Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Eveclo, glad your appt went well with the new Dr. Sometimes that's all you need in a Dr is someone that knows what they are doing and not just good with people :) Fingers crossed that you wont be needing him until the little miracle inside of you is born anyway :)
Have you tried drinking chamomile tea at night time to help you sleep?
How long will you need to take the prednisolone for?

7dpt today ~ hope AF hasnt arrived for you xx
Thank you so much ladies for your kinds words,it really means alot to me :) you guys are more supportive to me than my own family,my mum today said " just relax" and you'll fall pregnant naturally and also told me to be patient just to put the cherry on top !

You both really have helped alot today, my partner read what you guys said and he was blown away with both of your kindness.

I know I will be a mum one day it will just take a little longer than expected but it will happen!

Enough about me!

Wantingbubba7 in so happy for you getting 2 frosties that really is amazing you have 2 babies waiting to come into you life and I can't wait to hear about you getting those amazing 2 lines on a test will be so exciting!!

Evelco 7dpt how exciting I really think this cycle is for you,will you start testing soon? How did your move go?
Eveclo, glad your appt went well with the new Dr. Sometimes that's all you need in a Dr is someone that knows what they are doing and not just good with people :) Fingers crossed that you wont be needing him until the little miracle inside of you is born anyway :)
Have you tried drinking chamomile tea at night time to help you sleep?
How long will you need to take the prednisolone for?

7dpt today ~ hope AF hasnt arrived for you xx

I haven't tried chamomile tea actually but that is a great idea. Insomnia is driving me crazy! Well the prednisolone I am on a 20mg dosage (which is 2 x 5mg tablets twice daily - two for brekky and two for lunch) and if this cycle is a BFN I will probably stay on the same dosage as we will probably jump into another cycle straight away... Which means I would have to have some more intralipids anyway too, so it's basically the same cycle again but with fresh embryos and more needles. Tomorrow if bfn I will also get to finish using these clexane injections I think/ I'd have to check with my Immune doctor.

AF has not arrived today, but I am thinking the progesterone is holding it back. Last cycle I had my period at 7dp5dt but was only on 2 x 90mg progesterone and this time I'm on 400mg so maybe it's just that holding it back, but I hope not hehe.

I am going tomorrow morning for my bloods. I'll let you know either way as soon as I can get on here / get over it a little bit. Obviously it's always a little disappointing to have a negative result but I always try to see the bright side :) xx
Thank you so much ladies for your kinds words,it really means alot to me :) you guys are more supportive to me than my own family,my mum today said " just relax" and you'll fall pregnant naturally and also told me to be patient just to put the cherry on top !

You both really have helped alot today, my partner read what you guys said and he was blown away with both of your kindness.

I know I will be a mum one day it will just take a little longer than expected but it will happen!

Enough about me!

Wantingbubba7 in so happy for you getting 2 frosties that really is amazing you have 2 babies waiting to come into you life and I can't wait to hear about you getting those amazing 2 lines on a test will be so exciting!!

Evelco 7dpt how exciting I really think this cycle is for you,will you start testing soon? How did your move go?

Oh no!!! I hate when people say things like that. My partner and I have been so lucky in that both of our mums have been so supportive in our journey. Except his mums partner who ALWAYS tells us to spend our money on 'holidays' while we are young. Clearly this has come from someone who never had any issues having children, he has 2. I don't expect people to completely understand the emotions and turmoil that comes with infertility, but I do expect them to support me and my husbands choices- whether it be to persue ivf or other options. I've actually made a post about this on my blog called 'we only ask for support' if you ever want to read it. Frustrating! But, try not to let these suggestions bother you (easier said than done) but a lot of the time people are naive and hear a story about a friends sisters brother in laws friends daughter who just went on a holiday and then fell pregnant and all of a sudden they think it's the case for everyone! ;)

I'm so glad that we can help you Cassie, and your partner. I just really want you both to keep your head up and if at first you don't succeed just try again! Have faith in the process and it will happen, I do have a really good feeling about the both of you (wanting bubba) falling pregnant. And I'm not just saying that.

My blood test is tomorrow Cass, I'm hoping we have some awesome newsssss eeep ! I feel like I'm getting AF though, a little crampy and sore boobs which is what usually happens. We'll see tomorrow, only one more sleep (or lack of in my case!)

The move is still a work in progress, we pick up the keys to our new home tomorrow morning and then move in on Monday. For now we are being put up in a hotel which is a bit frustrating considering that we are going through a bit of an emotional situation (another possible failed cycle) and not being in the comfort of your own home but let's be honest I chose this hahaha.

Thinking of you both, xx
Just wanted to let you two know, my beta came back negative today. I'm not pregnant surprise surprise; the progesterone must be holding back my period for the first time ever. Feeling very deflated but almost used to it- it still hurts but maybe I am learning to control it more. I can't help but feel stupid to want to try again but I think the next cycle will be the last. Thanks for all your support ladies I really appreciate it xx
Aww I'm so sorry Eveclo, I'm so totally devastated for you and your hubby.
I really wanted this to be it for you!! From what I have seen on here you are such a strong and supportive person and totally deserve it to already be your time.... :hugs:

Don't feel silly for wanting to keep going ~ this is your dream ! I think you would be silly to walk away if you still have fight left in you xx I think you would regret it otherwise.
I'm glad your new Dr. wants to try some different testing/ways etc. Sounds like he is really good :) :)

Hope you are both ok xx
As for me I started Progynova yesterday and I have been sick all day with a headache and nausea .. I'm hoping its just coincidence because I couldn't take this everyday.
I've just taken some Mydol which is a stronger version of panadol to try and get rid of it so fingers crossed it goes away. My husband said he'd give me a neck massage when he gets home from work :D even if its gone by then I'm still so totally insisting I still get one :p
Just wanted to let you two know, my beta came back negative today. I'm not pregnant surprise surprise; the progesterone must be holding back my period for the first time ever. Feeling very deflated but almost used to it- it still hurts but maybe I am learning to control it more. I can't help but feel stupid to want to try again but I think the next cycle will be the last. Thanks for all your support ladies I really appreciate it xx

I am so so sorry Evelco I am heartbroken for you and your hubby I was really hoping this was the cycle for you xx

I don't think you are stupid for wanting to try again! Because being a mum is the ultimate dream and it will be your turn very soon, and even better than your new doctor wants to try new things that maybe just what you need to get your little miracle..

If I could give you a proper hug I totally would!! :hugs:
Eveclo, just popping in to see how you are going? I really hope you are ok xx

You get to move into your new house today ~ hope that goes well for you.

How are you feeling wantingbubba7? When's your transfer Date? So excited for you xx
Hi Cassie, I'm good ~ on day 5 of the Progynova.. time is going soooo slow :( I have my scan on Monday the 13th to check my lining and then hopefully I get a transfer date woohooo.

How are you feeling? Do you know when you will start a new round?
Fingers crossed that your next round is a winner :flower:
This time you should get Glen do your egg collection, he's so funny. I wish I had him do mine... Rod scared me a little bit, he was so blunt he didnt even crack a smile at me even though he could so I was nervous. lol
Hoe many days do yoy have to have prognova for? I'm sure once you get a transfer Date it will go quickly for you :)

I am feeling alot better about the last cycle now :) I think I'm at peace with it, I have to stay positive. I am picking up my meds for the next cycle tomorrow I think that's why I'm better about it. I'd start my meds when af decides to show her face... which I thought would have been here already... patience is not my virtue lol

I found rod to be pretty nice maybe because I was awake he more friendly? I think his sense of humour is just very dry..

After he collected my eggs he was just putting holes in my cycst in my ovaries he said it should have to relieve some of the testosterone in my ovaries due to pcos so hopefully that will help with my next cycle! But when he was doing it he's like " I'm just having some fine in here" haven't done this in ages lol I was like ok... haha
I will be on Progynova until AF is due ... if I'm pregnant they will let me know from there if I stay on it or not. But you start off at 1 a day then 2 a day then 3 times a day. Full on. Not looking forward to starting the Crinone either eeeek.

Yeah after Monday I should transfer pretty quick after that I hope :)

I'd say so - he would have had to do more talking to you etc. He just came in and introduced himself and then said quite bluntly that even though I had 16 mature follicles that I probably will only get 8 or 9... funnily enough I only got 8 - did he stop at that lol If I need to go again I will make sure I get Glenn this time.

Wow that was nice of him to do that, I noticed that there were quite a few girls coming and going that day so to put in that extra time was a nice thing to do... especially if it is going to help you for this cycle. Fingers crossed xx

Hey did you trigger with Lucrin? Its funny that you dont have AF yet then because i got mine 6 days after pick up. I actually freaked and thought I was bleeding from pick up again as it came so quickly.

Have Life put you on extra Gonal F this time? I was taking CoQ10 and Vitamin E leading up to stimming which is meant to help with egg quality. Eveclo recommended this for me :)
Hi you two, sorry it has been so long between posts - i've only just gotten my laptop up and running since moving into the new house. Which has been a fun but stressful time! We ended up having a few issues with our house (as in, we arrived and had no grass due to the previous tenant not looking after the backyard - but we have new turf arriving tomorrow! Yay - my poor dogs don't know what to do with just dirt!)

My husband's sister (who is 29 weeks pregnant) has been visiting us also which has been so great ( i love her, she was one of my bridesmaids/ i was one of hers too) and she just helped me get out of my rut of being down and sad about everything and just having people that love you / you love around really makes a difference. I haven't cried about this cycle, I think i'm starting to just learn how to deal with it in different ways.

I decided not to cycle this month either as well, as my period arrived on the Sunday and all of my blood results hadn't come back yet. I also want to have another appointment with our Reproductive Immunologist just to see if he can suggest anything more aggressive to add to the treatment. We do think that next time we will do PGD to genetically test our embryos to make sure they are actually normal.

I need to find a new job soon, I hate sitting at home dwelling on things/ we need the money... haha

MissCassie, I hope your period arrives soon! (or you are magically pregnant :p ) and you can start a new cycle. Have they decided to up your dosage of Gonal F? If so, what to? The first cycle is always a bit of a risk and a test to see how it all goes... I really hope that the 2nd cycle is easier on you. If it is any help I found the more rounds of IVF i did, the easier it was on my body (as in, not as many side effects and just felt overall better each time - weird i know!)

And WB, Glad to hear things are progressing quite quickly! I am so excited to hear how it all goes. Now my computer is back in action i'll be sure to check in more often :) xx
Hi Eveclo, I've been thinking about you. I'm so glad you are feeling a bit better about everything.
I've been thinking allot about your transfer and maybe the new way of things did actually help ... but in saying that nature took its course somehow and didn't work, as each transfer is not guaranteed even with a perfect scenario?

Glad you are ok with your husbands sister being 29 weeks, sounds like you had a great time being around her :) It can be so hard being around pregnant women sometimes... my sister is 26 weeks and I am so happy for her yet so jealous half the time. Just wish it was my turn. Good thing with her I've just started to disclose what I'm going through with IVF and we seem to be closer from it, chatting and opening up about things. So even though your SIL is pregnant, I can imagine how much opening up and chatting really does help :) :)

Probably nice to have a month and enjoy your new home and take in everything that the new Dr wants to do with you. I'm interested in the PGD testing you will doing.. this is interesting, can your eggs still turn into blasts and not actually be normal. I didn't realise this.
Did anything new show in your blood results ?

Did you have to pay for your new turf to come or did the realestate to do this for you?

I'm glad you are feeling better Eveclo and I hope you are enjoying Sydney!.

As for me...
Had my scan today at day 12 and my lining was at 11.7mm thick I think it said. I'm pretty sure this is a good thing as my Dr was very happy and booked in transfer for next Monday the 20th of April :) I'm so excited!!
I stupidly asked him if it looked like I was ovulating and he said I'm on Progynova so my ovaries are not working haha Its like a form of pill I guess. I'm still learning things all the time.

I will need a full bladder as it will be a guided transfer which will be interesting.

The Dr asked if I wanted one or two to transferred today which I thought was funny as I thought I was only allowed to have 1 at a time being 29 and will be a first time transfer. I still opted one :thumbup: He might have just been trying to be funny ~ he's a funny guy lol sometimes I dont get him haha
Wantingb that's so exciting that you have transfer next Monday!! Omg that's gone very quickly so excited for you!! And I bet you get your BFP very soon!!

Welcome back Evelco I'm glad that your doing well, how's Sydney treating you? I'm originally from sydney love the place, hopefully taking a month off will be good and let your body get back to normal.before starting your next cycle.

As for me I am currently on day 4 of stims and only on 150 gonal f again, as we decided to do 1 more bulk billed cycle.and then if this one fails we will do private through life fertility, but we are hoping this cycle does the trick! I go back on Thursday for a scan to see how my follies are getting along I hope I get more this time.
Yes its come around so quick... I'm very excited - just need it to thaw out and grow for me now :D

Hopefully this time your body reacts differently to the Gonal F and you get some more eggs to grow. :) How are you feeling this time around?
Good luck at your scan on Thursday!!!

I'm going through Privately and I have found them fantastic.. yes it has cost quite a bit of money more then bulk billed but I was able to ring and chat to the scientist/nurses whenever I felt like it etc .... I've felt really looked after the whole way. And I they also gave me 200 of Gonal F straight up.
Although I had Ruth doing everything as Glenn was on holidays.
So out of pocket I am 4-5k but that is because I opted to go General for egg collection which was 2k. So if you went local again you would save 1500 on what I have paid which isnt too bad :)

Had Glenn do my scan yesterday.. he is so funny, I dont know how to take him sometimes. Do you have appts with him or is it usually a nurse?
I have a left over pen of Gonal F in the fridge I so could of just given you that to take extra lol it hasn't been used at all. Unfortunately I dont think we would be allowed to do that haha.

Well I am glad you are well.. hadn't heard from in a few days on here so I'd been wondering :)
I'm sure your embie will thaw out perfectly :)

I really hope this cycle my body responds better it would be great but my body tends to like to be very very stubborn and not want to work lol but here's hoping!

We just didn't have the money at the time to do a private cycle, but we should be able to do that next time round if we need to.

I had Ruth the entire time too she is a lovely lady and the rest of the nurses they are all great too. The only thing I don't like is that I'd had to ring another number and most of the time leave a message and would have to wait for ages!

I still had about 300 iu left in one of my pens from the last cycle so I upped my dosage just by 50 which I know i shouldn't but I just don't think I was responding on 150 I jusy won't tell the nurses thay I've done that haha, and I'm almost out of the extra haha. But shh I didn't tell you that haha.

I only saw the nurses I met glen once at the first appointment and then it was all the l nurses

I would totally buy the pen off you if I was allowed do it haha
I forgot to mention that I feel the same as I did last cycle expect for a little bit of cramping but that's it.

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