! IVF sure does take it's toll - just so disappointing. I'm hoping third time will be the charm, but def want to try with another clinic. I guess low-cost IVF was low cost of a reason!

How's everyone else?
Hey Red, we have been going through 'The Fertility Centre' but feel like a bit of a number there- it's not a very consultative clinic I've found. The nurses are lovely but you don't really get any time with a Doctor until it fails and then to a brief chat which kind of went, "hmm, it didn't work... Want to try again?" I actually want to know why it's not working, but feel like they're not even investigating it. Guess its high volume as it is low cost, pretty disappointed and disheartened. :(
Em thats so shite. I'm so sorry mate. The disappointment is totally devastating. Get another consultation if only to put your mind at ease. Redknob- I spotted for ages too. Glad the days are ticking by for you mate! And Taylah I'm SUPER glad that you and your baby are ok! xxx
hi ladies,
welcome back wishnwait...omg Africa sounds amazing!!!! what a nice break you will have and I bet you will be all refreshed for when you start trying again (and you may be one of the lucky ones that has the surprise BFP on holidays!)
28 yrs in IVF terms is extremely young (I am a bit envious!) so 6 months won't change things at all.

Em, awww I am sorry about your bfn...what a disappointing end to this cycle.
I agree that perhaps another clinic may be able to figure what's going on. I notice on your sig it says you don't have any fertility issues therefore another clinic may be able to stimulate enough to get a lot more than 5-6 eggs and then they can grow to blasties of course. Even if it is low-cost I do believe that you should have access to an FS throughout your cycle as well as tweaking the protocol rather than doing the same thing over and over again.

Me: well I am finally having a FET this Friday (I ended up having an Ovridrel trigger to ovulate). I am very nervous about my embies thawing. They have been transported to and from a different IVFA clinic because my clinic was getting renovated. If they survive the thaw i hope it means they are fighters!!!

Redknob, wow that spotting must be sooo annoying? what is the cause?
The nurses said it was due to the BCP, but I am hoping it is only here for a couple more days as it is much less now :)
Hi ladies,
Wish - Africa sounds like a great idea, a refreshing start over for you & a time for you & your hubby to get back to being you two again !

Miss redknob- hope your annoying spotting stops soon, I see you only have just over a month left of waiting !

Aleja- finally your FET is on the horizon, I hope your little frosties go well with the thawing process, I will say a pray for them !

Em- so sorry Hun , I was so happy with my clinic westmead fertility centre, even though they were low cost , they put me on high stims straight off & were supportive the whole way through, I did see my fs privately first though at strathfield his name is dr Alan tong & he got me straight in to westmead , I have since been going to RPA & I have heard they have a really good fertility clinic too , I know they have some of the best docs available there, maybe worth a look , sorry again that you have been left disappointed again xxx

As for me - thanks again for all your concern & kind words, I am currently just taking it a Day at a time, I listen to hear my lo's heartbeat everyday & so far it is still going strong, I have another u/s on Wednesday , a week has ever felt so long, I am still so terrified something is going to go wrong, one of my friends just had her baby die still inside her at 38 weeks so devastating & they don't know why, I just keep thinking she was probably exposed to same virus as me because it is going around NSW schools everywhere , so hard to stay positive when awful things happen around me , but I am just feeling lucky my lo is still ok xxx
Taylah what sad news about your friends baby . I too found out today that an old friend lost her baby at 31 weeks. Sone things just do not make sense .
Nevertheless these things are not common so for now your little one is doing great and that is the main thing x
Aleja - such a sad sad time,do they know what went wrong with your friend ?? it would be so awful to get that far & have that happen, the worst part is you still have to deliver the baby - unimaginable emotional pain :-(
Hi ladies I am not sure what exactly happened .. Yes it would unimaginable trauma ..

But alas it is not a common thing so it's best we think of all the thousands of lovely healthy babies which are born each day x
Aleja - you are right , we have to think positive, well I have some positive news - I went for my ultrasound yesterday & my little bub is looking happy & healthy, so I'm happy & relieved for another week, still very hard not to worry but doing my best & guess what it looks like a we are having a baby girl :)
How is everyone ? Any news or updates ? Hoping to hear some good news for you guys ?
Hi Taylah, congrats on your little girl. oh wow time is flying!

no news from me, except that I had my FET last Friday. I am now PUPO but today I am not feeling very confident. It is too early of course but I don't know....i need to make it by this Friday without spotting as for my stim I started spotting a week into the ET.
Got everything crossed for you Aleja :hugs:

Nothing much with me, still spotting :( Starting my Syneral on Friday :dance:

Happy 17 weeks Taylah :wohoo:
Hi aleja - hope this is it for you hun try your best to think positive thoughts , got everything crossed for you xxx
Miss redknob - how exciting you are finally starting , hope you don't get any side effects, the spray made me a bit cranky for the first few days then I was fine after that xxx
As for me - yes time is passing & belly is growing but because of this silly virus I've had it seems like time is going slow as I still have about another 6-8 week until I can get the all clear for bubs but I had a scan today & bub is looking healthy still so I'm very happy & can breathe again for another week xxx
Thats great news Taylah! Everyday is a win hey. How amazing!
How are you going Aleja? Hoping this is it for you mate!
Miss Redknob- Good luck with the Syranel tomorrow! Hope you get min side effects and everything is smoooth sailin!
AFM- I'm all booked for Africa and hoping I made the right decision. Scared sssshitless. Im worried about how i'll feel when its over I guess....and whether I should get the rabies vaccine or just avoid dogs and bats... How is everyone else? xx

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