Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

MissCassie, I would have so done the same if I were you haha taken the extra dose ... did they say why they wouldn't give you more ~ is it just normal for all BB to get 150? So have you finished your extra Gonal yet? how many days will you be short of 200?

Fingers crossed tomorrow at your appt that you have some nice follies growing in there !!
You will have Glen do your egg retrieval this time... omg he makes me laugh sometimes.

Yeah we have spent most of our savings now ... so if we need to do another fresh cycle we'll have to save for a bit first. We are both getting some decent tax checks back soon so we are putting it straight back into our IVF kitty. I also took out private health just over a month ago so if in 12 months we are still going I at least save on hospital fees as I am way to much of a wuss to go Local :wacko:
And if I eventually I need a Laparoscopy it is covered as well. Although I'm hoping I wont need to still do IVF or Lap in 12 months but hey I thought that exact thing 12 months ago. I though IUI and Clomid etc would be a winner and IVF was out of the question. I was wayyy wrong.

Yeah I really liked Ruth as well she was so nice. At my scan on Monday I was kinda hoping it would be her doing it.

Ooo cramping is good especially if its a little different from your last cycle, could mean you have more follies growing in there. :D
Let me know how you go :D :D
I feel really naughty for adding the extra but I think i need it haha..

With bb you only get 150 gonal And they don't up it it's like a lose dose low cost ivf and I finished my extra dose yesterday so hopefully those 5 days did the trick! And I ay least get a couple more follies than last time..

And thank you I'm pretty nervous about tomorrow, I'm worried I'll be disappointed again but I must stay positive!

I have private health too but not for ivf or anything like that,I was going get ivf covered last year but thought "I won't need that" silly me!

Having a local isn't too bad some parts I was thinking Yep that's tender and would just squint a bit lol but other than that not bad at all. I'm sure you'd be fine if you had to go local. I guess it just depends on your pain threshold too!

And I doubt you'll need to do any of that you've had great sucess with your cycle I believe this your turn and you will get your BFP very very soon! I'm so excited for you!!

I hope it's the nurses too doing my scan as I've only met glen once before and I like the nurses, but I'm sure I'll like glen too.

How's your week been? I hope it's going fast for you! I bet Monday jusy can't come quick enough for you.
Hi Eveclo, I've been thinking about you. I'm so glad you are feeling a bit better about everything.
I've been thinking allot about your transfer and maybe the new way of things did actually help ... but in saying that nature took its course somehow and didn't work, as each transfer is not guaranteed even with a perfect scenario?

Glad you are ok with your husbands sister being 29 weeks, sounds like you had a great time being around her :) It can be so hard being around pregnant women sometimes... my sister is 26 weeks and I am so happy for her yet so jealous half the time. Just wish it was my turn. Good thing with her I've just started to disclose what I'm going through with IVF and we seem to be closer from it, chatting and opening up about things. So even though your SIL is pregnant, I can imagine how much opening up and chatting really does help :) :)

Probably nice to have a month and enjoy your new home and take in everything that the new Dr wants to do with you. I'm interested in the PGD testing you will doing.. this is interesting, can your eggs still turn into blasts and not actually be normal. I didn't realise this.
Did anything new show in your blood results ?

Did you have to pay for your new turf to come or did the realestate to do this for you?

I'm glad you are feeling better Eveclo and I hope you are enjoying Sydney!.

As for me...
Had my scan today at day 12 and my lining was at 11.7mm thick I think it said. I'm pretty sure this is a good thing as my Dr was very happy and booked in transfer for next Monday the 20th of April :) I'm so excited!!
I stupidly asked him if it looked like I was ovulating and he said I'm on Progynova so my ovaries are not working haha Its like a form of pill I guess. I'm still learning things all the time.

I will need a full bladder as it will be a guided transfer which will be interesting.

The Dr asked if I wanted one or two to transferred today which I thought was funny as I thought I was only allowed to have 1 at a time being 29 and will be a first time transfer. I still opted one :thumbup: He might have just been trying to be funny ~ he's a funny guy lol sometimes I dont get him haha

Yes you are right, it could have just been one of those things :( I have a friend on my blog that had 2 x PGD embryos transferred and fell pregnant with just one. So it's interesting to hear of those stories, maybe I'd be the same but just had the one that didn't implant transferred.

Yes blasts can be abnormal. My new doctor showed me a case study of a lady who had 15 blasts on day 5, all tested and in quality say they went the best one at 1 and then continuing on to the least perfect at 15, she only had one genetically normal embryo and it was embryo number 13. Still a good looking blast but there were 12 more 'perfect' looking ones; but they were all abnormal in their makeup. Soooo interesting. She had had many miscarriages though, that is what led her to IVF in the first place. So clearly there some sort of genetic stuff up there between her and her husband - but she got her baby!

I feel as though PGD will just let us know if it really is me or if our embryos are the issue.

Nothing new in my bloods, I haven't asked about my husbands yet I've been so busy unpacking ! Omg how exciting next Monday! I see you've written April but I'm gathering you mean July hehehe ;) I can't believe you'll be preggo next week that's a little cool! ;) I have so much confidence it's not even funny.. This is it for you!!

Good luck with it all I cannot wait to hear how it goes :)
Wantingb that's so exciting that you have transfer next Monday!! Omg that's gone very quickly so excited for you!! And I bet you get your BFP very soon!!

Welcome back Evelco I'm glad that your doing well, how's Sydney treating you? I'm originally from sydney love the place, hopefully taking a month off will be good and let your body get back to normal.before starting your next cycle.

As for me I am currently on day 4 of stims and only on 150 gonal f again, as we decided to do 1 more bulk billed cycle.and then if this one fails we will do private through life fertility, but we are hoping this cycle does the trick! I go back on Thursday for a scan to see how my follies are getting along I hope I get more this time.

Sydney is ok- I find it really busy and a bit stressful haha but I'll get used to it. We have been living in Albury for the past year which has been just wonderful, very quiet and easy. I think I've gotten used to country life!

Good luck with your cycle Hun, I have everything crossed for you! How cool about bulk billing cycles- how much do you have to pay? Or is it all bulk billed? I didn't even know they did that!

Good luck with your scan today let us know how you go! :)
You had it there so it cant hurt that you used it up and it might benefit you this time, the nurses cant technically tell you to do it but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care :) :) fingers crossed for your scan today. Cant wait to hear how it went :thumbup: hope there are some awesome follies growing in there.

I would panic if I felt anything when doing egg collection under Local, I'm such a sook... I had to have an ecg on my heart after egg collection because my heart rate wouldn't go back down lol I get nervous really easily... anything Dr related and I freak haha ... I even get nervous for scans lol

Cant wait to hear an update today !!

As for me, to be honest this week is flying which is nice. Really want Monday to be over now though. Want to be home resting and talking to my little embie, this is the closest I would have ever been to pregnant.
I started Crinone this morning haha pretty funny .. :blush:
Hi Eveclo, good to hear from you. And glad you are settling in ok.
I find Sydney the same when we go haha it scares me a little... My husband and parents are both from there so we often visit for family.
Hope you settle in and get used to it soon :)
Have you been looking for work?

Wow that is really interesting. So if she didn't do the PGD testing she basically would have had to have 13 goes to get the right one. How sad.
I think its a great thing you will be doing the testing. Had any of your previous doctors suggested this?
Have you thought of getting a Laparascopy?

Haha yes I meant July... I have no idea why I wrote that haha
I'm super nervous !! Just hoping it all goes smoothly during transfer, dont want my body to stress anymore then necessary. I've never had trouble during my IUI's so I'm hoping its the same story for egg transfer.. AND that it thaws ok and continues to grow. I'm thankful I have two though.
Thanks Eveclo, that means a lot that you think that. I need positive vibes from everywhere.

Will you be starting again next cycle.. I'll be thinking of you xxx I really want this for you ~ you totally deserve it.:hugs::hugs:

(sorry girls I never quote when writing back haha I'm sure you know who I'm replying to though ~ I usually write the name first)
It's funny that you ladies say that Sydney is really busy, I love it there I've lived there my entire life expect for the last 2 years that I've been living in qld, I found it hard to adjust to how laid back people are up here its crazy! But when we go and visit I'm very very happy to be coming home to the gold coast.

My scan went the same as it did last time! But this time had about 20 follies on both ovaries all very smalls about 8mm so they have a long way to go yet,but I'm hopefull that by Monday there a difference. I said to the nurse amanda I thought having pcos I would respond better and she said you have responded alot now the follies need to grow.

With the bulk billed I pay I think $750 all up from stims to egg collection. And probably more around transfer but I've never been thay far so don't know yet haha.
It's funny that you ladies say that Sydney is really busy, I love it there I've lived there my entire life expect for the last 2 years that I've been living in qld, I found it hard to adjust to how laid back people are up here its crazy! But when we go and visit I'm very very happy to be coming home to the gold coast.

My scan went the same as it did last time! But this time had about 20 follies on both ovaries all very smalls about 8mm so they have a long way to go yet,but I'm hopefull that by Monday there a difference. I said to the nurse amanda I thought having pcos I would respond better and she said you have responded alot now the follies need to grow.

With the bulk billed I pay I think $750 all up from stims to egg collection. And probably more around transfer but I've never been thay far so don't know yet haha.

Oooo well i hope that you get some great growth in the next few days :) good luck for monday.

That's great they do bulk billed ivf. It's so much more reasonable !

Fingers crossed that this time you get to ET :D
Hi Eveclo, good to hear from you. And glad you are settling in ok.
I find Sydney the same when we go haha it scares me a little... My husband and parents are both from there so we often visit for family.
Hope you settle in and get used to it soon :)
Have you been looking for work?

Wow that is really interesting. So if she didn't do the PGD testing she basically would have had to have 13 goes to get the right one. How sad.
I think its a great thing you will be doing the testing. Had any of your previous doctors suggested this?
Have you thought of getting a Laparascopy?

Haha yes I meant July... I have no idea why I wrote that haha
I'm super nervous !! Just hoping it all goes smoothly during transfer, dont want my body to stress anymore then necessary. I've never had trouble during my IUI's so I'm hoping its the same story for egg transfer.. AND that it thaws ok and continues to grow. I'm thankful I have two though.
Thanks Eveclo, that means a lot that you think that. I need positive vibes from everywhere.

Will you be starting again next cycle.. I'll be thinking of you xxx I really want this for you ~ you totally deserve it.:hugs::hugs:

(sorry girls I never quote when writing back haha I'm sure you know who I'm replying to though ~ I usually write the name first)

I hope I get used to it soon too.. haha. Yep I have a job interview type thing - it's actually for the same job I had in Brisbane but just in Sydney. So just a meet and greet as my old boss organised it for me. Which was nice. It is in the city though which would mean a bit of commuting but that's ok. But I most likely won't start for about a month if i do get the position, so we will try and squeeze in an IVF cycle and hopefully have some frozen embryos so we can do an FET which is a bit less time consuming (as in time off work etc) than a fresh cycle.

Because we want to do PGD we have to wait about 2 weeks for the results to come back I believe. Plus, I want to talk with the immune doctor before transfer anyway.

Our previous doctors never suggested PGD to us. They said we were young and all should be fine. Our last clinic didn't have PGD testing either as it was a regional clinic. But Melissa thought we wouldn't need it. I have had a hysteroscopy not a lap but because I have no endo symptoms they don't think it is necessary ... plus, becausae they are taking my eggs out anyway I don't really need the fallopian tubes... but the hysteroscopy was perfect which was a bit frustrating. He said it was textbook :(

If it helps at all, both times I have had a FET with a blast they have thawed perfectly. I always worry though, but at least you have 2 !!! :) It is great to have 2. I feel like the blasts thaw out a lot better than 3 dayers. In fact, 2 of my 3 dayers died on thaw, and the blasts got even better (the first one was frozen 6BB and became a 6AB on defrost ) :) yay exciting.

Crinone is a little bit...interesting. Are you doing it morning and night? x
MissCassie, yeah I definitely think Sydney is somewhere you would have to be brought up to get used to it. I like my little Gold Coast/Brisbane bubble haha.
Wow that is a lot of follies.. and they all sound pretty even in the race. So hopefully over the weekend they all grow nicely and you get quite a few nice eggs. Fingers crossed. x
Wow $750 that is so good :)
We finally got our check from Medicare today so should hopefully get about 2k back next week. Woohooo

Eveclo, thats good you have a job lined up without having to do the old send resume/do interview thing :) Good luck with the meet and greet.
That timing works out really well... I'm sure its stressful too trying to work and do a fresh cycle.. I know I couldn't have done it. I've had one Drs appt so far with my FET and that was to check my lining and then next one is my transfer. So 2 appts in the month !! Will be perfect if you are starting at a new job. Will you be commuting via train or bus into the city? My brother works in the Sydney city and he bought a moped thingy haha.. my brother is 6 foot 3 hahaha I'm sure he looks like a goof but saves him time and money.

Its funny that it was never mentioned after failed transfers...
Sounds like this new Dr is prepared to do everything in his power to get you some answers and get you pregnant. You are in good hands.
I so hope he does it for you !!! :flower:

I know my Dr now said he would have done the Lap but we opted out as we had no health insurance to cover it. Even though I have no symptoms myself. Melissa said I could get the Lap or HSG which was basically the same ... I chose the HSG as it was less invasive. I didnt realise they were so different at the time.
I'd never heard of a Hysteroscopy before. .. what was this like? Was it uncomfortable? I just googled it and if that showed nothing then I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. I've only had the HSG which only showed my tubes to be clear.
If we have no luck with IVF once my waiting period on Private Health is up I am going to get a Lap done with my Dr I think. Just to put my mind at rest.

Thanks Eveclo, I hope it is the same for me.. this clinic has a 90% success in their thaw rate so I'm pretty confident but as you understand with IVF its so hard not worry at every corner. Things can change so quickly.
Yeah I think after the 3 day mark is when the embies tend to arrest. Mine did that.. they were all growing perfectly and even got to healthy Moralas (thats what scientist said) then bam most died off. That is why my clinic only grows to Blast as they say success rates are higher as the weakest have already gone.
What is a 6AB and 6BB? Is that high up in quality? My clinic wouldn't tell me what mine were graded at... they said they dont do that. She said they looked great with no fragmentation. Is that good? haha

Yeah Crinone is morning and night for me until I'm 12 weeks... fun fun.... but I will do anything for my baby. Its only my second day so its still a big deal I'm sure after a couple of weeks I'll be a pro.
MissCassie, yeah I definitely think Sydney is somewhere you would have to be brought up to get used to it. I like my little Gold Coast/Brisbane bubble haha.
Wow that is a lot of follies.. and they all sound pretty even in the race. So hopefully over the weekend they all grow nicely and you get quite a few nice eggs. Fingers crossed. x
Wow $750 that is so good :)
We finally got our check from Medicare today so should hopefully get about 2k back next week. Woohooo

Eveclo, thats good you have a job lined up without having to do the old send resume/do interview thing :) Good luck with the meet and greet.
That timing works out really well... I'm sure its stressful too trying to work and do a fresh cycle.. I know I couldn't have done it. I've had one Drs appt so far with my FET and that was to check my lining and then next one is my transfer. So 2 appts in the month !! Will be perfect if you are starting at a new job. Will you be commuting via train or bus into the city? My brother works in the Sydney city and he bought a moped thingy haha.. my brother is 6 foot 3 hahaha I'm sure he looks like a goof but saves him time and money.

Its funny that it was never mentioned after failed transfers...
Sounds like this new Dr is prepared to do everything in his power to get you some answers and get you pregnant. You are in good hands.
I so hope he does it for you !!! :flower:

I know my Dr now said he would have done the Lap but we opted out as we had no health insurance to cover it. Even though I have no symptoms myself. Melissa said I could get the Lap or HSG which was basically the same ... I chose the HSG as it was less invasive. I didnt realise they were so different at the time.
I'd never heard of a Hysteroscopy before. .. what was this like? Was it uncomfortable? I just googled it and if that showed nothing then I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. I've only had the HSG which only showed my tubes to be clear.
If we have no luck with IVF once my waiting period on Private Health is up I am going to get a Lap done with my Dr I think. Just to put my mind at rest.

Thanks Eveclo, I hope it is the same for me.. this clinic has a 90% success in their thaw rate so I'm pretty confident but as you understand with IVF its so hard not worry at every corner. Things can change so quickly.
Yeah I think after the 3 day mark is when the embies tend to arrest. Mine did that.. they were all growing perfectly and even got to healthy Moralas (thats what scientist said) then bam most died off. That is why my clinic only grows to Blast as they say success rates are higher as the weakest have already gone.
What is a 6AB and 6BB? Is that high up in quality? My clinic wouldn't tell me what mine were graded at... they said they dont do that. She said they looked great with no fragmentation. Is that good? haha

Yeah Crinone is morning and night for me until I'm 12 weeks... fun fun.... but I will do anything for my baby. Its only my second day so its still a big deal I'm sure after a couple of weeks I'll be a pro.

Haha a moped is such a good idea! I will be training it. I used to commute when we lived in Brisbane so it's just a slightly longer time on the train but I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll just have to buy an iPad haha..

That is the grade they gave me. I think they grade them from 1-6 in their 'stage' so a 6 was a almost hatching blast / hatching and the first letter is the shell (which forms the placenta and the second letter is the grade of the inner mass which forms the baby) a is best and c is less favourable. Some clinics don't grade- my last one didn't they just said 7/10 for both my fresh and frozen transfer.

No fragmentation is a great thing. Sounds like you have two great embryos :)

The hysteoscopy was fine, I was out under general. I had a little bleeding afterwards but only like spotting. The doctor came out after surgery and said ' you'll get pregnant'. As in, everything was perfect. Unfortunately not though :( See how you go with this cycle, hopefully you won't need the lap anyway! :)
Thanks girls. ..
Went really smoothly, the embryo thawed perfectly and was hatching on its own ��Dr Sterling was cracking his usual jokes during transfer which calmed me a bit, I was so nervous.
Couldn't have asked for a better day... been in bed this afternoon watching movies and snoozing.
Stick baby stick!!
Thanks girls. ..
Went really smoothly, the embryo thawed perfectly and was hatching on its own ��Dr Sterling was cracking his usual jokes during transfer which calmed me a bit, I was so nervous.
Couldn't have asked for a better day... been in bed this afternoon watching movies and snoozing.
Stick baby stick!!

Oh my god how fantastic!!! I'm so excited for you. I have a really good feeling about this :)
That's amazing congrats!! I really think this is it for you! Let the TWW begin! Will you test early?
Thanks Cassie, hahaha yep will be testing Saturday I think, there is no way I could wait .. I want to test now :)
Misscassie have you had your second scan yet? Hope your follies have done some nice growing and theres some lovely little eggs in there:) :)

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