Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hi girls!

Wish- how are you feeling today?? I hope you're taking it easy and everyone is looking after you lots xxx been thinking of you!

Maddy- oh no! Not the ms!! That hangover horrible feeling is still traumatising me! It's the absolute worst... Hang in there and come here to vent whenever you need. That's what has helped me the most- you lovely ladies :) also eating carbs and comfort food till the cows come home! I find letting my stomach empty is what triggers the sickness.

Amf- the 12 week scan couldn't have gone better! We are in the lowest risk bracket for downs and baby is looking great! Here's a pic from the 3d scan


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Oh wow, how clear is that! Your beautiful little bub is growing all happy and good to hear Kirsty :)
That picture is amazing Kirsti! How beautiful!! What a gorgeous keepsake. Congratulations love xx

Aleja, thanks for the support I really hope it's not long before it clears up for me too. I'm struggling to deal with it as an adult I cannot imagine how I'd feel as a teen.

It's slightly worse today and I just had a bit of a teary over two dim sims that were so hard to eat!!! I guess taking some joy out of eating for me isn't so bad of a thing hahaha! I'm supposed to be going out for dinner Friday for a mates birthday and I'm dreading it. I look like the jungle boy when I eat hahaha!! I got a totally cute pirate patch to wear at night to keep my eye shut so it stops drying out and I start physio in the morning. I've been focusing on two thing 1) the baby is totally unaware and that's the most important thing. 2) it doesn't physically hurt.
How is everyone else? Xx
wish- wow this is a challenge mate but as you said the baby is happy and healthy and she and you will have a good laugh about this all one day, so hard to think that way now though I'm sure, hang in there

AFM- Mondays beta was 9000 so it is going up like there is no tomorrow..woo hoo
Awesome news Take, when will you have the first scan?

Wish, oh honey it's okay to be getting teary about this. It is hardly how you thought you'd spend the last few weeks of your pregnancy .
I remember having to wear the patch too it was so annoying. How did your physio appt go?
Well aside from the scan Tuesday that only showed a gestational sac hopefully another one next week or the week after. Slowly starting to feel pregnant, boobs getting bigger and tender.
Hi, am I able to join? I've had 1 split cycle at Flinders (Adelaide) where the ivf eggs showed no binding. All ICSI ones fertilised. The transfer failed because they could get in (they thought my cervix was sealed shut, just turns out it has a break neck bend in it). About to try an FET under sedation this cycle
Aww Kirsty your little bub is so cute, what a great picture you must be on :cloud9: xx

So sorry to hear about the Bell's Palsy Wish :hugs: My grandmother got this, but like the other girls said it did fix itself up xx

Sounds like your little bean it snuggling in well Take xx

Glad to hear you came back with the all clear Aleja for your GTT test :thumbup: Mine came back fine too, my OB thought I cheated as all 3 blood tests were 4.1 :haha: xx

Hi Exilius :wave: Good luck with your FET :hugs:

AFM - Had my ob appt on Wednesday and Baby boy is laying in a transverse position (across the womb), so now I am back to weekly appointments until the end. He is also going to induce me at 38 weeks if he doesn't come before then. He said with my history the chance of stillbirth increases between 38-40 weeks, and he said baby is only a fat factory the last few weeks anyway. I just hope bub moves down so I can still have a natural birth!
Hey miss red- don't stress plenty of time for bub to turn head down, so what in your history increases your chance of still birth??

Exilius- Welcome..good luck with your FET :)
Hi Exillius, ouch your last transfer sounded like a very painful experience. Hope this FET is much more easier and of course successful .

Ms Red that is quite confronting news about the increased risks of stillbirth. Must make you feel relieved you have a private OB who will be proactive .
I think bubs has time to move down still.. There's still 8 weeks.

I had OB appt today too. Mine is already head at the bottom and his bum at my ribs (which feels like a bad stitch!)
Wish- I asked about Bell's palsy - he said there was no way of preventing it as its an response to lowered immunity . I am also at increased risk as I've had it before :-(
He said to do nothing but rest and no stress towards the end ... Ummm Yeah I hope I can pull this off!
Miss red- goodness I never realised those 2 things could be connected, I'm sure everything will be just fine, and bub may even decide to make his own way out before you reach 38 weeks
Thanks for your lovely words girls xx Going to see my acupuncturist and see what she can do :)
Hey red! There's still plenty of time for your wiggley boy to move around! Hopefully it happens sooner rather than later so you can relax a bit. How do you feel about the possibility of being induced? To be honest for me at the moment I'd kinda be relived to have a date especially sooner than later!

Welcome exillius! Wow your first transfer sounds super painful. Glad they worked it out though. I have a posterior facing cervix so it always hurts to be examined but a break neck curve ouch! Good luck with your fet.. Most of the girls on here got their bfps on fet as opposed to fresh!

Aleja, thanks for the reassurance, it's truly a bizzare thing this Bell's palsy. I'm sure you'll be fine! Defo take it easy in the last weeks though if only cause you deserve it.

Maddy, take and kirsti how are you going? Where are you girls at symptoms wise?

Afm-trying to take each day as it comes. It's funny how so much of your identity is tied to how you look, even if you don't think it is. It's certainly given me a new perspective on how it must be for ppl who suffer from cranio-facial disorders..simply running into people in the street and seeing how they react to my face is amazing. Ppl are less then subtle! Anyways I think after spending the first three days not leaving the house and crying at the drop of a hat... I'm feeling alot better. Pregnancy is so hyper-emotional anyway throw in some facial paralysis and wow! Hahaha... Totally lost is to that quit smoking add with 'que sera' and the sick guy dancing..holy shit! Hopefully some of my sanity returns when this baby evacuates my womb. I really can't wait to hold her.
Hi ladies,

Wish- Hang in there, not long to go, I realise that induction is necessary for the health of mum or bub in some cases but if you can hang in there and baby comes when they're ready you'll be more likely to have an easy intervention free labour. Sorry I sound like a hippy but my sister is a midwife so I get all the stats. Mind you in 8 months when I'm the size of a front end loader I may be singing a different tune lol. When I had Keyara the hospital didn't allow you to go more than 10 days over, I was booked in for induction on my 10th day and my water ended up breaking and labour started at 9 days over, only 5.5 hour labour, no intervention. Fingers crossed this one goes so smoothly. Mind you I was a nightmare, screaming, yelling, swearing and thrashing around lol.

AFM- Giant boobs and nausea that comes and goes..sigh..I asked for it lol
Exilius :hi: hope your FET goes well :hugs: Whereabouts are you located?

Take...great beta and glad you saw the sac at the scan :happydance: How many weeks are you now?

Kirst...thankfully I seem to have a handle on the MS (for the moment anyway). :thumbup:

Wish...sorry you are having a rough time. As you say, bubs has no idea and will be perfect, so that's the ultimate goal, hey :flower:

Red...I like that your OB is giving you information - good to be prepared :hugs:

Aleja... hope the 'stitch-effect' doesn't last too long. I hate not being able to breathe properly :haha:

AFM seem to have a handle on the MS. I take a ginger & B6 tab when I wake up to pee at around 5am and then eat as soon as I wake up. Unfortunately I've also developed terrible reflux - after a few bad nights sleep I've discovered that Mylanta is my friend. And now it's all good :thumbup:
Hey Maddy..I'm taking a ginger tab every morning too, and drinking ginger and lemongrass tea which I don't particularly enjoy but it does seem to settle my stomach.
I'm still not sure exactly how far along I am, according to LMP date I'd be 7 weeks but I think I'm only 6, the first ultra sound was too early to do accurate dating. How about you?? How far are you? 7 weeks? Have you had an ultrasound yet?
Take I also bought some ginger ale but it makes me feel worse. I think it exacerbates the reflux :( But last time I was pregnant it really helped.

I'm 7+2 today. Scan on Monday after work :)
Hi lovely ladies ,
I am hanging in bed today due to the horrible weather in Sydney( which I secretly love!!)

Wish you are so right about our identities being so tied up with our faces and looks. It will get easier dealing with people's reactions especially since you know it's a short term thing too.
Re: Induction I can see what you mean about having an end date in mind- especially once you are at the end playing a waiting game.

Personally it would be nice to think bubs will decide to arrive when he is supposed to but having said that my OB said something similar to Ms Red's - i will be induced at 40+4 days if I'm still preggo as he said IVF conceived babies are "ready" to be born sooner than spontaneous pregnancy (something about the technology and exactness of EDD) therefore letting them stay in longer poses a risk of placenta starting to fail.

Maddy I am glad you found some handy tricks for MS. It must be great to be heading towards the first ultrasound too. Can't wait for updates !

Kirst how you going ?
Hi girls!

Maddy and take- great that you girls have the ms strategies in place! I think I let mine get a bit too far without doing anything. I have this irrational fear about taking any medicine... I used to be a nurse so logically I know it's ok but... I am defn out to buy some mylanta today though. The reflux kills me, especially at night- so it's good to know it has worked for you maddy :)

I'm so excited for both of your scans this week!! Maddy, yours tomorrow- yippee! Do you graduate from the fs to ob then? Take- when is your scan this week??

Wish- how are you doing?? You sound like you have handled this so well... I really hope it is very short term. Any signs of improvement yet? Did you say you're doing physio? Hope you are also able to rest up and spoil yourself too.

Miss red- that does sound scary about your increased risk of stillbirth- but sounds like your ob is monitoring you closely and is on to it! How are you feeling?

Aleja- that's interesting about ivf babies being ready sooner! It makes sense I guess :) I'd like to hope bub will come on its own, at the right time too- but often the best laid plans ;) I also would like to try no drugs- but I bet I only last about 5 seconds ;)
Enjoy your weekend snuggle in bed!!

I was just wondering- cos I've had so many scans already- the bub has measured 2 days ahead at all of them. They altered by due date from the 11th dec to the 9th at my last scan. But cos its ivf and we are sure of dates- do you stick with the original dd? It's so silly I know- but even being 2 days ahead makes me feel better ;) I still can't believe this might really be happening- even after the 12w scan. Maybe after the 20w one hey?!

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