Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Well I gave myself a migraine last night, guess I was tense and nervous all day yesterday... went to bed at 11 couldn't sleep - dozed off and woke up at 12:45 with the most awful awful headache with nausea and I just felt so bad... was up until 4am - I eventually took nurophen which I think is a no no but I had too (my justification was I hadn't starting injections yet :(
Hubby came and got me (sleeping in lounge room) at 7:30 to see if I was ok, thankfully my headache was pretty much gone just a bit tense down my neck now. Anyway we did my needle from start to finish in 5 minutes OMG we are so proud of ourselves.. and it didn't hurt at all haha I was so worried. Now I'm worred about the Orgulatran syringe eeeeek this weekend hahaha I always give myself something to worry about I'm hopeless.

How are you going MissCassie ? You have a scan tomorrow to check on things dont you... good luck. Have you started the syringe needles yet?

That sucks about your migraine, you poor thing I feel your pain. I get them regularly. Nothing worse I reckon they are so damn painful!

I'm glad your first injection went well :)
you'll be fine with the orgulatran injections too! So don't stress.

It's so cool that we will only he a week apart!
Thanks Eveclo that made me feel better about taking them, there is so much conflicting information online sometimes it gets confusing. So far though I'm feeling better so hopefully wont need anymore anyway :)
My second injection kinda stung a little this morning, I'm thinking its because we were a lot quicker at doing it and the Gonal was still cold maybe. Wasn't unbearable just felt it more.
Good luck today, hope you are ovulating... we want to hurry up and get your little egg in there so it can snuggle in :D

Miss Cassie, Thank you :) I think I can handle a little sting (I hope haha) - I'm more worried about it bouncing off my skin and not going in properly haha I google way too much!!
Good luck at your scan today :D do you know who is doing the scan? Ruth? I really like her she is lovely, she will be doing mine next Monday.
Glenn is away on holidays so he won't be doing my egg pick up :(
I dont envy you getting migraines regularly - I hate them with a passion, the nausea gets me every time once that hits I panic :(

Well I'm glad you ladies are well... we are so close together !!! I hope we can all be bump buddies hehe
Oh something interesting at our end. My husband was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (I'm pretty sure that was what he said) on Monday.
This could be the reason he has only 2% morphology. There isn't a lot of research into at the moment but my new theory is that his swimmers also just dont have enough power to penetrate my egg. My husband will have so much energy and then if he over exerts himself within seconds he gets dizzy and tired really really quickly and has to sit down. I'm thinking his swimmers do this. :wacko:
Anyway purely just my theory lol
Guess we will soon know with IVF :)
So I had my scan and I'm a little disappointed. There were only 2 dominant follicles and 2 one 12mm so I guess it's getting there, so now I have to keep doing gonal f and go back for another scan on Monday to see if my follies are behaving. And then maybe egg collection on Wednesday. Fx
You'll get there Miss Cassie , almost another week. More waiting, but it gives your body a fair bit more time to grow :coffee:

My scan is next Monday - we might bump into each other and not even know. hehe

Chin up :) take each day as it comes!! Time go home and relax now :hugs:

How did your move go?
I think I'm just getting myself up for disappointment.. but I must think positive! Hopefully on Monday there are lots more follies nice and big and ready for collection.

My scan next week is at 3 pm..

The move went ok, got it done pretty quickly now we just need to unpack haha.

How was your weekend.
Yeah I know the feeling. 5 more days is so much time for the follies to get growing :D
Mine is at 10:15 so we will well and truly miss each other ! Imagine though if we had egg collection at similar times :) ! You will be going Local hey?

Unpacking is the worst... I hate finding spots for things haha
When we moved in here we realised we didnt have a linen cupboard hahaha who builds a house with no linen cupboard.

My weekend was ok :) didnt do a lot.. kind preparing myself to start injections so just relaxed and watched tv.
Oh I want to say sorry too, a few pages back I didn't know what you meant by the Bulk bill program at Life.... I do now :) I didn't realise they had one !! Its such a good thing.
Oh MissCassie, i'm sorry you are disappointed with your scan :( see how you go, and hopefully they do catch up. Just take every day as it comes, and try not to beat yourself up. Trust your body (although I know it's hard) and just keep persisting. Have they upped your dosage or are they keeping you on the same?

Bubba, are you feeling anything in your ovaries yet? Mine usually get a little heavy feeling around day 7 of stims. Sometimes it does sting, i find if you pinch really hard though it distracts you from it, hehe. Your theory could definitely be correct, i'm so sorry your husband has these issues. Are they still hoping to do ICSI and IVF? This will give you some answers for sure. My husband has bad everything and we did IVF and ICSI last time and 3/4 the IVF ones fertilised normally. However, on Day 5 the best ones we had were ICSI, which is interesting.

I had another scan today to check my ovaries and I have one follicle around 21mm so it's ready to ovulate. She gave me a trigger injection because she wants to make sure my body just does the right thing and ovulates. So i will be ovulating on FRIDAY yay and that means transfer on Thursday. Now the real scary part; will our embryo defrost. I have a really bad feeling it won't... eep. I will try to be positive but regardless, we will most likely jump into another fresh cycle anyway. It's a 6 day embryo that's apparently a 7/10 (which doesn't sound too promising either!) but we will give it a chance:)

We are moving in 2 weeks (we live in VIC atm) to Sydney so we are going to go with Genea. I have heard good things about them so I hope that they are as good as I am hoping. Dr Lok is who we are going with, he specialises in Male Fertility. Although this is not really our issue anymore; it's nice to know that he does specialise in that and then Dr M can do my immune therapy. Fingers crossed. :)

Nah not feeling anything yet .. Only day two so not expecting to for another couple of days at least I guess.
I'll be ok, was a sting I could handle just wasn't expecting it because the day before I felt nothing haha
Yeah we will still do half half , unless I only get a small amount of eggs then they said they will ICSI them all. My husband isn't aloud to take his medication until our fertility Dr gives him the ok when he gets back from his conference this Friday, just in case the Thyroxin affects his little dudes straight off the bat.
Interesting that the stronger for you were the ICSI, thats a good thing, sounds like ICSI doesnt affect the quality. :)

So exciting ..... fingers crossed everything goes smoothly from here on. I'm sure you little egg will be fine, try not stress about it if you can :flower:

Did you feel a bit giddy while taking Gonal , I just dont feel right. I wouldnt say I feel sick just weird.

Thats good you have found a Dr that you are happy with in Sydney :) hopefully you wont need to make the appt with him until you are going for your second hehe

I just read back on some posts and you really have helped me along the way so much Eveclo :) so glad I found this thread !
Oh I want to say sorry too, a few pages back I didn't know what you meant by the Bulk bill program at Life.... I do now :) I didn't realise they had one !! Its such a good thing.

It's a great thing, the only problem is that they don't up the dose it stays at gonal 150 the entire time. So I'm feeling like maybe I should have gone private so that they could up my dose of needed.
Nah not feeling anything yet .. Only day two so not expecting to for another couple of days at least I guess.
I'll be ok, was a sting I could handle just wasn't expecting it because the day before I felt nothing haha
Yeah we will still do half half , unless I only get a small amount of eggs then they said they will ICSI them all. My husband isn't aloud to take his medication until our fertility Dr gives him the ok when he gets back from his conference this Friday, just in case the Thyroxin affects his little dudes straight off the bat.
Interesting that the stronger for you were the ICSI, thats a good thing, sounds like ICSI doesnt affect the quality. :)

So exciting ..... fingers crossed everything goes smoothly from here on. I'm sure you little egg will be fine, try not stress about it if you can :flower:

Did you feel a bit giddy while taking Gonal , I just dont feel right. I wouldnt say I feel sick just weird.

Thats good you have found a Dr that you are happy with in Sydney :) hopefully you wont need to make the appt with him until you are going for your second hehe

I just read back on some posts and you really have helped me along the way so much Eveclo :) so glad I found this thread !

Yes I thought that was interesting too! Like you would think that the eggs that didn't have a needle jabbed through them would be better quality but apparently not. It's a good idea to do half half if you have wiggle room because then you can find out whether your DH can fertilise those eggs on his lonesome!

I hope he's a good doctor, I have seen videos of him and he seems nice enough, plus his office is only 10 mins from our new house which helps ;) especially in Sydney!

Ohh you are too sweet, it is my pleasure. The ladies on this thread helped me sooo much too, I am forever grateful for that. I'm just glad that I can help you wherever I can even if it is something small haha...

Yes I felt a bit off on the gonal F, the first cycle on it I was absolutely exhausted and just didn't feel like me. It's like your body is in overdrive inside but you don't know exactly what is going on haha. Soo strange! Luckily it doesn't last too long, I'm so excited for you to have your first scan too! Monday can't come soon enough :)
MissCassie, yeah thats a shame they dont give you any extra. Wonder if you could ask to pay for the little bit of extra dose?

Eveclo, have you looked up forums and things on him as well? I found googling the Dr you can find out a lot of info on them. There wasn't a lot on Melissa as she is quite new in the field but my new Dr there is a lot of info on him :) mostly positive but the negative is more about his full on personality. (he can actually be a bit rude - but it makes me laugh so I Like it).

Trigger tomorrow for you woohooo :happydance:

Yeah Gonal is just odd, I kinda feel a bit shaky on the inside and can fall a sleep at the drop of a hat ! Usually if I snooze even the smallest amount in the day I lay awake till the early hours of the morning trying to sleep that night. But for me I have no trouble at the moment.
I was actually thinking of asking that, for the next cycle If I need it.

How are you feeling today? Have you got any bruises yet? I did an injection the other day and have a huge blaxk bruise.

I think he's funny too! Makes a joke about it makes you feel alot less stressed I reckon :)

Good luck with your trigger tonight Evelco.
I have had a Google about him, and most things are that he is a sweet heart. One person wrote that the language barrier (I think he is Chinese) was the hardest part but that doesn't bother me at all. My big thing is someone having warmth and empathy and I don't necessarily think that you need words to do that- so fingers crossed he just has that vibe about him. I so hope so. Some people just like different things don't they- I have a feeling I would like your doctor too. I am very easy going by nature and I like to have a bit of a joke and laugh so it's good to know that he is there if and when we move back to Brisbane. But hopefully by then I will have a complete family hehe!

I started clexane the other day and already have big black bruises on my tummy :( lucky it's winter and I'm not going anywhere in a swimsuit haha! So I should be ovulating tomorrow (the nurse gave me the needle yesterday in my arm)

I had pregyl which someone on my blog told me is made of urine (sooo weird!) and it has hcg in it so I'll have to do some pregnancy tests before transfer to make sure the hcg is out of my system and in case I do test early I don't want a false positive!

Thinking of you both and hoping Monday comes around very very fast. It's a roller coaster xx
MissCassie, I'm going ok so far feeling a bit tired and headachey but thats really it. I dont have any bruises at all just a couple of dots from the latest injection sites. I'm really surprised.
How are you feeling?

Eveclo so does that mean transfer day is next Wednesday for you? How exciting :) :)
I'm so going to do the same.... test out of the hcg in my system :) I think it'd be fun!
When you move back to Brisbane we should meet for a coffee with our babies hehehe it'd be pretty cool to meet in person once we have our kids I reckon!

Hey is it odd I really dont feel anything at all in my ovaries yet? lol
MissCassie, I'm going ok so far feeling a bit tired and headachey but thats really it. I dont have any bruises at all just a couple of dots from the latest injection sites. I'm really surprised.
How are you feeling?

The tiredness should go away soon :) when do you start orgulatran? I have a nice big black and purple bruise from just injection gonal f it looks super sexy!
MissCassie, I'm going ok so far feeling a bit tired and headachey but thats really it. I dont have any bruises at all just a couple of dots from the latest injection sites. I'm really surprised.
How are you feeling?

Eveclo so does that mean transfer day is next Wednesday for you? How exciting :) :)
I'm so going to do the same.... test out of the hcg in my system :) I think it'd be fun!
When you move back to Brisbane we should meet for a coffee with our babies hehehe it'd be pretty cool to meet in person once we have our kids I reckon!

Hey is it odd I really dont feel anything at all in my ovaries yet? lol

It's on Thursday :) It's a 6 day embryo so they count ovulation (today) as day 0, saturday as day 1, sunday as day 2, monday as day 3, tuesday as day 4, wednesday as day 5 and then transfer it back on thursday day 6. Hahaha I have to write it like that because it confuses me SO much! But at least they seem to know what they are talking about. I wish they would transfer it on Day 5 because that's what stage it is at, but they know best!

Yess! That would be so cool! I'm sure in the next few years we all have our families together and I reckon that would be such a fun thing to do.

Nope, not odd :) everyone is different and i've done 3 stim cycles and the last one I was on the highest amount and felt NOTHING until about 3 days before EPU. On my first scan I had like 20 follicles so they were doing crazy things but i felt nothing. I think it all depends on your body and just the mindset you are in as well. I wouldn't think about it too much, it will be working i promise you :) Wait until a few days before EPU you will feel 'full' that is the best way to describe it.

MissCassie, I feel you about those sexy bruises, I have a huge one on my belly now. That dang clexane! Such a pain. Hope you are feeling ok :hugs:
Eveclo, just 'stuck my head' back in here to see who was around and seen your last post. All the best for your embryo transfer on Thursday hun!
DH and I are considering doing a FET at the end of this year, so no doubt I will be back in this forum-and I hope you are moved on to the pregnancy forums! :)
Good luck to all you other ladies :D

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