Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hey ladies sorry for the absence I've been sick as a dog!!!!
TAYLAH CONGRATULATIONS!!! Scary start but you're the first success story of this thread come full circle. So happy for you and your family!!
Lyghting- welcom! 11 is a great number. I've never heard of a cancellation for too many follicles only not enough. Keep us posted!
Aleja awesome news about your 12 week scan.. Have you announced yet?
Red your scan must b coming up too?
Kirsty- started your holiday yet mate?
Hi to everyone else xxx
Wishnwait you're pregnant! Congrats! Still not joy for me unfortunately. Currently on 3rd round of IVF and trying to be positive :( Did you fall pregnant naturally??
Red, good luck with the scan :)

Lyghtning, welcome. Hope ER on Friday goes well for you.

Hi everyone else!

I just booked our IVF consult at Westmead - first available appointment is March 13 but at least I'm in their schedule now :)
Oh that's great maddy so happy for you! Fingers crossed you won't need it cause your bfp may be 14 days away! X
Em- good to hear from you I wondered how you were going! Yeah we were lucky enough to conceive naturally. Apparently for me to get a bfp I have to book an expensive, non refundable holiday and go on a bender for a fortnight! We're so grateful though. Where are you at with your cycle?
Red- cant wait to hear about your nt! Will you announce after that?

Love to all xx
Thanks Maddy, good luck with your appointment on 13/13, thats got to be a lucky day.

Wish, if thats what it took then I would do it, prob still cheaper than IVF hey, and a lot more fun.

AFM, I just got the call that confirms Egg Retrieval will be Friday so need to take my trigger at 8pm tonight.
Then the implant (is that whats its called) be the 6th Feb.
Then the TWW so 20/02/13 has been marked on the calendar.
Great to hear about your appointment at Westmead Maddy xx :dance:

Not sure if we are going to announce it on Facebook Wish xx, DH is just so worried :haha:

Good luck with your ER on Friday hun xx Embryo Transfer will come around so quick xx
Cant believe your past the 12 week mark miss Redknob, that's a mile stone.

AFM- I'm on cd38, my last cycle was 38 days so possibly AF tomorrow. I'm 12dpo, temps still high and spotting after BD on 9dpo. If this cycle is a bust we'll be doing a FET next so crossing all fingers and toes for a natural BFP!

Hi to everyone else x
Hi ladies , finally out of NICU yesterday & home , we have had a terrible hospital stay but so happy to be able to bring Harper home !

So glad to hear miss red you are in second tri !

Wish - sickness shouldn't last too much longer!

Take - I hope AF doesn't show up , the spotting could be implantation !

MADDY - if you don't want to wait to get into westmead , there is a faster way ! You can get an appointment with a private specialist (they have a list of them ) really quickly - you pay around $200 for you & $150 for your partner to see him & he gets you in straight away for treatment - no need for consult there as the specialist is your consult , the doctor I seen was named dr Alan tong , he has an office at westmead & one at strathfield , let me know if you want his number I will dig it out of my paperwork for you, much faster way of getting in xxx

Oh I will post some pics of Harper some time today , along with my official birth story ( some ladies in third tri are waiting to hear it, so I must get around to writting it )
Hi girls,
Taylah- congratulations on getting harper home! What a special day. I'm so sorry the hospital stay has been so awful. What happened? How are you feeling? Hope you're getting some rest and enjoying your beautiful little girl!

Ok wish- you're up next! Hope you're feeling better too chick xxx

Take- I am hoping and praying you will have some good news from this cycle! Have you done a test? How good would a natural bfp be? Will your fet be for this next cycle if af does end up coming?

Lytning- good luck for your egg retrieval on Friday! Transfer will be here before you know it. Let us know how you go.

Red- cant wait to hear about your scan next week? How are you feeling now? And Aleja? Hope the sickness is starting to go!

Afm- we arrived in melb a couple of days ago and have spent a gorgeous time just eating, drinking and exploring the place. We are starting to unwind, slowly but surely. Just waiting for our car to arrive from perth and then we will start the big road trip!

I'm trying really hard not to be obsessed with where I'm at in my cycle, but it's really hard. Of course we're not even trying this month.... But it's pretty much on my mind all the time. I'm trying not to ruin the trip, wishing to be back home and trying again. Ugh. Hcg was down to 95 on Tuesday, so getting closer to the end of all of this.
Taylah- photos pleases I'm dying to see your bubba

Kirsty- glad you're relaxing, you deserve this trip:) I will prob test sat if AF doesn't come before then. A natural BFP would be so amazing words could not explain. If AF comes ill ring the clinic and start the meds for the FET. So next week ill either have a BFP or back on the meds, crossing fingers for the former!
Hey Girls,

Taylah, congratulations...that is such wonderful news! Harper is a beautiful name....i love it.

I have been checking on lots of you ladies and your progress and it is lovely to hear the good news.
Congrats Wish and Miss Redknob and good to hear that things are going well.
AFM not really any good news to report, but i am delighted to hear things are going well.

All other ladies , good luck with your appointments and procedures.
Taylah"s birth story with pics ( warning traumatic with happy ending )

After going through IVF to fall pregnant, catching parvo virus & having a bad fall my day was finally here ! i was booked into the hospital on the 25th of January for what was supposed to be a very standard elective c-section ( i had an emcs with my first daughter almost 8 years ago )
but it wasn't to be - just like most of my pregnancy it was full of worry well in actual fact terrifying , the scariest day of my life !

all was going to plan, i was wheeled into the operating room & was given a spinal block then my husband was called back in so he would be there for the birth of our daughter & of course to hold my hand, the surgeon made the incision & that's where things started to go wrong, for some reason unknown to doctors my heart rate dropped dramatically down to around 30 & i immediately did not feel well at all - i felt sick to the stomach & my head felt full of pressure like it was about to explode, i informed the antithesis & he told me he was giving me some medication to bring my heart rate back up, well a bit of panic set in for my health as this did not work & had to be repeated another 2 times so in total i was given 3 doses of medication to bring my heart rate back to normal. this seemed to work & the room settled, it was time to pull my daughter out, she was born at exactly 10am & that's where the real trouble began, i saw a quick glimpse of her as she was taken out of me & they said they would hand her to me in a minute - that never happened, within seconds i heard them on the phone saying NEONATAL EMERGENCY NEONATAL EMERGENCY CODE THIS & CODE THAT -my heart sank i immediately began crying knowing my baby was in danger, i turned to my husband so frightened asking him is she ok? whats going on? his response was i cant see anything there are too many people around her because within 30 secs there were a team of specialists there to treat her, i could hear them saying we are incubating her & counting giving her tiny heart chest compression's, the last thing i heard was she is not responding lets move her & as quick as that she & the specialist team were gone , leaving me on the operating table crying my eyes out terrified, thay gave me drugs to calm me down because my blood pressure was way too high & said if i didn't calm down they would have to put me to sleep to sew me up, that's the last thing i wanted so i tried my best to stay calm, about 10 mins later while i was still be put back together a specialist came & told me they got her heart going but it wasnt for at least 4 mins & they had tubes down her throat helping her breathe & he would let me know how she was as soon as they knew anything further, i asked if my husband could go be with her & he said not at this point.

They finished putting me back together & wheeled me into recovery, i was shaking like crazy, my blood pressure was sky high, i was freezing , numb & so very scared, my husband & i sat there not saying much just looking at each other, every now & then he would say don't worry its going to be ok but we both knew he was just as scared as me, while we were in recovery we kept asking the nurses to go call someone & find out what was going on but the only reply we would get from the NICU was we are working on her, 2 hours had passed & we started thinking the worst saying to each other this is taking too long it can't be good at all & then i was taken up to the maternity ward where i could hear babies crying & i just kept thinking i don't have my baby, the nurse from recovery handed me over to the midwife in maternity & she wanted to check me - i said NO i just want you to check on my baby. she went away breifly & came back saying someone from NICU would be there soon to speak to us, we waited for around another hour & finally someone arrived to speak to us .

The news was as good as it could be at the time - she was alive, her heart was beating & she was breathing on her own but she wasnt very responsive, they immediately cooled her (put ice packs all over her) to prevent any damage due to lack of oxygen & said this process will go on for three days & its just a waiting game to see how she goes, in the mean time of course they were doing every test under the sun to see why this happened & if there was going to be anything wrong with her, they said my husband was allowd to go down & see her within the next hour.

My husband went to see our baby & she was purple from the cooling & had tubes down her throat & needles & drips stuck in her everywhere as well as things stuck all over her head to test brain wave activity etc, he took a video for me & it was just devastating to see my brand new baby looking like that, i begged them to put me in a wheel chair & take me to her but they refused as i had just come out of surgery.

by 8pm that night i was so upset & my blood pressure was still really high so they thought it might calm me if they wheeled me down to NICU in my bed but warned i may not be able to get right up to her because of the lack of room in the NICU, the staff at the NICU were lovely & moved some tiny premmy babies out of the way so i could at least touch her hand , i was still really drugged from the morphein they gave me to calm me that i was struggling to keep my eyes open but was just so happy to see her.

in the middle of the night a nurse came in from NICU my heart dropped i thought it was bad news but she came to tell me my baby was doing well & they wanted to express some of my milk to feed to her through a syringe so a midwife squeezed & squeezed to get some out .

the next morning came & at 6am i begged the midwife to take the catheder out so i could get into a wheel chair & go & see my baby , which they did & although i was in a huge amount of pain i got there & was greeted with great news - all her tests including brain, liver & kidneys were all normal, they told me she has been through a major trauma & will probably be in the NICU for weeks , by that night she had improved so much they said they would start to rewarm her slowly over the next 12 hours which they did & she started to improve even more , i was finally able to hold my precious girl & try to breast feed her, which she refused as she was being fed via drips etc but they still wanted me to try, the doctors were calling her fast recovery a miracle, they even drew a pair of boxing gloves on her name tag because they said she was a champion fighter, we spent the next 4 days in the NICU where i was going down every 3-4 hours with expressed milk & trying to breast feed her, it was exhausting but she began to feed & just got so much better each day & passed every single test with flying colours that they discharged her & we got to come home.

since being home our beautiful Harper Jade has gone from strength to strength she is eating sleeping & pooping perfectly & i am so very much in love with her and amazed at the strength & resilience she has shown after everything she has been through in her short life

trying to post more photos - try again soon


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Taylah your story is terrifying, you are so brave to have been through that it sounds like lil Harper had a truly rocky start. In saying that she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Honestly what a divine little baby you have. So happy you guys are home truly. Only strength to strength from here.

Kirsty and take- I really hope you guys both get that old fashioned bfp this cycle! I hope your both enjoying lots of wine and sushi in the mean time.

Dancingqueen so good to hear from you mate I wondered how you were doing! Xx
Oh Taylor what a scary time for you but the result is that adorable little darling, seriously what a cutie :)
You must feel like you have been to hell and back you poor thing! I was horrified for you at times reading that. You must be so relieved to have her home.

She is divine! Absolutely beautiful. I love the bit about the boxing gloves....there will be no messing with your little girl she sounds as strong as an ox.
Congratulations again to you both.
Thanks Wish XX

Take, gosh I bet you'll be on tenterhooks until testing Saturday. FX for you!

Taylah your story just chilled me to my bones. I am so sorry that Harper's birth experience was so traumatic but so wonderful to hear that she is well and you are safely home. I'm booked in with Dr Melhem as a private patient, she's the only Dr that had any appointment for a new patient before the end of March. I couldn't get into Dr Smith or anyone else before easter! Apparently the new year is when heaps of new patients sign up so they're filling up quick. That's okay though, we're good with it :)
Oh Taylah what a traumatic experience for you all. Did the doctors figure out why this happened? Were you in a private or public hospital .
Your girl is just beautiful and a true miracle x

Hey dancingqueen and emilina it is nice to hear from you again x

Kirst I can see how it would be hard to let go of obsessing about TTC . I was the same during a holiday we went on last year to Hawaii . I was trying to be all relaxed but still keeping track of my cycle etc. my DH was slightly annoyed at me! I hope you have more luck than I did x

Red GL with the scan. I am not doing the FB at all . I'm still nervous plus I am liking having a little secret ! Having said that we did tell some family now and as expected they told other relatives so its spread like wild flowers . The rest of friends I will tell as I see them

Lyghtenjng I hope your EC goes smoothly tomorrow .. 11 follies is fine that can still be a few eggs in there.

Hello to Wish, Take2, Maddy and anyone else I have missed. It's nice having such an active thread
Thought I'd post a bump pic! Midwife told me I shouldn't put on more than 8 kgs...WOOPS... Already halfway to that target. X


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What a horrible experience Taylah!! I am so glad the you are all ok :hugs: There are no words to describe how gorgeous little Harper is, she is going to be a fighter xx

Love the bump pic Wish xx

Great to hear from you DancingQueen, still have everything crossed for you xx

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